French Culture and Literature I


French Culture and Literature I
University of Catania
School of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Degree course in Linguistic and Intercultural Mediation (L12)
A.A. 2013-2014 / 2015-2016
Course code
Title of teaching unit
French Culture and Literature I
Type of educational activity
Disciplinary sector
Year of course
Duration of course
Total number of credits (CFU)
Total workload (in hours)
Number of hours attributed to:
Lectures: 48
Practical work: 6 (literary analysis workshop)
Assessment: --Private study: 171
Name of the teacher
Educational aims
This course is an introduction to French civilization, culture
and literature from the Middle Ages to 18th century. We will
study various authors, works from different genres and the
main literary movements that marked those centuries.
Students will be provided with the linguistic, stylistic and
critical tools suited to the analysis of anthological texts.
Content of course
After a brief introduction to the Middle Ages, the first part of
the course will consist of a survey of 16th, 17th and 18th French
literature, with a particular focus on important periods in
French civilization, such as Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism
and Enlightenment. The main authors, genres and movements
will be examined in context through the reading and analysis
of some excerpts and texts.
Close reading of at least 30 anthological texts (selection to be
agreed upon with teacher)
Series of lectures on
Morales du grand siècle du théâtre français, du tragique au
Histoire littéraire
Henri MITTERAND (collection dirigée par), Histoire de la
littérature française, Paris, Nathan. [tome I | Moyen Age,
XVIe et XVIIe – tome II | XVIIIe, XIXe et XXe]
Histoire littéraire et anthologie
André LAGARDE et Laurent MICHARD (collection dirigée
Teaching methods
Learning outcomes assessment
par), Les grands auteurs Français – Anthologie et histoire
littéraire, Paris, Bordas.
- tome I | Moyen Âge
- tome II | XVIe siècle
- tome III | XVIIe siècle
- tome IV | XVIIIe siècle
 Les genres littéraires – Les registres littéraires – Fiches de
méthodes | Étude du texte littéraire – Figures de style –
Vocabulaire littéraire :
 Lexique des termes littéraires : Michel JARRETY (sous la
dir.), Lexique des termes littéraires, Paris, Librairie
Générale Française, 2001 |
Sélection de 5 ouvrages à lire (dont 1 de Corneille, Racine et
Molière concernant le cours monographique)
XVIe siècle
RABELAIS, Gargantua ou Pantagruel | RONSARD, Amours. [1
au choix] | MONTAIGNE, Essais [15 essais au choix]
XVIIe siècle
LA FONTAINE, Fables [15 fables au choix] | MOLIERE,
L’Avare ou Les précieuses ridicules | CORNEILLE, Le Cid |
RACINE, Phèdre ou Bérénice | MADAME DE LA FAYETTE, La
Princesse de Clèves.
XVIIIe siècle
MARIVAUX, Le jeu de l’amour et du hasard ou La vie de
Marianne | ABBE PREVOST, Manon Lescaut | CHODERLOS DE
LACLOS, Les liaisons dangereuses | DENIS DIDEROT, La
Religieuse | VOLTAIRE, Micromégas ou Zadig ou Candide
ou Traité sur la tolérance | JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU,
Discours sur l’origine et les fondements de l’inégalité parmi
les hommes, Émile ou La Nouvelle Héloïse | MONTESQUIEU,
Lettres persanes ou L’esprit des Lois I et II | BERNARDIN DE
SAINT-PIERRE, Paul et Virginie.
Cours monographique
Michel PRUNER, L’analyse du texte de théâtre, Paris,
Armand Colin, 2008 [méthodologie].
Paul BÉNICHOU, Morales du grand siècle, Paris, Gallimard,
« folio essais », 1948-2011.
DOSSIER : extraits choisis de | Jean STAROBINSKI, L’œil
vivant, Paris, Gallimard, 1961-1999 | Roland BARTHES, Sur
Racine, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, « Points essais », 1960.
Lectures in French with the aid of power points, authentic
interviews and films projections, seminaries, and literary
analysis workshop (individual and cooperative learning).
The final exam is solely oral and entirely in French. In course
oral assessments; oral final assessments.