Reunion Brise Glace / Ice Breaker Meeting Public


Reunion Brise Glace / Ice Breaker Meeting Public
Reunion Brise Glace / Ice Breaker Meeting
Public · By Dans Ma Peau / In My Skin
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
UCU 206 - UCU 207
Lors de cette rencontre, nous aurons les personnes racialises dans une classe qui parleront de
leurs experiences ainsi que le genre de changements qu'ils veulent voir pour defier le racisme.
Dans une autre classe nous aurons les etudiants non-racialises qui parleront de leur privileges
d'etre blancs (cocasien).
Apres avoir parle avec plusieurs étudiants racalises, ils se sentaient plus a l'aise de parler de
leurs experiences dans une salle sépare. Nous aurons le 12 Mars, un autre événement ou tout le
monde sera invite a partager ce dont ils ont parle Mardi.
In this meeting, we will have all the racialized folks in one room talking about their
experiences, but also what kind of changes do they want to see to challenge racism.
In another room, we will have all the non-racialized folks talking about their white privileges.
After talking to some racialised folks, they felt more confortable talking about their
experiences in a separate room. We will then have another event/meeting on March 12th
where everyone will be invited to talk about what they talked about in the first meeting.
Tasha F-Damphousse
This page honestly makes my head hurt. If some people of colour requested a safe space then
grant it. The majority of spaces we occupy are white safe place regardless of class. It isn't the
other way around. There is another event/meeting where everyone comes together to discuss.
White folks: you mad you cant encroach on another space?
Danimal Brisson
I really like this approach. I'm happy to see it takes into consideration how racism is lived very
differently depending on if you're racialized or not. People who don't experience racism often
make really ignorant and hurtful comments during conversations like these, so this way they will
have a space to work those thoughts out and dig through racist stereotypes, prejudices and
actions they do and have without making racialized students sit through them.
This approach is really common and efficient, especially since there's space for everyone to
come together afterwards. I don't see how this is any different from the widely accepted women's
caucuses, or queer caucuses or racialized people caucuses, it recognizes that when you're facing
discrimination, you might feel more comfortable sharing with people who have lived similar
I'm happy there's a space for non-racialized people to explore their part in racism individually
and systemically, people seem to view racism as this thing that lives outside of them, so I'm glad
we'll be talking about how it's perpetuated.
to the organizers xx
Giancarlo Sarkozy
What about mixed-race individuals? Do Black, Asian, Latina/o people all face the same kind of
discrimination on campus based on their skin colour? What if you're a person of colour, but it
doesn't show on your skin - are you still a person of colour? What about sex and gender? What if
you identify as a person of colour but your skin looks white? What about disability and race, and
how they intersect - will there be a room for that?
Hanna Fazal shared Beyond my skin / Au-delà de ma peau'spost.
This is nothing against anybody, but still a rant because it's getting "Under My Skin", if you
As someone who has experienced racism firsthand, and as someone who is friends with a
majority white population, I personally hate the idea of segregation. I strongly believe that issues
should be discussed, but the amount of minds I know I personally have opened just through my
experience makes me think of how crucial everyone should be for these discussions. I, also do
recognize that there is another panel a week after this one, but why not just have constant panels
where everyone can come talk? Why segregate?
I don't know about all y'all, but I think I'm gonna go to this event and discuss the experiences I
went through and talk about how we can change things collectively.
Tarah Douillon
Can I suggest that the white people do not just talk about their white privilege? That's pretty
basic and not productive to anything if white people are just gonna sit there and talk about
themselves and essentially attend a counselling session where they can cry about white privilege.
I would rather challenge the white people to own up to ways they are racist -- out loud and then
come up with ways to challenge the violence they perpetuate and think of ideas about how they
can be in consensual solidarity with racialized people.
Patrick Morris
I have strong mohawk lineage and have been target of "aboriginal hate speech" and anti-Indian
slurs... am I restricted to 'white privileged' room solely based on the colour of my skin and not on
my life experience? Interesting.... I wonder what Martin Luther King Jr. Would say ....
Dan Bather
ITT: people prove exactly why their ought to be a segregated discussion, FOLLOWED by an
inclusive one, as per the event description...
Anthony Lam
I'm sure the organizers had their heart in the right place, but they exercise very poor lack of
judgement in organizing this event.
Racism is not a joke. We all await an admin response.
Mojann Zibapour
Am I to believe that not a single organizer of this event is online on facebook right now reading
all of this? Give us some answers and clarifications please, as there are obviously many students
who are asking for it.
Alexei Kazakov
Hmm, interesting. So which room do I go in, as a white immigrant who came to Canada because
the Russian ethnic minority is oppressed and hated in Estonia? You're right, I sure have reaped
the benefits of my "white privilege" when my Estonian citizenship was unconstitutionally
revoked, when my parents had to abandon everything to restart in a new place, and when I went
back to visit my birthplace only to get dirty looks from Estonians when I dare speak my native
language on the street. I also love the white privilege of being treated like shit by certain older
Eastern European immigrants of different cultures, not because of something I did, but because
some authoritarian figures did some bad things in the past, and they happen to be the same
ethnicity as me. OH, and let's not forget that there are also certain Russians who actually have a
problem with me because I'm Estonian-born, which must mean that I'm a dirty traitor who
intends to suck up Russian resources and bring them back with me to Estonia, right?
This event is absolutely insulting to white people who also have to deal with racism. The
cognitive dissonance displayed by this event's organizers is appalling.
Polina Tar
Je ne trouve pas la définition des mots suivants dans aucun dictionnaire : racialises (nom),
cocasien (adj.), racalises (adj.) et sépare (adj.).
D'ailleurs, on est au courant de l'existence des accents, car le mot sépare en a un, mais on les
ignore complétement, tout comme les étudiants qui liront la version française.
Quoique le français n'est pas ma langue maternelle, je trouve la description en français (cidessus) insultante et annihilante. Qu'en pensent les francophones pure laine?
À ce rythme-là, la langue française de l'Amérique du Nord sera morte avant nos enfants.
Notre très bilingue FÉUO pourrait faire un peu plus d'effort pour inclure les francophones locaux
déjà, avant de parler d'inclusion des ethnies non-"cocasiennes".
Comme l'a mentionné Alexei Kazakov, ce ne sont pas que les minorités visibles et non
caucasiennes qui devraient être visées. Personnellement, j'ai déjà été insultée sur deux fronts. À
quoi dois-je m'attendre le 4 mars?
Ossob Hassan
I'm so glad that the SFUO is creating a space for healing and discussion among people of colour!
I know how hard it is for me personally to talk about race and racialized violence with white
people, and as uncomfortable as it makes certain people to segregate by race, I think it will lead
to better dialogue and reconciliation in our community. Love love!!!
Jozay TheTallest
I think that it's really not okay people think reverse racism is a thing, and need to realize that
having a people of color ONLY SPACE is IMPORTANT. and it is not your place to comment on
something that PEOPLE OF COLOR are declaring they need.
White folks need to realize that "we all need to work together for change" is NOT safe for POC
when white folks are continually violently being racist and hurting these communities when they
are NOT looking in themselves and how their WHITENESS participates to this STRUCTURAL,
SYSTEMIC and INTERPERSONAL violence. So white people, you need to shut the fuck up
and sit down and listen.