Graphic charter - EESC European Economic and Social Committee


Graphic charter - EESC European Economic and Social Committee
Graphic charter of the European Economic and Social Committee | cffe
Graphic charter
of the European Economic
and Social Committee
• consistency in visual communication
• immediate recognition of the EESC
• affirmation of EESC identity and membership
• a simple visual mechanism based on shapes and a broad
spectrum of colours
• use in all visual communication
• application by all EESC bodies
BASIS • our logo, white outline, rounded corners, curves, transparency
and gradients
• photographs wherever possible of people showing what civil
society actually means
• develop projects
• offer solutions
• pour donner une cohérence à la communication visuelle
• pour identifier immédiatement le Comité
• pour affirmer son identité et son appartenance à notre institution
• via une mécanique visuelle simple basée sur les formes et
une palette étendue de couleurs diverses
• via une utilisation dans toute communication visuelle
• via l’adhésion de toutes les composantes du Comité
LA BASE : • notre logo, le cadre blanc, les coins arrondis, les courbes, la
transparence et les degradés
• chaque fois que cela sera possible, des photos de personnes
montrant la Société Civile
• pour développer des projets
• pour proposer des solutions
Graphic elements
Graphic charter
of the European Economic
and Social Committee
Découvrez le Comité
Lisbon Strategy Observatory
économique et social
European Economic and Social Committee
Comité économique et social européen
Comité économique et social européen
Comparison of industrial
transformation models
Het EESC als bruggenbouwer
tussen Europa en
het maatschappelijk middenveld
in the new Member States
Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité
European Economic and Social Committee
May 2009
Visitors' File
Eвропейски икономически и социален комитет • Comité Económico y Social Europeo • Evropský hospodářský
a sociální výbor • Det Europæiske Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg • Europäischer Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss
Euroopa Majandus- ja Sotsiaalkomitee • Ευρωπαϊκή Οικονομική και Κοινωνική Επιτροπή • European Economic
and Social Committee • Comité économique et social européen • Coiste Eacnamaíoch agus Sóisialta Eorpach
Comitato economico e sociale europeo • Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komiteja • Europos ekonomikos ir
socialinių reikalų komitetas • Európai Gazdasági és Szociális Bizottság • Kumitat Ekonomiku u Soċjali Ewropew
Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité • Europejski Komitet Ekonomiczno-Społeczny • Comité Económico e
Social Europeu • Comitetul Economic şi Social European • Európsky hospodársky a sociálny výbor • Evropski
ekonomsko-socialni odbor • Euroopan talous- ja sosiaalikomitea • Europeiska ekonomiska och sociala kommittén
Plasma screensV
Droits et solidarité pour guider la mondialisation
Jogok és szolidaritás – a globalizáció vezérelvei
Diritti e solidarietà per guidare la globalizzazione
Teisės ir solidarumas globalizacijai valdyti
Tiesības un solidaritāte – globalizācijas ceļveži
Drittijiet u solidarjetà biex tiġi ggwidata l-globalizzazzjoni
Rechten en solidariteit als leidraad in het globaliseringsproces
Prawa i solidarność drogowskazem dla globalizacji
Direitos e solidariedade, timoneiros da globalização
Drepturile şi solidaritatea – călăuzele globalizării
Práva a solidarita ako riadiace faktory globalizácie
Pravice in solidarnost kot vodila globalizacije
Rättigheter och solidaritet som ledstjärna för globaliseringen
Права и солидарност за направляване на глобализацията
Práva a solidarita jako usměrňující faktory globalizace
Invitation to a cocktail buffet for the speakers of visitors' groups
Rettigheder og solidaritet som ledetråde for globaliseringen
Dear Members and staff members,
I am proud to say that in 2008 the EESC received about 350 visitors' groups with more than 9000 visitors!
Rechte und Solidarität als Wegweiser für die Globalisierung
You, the speakers, welcomed them in our premises to explain them how the EESC works, to discuss with
them and to answer to their questions.
Rights and solidarity to guide globalisation
Your availability, willingness and professionalism make it possible to give a warm welcome to our visitors
in our Committee.
Derechos y solidaridad para guiar la mundialización To thank you for your precious cooperation in this field of communication, I am pleased to invite you to
a cocktail buffet at Atrium 6 ( Jacques Delors building, 6th floor) on Wednesday 13 May 2009 at 13:00.
