Les obligations sanitaires - Union Ornithologique de France


Les obligations sanitaires - Union Ornithologique de France
Les obligations sanitaires :
Health requirements
The birds must:
(a) come from a holding which is not subject to restrictions under measures to be applied to control avian influenza as defined in Directive
2005/94/EC7 or Newcastle disease.
(b) come from a holding which is situated in an area which is not subject to restrictions under measures to be applied to control avian
influenza as defined in Directive 2005/94/EC or Newcastle disease.
In addition:
(c) psittacidae must not come from a holding nor have been in contact with birds from a holding on which psittacosis (Chlamydophila
psittaci) has been diagnosed. The period of prohibition since the last recorded case and the period of treatment under veterinary supervision
must be at least two months.
(d) Bird species listed as 'poultry' in Directive 2009/158/EC i.e. fowl, turkeys, guinea fowl, ducks, geese, quails, pheasants, partridges and
ratites must be vaccinated against Newcastle disease. These birds have to be vaccinated against that disease according to the
manufacturer's instructions with an inactivated vaccine for which an marketing authorisation exists for the species concerned during the
last 6 months and not later than 21 days before entering the bird exhibition. The bird owner/keeper must provide for an attestation by a
veterinarian on the performance of the vaccination.
Note: For these birds it is not allowed to be sold at the exhibition and they must return to the owner !
Birds participating in bird exhibitions have not been vaccinated against Avian Influenza during the past 12 months, unless the participation
in bird exhibitions of birds vaccinated against Avian Influenza are under an EU approved vaccination plan against that disease
Les oiseaux doivent provenir d’élevages indemnes de maladie de Newcastle et d’influenza aviaire et n’étant pas situés
dans une zone de quarantaine (1a et 1b).
Les psittaciformes doivent de plus provenir d’élevages indemnes de psittacose depuis au moins 2 mois et ne pas avoir été
en contact avec des oiseaux atteints (1c).
Aucun oiseau ne devra être vacciné contre la maladie de Newcastle sous peine de suivre le régime spécial de la Directive
2009/158/EC (1d).
Les documents sanitaires à produire :
Animal health documentation
No health certificate required for non commercial movements of birds.
This is only the case when the birds are accompanied by the owner and the birds are not to be sold at the exhibition.
If the birds are not accompanied by the owner and/or the participating birds are collected in a member state of origin before shipment
and/or are to be sold, the birds must be accompanied by a self declaration of the owner statin
“the animals in question do not show any obvious signs of disease at the time of dispatch and the holding is not subject to any animalhealth restrictions”
In addition Psittacidae must be accompanied by a document signed by the official veterinarian or by the veterinarian responsible for the
holding or business of origin and empowered for this purpose by the competent authority confirming the animal health conditions set out
under 1c
Si l’éleveur amène lui-même ses oiseaux et que ces derniers ne font pas l’objet de vente, alors l’Etat hollandais considère
qu’il y a mouvement non commercial et aucun certificat sanitaire n’est demandé.
Lorsque les oiseaux arrivent par convoyage et/ou s’ils sont destinés à la vente, l’éleveur doit signer une attestation sur
l’honneur précisant :
« Les animaux en question ne présentent pas de signes évidents de maladie au moment de la remise au convoyeur et ne
proviennent pas d’un élevage soumis à restriction sanitaire. »
De plus, pour ce qui est des psittaciformes, un certificat médical signé par le vétérinaire référent de l’élevage d’origine ou
par un vétérinaire officiel doit attester qu’ils sont indemnes de psittacose depuis au moins 2 mois et n’ont pas été en
contact avec des oiseaux atteints.
Confédération Ornithologique Mondiale pour la France, COM France. Association loi 1901
Siège Social : 23 chemin du vieux four – 83150 BANDOL- Tél.: 04 94 29 12 21-Fax : 04 27 50 28 60
E-mail : [email protected]

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