LECAT Benoît Belgian Groupe ESC Dijon


LECAT Benoît Belgian Groupe ESC Dijon
LECAT Benoît
Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne, 29, rue Sambin
F-21000 Dijon, FRANCE
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +33 (0) 3 80 72 58 92
Permanent Professor
Department of Wine Management
School of Wine & Spirits Business
PhD in Management (Marketing)
LOUVAIN School of Management, UCL Campus of Mons, Belgium
Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg 3, France
Master in Marketing
Graduate School of Business Studies
KUL (Catholic University of LEUVEN), Belgium
Master in Political Science (with High Honours)
FUCAM, Belgium
Postgraduate degree in Bank Management (Diplôme d’Etudes Spécialisées en Management,
orientation Gestion Bancaire), (with Honours)
FUCAM, Belgium
Master in Management, (with Honours)
FUCAM, Belgium
Certificate in Human Resources Management (with High Honours)
FUCAM, Belgium
Bachelor in Management
FUCAM, Belgium
Academic activities
Professor in Marketing
Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France
Assistant Professor, Marketing Department
HEC Genève, Université de Genève, Switzerland
Director, Master of Science in Business Administration and Induction Program in Business
HEC Genève, Université de Genève, Switzerland
Academic coordinator, Master of Science in Business Administration and Induction Program in
Business Administration
HEC Genève, Université de Genève, Switzerland
Research Assistant of Professor A. Bultez, Head of CREER
FUCAM, Catholic University of MONS, Belgium
Doctoral student
CIFRE Fellow
Professional experience
Market Researcher on Customer Relationship Management (CRM), location of outlets and design
of bank services
CNCM, Confédération Nationale du Crédit Mutuel, France
Teaching interests
Sales Fundamentals
Distribution Systems
Distribution Strategies
Strategic Marketing
Wine Market
Wine Distribution
Grapes and Wines of the World
Wine Operational Marketing
Teaching languages
Levels of teaching
Specialized Master
School of Wine & Spirits Business
Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France
Research interests
Pricing and promotion in the Wine sector
Marketing of luxury goods
Intellectual contribution
References from 2007 to 2014
Scholarly articles in refereed journals
Pelet, J-E., Lecat, B. (2012) "Enhancing learning and cooperation through digital virtual worlds", International Journal of
Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, vol. 3, n° 2, pp. 59-76.
Orth, U., Stöckl, A., Veale, R., Brouard, J., Cavicchi, A., Faraoni, M., Larreina, M., Lecat, B., Olsen, J., RodriguezSantos, C., Santini, C., Wilson, D. (2012) "Using attribution theory to explain tourists' attachments to place-based
brands", Journal of Business Research, vol. 65, n° 9, pp. 1321-1327.
Lecat, B. (2008) "Comment promouvoir son pays, sa région ou sa ville auprès des investisseurs étrangers ?
Identification des critères d’implantation et de leur importance par l’entremise du marketing public", Reflets et
Perspectives de la vie économique, Tome XLVII, vol. 2, pp. 71-83.
Book chapters
Stöckl, A., Lick, E., Cavicchi, A., Lecat, B., Moreno, A., Santini, C., Treiber, B. (2014) "The drink driving dilemma in
connection with food and wine events: a cross-national evaluation of best-practice solutions from the Generation Y’s
point of view", in Cavicchi, A., Santini, C., Food and Wine Events in Europe. A stakeholder approach, Taylor & Francis
Group, Routledge Advances in Event Research Series, Oxford, Royaume-Uni.
Lecat, B. (2011) "Chapter Sales", in Straub, T., Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebwirtschaftslehre, Pearson
Deutschland, pp. 120-155.
Lecat, B., Ruhdorfer, F., Shibib, W. (2011) "Chapter Marketing", in Straub, T., Einführung in die Allgemeine
Betriebwirtschaftslehre, Pearson Deutschland, pp. 89-119.
Papers in academic conferences
Stoeckl, A., Lick, E., Cavicchi, A., Santini, C., Moreno-Melgarejo, A., Lecat, B. (2013) "The drink-driving dilemma in
connection with food & wine events: an evaluation of best practice solutions", Tourism & Management Studies
International Conference, Olhão, Portugal, 13-16 novembre 2013.
