
Promotion of Volunteering in Sport
Questionnaire survey
EU Sport Directors Meeting
Prague, Czech Republic, 28-29 April 2009
1. Descriptive survey
2. Quotations of Comments
3. Important www.
The working group of the Czech Presidency would like to express warm thanks to countries
participating in questioning (in alphabetical order):
Czech Republic,
Belgium -2x,
United Kingdom
No of countries
1. Does your country have any special legislation (in
the form of an act or a law) on the activities of
volunteers generally
volunteers in sport
2. In your country, is there any State support for
encouraging long-term volunteering in sport?
social benefit
other benefits
If such State support exists, please specify the
legislative form:
Do the authorities of your country plan to introduce
legislative measures supporting volunteering in sport
social benefit
public appreciation
In your country, do you have a system for education
of long-term volunteers in sport?
If so, does the State support this education or
acquirement of qualifications for voluntary work in
sport (e.g. reimbursement of the respective costs)?
7. Are there particular good practices in your country
on how to promote volunteering, which you would
like to share with other Member States?
If yes, please provide details:
8. Can you report on any negative experience, e.g.
cases of abuse of the legislative measures listed
9. In your country, do relevant authorities (Ministry,
Statistical Office) measure and evaluate the
economic impact of volunteering?
10. Do you have any other comments?
1. Does your country have any special legislation (in the form of an act or
a law) on the activities of
volunteers generally :
France : Il existe plusieurs lois relatives au volontariat :
o celle du 23 février 2005 relative au contrat de volontariat de solidarité internationale
o celle du 23 mai 2006 relative au volontariat associatif et à l’engagement éducatif
o celle du 14 mars 2000 relative au volontariat civil de cohésion sociale et de solidarité
Ces dispositions législatives ne concernent pas un secteur d’activité spécifique, ainsi les
associations sportives peuvent également en bénéficier.
volunteers in sports :
Slovenia: Law is being under way – draft in Nov. 2008
2. In your country, is there any State support for encouraging long-term
volunteering in sport?
Social benefit
Other benefit
France: L’Etat a pris une série de mesures importantes d’aide à l’emploi associatif dans le
champ du sport. Il s’agit de l’aménagement de l’assiette des cotisations de sécurité sociale
afin de tenir compte des spécificités des associations sportives. À côté de l’assiette réelle, il
est aujourd’hui possible d’opter pour l’assiette franchisée ou l’assiette forfaitaire. L’option
pour les assiettes aménagées (franchisée ou forfaitaire) est un choix qui appartient aux
salariés. Dans tous les cas il est conseillé d’informer les salariés sur les implications de
l’utilisation de la base forfaitaire, de recueillir leur accord et de l’inscrire au contrat de travail.
Le calcul des cotisations sur l’assiette réelle reste le droit commun. La franchise (versement
de sommes représentatives de frais) : l’assiette franchisée concerne les sportifs et personnels
sportifs (sauf les dirigeants, le personnel administratif, médical et paramédical) qui assurent
des fonctions essentiellement logistiques, nécessaires à l’encadrement et à l’organisation des
manifestations sportives (guichetiers, billettistes, arbitres, juges-arbitres, commissaires,
accompagnateurs, etc.) La franchise conduit au non-assujettissement de certaines sommes. Le
forfait (assiette forfaitaire) : le dispositif de l’assiette forfaitaire des cotisations de sécurité
sociale, qui a reçu lors de son adoption l’accord du mouvement sportif, est un système
dérogatoire dont l’objet est d’alléger les charges sociales en faveur des petites associations.
Les bénéficiaires sont les mêmes que ceux de la franchise (fédérations agréées, groupements
sportifs affiliés à une fédération, organisations de manifestations sportives agréées,
associations agréées) auxquels s’ajoutent les entraîneurs et les éducateurs sportifs exerçant
une activité auprès de ces structures. Les personnes exclues du bénéfice de l’assiette
forfaitaire sont les dirigeants et administrateurs salariés, le personnel administratif et le
personnel médical et paramédical.L’Urssaf a pensé aux associations en éditant deux guides
pratiques intitulés « L’association et la protection sociale » et, dans un domaine plus
« L’association
sociale »
( décret en date du 1er octobre
2008 institue un certificat de formation à la gestion associative. Ce dernier sera délivré aux
personnes qui ont suivi une formation théorique et pratique en vue de l’exercice de
responsabilités bénévoles dans la gestion administrative, financière et humaine d’une
3. If such State support exists, please specify the legislative form:
Austria: YES, there is state support in Austria to encourage long-term volunteering. The
public authorities support infrastructures so volunteers can get active like the pilot
project “center for volunteers” in Upper Austria. Furthermore, the state supports
educational programmes in the field of sport to enable volunteers to acquire certain
skills and fulfil certain tasks effectively. Sport organisations may benefit from
donations which are regulated by the Bundesabgabenverorgnung.
