Surface Meteorological Measurements in Egypt


Surface Meteorological Measurements in Egypt
Surface Meteorological Measurements in Egypt
Achievements and Current Status
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Tel. : 00202- 6846596 Fax. 00202- 6846596
----------------The Egyptian Meteorological Authority is planning now to modernize
its national surface observing network that consists of 112 surface observing
stations and also is planning to upgrade its regional instrument centre that
used for calibrating the different measuring instruments of these mentioned
stations .
The objective is to increase the data of the national surface observing
network In time and space as well as to improve the quality of these data.
It has become a necessity to obtain more reliable and real time
continuous data and transfer these real time data to those who are concerned
in many sectors, such as Aviation; Transportation; Tourism; Agriculture; … etc
The surface observing network (the meteorological stations) is a very
important component of the Egyptian observational system. The data provided
by this network is used directly by the forecasters (they receive hourly reports
from all meteorological stations), part of this data is used in climatologically
studies, part serves as an input for NWP and part of this data is introduced in
the international meteorological data flow (GTS).
The network that consists of approximately 112 meteorological stations
performs various types of observations (synoptic, climatologic, agro
meteorological etc.).
Data coming from 30 stations out of these 112 stations is representing
the EMA contribution to the international data flow.
The paper presents the current design and status of these stations
and the achievements that happened during the last few years.
The operational experience of maintaining and operating of 30
automatic weather stations in some of these mentioned 112 stations is being
Introduction: -------------------Egyptian Meteorological Authority has been operating a network of
112 surface observing stations.
Meteorological parameters such as dry bulb temperature, wind speed,
wind direction, relative humidity, barometric pressure, sun shine duration,
radiation and rainfall are being measured.
Observation of weather data plays a major role in the field of
meteorology. The Automatic Weather Systems
(AWOS) provide meteorological observations to users in real-time basis by
gathering data from a network of automatic weather stations through various
communication channels.
Availability of real-time meteorological data is an essential tool for
daily weather forecasting. The reliability of weather forecasting mainly
depends on the amount of data received for analysis. With the advancement of
information technology and electronics and also the growing demand for
meteorological information, it becomes more essential to disseminate the
meteorological information, through
Network means, to meteorological community.
The data of the AWOS was tested in various weather conditions. The
data obtained from these AWOS was acceptable and its accuracy matches with
the WMO standards and requirments.
It is important to note the fact that the number and the locations for
the meteorological stations in EMA are slightly varying from
One year to another depending on various conditions (new needs for
meteorological information in a specific area, degradation, from meteorological
standpoints, of some locations, administrative problems -like budget cuttings
Until the beginning of 90s, all the meteorological stations were using
classic instruments for measuring the various parameters. Starting with 1995,
EMA acquired the first automatic surface observation stations (AWOS), but,
due to the fact that these AWOS were very few, it can not be considered the
start for the modernization of the network. This modernization happened only
in 1996 when a number of 11 AWOS were installed in 11 important locations.
The modernization continued, in the present, the national network
contains a number of 30 fixed location AWOS. By the end of 2006 another 10
AWOS will be installed, and other infrastructure modernization projects are in
For the surface observation network, it is obvious that, over the next
year, the atomization of the surface observations will become a priority for all
meteorological stations.
Another direction of modernization is to up-grade the existing AWOS
with new sensors or to up-date the existing sensors;
Another aspect of the network modernization is the data collection
method. Before 2003 the collection and validation of the data was done
manually, using phones and radio communication devices. In 2003 another
communication concept was introduced in some stations, where GSM was
used. Some stations were provided with GSM modems and some observers
started reporting to the collecting centre using GSM service. Later on, in the
frame of the Egyptian – French protocol, a complex application (concentrator)
for data collection, transmission and validation will be implemented. This
application has three components, one for each level of collection and
validation: local (station site), regional and national.
Types of surface Meteorological stations in EMA:
1- Synoptic stations
2- Aeronautical stations
3- Agro met stations
28 stations
6 stations
9 stations
4- Radiation stations
5- Climatologically stations
6- Ozone stations
7- Air pollution stations
8- Military stations
12 stations
112 stations
5 stations
6 stations
42 stations
Before implementation of the modernisation program, most of the
stations were unautomated and using manual observing instruments.