Chapuis, C., Charters, S., Lecat, B. (2013) "Special Session on Terroir and Wine Marketing – Global Perspectives", 42th
Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Monterey, Californie, 15-18 mai 2013.
Lecat, B. (2013) "Special Session on Innovation and Wine Marketing, session chaired by Anthony Chan", 42th Academy
of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Monterey, Californie, 15-18 mai 2013.
Pelet, J.-E., Lecat, B., (2013) "Positive Influence of M-Commerce and GPS on the Group Purchase of Wine for YGeneration", 42th Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Monterey, Californie, 15-18 mai 2013.
Lecat, B. (2013) "The perception of price premium policy for Single Malt Scotch whisky by consumers: Is there a tradingup phenomenon within the industry?", 42th Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Monterey,
Californie, 15-18 mai 2013.
Chapuis, C., Charters, S., Lecat, B. (2013) "Is terroir just a conveniently untranslatable French term? Part 1: the case
of France ", 4th Joint Research Conference, Dijon, France, 24 juin 2013.
Farrell, T., Lecat, B. (2013) "An International Comparative Analysis of Stakeholders' Perceptions of Alcohol Marketing
Regulations (Phase 1)", 4th Joint Research Conference, Dijon, France, 24 juin 2013.
Chapuis, C., Lecat, B. (2012) "The invention of a food & wine tradition in Burgundy: the influence of some major
Burgundian figures", International Conference on Innovation & Trends in Wine Management, Dijon, France, 22 juin
Stoeckl, A., Lick, E., Moreno-Melgarejo, A., Lecat, B., Cavicchi, A., Santini, C. (2012) "The Drink-Driving Dilemma in
Connection with Food & Wine Events: A Cross-Country Case Study on Stakeholders’ Views", International Conference
on Innovation & Trends in Wine Management, Dijon, France, 22 juin 2012.
Farrell, T., Lecat, B. (2012) "An international comparative analysis of stakeholders' perception of alcohol marketing
regulations", 3rd Joint Research Conference, Oxford, Royaume-Uni, 30 mai 2012.
Chapuis, C., Lecat, B. (2012) "Case study on food and drink cultures in Burgundy", 3rd Joint Research Conference,
Oxford, Royaume-Uni, 30 mai 2012.
Pelet, J-E., Lecat, B. (2012) "Will Digital Consumption based upon Social Network Systems and Mobiles help to close
Producers of Wine to Y-Generation?", 15ème Colloque Etienne THIL, Lille, France, 29-30 novembre 2012.
Pelet, J-E., Lecat, B. (2012) "Y-Generation behavior on social networks systems: towards an alternative distribution
channel to attract wine buyers", Journée de Recherche sur la Consommation Digitale, Paris, France, 29 novembre
Pelet, J.-E., Lecat, B., Papadopoulou, P. (2011) "Enhancing learning and cooperation through digital virtual worlds",
International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation, Le Caire, Egypte, 21-23 octobre 2011. (IPEDR vol.18
(2011), IACSIT Press, Singapore)
Chapuis, C., Lecat, B. (2011) "Wine Climates in Burgundy and holy names: will the consumer be influenced by religion?",
Conference on “Religion as brands, the marketization of religion and spirituality”, Lausanne, Suisse, 13-15 octobre 2011.
Franchetti, F., Lecat, B. (2011) "BeauneTheoreom.com: how to make the wine tasting axioms more understandable?",
6th International Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research, Bordeaux, France, 9-10 juin 2011.
Franchetti, F., Lecat, B. (2011) "The Theorem of Beaune: how to make the wine tasting axioms more understandable?",
2nd Joint Research Conference, Dijon, France, 10 mai 2011.
Lecat, B., Pelet, J.E. (2011) "The behavior of the Y-Generation vis-à-vis wine consumption and wine purchase thanks
to Digital Social Networks", 6th International Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research, Bordeaux, France,
9-10 juin 2011.