Additionally, special awards of sport organisations as well as public authorities reward
sport volunteers
Belgium – Fr: Act: Loi du 3 juillet 2005 relative aux droits des volontaires.
Czech Republic : other support, mostly under agreement between organization and volunteer.
Support like certificate about practice or recommendation (for students), free tickets,
wear-shoes for sports, accommodation and meal during camps process, etc. Some
organizations provide insurance.
France: Example(s):
Plusieurs autres mesures législatives et réglementaires ont été prises en faveur des bénévoles
et des volontaires (tous secteurs confondus) :
- La loi du 19 mai 2003 créé le chèque-emploi associatif à l’attention des bénévoles. Il a
permis de réduire considérablement les démarches administratives des petites
associations en ce qui concerne l’embauche de salariés, les déclarations sociales ainsi
que l’établissement des bulletins de paie.
- L’instruction 4 H-5-06 publiée le 18 décembre 2006 par la Direction générale des
Impôts présente dans un document unique le régime fiscal d’ensemble des organismes
sans but lucratif. Elle traite des obligations déclaratives, de la rémunération des
dirigeants salariés, de la TVA ou encore des franchises d’impôt commerciaux, et
devrait simplifier la vie de trésoriers et comptables d’associations.
- Les décrets du 29 septembre 2006 mettent en place les titres repas du volontaire
associatif et les chèques-repas du bénévole conformément aux dispositions de la loi de
2006 précitée.
- Des dispositions spécifiques à la protection sociale du volontaire associatif sont
énoncées dans les décrets n°2006-1749 et n°2006-1743 du 23 décembre 2006.
Le soutien financier de l’Etat aux associations sportives se fait :
o Au niveau local, par l’attribution de subventions relevant de la part
territoriale du CNDS (Centre National pour le Développement du Sport)
o Au niveau national, par une convention annuelle ou pluriannuelle
d’objectifs signée avec les fédérations sportives.
Germany: - tax privileges,
- privileges in social insurance,
- volunteering instead of alternative civil service.
Hungary : Act of personal income tax; Act of corporate tax.
Lithuania: The Department of Physical Education and Sports under the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania provides financial support to the Lithuanian Sport Volunteers
Union every year (Co-operation Agreement).
Luxembourg: Volunteer Card “= services brought by volunteers are registered by
associations/clubs/federations and according to different volumes/amount of hours
allow price rebates on sport equipments, movies, theatre, concerts, youth spectacles,
Netherland: Volunteers income till a maximum amount annually is free of income tax.
There is a third party risks insurance arranged for every volunteer municipalities.
Poland: 1. Act of April 24th, 2003 on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work.
This Act of Law sets the rules of:
1) engaging in public benefit work by non-governmental organizations, and the use of
such work by public administration authorities when performing public benefit tasks;
2) securing public benefit organization status by non-governmental organizations, and
operating public benefit organizations;
3) supervision to be exercised over public benefit work.
Furthermore, this Act of Law determines the terms and conditions of benefits
provided by volunteers, and the rules of using such benefits.
1. Act of October 30, 2002 on provisions on grounds of accidents or occupational
illnesses arisen in a particular circumstances.
This Act of Low guarantee each volunteer carrying out a service longer than 30 days
the titled to receive a provisions on grounds of accidents or occupational illnesses
arisen in a particular circumstances.
2. Act of February 15, 1992 on income taxes on natural persons.
This Act of Low release the value of work done by volunteers according the rules
mentioned in the Act of Public Benefit and Volunteer Work, from the income taxes.
Furthermore the value of benefits as training, medical examinations, maintenance,
personal safety equipment, health insurance contributions and insurance
of consequence of accident, are also income taxes free.
3. Regulation of Minister of Sport of 10th July 2006 on cofinancing tasks form means
of Found of Physical Education Development
This Regulations a non – government organizations to apply for grants for trainings
for volunteers.
