Jefferson, le 23 mai 2016 Chers élèves, Bonjour! Je m`appelle


Jefferson, le 23 mai 2016 Chers élèves, Bonjour! Je m`appelle
Jefferson, le 23 mai 2016
Chers élèves,
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Madame Kozlowski et je vais être votre prof de
français l'année prochaine. J'attends avec impatience notre année scolaire 20162017.
Congratulations on your hard work this year and being recommended for
the French II Honors class for next year. I look forward to meeting you, getting to
know you, and working with you. As you learn a second language, it is important
to use the language as much as you can, so I am attaching some activities for you
to do this summer that will help you do just that. I hope that you will enjoy
applying your skills in French to learn more about the beautiful island of
Martinique; to listen to some Francophone music; and to prepare to continue
your studies of the French language and Francophone cultures in the fall. Je vous
verrai en septembre!
Madame Kozlowski
P.S. You can get 10 points extra credit on your summer homework assignment
if you have it in my mailbox at school by Friday, August 12th.
ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 (1st day of school)
* 10 points extra credit if in my mailbox at school by
Friday, August 12th
* 3-ring binder just for French (1-inch)
* 8½ x 11 inch loose-leaf college-ruled notebook paper
* blue or black pens, pencils, eraser - in a pencil case
Join the French II Honors class on Google Classroom. The class code is: hnh00h (00 = zeros)
① Lettre de Martinique (reading, activities, writing, and music)
The actual assignment is attached. It will count as your first test grade in French II
Honors, so have some fun and do a good job.
NOTE: Please do not use a translator for any part of your work. However, if you need
to look up a word, feel free to go to the online bilingual dictionary at:
MY E-MAIL: [email protected]
I check my e-mail during the summer, so feel free to contact me if you have any
questions on the assignment.
Bonnes vacances!
Amusez-vous bien!
français II-H
nom _____________________________________
Lettre de Martinique
Read and do the activities in the packet about Martinique but record your answers in this
packet. You should keep the actual reading and reference packet. Be prepared to turn in your
responses on these papers on the first day of school, September 6th. (10 pts. extra credit if
in my mailbox at school by Friday, August 12th)
A. À vous (page 1)
Put your answers to the questions on page 1 here. Are these sentences true (vrai) or
false (faux)?
Martinique is a French island.
The weather in Martinique tends to be very cold.
Bananas are a very plentiful fruit in Martinique.
B. Lettre de Martinique
Read the letter from Caroline on page 2.
C. Courrier électronique (page 3)
Read the e-mails from the four French-speaking teenagers who are looking for an e-pal.
With which one would you most like to have an e-mail exchange? (Answer in French.)
1. Avec qui désirez-vous correspondre? __________________________________
2. Pourquoi? _______________________________________________________
D. Avez-vous compris? (page 4)
Based on Caroline's letter (on page 2), find the mistake in each of the following sentences.
Change each sentence below so that it is correct.
1. Caroline Clément étudie au collège.
2. Il existe 12 variétés de papayes en Martinique.
3. Kevin Marks n'aime pas le basket.
4. André Péchain habite en France.
E. Expérience personnelle (page 4)
Which of the following statements are true about Caroline's life? Which are true about your
life? Record your true (vrai) or false (faux) answers on the chart below.
1. J'organise des boums.
2. J'aime le sport.
3. Je désire être professeur de français.
4. L'été, je travaille dans un fast-food.
5. J'ai une soeur.
6. J'ai les yeux marron.
7. Je désire visiter le Mexique.
8. Je déteste nager.
9. J'écoute de la musique zouk.
10. J'ai deux frères.
F. Enrichissez votre vocabulaire (page 5)
Look over the vocabulary in this section of the packet. Here is some additional vocabulary
that you might like to have.
Les arts
écouter un CD to listen to a CD
écouter mon iPod to listen to my iPod
écouter une chanson to listen to a song
À l'ordinateur
chatter en ligne to chat online
chatter sur Facebook to chat on Facebook
À la maison
parler au téléphone portable to talk on a cell phone
... un mobile, un GSM, un cellulaire a cell phone
envoyer un SMS to send a text message
G. Activité #1 - La lettre de Mark (page 6)
Your friend, Mark, is writing a letter to Jacqueline, his new Frenchspeaking pen pal. Mark asks you to help him with his French by
choosing the right verb for each of the sentences below. Fill in the
blanks with the correct form of an appropriate verb.
Chère Jacqueline,
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Mark et je suis ton nouveau correspondant.
