L`ourson de Noël - Bayard foreign rights


L`ourson de Noël - Bayard foreign rights
Picture Books
L’ourson de Noël
pour faire de beaux rêves avec son nounours préféré.
The incredible story of a little bear, the American
president’s mascot, which gave birth to the famous
Teddy Bear, every child’s favourite soft toy.
Où l’on apprend comment un petit ourson,
croisant la route du président des États-Unis,
changea la vie de millions d’enfants !
Key Points
ISBN : 978-2-7459-6093-1 9,90 €
• A real little bear, irresistible!
• Outstanding illustrations with a touch of nostalgia, gentle, funny and
completely up-to-date.
• The true story of how Teddy bear was born.
President Theodore Roosevelt was hunting bear when he came face to face with a lost
bear cub – if we can call a bear lost - all alone in a clearing in the forest.
Moved, the President prevented his men from firing and adopted the little bear, which
became his mascot and extremely popular with the American people.
Theodore soon became Teddy, Teddy being the President’s nickname, and the following
Christmas the first Teddy Bears appeared in children’s stockings. They soon won the
hearts of all children.
Technical specifications
Format: 200 x 245 mm
Pages: 24
Retail price: 9,90 €
Age group: 3 and up
Karine-Marie Amiot - Nathalie Ragondet
About the authors
Karine-Marie Amiot grew up listening to beautiful stories and started inventing them as
soon as she knew how to form letters in her notebook. She loves books: looking at them,
collecting them, reading them and writing them to make children dream. She loves words,
pretty, gentle words, those that sing. Today, as soon as her eight children have put their
satchel on their backs and silence falls on the house…
Karine-Marie Amiot has published many picture books for children, published by Fleurus,
Albin Michel, Mame (Prune et Séraphin series) Lito and Bayard. She now lives in
Nathalie Ragondet was born in 1988. After four years training at the Emile-Cohl school
of applied arts , she published her first illustrations with Le Lapin qui fait peur au loup
(‘Les Classiques’, Père Castor-Flammarion, and a board game Les Musiciens de la ville
de Brême (Editions Jeux FK. Today she works in a shared studio in Lyons, using gouache,
watercolour and digital techniques depending on the project. She particularly enjoys
forest scenes and the creatures, imaginary or real, that live in them.
Le président agita son chapeau et cria :
« Viens jouer, bébé ours ! Saute pour attraper mon chapeau ! Plus haut ! »
Puis il prit sa grosse voix de président et déclara :
« Mes amis, attrapez gentiment cet ourson, attachez-le doucement à une corde,
et rentrons. Cet animal habitera dans mes jardins. Je ne voudrais pas qu’un jour
Dès le lendemain, tous
les journaux racontèrent
l’histoire de l’ourson,
et du nom que le président
lui avait choisi. Et bientôt,
partout dans le pays,
tous les enfants rêvèrent
d’avoir, eux aussi, leur
il rencontre un chasseur ! Je vais prendre soin de lui, et nous deviendrons amis. »
Bayard Group
Press - Publishing - Internet