English - Intermodes


English - Intermodes
Chaire Gare, réinventer les gares du XXIeme siècle
21/10/14 22:12
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e de la Chaire Gare !
ntral d'Entreprise de la SNCF)
Railway Stations, Intermodal mobility & Urban development 2014 18 h – 20 H 30
Château Landon
osko y Más - El País - 22 mar. 2014 - Page #78
22/03/14 12
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Réinventer les gares du XXIeme siècle : Conception, a
e# aux# élèves# de# DSA# et# de# Master,# elle#
nts# # enseignements,# projets# et# ateliers# de#
erte# à# d’autres# étudiants,# doctorants# et# à#
En présence de YO KAMINAGAÏ
th th 18 H – 20 H 30
4 th Nextstation Congress Marrakech, october 21 & 22 2015
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n mail avec nom prénom téléphone qualité
en association avec Rails et histoire et avec le soutien de SNCF
Salle Lutèce, 6e étage 9 rue du Château Landon 75010 PARIS
(Métro Gare de de l’Est Château Landon)
FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS Academic Panel http://www.chaire-gare.com/
A Joint Initiative of UIC and “Chaire Gare” This call of papers is launched by the corporate Chair "Gares", a teaching and research partnership of SNCF and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech designed to link the academic research community with transport industry, in association with the International Union of Railways.The communications will be presented in a parallel session designed as a part of Nextstation 2015, a global event organized by the station's managers and railway companies under the authority of International Union of Railways, in Marrakech (Morocco) on 21 and 22th october 2015. Context and argument In many countries, railway stations emerge as focal point for urban projects. Important investments go along with larger urban regeneration projects. The attractiveness of stations may be explained by the recognition of its architectural and patrimonial values of stations (especially when they are old and centric), but also by their growing use as integrated transit hubs. The fast expansion of easier and smarter connections from railway to a wide range of mobility systems (including plane, metro and light rail, buses and regional trains, carsharing and bikesharing systems) modifies deeply the spatial organisation of railway hubs, as well as their governance and managementt. Designing and managing intermodal stations remain very complex tasks, involving technological processes, but also inducing the necessity of a better coordination between station managers and diverse (or varied) partners (retail developers and services, metropolitan powers, neighbourhood interests ...). A way of addressing the future of intermodal mobility consists in analysing, firstly, the way by which intermodality reshapes at the same time the place and the traveller experience. Hence, an important part of the call for papers focuses on the management of station as a node of transport, while another one discusses the station and its surrounding (urban places, neighbourhood) as singular places for urban and metropolitan development schemes
Purposes of the academic session, criteria for papers selection Nextstation Congress is a global event dedicated to stations management. It gives an opportunity to mobilize the scientific community and to discuss the work of researchers in a wider (operational?) context. The call is open to academics in many disciplines (architecture, geography, urbanism, economy, engineering studies, etc.), from PhD candidates to confirmed researchers. Firstly, it aims to draw a state of the art concerning international railway stations, and that is why it should address case studies coming from all continents and city types. Secondly, the panel welcomes both academics and operational people (station's managers may be part of the public of this session), thus enriching debates Thirdly, a final synthesis of the papers, including the results of debates, will be presented in the plenary conclusions of the Congress as a scientific contribution (white paper) Papers may connect with the following themes : • Stations in urban planning The creation or redevelopment of stations gives the opportunity to rethink the place of railway infrastructure in urban planning: integrating the building in urban space and landscape, creating centrality, trying to mitigate barriers and the discontinuities produced by track ways (roads?), making room for new public spaces. What are the problems raised by the station’s insertion in urban planning and projects in the neighbourhood, and at a metropolitan scale, and what are the likely potential solutions? • Station as new values for urban assets Urban intensification around railway hubs considerably influence the way housing, jobs and services are localised. It often involves economic and social processes of change as well as a diversification of private and public stakeholders. How do stations’ projects articulate with land use modifications and real estate development? What kind of political, economic and financial organizations are needed to realize such projects? • Stations as intermodal hubs Railway stations offer better urban accessibility when they are used as part of trip chains involving other transit systems (ex. bus) as well as individual mobility solutions (bike and bikeshare programs, walking solutions). -­‐What are the best strategies to foster multimodality, in and around stations? • Stations and innovation trends Stations and intermodal hubs often become hotspots of new services, thanks to digital applications which are meant to provide security, comfort and time saving, and which modify greatly the experience of station and travel as well as the station spatial and functional organization. What are the strategies of implementation (among operators) and adaptation (among users) of these new materials? • Stations as mobility systems Railway hubs hold perpetually moving crowds, with different configurations of speed and moving patterns. Needs to foster security and fluidity justify a better understanding of users itineraries and behaviours. What may be learned from the observation of movements and users behaviours in railway stations Scientific Council The call of papers is placed under the authority of an international and multidisciplinary scientific committee: Hiroki Iseki (Univ. Maryland), Luca Bertolini (Univ. Alsterdam), Carmen Bellet (univ. Lleida), JF Troin (Univ. Tours) Deadlines By March 31th 2015, a 200's words abstracts and 5 keywords, plus a one page Curriculum vitae, has to be posted at : [email protected] By may 15th 2015 : return of evaluations to the authors By July 15th 2015 : The final presentation no more than 35 000 signs long, has to be sent along with references and a powerpoint ,has to be sent to [email protected] The selected communications will be edited on the website of the Nextstation 2015. After the Congress, the scientific committee will start the edition process in a peer review in transport and planning studies. Official language : english Registration : Each participant may register directly on the official Nextstation 2015 website (opening in spring 2015) and will be proposed a scholar fee, a free access to all events (conferences, toher panels and sessions, visits) Travel and accomodation in Marrakech are supported by each participant General information about Nextstation 2015 Following a series of editions successfully held in Rome (2005), Paris (2007), Brussels (2011) and Moscow (2013), the 5th “NEXT STATION 2015” International Conference on Railway Stations will take place for the first time on the African continent in Marrakech, from 21 – 22 October 2015. This international conference, which is a global reference on the themes of station development and operations, is jointly organised by the International Union of Railways (UIC), and Moroccan Railways (ONCF), whose Director General, Mr Mohammed Rabie Khlie, is also the Chairman of the UIC African Region. The development of stations is currently a strategic issue in the Kingdom of Morocco, in connection with the development of a high performance railway system – incorporating high speed links – serving the economy and society. The recent inauguration of Casa-­‐Port railway station bears witness to this dynamic growth. Since 2005, several thousand decision-­‐makers from higher railway management and the transport world, economy and finance, banks, business and trade, architecture and urban planning have actively participated in the debates and exchanges organised within the UIC “NEXT STATION” international conferences. “NEXT STATION 2015” will provide a unique opportunity for high-­‐level speakers and panellists to address all strategic issues related to the creation, development or operations of railway stations, such as project development and financing, station management, station and urban planning, the sustainable, eco-­‐friendly railway station, facilities and design, commercial use of station space and services, multimodality and accessibility Due to the success of its four previous editions, “NEXT STATION” has become a benchmark event, a privileged venue for sharing information and experience on the development and operation of stations across the world. Developing a new generation of railway stations that meet the needs of mobility and society – whilst respecting the aims of sustainable development – is a strategic goal for all UIC member railway companies, including ONCF, the host country of this “Next Station 2015” conference in Marrakech. “NEXT STATION 2015” will comprise the conference, a professional trade fair open to all partners and suppliers from the station sector, as well as a programme of technical and cultural visits. 

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