Spain: Law 6/1996 from January 15th , of the Voluntary Work (in general).
Laws for Voluntary Work of the Autonomous Regions
Official Plan of Voluntary Work (1977-2000)
National Council of NGO’s with Social Activity.
4. Do the authorities of your country plan to introduce legislative
measures supporting volunteering in sport through:
social benefits
public appreciation
other benefits
Austria: There is no particular project to launch a new source of benefits beside those
that already exist. The Austrian Council for Volunteering initiated discussions to
regulate certain aspects of volunteering. However, there is no concrete proposal at the
table yet.
France: Il existe actuellement des dispositifs de réduction d’impôt sur le revenu des
particuliers et au titre du mécénat d’entreprises (Loi du 01/08/2003 sur le mécénat
d’entreprise) dont peuvent bénéficier des associations sportives qui rempliraient
certaines conditions d’intérêt général.
Hungary: There is no particular project to launch a new source of benefits beside those that
already exist.
Netherland: No legislative measures nor special programmes on volunteers in sport are
planned. A general volunteers policy exists. It asks mainly attention from
municipalities and the Dutch expert centre on this subject (MOVISIE)
Slovenia: The proposed law on volunteers conceived in November 2008 provides social and
medical insurance of volunteers during their voluntary activity at home or abroad.
Slovakia: Other benefits: volunteer is getting e.g. free tickets for sport events.
Spain: Respect and public appreciation for the social value of their contribution.
- Accident and health insurance.
- Reimbursement of the expenses.
- Public transportation discounts.
- Free tickets for national museums.
- Other aids which in the properly established way could be laid down as measures
aimed at promotion, recognition and public appreciation of the voluntary activity.
5. In your country, do you have a system for education of long-term volunteers in
Austria: Yes, there are running various educational programmes supporting sport volunteers.
An important educational course is the sport manager programme of the Austrian
Sports Confederation. This programme consists of three levels and trains (future) sport
leaders. Furthermore, coaches benefit also from specific educational programmes
offered by the Austrian Sports Confederation.
Cyprus: The Cyprus Sports Organisation (CSO) and the Cyprus Olympic Committee
occasionally hold seminars for the education of volunteers. Also the CSO covers
partially the cost for training provided either by third parties or are organised by their
Czech Republic: there is long-term traditional system of education guided with sports
federations, and/or universities, and/or civic organizations (SOKOL). Bologna
education approach is respected in the system of education. Basic level of education
(C – or IV, III level) is crucial request for long-term volunteering on position sports
educator, coach, sports instructor. The request is related to safety process. The topic
“volunteering” is included in obligatory curricula in some university studies focused
on sports or social work. Special topics are finished with official accredited license or
France : Le haut-commissaire à la jeunesse, assure la promotion et le développement de
toutes les formes d’engagement associatif. A l’instar des autres pays européens, la
France organise tous les ans une journée internationale des bénévoles (la dernière
ayant eu lieu le 5 décembre 2008). Deux sites internet spécifiques existent pour
accompagner à la fois les bénévoles/volontaires et les associations (ex :
Germany: Sport associations offer qualification measures for volunteers.
Ireland: Recent research has shown that sports volunteering is the dominant form of
volunteering in Ireland. The Irish Sports Council (ISC) has a statutory role in the
promotion and development of sport. In that context the ISC provides funding and
support to National Governing Bodies (NGBs) of sport, many of which are volunteer
based. The ISC will shortly be launching an NGB support kit to further assist NGBs
in the development and running of their sports. This will be available as a
CDRom/Web resource for NGBs to share best practice in key areas including
Coaching Ireland leads the development of coaching. Its role includes working with
each NGB to fully establish and deliver a coach development model in their sport.
Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs), which promote the development of sport at a local
level, also provide training courses for volunteers in sports clubs.
The ISC provides intensive training programmes on best practice in children's sport to
sports clubs throughout the country, through the NGBs and LSPs.
Lithuania: Lithuanian Sport Volunteers Union organises courses for sport volunteers every
year. New persons, usually students in sports, undergo theoretical as well as practical
training, which is conducted during sports events through the year. Sport volunteers
have possibility to apply their skills during huge national and international sports
events, held in Lithuania. Some volunteering activities by adults and young people are
observed in children’s summer sport camps. There also are some initiatives by sport
associations and federations which participate in international volunteer sport projects,
aiming at preparation of young leaders in sport.