Some of the different types of manual surface observation
instruments used in these above surface meteorological stations are shown in
the following table:
Name of Instrument
Ordinary thermometer
Min. thermometer
MAX. thermometer
Soil thermometer
Dry&wet temp.recorder
Dry&wet temp. thermograph
Mercury barometer
Digital barometer
Electric Anemometer
Fuess Anemograph
Dines Anemograph
Sun Shine Recorder
Pyranometer(global radiation)
Pyrheliometr(direct radiation)
Tilting Siphon rain recorder
Check rain guage
Evaporation Pan class A
Name of Company
Short & masion – Lonon
Casella - LONDON
Short&Masion - London
Muller - Germany
S&M - London
C.F. - Casella
C.F. Casella
Eppley – Kipp & Zonen
Eppley – Kipp & Zonen
C.F. Casella
C.F. Casella
C.F. Casella
In general many types of modernisations have been made in EMA
especially in the communication systems and upper air observing systems, but
this presentation covers only the surface observing network
In the beginning of 1995, EMA started in the modernization plan of its
own surface observing network and in the present the national surface
observing network contain a number of 30 AWOS . This modernization
happened only in 1996 when a number of 11 AWOS were installed in 11
important locations.
The modernization continued, and By the end of 2006 another 10
AWOS will be installed, and other infrastructure modernization projects are in
For the surface observation network, it is obvious that, over the next
year, the atomization of the surface observations will become a priority for all
meteorological stations.
Another direction of modernization is to up-grade the existing AWOS
with new sensors or to up-date the existing sensors in some stations
The table below summarizes the type and manufacturers for some of
the automatic sensors that used in these automatic surface observing stations
included in EMA network:Parameter
Wind speed
wind transmitter
Wind direction
wind transmitter
Hygrometer MP106A
Barometric transducer
Cetra 270
Wind transmitter 4034
Wind transmitter 4122
Tem. & Hum. Prope 3030
Barotransmitter 5002
Micro response Anemometer 2030
Micro response vane
Tem.&Hum. Prope 5190
Dual digital barometer
Forward scatter visibility
sensor 8369
Tipping bucket rain
guage 6011 - A
Ceilometers 8329 - A
Anemometer WAA 151
Wind vane WAV 151
Rain guage IPG 01
Forward scatter visibility
Sensor and / or present
weather FD12
Ceilometers CT 25 K
Wind speed
Wind direction
Wind speed
Wind direction
Horizontal visibility
Height of cloud
Wind speed
Wind direction
visibility(MOR) &
background luminance
Cloud Height
Advantages of automated observing systems used in EMA:
Advantages of automated observing systems that felt in EMA after
acquisition of AWOS can be summarised as follows:
Standardisation of observations
Continuous measuring of parameters for 24 Hours
More accurate, more reliable, higher resolution
Collection of great volume of data
Adjustable sampling interval for different parameters
Free from subjectivity & from errors
Continuous QC in both collection and reporting stages
Ability for message generation and transmission
Permanent monitoring of meteorological data
Ability for access of archived data locally or remotely
- Ability to collect Data from harsh environments
- Supporting a vast range of data communication options
- Managing all communication protocols for the various
Sensors and other data communication equipment
- Storing all relevant data for subsequent retrieval as
- Ability for manual input of additional information that
Unable to be automatically measured
- Quality Control on both data measurements
And message generation
- Ability for authorised users to access remotely for any
Tasks to be performed
- The AWOS network is capable of Collecting, processing
And displaying meteorological data
- Performing automated generation and transmission of
Meteorological reports such as SYNOP, METAR, SPECI,
- Can be configured to support a wide range of
Sensor configurations
CONCLUSION:- EMA has decided to upgrade its national observing network
As well as the calibration laboratory that used for calibrating the
Different instruments and measuring sensors of this network
and In a very near future, EMA will be operating an observation
Network consisting of 112 automated stations AWOS
- The most important process after the installation of such systems
Is regular maintenance of the network systems
- It is necessary to calibrate the new automatic observing systems
To maintain the quality of Data and to make sure it matches with
The WMO requirements.
- This calibration laboratory is proposed to be of sufficient
Standard and staffing to act as the country’s national standard
For meteorological observations and to possess linkages to
The WMO Regional Instrument Centre and other
National laboratories.
- The Technicians and maintenance team should have basic
Knowledge of meteorology with the knowledge of related science.
- Such systems require periodic maintenance and
Technical service to maintain the system in operation properly.
Observers in the field should be trained on how to properly use
And maintain the AWOS.
National Meteorological services all over the world should share
Their experiences.
EMA has planned to upgrade its instrument laboratory
To support its own observing network.

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