VEGETARIAN COOKING QUIZZ Test your knowledge and win a


VEGETARIAN COOKING QUIZZ Test your knowledge and win a
Test your knowledge and win a voucher for 2 meals
1. A vegetarian is someone who :
 Avoids eating any type of meat (included fish)
 Avoids eating any type of meat, as well as eggs, dairy products and honey
 Avoids eating meat, poultry and delicatessen
2. In which country is the highest percentage of vegetarians ?
 Argentina
 Finland
 India
3. As a vegetarian, what is the secret to get a balanced diet ?
 With a diverse diet with many different sources of proteins
 If you drink a lot of water
 None, vegetarian dishes are healthier
4. How many vegetarians are there in France ?
 About 1 million
 1 out of 20
 Less than 500.000
5. To eat vegetarian, you need to replace steak and chips by ...
 A double portion of chips with ketchup
 Sea food without oysters
 A crumble made of pecan nuts and broccolis
6 Which character from The Simpsons series has become a vegetarian in season 7 ?
 Homer Simpson
 Maggie Simpson
 Lisa Simpson
7 Which dish is vegan ?
 Eggs with asparagus
 Curry with chickpeas
 Skate wings stuffed with chinese cabbage
8 In 2011, Who publishes the controversial book “Is it necessary to eat animals” ?
 François Heinderyckx and Michel Houellebecq
 Jonathan Safran Foer
 Brigitte Bardot
9 Tofu derives from :
 wheat
 Soya
 linseed
10 As a vegetarian, which vitamin is it important to keep a watch on ?
 vitamin A
 vitamin C
 vitamin B12
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