Orth, U., Stöckl, A., Brouard, J., Cavicchi, A., Faraoni, M., Larreina,M., Lecat, B., Olsen, J., Rodriguez-Santos, C., Veale,
R., Wilson, D. (2011) "The role of tourism experiences in attaching consumers to regional brands", 6th International
Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research, Bordeaux, France, 9-10 juin 2011. Best paper award.
Pelet, J.E., Lecat, B. (2011) "Can Digital Social Networks enhance the selling of wine from Burgundy?", 6th International
Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research, Bordeaux, France, 9-10 juin 2011.
Knecht, L., Lecat, B., Paulssen, M. (2010) "Wine Price Function and its variables", 5th International Conference of the
Academy of Wine Business Research, Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande, 8-10 février 2010.
Lecat, B. (2010) "How does the Belgian Wine Industry Work ?", 5th International Conference of the Academy of Wine
Business Research, Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande, 8-10 février 2010.
Knecht, L., Lecat, B., Paulssen, M., (2010) "Wine Hedonic Price Function: The Case of Bordeaux Wines", 1st Joint
Research Conference, Oxford, Royaume-Uni, 26 mai 2010.
Lecat, B., Muller, B., Smit, W. (2010) "Le phénomène de rareté dans l’industrie du luxe : Comment l’offre limitée influence
la perception et la consommation des produits de luxe ? Étude de 4 secteurs : L’industrie horlogère, le prêt-à-porter, les
stylos et le champagne", 15e Journées de Recherche en Marketing de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, 18-19 novembre 2010.
Orth, U., Stöckl, A., Brouard, J., Cavicchi, A., Faraoni, M., Larreina,M., Lecat, B., Olsen, J., Rodriguez-Santos, C., Veale,
R., Wilson, D. (2010) "Having a great vacation and blaming the wines : an attribution theory perspective on consumer
attachments to regional brands", Academy of Marketing Science conference (consumer behavior track), Portland, EtatsUnis, 26-29 mai 2010.
Lecat, B. (2009) "Quelle stratégie de distribution pour une montre de luxe ? Une étude exploratoire", 14e Journées de
Recherche en Marketing de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, 13-14 novembre 2009.
Lecat, B. (2009) "How companies should invest in Second Life’s virtual world to better reach the avatars’ target ?", 8th
Conference on New Trends in Marketing, Paris, France, 16-17 janvier 2009.
Lecat, B. (2008) "How important is the kind of cork during the buying decision of a bottle of French wine (bottom-of-therange): a comparison between French and French-speaking Swiss consumers", 4th International Conference of the
Academy of Wine Business Research, Sienne, Italie, 17-19 juillet 2008.
Lecat, B., Muller, B. (2008) "Positionnement actuel et futur des constructeurs automobiles en matière d’écologie", 13e
Journées de Recherche en Marketing de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, 13-14 novembre 2008.
Lecat, B. (2007) "Design of banking services via traditional conjoint analysis", 14th International Conference on Recent
Advances in Retailing and Services Science, San Francisco, Etats-Unis, 29 juin-1er juillet 2007.
Lecat, B. (2007) "OPTILOC : an approach to assess the overall (sub)optimality of a network of bank branches",36th
European Marketing Academy’s Conference, Track: Modelling and Forecasting, Reykjavik, Islande, 22-25 mai 2007.
Lecat, B. (2007) "Quelle est l’influence du type de bouchon lors de l’achat d’une bouteille de vin français entrée de
gamme : une comparaison entre le consommateur français et de suisse romande", 12e Journées de Recherche en
Marketing de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, 8-9 novembre 2007.
Working papers
Atwal, G., Roy Chaudhuri, H., Lecat, B. (2013) "Learn Before You Leap: Understanding The Knowledge Transfer
Paradigm In The Swiss Luxury Watch Industry"
Zeyl, A., Lecat, B. (2012) "Vente industrielle et CRM jusqu’où peut-on aller?"
Colmant B., Lecat, B., (2011) "Le Secret Bancaire Suisse : Quand le gâteau est énorme, chaque Etat en veut une part !",
Les Cahiers du CEREN, numéro spécial sur la géopolitique, n° 35, pp. 79-84.
