Untitled - Les écoles de Saint


Untitled - Les écoles de Saint
« Robots and lethality »
Problem :
The spectacular progress done in various areas which contribute to mechanisation, automation and robotisation
of human activities lead to ask the question of the opportunities and threats raised by this kind of progress.
In the field of military technologies, these questions are touchier for it link with the capacity, in a near future,
of equipments fitted with autonomous abilities of destruction, introducing on the battlefield a new type of
equipment, Autonomous Lethal Weapons Systems (ALWS).
Opposed to this possible evolution of war, some organisations from the civil society intend to get what they call
“ killer robots ” forbidden.
The first question to be asked is the one of the definition of the subject of the study. In the area of “ military
robots ”, some may mix-up very different systems namely tele-operated equipments, automatic weapons systems and
ALWS. These nuances are not only semantic quarrels : the balance between man and machine and the structure
of the decision system are at stake: what is the mechanism of command and control, how responsibilities are
shared ?
Once the semantic issue dealt, we reach the true revolution in the Art of War, impossible to fit with Humanitarian
International Law and for which a specific regulation is necessary.
Are the problems lifted by ALWS opponents similar to the issues already raised along History by each new step
in Military Technology, the purpose of which is to produce effect on the enemy while keeping friendly forces
protected from him ?
Is the very problem linked with the nature of the considered weapon or with the use of it ?
the perimeter of the problem confined and highlighted of real stakes, the judicial framework may be
The ALWS possible deployment on the battlefield in a near future justifies today measures of coercion
aiming at banning development and use of such a system ?
Is the current framework of International Humanitarian Law not adapted ?
What part of it is necessary to improve and what kind of measure do we have to take ?
Prohibition of any development and use of such weapon system, monitoring of the research, limitation of
the diffusion of equipments or, simply, limitation of the use in space and time ?
At least, beyond the judicial questioning itself, it is necessary to cope with ethical issues raised by ALWS.
Concept and conduct of military action essentially means resorting to force. Delivering fire support by more
or less sophisticated systems lead to a self and common thinking with goes far beyond the regular respect of
existing rules to be part of a wide set including a moral dimension which does not necessarily fit with rules of
Law and Justice.
Conception graphique : DIRCOM / Cellule Infographie / Guillaume ROGER
--Impression : Atelier de reprographie de Coëtquidan
9.00 am
Opening remarks.
11.55 am Proposed scenarios with autonomous ALWS.
Éric GHÉRARDI, dean, Saint-Cyr Military Academy.
Gérard de BOISBOISSEL, CREC Saint-Cyr.
Autonomous Lethal Weapon Systems : Elements on the French MoD stance.
Lieutenant-colonel Olivier Madiot, officer in charge « maîtrise des armements conventionnels », French Joint Headquarters Paris.
Historical landmarks of lethality.
Capitaine Océane Zubeldia, FR Air Force.
1 - Remotely piloted systems and lethality.
Chairman : Stéphane Baudens, CREC.
9.10 am
9.30 am
9.50 am
Are Autonomous Lethal Weapon Systems (ALWS) relevant ?
Officiers-élèves Florian BANIZETTE, Éric REINBERGER et Antoine PHILIPPE, cadets of the
2nd battalion, Saint-Cyr Military Academy.
RPV’s and Lethal Autonomous Robots : various stakes.
Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, chargé de mission « Affaires transversales et sécurité »,
Centre d’analyse, de prévision et de stratégie, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
2.2 - Autonomous systems and Lethality : technological operation.
Chairman : Lieutenant-colonel Christophe de Vicq, DFE, ESCC.
2.10 pm
Joël Morillon, Chief Operating Officer, Nexter Robotics.
10.10 am Restitution EPS 2012-10 : International Judicial stakes.
Chantal Cordier-Vasseur, Cabinet Latournerie-Wolfrom.
Éric Pomès, CREC Saint-Cyr.
10.40 am
10.55 am
Coffee break
2.30 pm
Future UAV systems : miniaturization, cooperation, hybridization.
Jean-Marc Moschetta, professor of aerodynamics, ISAE.
2.50 pm
2.1 - Autonomous systems and Lethality, concept and scenarios.
How to operate an autonomous vehicle able to comply with Law of Armed Conflicts ?
Technical analysis.
3 - Legal Framework in the use of autonomous systems.
Chairman : Ronan DOARE, directeur du CREC.
Chairman : Lieutenant-colonel Christophe de Vicq, DFE, ESCC.
11.15 am Autonomy : technical stakes and prospects.
Catherine Tessier, maître de recherche, membre de la CERNA,
membre du projet ANR ETHICAA (Ethics and Autonomous Agents),
ONERA, French Aerospace Lab.
11.35 am A survey of US Army autonomous weapons systems.
Colonel Kevin Huggins et Cadet Allyson Hauptman,
US Military Academy, West Point (NY).
3.00 pm
Autonomy, Judicial concept and prospect of the “ LAW ” debate.
Didier Danet, CREC Saint-Cyr.
3.20 pm
Killer robots – the need for new international law.
Jean-Marie Fardeau, directeur France, Human Rights Watch.
3.40 pm
The US Perspective on Autonomous Weapons and the Law of War.
Colonel David WALLACE et Cadet Allyson Hauptman, US Military Academy, West Point
4.00 pm
Shall we kill the Killerrobots ? A study of the licity of autonomous lethal systems.
Éric Pomès, CREC Saint-Cyr.
4.20 pm
4.35 pm
Coffee break
Mardi 8 avril 2014 - 9 h 00 / 18 h 30.
Amphithéâtre Austerlitz - musée de l’Armée - Hôtel des Invalides - 75007 Paris
Café d’accueil de 8 h 45 à 9 h 00.
Les interventions en anglais seront traduites en français / interventions in French
4. Ethical questions raised by the use of lethal autonomous robots.
Moderating role : Éric Germain, délégation aux affaires statégiques.
4.55 pm
Look Beyond International Humanitarian Law (IHL) : Autonomous Weapon Systems and
Jürgen Altmann, PhD, physicist and peace researcher, Technische Universität Dortmund,
member of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control (ICRAC).
5.15 pm
Facing autonomous Robots : an other prospect.
St François-Xavier
Ligne 13
Ligne 8
Amphithéâtre Austerlitz
Thierry Pichevin, CREC Saint-Cyr.
5.35 pm
The question of ALWS as an opportunity for ethical and democratic reflection on IHL.
Jacek Kowalewski, président, Central and Eastern European Initiative for International
Criminal law and Human Rights (ICLHR Initiative), Warsaw, Poland.
5.55 pm
Ligne 13
Precepts for use of Autonomous Lethal Systems.
George Lucas (represented M. Éric Germain), Professor of Ethics and Public Policy,
US Naval Academy, Annapolis.
6.10 pm
will be translated into
5. Conclusion du colloque.
Participation aux frais : 30 euros ou 15 euros personnels de la Défense et étudiants.
Déjeuner libre.
Tenue pour les militaires : T 22 vareuse.
6.25 pm
Closing remarks.
Pièce d’identité obligatoire.
6.30 pm
Organisateurs :
CREC Saint-Cyr / DAS.
Informations - Réservation :
Gérard de Boisboissel,
+33 (0)2 90 40 40 04
[email protected]
Ligne C
Lignes 13 & 8
Centre de Recherche
des Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan
56 381 GUER Cedex
Tél. : 02 90 40 40 40