96 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. pouronformer un ordre


96 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. pouronformer un ordre
Zoology Part LXVII: Report on the Amphipoda. By Rev. Thomas R.R. Stebbing. Bound in Volume 29,1888.
pour on former un ordre special. Sea caractères ont 6t développ6s a l'articlo CYSTIBRA.NCHEB.
V. ce mot." Already to the article on the Isopods, his fourth order, he had appended a
note, "On pourroit former un ordre particulier, sons Jo nom de lainodipodcs (la'inodipoda),
des isopodes cystibranehes. Leurs quatro mâchoircs sont disposáes sur lo même plan
transversal, en forme do lvre, comme celles des myriapodes; la premiere paire do pieds
proprement dits eat annexée 1 la tête; us n'ont point de branchies sous la queue; de pet its
corps vdsiculeux, analogues h ceux qu'on voit a la base des pieds des amphipodes, paroissont
en tenir lieu."
These Lamodipodes, he thinks, lead towards the Myriapods or the Fycnogonides.
Throughout the work the various genera of Aniphipoda and Lamodipoda accepted at this period
are discussed in the alphabetical order of their French names, but without, so far as I have
see; any novel information being contributed. In most instances the French and Latin
names begin with the same letter, but Gaminarus is an exception, being in French Crevette
or Chovrette. Of the "CREVETTINES, Gaminarin&'," Latreillo says, "J'ai, dane mes ouvrages
prcidons sur l'entomologie, dsign6 sous ce nom une famille do crustac6s compos&o do
ceax qui forinent aujourd'hui l'ord.re des amp1zpodcs et la division des isopocles, quo j'appelle
1816. Risso, A., born 1777', died 1845 (Hagen).
Histoire naturelle des Crustacés des environs de Nice,
Par A. Risso.
Ornéc de
A Paris, 1816.
Risso begins with a quotation from Cuvier, "La dtormination prticise des espCces, et do leurs
caractCres distinctifs fait la premiCre base stir laquello toutes lee recherches de 1'Histoire
Natureilo doivent être fondes," &c. Risso's own intention, doubtless, was to act in
accordance with this maxim. Nevertheless, the species he established have in several
cases caused great perplexity, owing in part, perhaps, to the want of repeated researches in
those localities in which Risso's specimens were taken. In discussing the habitations of
Crustacea, he regards TaUtrus as amphibious, delighting in the rocks; Capreila (lee
chevrolles) hides under stones covered with fucus; (Jyamus attaches itself to cartilaginous
fishes; Phroninia floats on the surface, leaps lightly out, or penetrates to small depths
below. Typitis is found beyond the Zostera zone.
He divides the class Crustacés into two orders, the first "Cryptobranches. Tégumens diixs;
branchies cachées sons le corcelet; yeux pediculés; sans palpes on antennules; dix pattes
foliacées on niutiques," "subdivided into two sections (1) Brachiures, with two families
containing between them eleven genera, and (2) Macroures, with three families containing
among them seventeen genera; the second, "Gymnobranches. Tégumens coriaces;
branchies caches on inconnues; yeux Jo plus souvent sessiles; mandibules palpigeres;
dix pattes on plus; terminées par des crochets," subdivided into three sections (1)
"Squilhines. Me distinct du corcolet;" (2) TétracCres; (3) Entomostracis. The Squillines
include two families, "Squillares. Queue munie do lames on de filets; yeux pediculés,"
with the genera Squille and Jfysis; "Crevettines. Queue avec on sans appendices foliacés,
yeux sessies," with the genera, "31. Phronime. 32. Typhis. 33. Euphéc. 34. Talitre.
35. Crevette. 36. Chevrolle. 37. Cyanie." The second section, TétracCres, contains
two families, Asellotes and Cloportides, each with six genera; the third section, Entomo
stracés, contains two families, the Clypéacés with one genus, and the Ostracodes with two
The Isopod Anceu8, it may be noticed, is here given as a new genus, among the third family,
Paguriens, the first of the Macroures. It is, in fact, a synonym of the genus (/tiathza,