Netherland: Long term volunteers in sport are mainly coaches and trainers. All
other tasks are more an more done by short term volunteers. For education of trainers
sport-federations have their own system of education.
Poland: There exist a system of supporting the non – governmental organizations (sport
federations and associations, foundations) which lead trainings for volunteers.
There is also a plan of organizing meetings with the “Voluntary leaders” who were
involved in services during the Final Tournament of Euro 2008. Project is
coordinating by PL.2012 Company responsible for preparations the Final Tournament
of UEFA European Championships EURO 2012 in Poland and Ukraine.
There are studies on volunteering prepared by an independent not-government
Slovenia: A volunteer in sport is considered to have the same qualifications and skills as
professional workers in sport with a difference that they do not work on a basis of a
contract and for salary or payment.
Sweden: The sports movement has a specific organization for all kinds of
education related to leadership in sport and management of clubs.
6. If so, does the State support this education or acquirement of
qualifications for voluntary work in sport (e.g. reimbursement of the
respective costs)?
Austria: The sport manager programme consists of three levels:
Sport Manager I
Sport Manager II
The organisation of the Basis Courses is outsourced to our member clubs. At theses
courses a small fee is charged to cover the expenses. Beside of that the Austrian Sports
Confederation offers special “Youth Basis Courses” which are free of charge. These
courses are age-restricted (under 26).
Level two (Sport Manager I) and level three (Sport Manager II) are free of charge. The
participants just have to pay board and lodging.
Graduates of the programme receive a certificate.
Apart from that the Austrian Sports Confederation offers in close collaboration with the
state up to 5 Special workshops and courses for coaches every year. These courses are
free of charge for all participants.
Both voluntary projects are financed by the Austrian Sports Confederation and
government funds.
Cyprus: The CSO runs a specific programme for the formal and informal education of
volunteers in sports.
Finland: Finnish sport provision is largely based on voluntary activity and voluntary. Our
sport policy is designed to promote activities and services of voluntary organisations
and sport clubs, especially civic activity in sports. Almost one fifth of the population
participate in activities provided by 7 800 sport clubs in Finland and most of the
activities are provided by non-profit associations and by over 500 000 volunteers.
Improving the prerequisities for the activities of civic organisations is one of the
Government's aims.
Ireland: The State provides annual funding to the Irish Sports Council who in turn funds the
NGBs, LSPs and Coaching Ireland.
Lithuania: The Department of Physical Education and Sports under the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania provides financial support to the Lithuanian Sport Volunteers
Union under a Co-operation Agreement every year. Qualification improvement
seminars are organised by the Union. ----- The Lithuanian Sport Volunteers Union
started making a register of sport volunteers available for a long-term service.
Netherland: Innovation and experiments in the education of sport trainers has been supported.
The system of supporting every course on every level for the cost of teachers and
examination which has been done for 40 years has been taken in reconsideration.
A new masterplan on coaching an d training in sport will be developed in the near
Poland: Non – governmental organizations may apply for grants from state budget for
organizing training courses for volunteers. The sport organizations are supported from
the Ministry of Sport and Tourism and Local Authorities budgets.
Slovenia: The proposed law envisages special training provided by Volunteering
Organisation either at the national or local level. Slovenia does not have regions yet
Sweden: Ministry of Education gives support for education of volunteers organised by
sport organisations and clubs. State's support total is 1,7 meur for years 2005-2010.
7. Are there particular good practices in your country on how to promote
volunteering, which you would like to share with other Member States?
Austria: The sport manager programme of the Austrian Sports Confederation supports sport
leaders with skills needed to manage a sport club successfully and effectively. This
project example could be shared with other Member States.
Cyprus: For major sports events the attraction of volunteers is highly publicised and
volunteers are specifically trained for these events. Also memorabilia are given to
volunteers. Cypriot volunteers have volunteered and for events out of Cyprus e.g.
Olympic Games of Athens 2004.
Czech Republic: recreation level (different age from childhood up to senior age) is mostly
covered with volunteers as so as first phase of children physical exercises and
training (grassroot level).