Õigused ja solidaarsus, et juhtida globaliseerumist Yours sincerely,
Irini Pari
Oikeudet ja yhteisvastuu globalisaation ohjaajina Vice-President
Cearta agus dlúthpháirtíocht – bunchlocha an domhandaithe
Invitation au cocktail buffet pour les orateurs des groupes de visiteurs
Chers Conseillers,
Chers membres du personnel,
Τα δικαιώματα και η αλληλεγγύη ως γνώμονας της παγκοσμιοποίησης
European Economic and Social Committee
Comité économique et social européen
Europäischer Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss
European Economic and Social Committee
Au cours de l'année 2008, je suis fière que le CESE ait reçu environ 350 groupes ce qui correspond à plus
de 9000 visiteurs! C'est vous qui les avez accueillis dans nos locaux pour leur expliquer le fonctionnement
et le rôle du CESE, pour discuter avec eux et pour répondre à leurs questions.
C'est votre disponibilité, votre bonne volonté et votre professionnalisme qui rend possible l'accueil des
visiteurs au sein de notre Comité.
Pour vous remercier de votre précieuse contribution dans ce domaine de la communication, j'ai le plaisir de
vous inviter à un cocktail-buffet à l'Atrium 6 (bâtiment Jacques Delors, 6è étage) le mercredi 13 mai 2009
à 13h00.
Meilleures salutations,
Irini Pari
APRIL 2009
For a genuine
Civil Dialogue
Interview of the month
Liebe Ausschussmitglieder,
Liebe Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter,
ich bin stolz darauf, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass der EWSA 2008 rund 350 Besuchergruppen mit
insgesamt mehr als 9.000 Besuchern empfangen hat. Sie sind diejenigen, die die Besucher in unserem
Gebäude empfangen haben, um ihnen die Funktionsweise und die Rolle des Ausschusses zu erklären,
um mit ihnen zu diskutieren und auf ihre Fragen zu antworten.
Dank Ihrer Hilfsbereitschaft, Ihres guten Willens und Ihrer Professionalität ist es überhaupt erst möglich,
Besucher hier in unserem Ausschuss zu empfangen.
Ich möchte Ihnen für Ihren wertvollen Beitrag in diesem wichtigen Bereich der Kommunikation danken und
freue mich, Sie zu einem Cocktailbüffet am Mittwoch, dem 13. Mai, um 13 Uhr im Atrium 6 ( Jacques-DelorsGebäude, 6. Etage) einladen zu dürfen.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen,
Irini Pari
Banner Up
On 14th of April the Bureau of Group III took part in a joint
event with a large number of European Civil Society Organisations and Networks here at the EESC. The discussions took
place in the presence of a number of Members of the European Parliament, who also participated as speakers. Almost
all of the organisations participating are signatories of the
manifesto entitled: "For a genuine Civil Dialogue", which
presents concrete ideas and requests that all true "stakeholders" be actively consulted and involved in genuine civil
dialogue in the future. The manifesto also refers to the importance of the Lisbon Treaty but, of course, civil dialogue
must continue to take place, with or without the new treaty.
The promotion of civil dialogue is also one of the primary
roles of the EESC and is, particularly, a very high priority for
Group III´s members and the organisations they represent.
The specific role of the EESC is set out in the Treaties as an
institutional advisory body. However, I have always maintained that nobody, no sinlge institution or body, has a monopoly to represent the civil society, but we at the
Committee have to play the role we have been assigned. To
do this we need strong, determined and regular contacts and
exchanges of views with the widest spectrum of European
Organisations and Networks. I am happy that we have the
means and facilities to organise events at the Committee to
help achieve this goal.
(c) Frank Toussaint
Dear Readers,
Einladung zu einem Cocktailbüffet für die Referenten,
die eine Besuchergruppe empfangen haben
No. 19
Did you know that the European
Foundation Centre is representing
more than 200 foundations?
Interview with Mr Gerry Salole,
Chief Executive of the European
Foundation Centre
The European Foundation Centre (EFC) is the leading membership association
representing public-benefit foundations at European level. It was established in
1989, and currently has 237 members spread across 40 countries. The EFC
develops and pursues activities in line with its objectives: creating an enabling legal
and fiscal environment for foundations; strengthening the infrastructure of the
foundation sector; documenting the foundation landscape; and promoting collaboration
among foundations and also with other actors, to advance the public good in Europe
and beyond. The EFC has established a range of Interest Groups and Forums which
facilitate cooperation and exchanges of good practice among members across various
areas of interest including: diversity, migration and integration; human rights and
disability; protecting the environment; HIV/AIDS; global health challenges; and social
tribute to increasing
the scale and effectiveness of research
funding throughout Europe.
What is the position
of the EFC regarding the
development of civil dialogue at
European level?
Since it was first established back in 1989,
the EFC has always sought to engage in dialogue with the European institutions and
contribute our ideas on issues that are rel-
Group Newsletters