Summary of Ontario FSL Curriculum Overall Expectations


Summary of Ontario FSL Curriculum Overall Expectations
A. LISTENING (L) A1. Listening to Understand: determine meaning in a variety of oral French texts, using a range of listening strategies;
A2. Listening to Interact: interpret messages accurately while interacting in French for a variety of purposes and with diverse
A3. Intercultural Understanding: demonstrate an understanding of information in oral French texts about aspects of culture in
diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of French sociolinguistic conventions used
in a variety of situations and communities.
B1. Speaking to Communicate: communicate information and ideas orally in French, using a variety of speaking strategies and
age- and grade-appropriate language suited to the purpose and audience;
B2. Speaking to Interact: participate in spoken interactions in French for a variety of purposes and with diverse audiences;
B3. Intercultural Understanding: in their spoken communications, demonstrate an awareness of aspects of culture in diverse
French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of the appropriate use of French sociolinguistic
conventions in a variety of situations.
C1. Reading Comprehension: determine meaning in a variety of French texts, using a range of reading comprehension
C2. Purpose, Form, and Style: identify the purpose(s) and characteristics of a variety of adapted and authentic text forms,
including fictional, informational, graphic, and media forms;
C3. Intercultural Understanding: demonstrate an understanding of information in French texts about aspects of culture in
diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of French sociolinguistic conventions used
in a variety of situations and communities.
D1. Purpose, Audience, and Form: write French texts for different purposes and audiences, using a variety of forms;
D2. The Writing Process: use the stages of the writing process – including pre-writing, producing drafts, revising, editing, and
publishing – to develop and organize content, clarify ideas and expression, correct errors, and present their written work
D3. Intercultural Understanding: in their written work, demonstrate an awareness of aspects of culture in diverse Frenchspeaking communities and other communities around the world, and of the appropriate use of French sociolinguistic
conventions in a variety of situations.
Tralco – Lingo Fun , October 2013 pg.1 Tralco-Lingo Fun products - INTERCULTURAL UNDERSTANDING COMPONENT
PROGRAM – Core French (C), Extended French (E) , French Immersion (I)
**NOTE: Teacher’s notes of most titles will be in English.
Content varies in difficulty. Please check sample pages online to ensure that level is appropriate for your students.
Grade 4 French-speaking communities in Ontario – Intercultural understanding (  meets expectations) PROGRAM
Explorons Sudbury - Video included in Enhanced pdf version
Fêtes franco-ontariennes
Tonnerre 5 – Ottawa –Bundle of 5 books
Explorons Sudbury Book
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Grade 5 – French‐speaking communities in Québec – Intercultural understanding (  meets expectations) PROGRAM CODE CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI TR00804D TR00V14D TR00128D TR00946 TR00373D TR3539X TR05618 TR03210 TR0660X TR25221 TR0006 DESCRIPTION Carnaval de Québec ‐ Video in book Carnaval de Québec –The Adventure ‐ Video in book Québec City the Experience ‐ Video in book Montréal the Adventure ‐ Video in book From Acadian to Cajun ‐ Video in book Book of Crafts Carnaval d’hiver Mardi Gras in Québec Vive le Carnaval de Québec Fêtons ‐ Noël canadien français Le Carnaval – Mon Vocabulaire Tonnerre 4 ‐ Québec Carnaval ‐ Bundle of 5 books L       S 
Grade 6 French‐speaking communities in East/West/Northern Canada – Intercultural understanding (  meets expectations) PROGRAM CODE CEI CEI TR00V28D TR0008 CEI CEI TR00515 TR0BN09 DESCRIPTION Festival du Voyageur‐ Video in book Tonnerre 6 ‐ Manitoba et le Festival du Voyageur Bundle of 5 books Les Voyageurs explorent l’Amérique du Nord Bingo + French Le Voyageur Tralco – Lingo Fun , October 2013 pg.2 L  S 
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Grade 7 French‐speaking communities in North America outside of Canada – Intercultural understanding (  meets expectations) PROGRAM CODE CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI TR00V10D TR00V22D TR00V23D TR00V19D TR29187 TR29195 TR29756 TR35814 TR03822 TR05561 TR05634 TR0373X TR0009 CEI CEI TR0010 TR0011 DESCRIPTION New Orleans and Mardi Gras‐ Video in book A Cajun Mardi Gras‐ Video in book Mardi Gras dans le vieux carré‐ Video in book La Statue et la Tour‐ Video in book La Louisiane L’Acadie St. Pierre et Miquelon Book of Crafts – Mardi Gras New Orleans Vive le Carnaval Mardi Gras Mardi Gras La Nouvelle‐Orléans Mardi Gras –Nice Vive le Carnaval –Nice Tonnerre 7 – La ferme d’alligators/La course des poules ‐ Bundle of 5 books Tonnerre 8 ‐ Le Mardi Gras‐ Bundle of 5 books Tonnerre 9 – Katrina et la reconstruction‐ Bundle of 5 books L     S 
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Grade 8 French‐speaking communities in France (extended and immersion) and Europe (core) – Intercultural
understanding (  meets expectations) PROGRAM CODE CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI TR00V18D TR00V17D TR00V15D TR00V7D TR00V21D TR00V20D TR00V16D TR00793 TR00V24D TR00V25D TR00V26D TR00BN05 TR21952 TR29748 TR29248 TR37524 DESCRIPTION Les correspondantes – Pen Pals‐ Video in book Bon appétit ‐ Video in book Paris Beyond the Eiffel Tower ‐ Video in book Provence the Experience ‐ Video in book Voix du Musée d’Orsay Orsay ‐ Video in book Châteaux de la Loire ‐ Video in book Voix du Louvre Vallée de la Loire ‐ Video in book C’est chouette 1‐ Video in book C’est chouette 2‐ Video in book C’est chouette 3‐ Video in book Bingo + Paris Paris La Suisse La Belgique La bonne bouffe Tralco – Lingo Fun , October 2013 pg.3 L             S 