France : Des structures comme le Centre pour le Développement de la Vie Associative
(CDVA) et le Centre de Ressources et d’Information des Bénévoles (CRIB) assistent
les associations pour les aider dans leurs démarches. Les Délégués Départementaux à
la Vie Associative ont pour mission notamment de piloter et de coordonner la mission
d'accueil et d'information des associations.
De multiples brochures, actualisées chaque année, sont diffusées aux personnes et
structures concernées dans le but de les informer de leurs droits et de leurs obligations.
Elles sont consultables et téléchargeables sur les sites internet spécialisés (ex. de
brochures : « Bénévoles : vos droits – les dispositions les plus récentes », « Le guide
pratique du bénévole 2009 »).
Germany: A lot of sport associations are generally supported by public funds.
Ireland: Ireland has an evolving infrastructure to promote and support volunteering that
includes Volunteering Ireland, a volunteer development agency which amongst other
activities supports organisations to build their capacity for effective volunteer
involvement through a range of services
Volunteer Centres Ireland, the national network of local volunteer centres provide a
brokerage service, linking volunteers with opportunities throughout the country
Volunteering is promoted in schools and third level institutions through organisations
such as Young Social Innovators, ALIVE and Trinity Volunteer
Opportunities Forum
There are a number of events to celebrate and promote volunteering that include
Ireland InVOLved, the national volunteer of the year award, which highlights and
celebrates the work of volunteers in all aspects of Irish life The first programme of National Awards to
Volunteers in Sport was successfully held in 2007.
Volunteer days/ weeks such as Dublin City Volunteer Week or Give it a Swirl Day raise the profile of volunteering, making it
attractive and accessible to a wide range of people.
Netherland: Yes,
- Social apprenticeships through schools in which students are asked to participate in
youth,sport or care sector for a short while.
- Enterprises give people the opportunity tot do some volunteer activities in work time.
- Special Days in the Year to volunteer
- Proffesionalisation in sport to support and coordinate volunteers
Poland: The best known voluntary actions in Poland are the annual finals of charity collection
called Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (The Great Orchestra of Christmas
Charity). Between 1993 and 2006 The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has
collected over $ 65 million, mainly during Annual Great Finals which involves over
120 thousand volunteers all over the world. All money has been spent of medical
equipment as well as on education in the field of preventive treatment, health
promotion and saving children's lives. It’s first and the biggest initiative in Poland
based on voluntary service. During all events the role of volunteers is strongly
highlighted and awarded by the show of fireworks in the end of the day of Final. It’s
become a tradition that every year to thank all volunteers by organizing during
summer time the Przystanek Woodstock Festival.
Sweden: Promotion of volunteering can be carried out in various ways. The objective of the
Swedish policy on all non-governmental organisations is to provide people with the
best possible opportunities to organise themselves and take part in popular movements
and voluntary associations of different kinds.
8. Can you report on any negative experience, e.g. cases of abuse of the
legislative measures listed above?
Cyprus: Some volunteers hold the posts for a very long time, often more than 10 years,
creating a barrier for new volunteers to get involved into the management of sport
Czech Republic: not frequent negative experience – but anticipation of lower level of
volunteers knowledge and skills for the sports process and prevention against abuse of
children or youth, which is necessary to eliminate with education, recommendation
and observation.
Sweden: There are of course some incidents of alleged misuse of the granting systems to
non-profit organisations. This is however not considered to be a major problem.
9. In your country, do relevant authorities (Ministry, Statistical Office)
measure and evaluate the economic impact of volunteering?
Austria: The Austrian statistics office does not survey the economic impact of volunteering.
However, the University of Economics has measured the economic significance of
volunteering in 2000 and 2006.
Cyprus: The evaluation is not on a constant basis. In a survey conducted by the CSO in 2006
the annual contribution of volunteers to sports was estimated in approximately €80m.
The assumption was based on the finding that there are approximately 12,500
volunteers spending annually 4 million hours with an estimated value of €20 per hour.´
Czech Republic: there is no official assessment, but time to time there are processed analytic
studies for special purposes (economy of club, volunteers motivation, marketing,
students Bc. and MA theses).
Finland: Measuring and evaluation is occasional. A national study on physical activity,
which is launched every four year in Finland, also provides data concerning
volunteering in sports. This data can be used in reviews on financing of sport. Latest
review in the field is Money flows in sport in Finland 2005.