J'ai 14 ans et j'ai deux soeurs. J'aime bien le sport. Le week-end, je
____________________(1) au football avec mes copains. Nous
____________________(2) souvent nos matchs. Quand il neige, je vais à
la montagne avec ma famille et nous ____________________(3). J'adore
la neige! Ma petite soeur, Christine, ____________________ (4) sur le
lac gelé. Et toi, est-ce que tu aimes le sport?
À l'école, je (j') ____________________ (5) beaucoup. Le soir,
je ____________________ (6) mes leçons. J'ai un ordinateur à la maison.
Souvent, mes soeurs et moi, nous ____________________ (7) sur
l'Internet. Nous ____________________ (8) du courrier électronique à
nos amis qui ont un ordinateur. Écris-moi vite! Au revoir!
H. Activité #2 - Qu'est-ce qu'ils font? (page 6)
Write your answers here based on the drawings in this section of the packet.
1. Les copains _________________________ la Tour Eiffel.
2. Les filles et les garçons _________________________ .
3. Philippe _________________________.
4. Nous _________________________ au tennis.
5. M. et Mme Bègue _________________________.
6. Vous _________________________ la télévision.
I. Activité 3 - Sondage (page 7)
Complete the following poll based on your preferences. Circle the best response or write
your own response for "d".
1. En été, je préfère...
a. nager
b. jouer au tennis
c. regarder la télé
d. _____________________________________
2. En général, après mes devoirs, j'aime...
a. jouer au basket
c. discuter avec des amis
b. écouter de la musique
d. _____________________________________
3. Si j'étais (were) en Martinique, je mangerais (would eat)...
a. des papayes
c. des noix de coco
b. des bananes
d. _____________________________________
4. Je désire avoir un(e) correspondant(e)...
a. au Canada
c. en France
b. en Australie
d. _____________________________________
5. Je n'aime pas beaucoup...
a. danser
c. cuisiner
b. dessiner
d. _____________________________________
J. Et vous? (page 7)
Follow the directions in your packet for this section and respond below.
1. Est-ce que vous jouez au foot?
2. Vous regardez la télé après le dîner?
3. Le matin, est-ce que vous écoutez la radio?
4. Quand il fait chaud, est-ce que vous nagez à la piscine? Où?
5. Étudiez-vous le week-end?
6. Est-ce que vous aimez cuisiner pour votre famille?
7. Envoyez-vous du courrier électronique à vos amis?
8. Est-ce que vous marchez pour aller à l'école?
K. À votre tour (page 8)
Write the letter to your pen pal (or e-pal) on a separate paper and turn it in with this
activity packet in September. You will share your letter with our new French II class
in September. I plan to post the letters on the bulletin board in the classroom, so all
letters should be neat and well done. Follow these guidelines:
* Type your letter.
* Double space and use large font (at least 16).
* Include a picture of you (and your family, if you wish) at the bottom
of the page (preferably in color).
* Proofread your letter to catch and fix mistakes.
* Use computer generated accent mark codes (attached to this packet).
You may use Activité 6 - Expression personnelle to help you plan your letter, but you don't
need to turn in anything else for Activité 6 (on page 8).
L. Note culturelle (page 8)
Read the culture note at the end of the packet. What is the main idea of the note?
M. La musique et le créole
This section is not in your reading and activities packet. However, Caroline mentions
in her letter that her favorite music group is Kassav. They started a genre of music
called zouk which was very popular in the Antilles in the 1980s. Now, that music has
transformed and its modern version is referred to as zouk-love or compas.
The language used in this music is usually French creole which is a blend of French and
African languages developed when slaves were brought from Africa to work on the
plantations in Martinique. The plantation owners required the slaves to speak French, but
the slaves didn't want the plantation owners to hear what they were saying. Thus, they
created their own language that sounded like French but also used elements of their
original African language.
Musique - Activité 1
Do a search on youtube to listen to some zouk or compas music. You could enter "zouk
music Martinique" to do your search. Then answer the questions below about what you
1. Title of song: _______________________________________________________________
2. Name of singer or group: _____________________________________________________
3. What is your reaction to the song? Do you like it? Why or why not? What do you think
of the sound of the music? (Write your response in English.)
4. Maintenant en français..
Now write at least one sentence in French to describe your reaction to the song.
Musique - Activité 2
Have you ever heard of the French singer, Shy'm? She is one of the most popular Frenchlanguage singers in the world right now. Her mother is French and her father is from
Martinique. Do a search now to listen to one of her songs.
1. Title of song: ________________________________________________________________
2. Your reaction to the song (in English): ____________________________________________
3. Maintenant en français...Est-ce que vous aimez la chanson? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas?
I hope that you enjoyed using your French and learning more about Martinique.
I'll look forward to seeing you in September.
File: Letter, summer HW, Fr II 2016