Brunneder, J., Lecat, B., Paulssen, M. (2011) “Price Determinants of Bordeaux Wine”, prepared for the XVIIIth
Conference of Enometrics/VDQS, Angers, France, 18-20 mai 2011.
Articles in professional journals
Chapuis, C., Lecat, B. (2012) "Les Noms Saints au travers des Appellations Bourguignonnes", Numéro spécial de Pays
de Bourgogne: Les climats, n° 231, Janvier, pp. 76-79.
Lecat, B., (2011) “Le Prêt à Porter à la Haute Couture du vin : le modèle bourguignon”, Actes du Colloque de l’Université
de la Vigne et du Vin du Pays Corbières & Minervois : Le prêt-à-porter du vin : du luxe au discount, où vont les vins, pp
Lecat, B. (2010) "Quelle stratégie adopter pour que la viticulture languedocienne sorte de la crise: avis de Benoît Lecat",
Paysan du Midi.
Lecat, B. (2010) interviewé par Sylvain de Marco, “Vous n’imaginez pas tout ce que la pub sait faire pour vous”, Cahier
SI, Publication commune du Théâtre Forum Meyrin, Théâtre de Carouge et Atelier de Genève, n° 7, pp. 134-135.
Lecat, B. (2007) "Le Touriga Nacional de la Quinta dos Roques", Mathusalem, Feuille d'information n° 4.
Faculty Research Seminars
Chapuis, C., Lecat, B. (2013) "The exceptions of exceptional terroirs: the case of Burgundy vineyard: theory and
practice…", Workshop on Innovation & Trends in Wine Management, Dijon, France, 21 juin 2013.
Chapuis, C., Cogan, L., Lecat, B. (2013) "Food and Wine Tourism in Burgundy", Dominican University's Wine Marketing
Conference: Innovations and Best Practices Conference 2013, Dominican University of California, San Rafael, Sonoma
county, Etats-Unis, 12 mai 2013. Best Communication Award.
Knecht, L., Lecat, B., Paulssen, M., (2009) “Wine price function and its variables”, 1st Research Day Western
Switzerland, Lausanne, Suisse, 4 juin 2009.
Lecat, B. “OPTILOC: an approach to model the OPTImal LOCation of a network of bank branches”:
 (2008), Atelier de publication en Anglais, Association Française du Marketing, HEC-Paris, France, 6 mars 2009
et 25 septembre 2008.
 (2007), Workshop on Writing and Publishing, The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management,
Bruxelles, Belgique, 5-6 mars 2007.
 Paper also presented at:
o FUNDP (Namur-Belgium), 18 février 2008
o FUCAM (Mons-Belgium), 3 mars 2008
o ESC-Lille (France), 28 mars 2008
o HEC Genève (Suisse), 3 avril 2008
o ESCP-EAP (Paris), 9 avril 2008
Professional conferences
Lecat, B. (2013) series of speeches for the Mexican Wine and Tequila Industry on
 "Innovations and Trends in the Spirit Industry: Are the best-practices from the Whisky Industry transferable?" in
Guadalajara, Mexique, in partnership with TEC de Monterrey, 7 mai 2013.
 "Innovations and Trends in the Wine Industry: analysis from a strategic marketing point of view", in Tijuana,
Mexico, in partnership with TEC de Monterrey, 8 mai 2013.
"Success of Bordeaux and Burgundy Wine Business Model: (1) Are Burgundy wines too cheap? (2) Is the
success of Bordeaux wines only depending on its distribution?" in Ensenada, Mexico, in partnership with TEC
de Monterrey, 9 mai 2013.
Lecat, B., (2010) "Du Prêt à Porter à la Haute Couture du vin : le modèle bourguignon", Université de la Vigne et du
Vin du Pays Corbières & Minervois, 21 octobre 2010.

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Articles in peer refereed journals Pelet, J

Articles in peer refereed journals Pelet, J Chapuis, C., Lecat, B. Case study on food and drink cultures in Burgundy. 3rd Joint Research Conference, May 30th 2012, Oxford, United Kingdom. Chapuis, C., Lecat, B. The invention of a food & win...

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