France: Chaque année, l’Etat édite une plaquette des chiffres-clé de la vie associative. Des
enquêtes sont ponctuellement menées (ex : stat-info de Viviane Tchernonog au sujet
du « Paysage associatif français ») et il est prévu, dans le cadre de la Conférence de la
Vie Associative, de mettre en place des outils statistiques plus réguliers, liés
notamment au travail de recensement et d’analyse effectué par l’INSEE.
Germany: The 2005/2006 Report on the Development of Sport commissioned by the Federal
Institute for Sport Science inter alia deals with the economic importance of
volunteering in sport. The holders of posts in sports clubs (officials; not including
ordinary members of sports clubs or parents rendering voluntary services for their
childrens’s clubs) alone do some 557 million hours of unpaid work per year, i.e. an
economic added value amounting to some 8.5 billion euros.
Hungary: Hungary doesn’t have any measure and evaluate of the economic impact of
volunteering, but if we have an opportunity to make it in the future, the State Secretary
of Sport is ready to support it in connection with the Sport XXI. National Sport
Ireland: In 2003, the Irish Sports Council commissioned the Economic and Social Research
Institute (ESRI) to undertake studies on its behalf. The second report in the series
entitled "Social and Economic Value of Sport in Ireland" was published in 2005. In
this report, it was estimated that the number of volunteers involved in sport in 2003
was in the region of 400,000 persons and that the economic value for sports
volunteering is €267 million per annum.
Luxemburg: Since some years the Sports Ministry has been registering the amount of
volunteering by the most important sport federations. On this basis the national
Statistical Office is now evaluating the economic impact.
State support is foreseen to be provided for such voluntary organisations.
Netherland: SCP Netherlands Institute for Social Research
Poland: Since 2001 studies on volunteering in Poland has been carried out the Association
Klon/Jawor which is an independent organization supporting non – government
organization by creating the data bases and initiating a cooperation with public
authorities, business and media.
The annual report contains information about number of volunteers (2007 – 4 million
people, 13,2 % of Polish population), as well as description of the most typical Polish
volunteer who is a studding man under 25. The studies shows that volunteering in sports
organizations(clubs, associations) is on the 4th place in the ranking of the organizations
cooperating with volunteers, just after charity, religion movements and education.
There are no particular studies on the value of Polish voluntary and the impact on
Slovenia: Partly the Statistical Office and to some extent the Agency of the Republic of
Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services and above all the LegalInformation Centre of Non – Governmental Organisations.
Spain: - Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sports,
- Autonomous Regions Governments.
Sweden: The Swedish Sports Confederation and some academic institutions has
measured the amount of voluntary work carried out in different types of non-profit
10 – free comments
Austria: The European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO) organized a
workshop on volunteering during its 2008 Forum in Stockholm. The report on the
volunteering workshop can be downloaded form the following link:
rum.doc (p. 7)
Czech Republic: exchange of knowledge and experience in approaches toward volunteering
seems to be vitally important for education of more volunteers, specially from young
generation, even from seniors former sportsmen group. Legislation and motivation
system should be improved.
Ireland: While Ireland has a long history of volunteering, formal supports and infrastructure
around volunteering are relatively new. In the absence of a National Policy on
Volunteering, the White Paper on Supporting Voluntary Activity (2000) provides the
blueprint for the relationship between the State and the Community and Voluntary
sector, where most volunteering takes place.
Netherland: There are interesting themes in and linked to the role of volunteers:
i. How limited professionalization in clubs on local level can support the
position and tasks of volunteers
ii. How voluntary work should be organized in a time that only short term
volunteers can be found easily.
Poland: The volunteering in Poland is regulated by the Act of Low adopted in 2003. Since
then the volunteering system has been developing. The biggest number of sporting
volunteers are involved in sport clubs activities and they are helping trainers leading
sport training and preparing mass sport events and festivals. The most popular location
of voluntary actions are: villages or big cites over 200 thousand inhabitants.
Volunteers in Poland usually do jabs that don’t need to much professional preparation
or experience.
Polish Ministry of Sport and Tourism is planning a seminar about the volunteering in
sport that will contain presentation of good practices from others countries. The
seminar will take place in 2009 and it will be dedicated to representatives of local
authorities, higher sport schools, sport federations and sport organizations, who are the
potential leaders of volunteering in sport in Poland.
Slovenia: The area of volunteering should be first of all recognised and then legally
regulated in order to avoid any misuse or malpractice.
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orum.doc (p. 7)