Our Contributors


Our Contributors
Our Contributors
Dawne Adam is an assistant librarian in the Reference Department of the
University of Michigan Law Library and a recent graduate of the University
of Michigan's School of Information.
Thea Burns is Associate Professor and Paper Conservator in the Art Conservation Program at Queen's University where she has taught since 1987. She
has also worked as a paper conservator for the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Queen's UniversityICity of Kingston
Archives and in private paper conservation practice in Canada and the United
Kingdom. Her educational background includes McGill University (BA First
Class Honours in Fine Arts), Queen's University (MAC), Centre for Conservation and Technical Studies, and Harvard University (Certificate in the Conservation of Works of Art on Paper).
Tim Cook is a graduate of Trent University (Honours History) and of the
Masters of War Studies program at the Royal Military College of Canada. His
thesis on the Canadian Corps and gas warfare in the First World War won the
Barry Hunt award and he has published articles based on that research in Vanguard, The Journal of Military History and the Bulletin of Material History.
That manuscript is now being considered by a publisher. After working in several divisons at the National Archives of Canada, he is now an archivist in
Government Archives and Records Disposition.
Barbara L. Craig is Associate Professor of archive studies and Director of
the Centre for Research in Information Studies in the Faculty of Information
Studies at the University of Toronto. Prior to her appointment in August 1993,
she was the Archivist of York University (North York, Ontario) and the Head
of the Archives and Special Collections Department of the Scott Library from
1989, and an archivist at the Archives of Ontario from 1970. She has a Ph.D.
in Archive Studies, has undertaken extensive research into hospital archives in
Our Contributors
Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, and has published widely
on the history of record-keeping, the history of medicine and medical
archives, and archive theory. A past Chair of the Ontario Council of Archives,
an officer of the Association of Canadian Archivists in many capacities, and a
Director of the Ontario Women's History Network, Dr. Craig is the Chair of
the Canadian Council of Archives Preservation Committee, Reviews Editor of
the American Archivist, and an active participant in the growing Health
Archives Information Group (HAIG) in Ontario. A Canada-wide health
archives information network based on a web-site and a 1-800 service is operated under her direction. Most recently she was Theme Editor of Archivaria
41, an issue devoted to medical archives.
Wendy Duff is an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, Faculty of
Information Studies. She received her PhD from the University of Pittsburgh.
While doing her doctoral work she was the project coordinator for the University of Pittsburgh Electronic Recordkeeping Project. She has written numerous articles on various aspects of archival description, electronic records, and
access to archival material. She is presently co-investigator for a usage analysis study for a Digitization and Access Project funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. A goal of the project is to study use patterns of a digital
collection model compared to a print or fiche model. She is chair of the Canadian Committee on Archival Description, a member of the Encoded Archival
Description Working Group, and was a member of International Archival
Description Adhoc Commission on Descriptive Standards. Her primary
research interests are metadata, user studies, archival description, and electronic records.
Mark Greene received his MA in history, with a cognate in archival administration, from the University of Michigan and served as Archivist of Carleton
College from 1985 through 1989, when he assumed his current position, Curator of Manuscripts Acquisition at the Minnesota Historical Society. In that
position, he is the Society's "lead worker" on acquiring and appraising business records, congressional collections and records of philanthropy, and has
led two major reappraisal projects. He has published eleven archival and historical articles, and was the recipient of the Margaret Cross Norton Award
from Archival Issues in 1995. He has served as President of the Midwest
Archives Conference, Chair of the Society of American Archivists' Manuscripts Repository Section and SANS Congressional Papers Roundtable, and
co-chair of SAA's Committee on Education and Professional Development.
James Lambert est coordonnateur du programme des archives la Division
des archives de 1'Universitt Laval. Dttenteur d'un doctorat en histoire de
1'Universitt Laval, il a travail16 au Dictionnaire biographique du Canada ?i
Archivaria 45
titre de rtdacteur-historien pendant dix ans. En 1994, il a termint ses ttudes de
maitrise en archivistique h l'universitt Laval. Ce programme l'a amend h
Ctudier divers aspects du travail en archivistique mais, plus spkifiquement,
l'acquisition d'archives privtes et la rtftrence. Depuis 1988, il est actif au
sein de 1'Association des archivistes du Qutbec, dont il ttait le prtsident en
1995-1996. I1 est actuellement prtsident de la Fondation canadienne des
Edwidge Munn a fait ses Ctudes en histoire h I'UniversitC d70ttawa et h
1'Universitt de Montreal, oh elle a obtenu une maitrise en histoire canadienne
contemporaine. Elle occupe depuis 1992 un poste d'archiviste h la rtftrence B
la Division des services aux chercheurs des Archives nationales du Canada.
Elle coordonne 1'Cdition de la strie Les groupes ethniques du Canada publite
par la Socittt historique du Canada. Elle est l'auteure et co-auteure de plusieurs articles et recueils de textes sur la Deuxikme Guerre mondiale et elle a
publit avec Paul-Andrt Comeau et Claude Beauregard, La Dkmocratie en
veilleuse. Rapport des censeurs, 1939-1945 (QutbeclAmtrique, 1995).
Evelyn Peters recently graduated from the Master of Archival Studies Program at the University of British Columbia and also holds a Master of Arts
degree in history from Wilfrid Laurier University. Her academic interests
include archival education and curriculum, digital imaging, and archival
resources on the Internet. Since graduation she has worked at the City of Vancouver Archives, the British Columbia Medical Association Archives, and the
Yukon Archives.
Jean-StCphen PichC graduated with a Masters in history from the Universitt
de Montreal in 1992. Since 1990, he has been a government records archivist
at the National Archives of Canada. He has published in Archivaria, the American Archivist, and Les actes du X X l e congris de 1'Association des archivistes
du Qukbec.
Sheila Powell has worked as an archivist at the National Archives of Canada
since 1986. She currently manages the Social, Native, and Foreign Affairs
Records Section in the Government Archives and Records Disposition Division. She received her MA in Canadian History from Carleton University in
1987, specializing in women's history. Sheila was General Editor of Archivaria from 1996 to 1998. Her main research interest is archival appraisal.
Denise Rioux a obtenu un diplame de maitrise en histoire de 1'UniversitC de
Sherbrooke en 1985. Elle est h l'emploi des Archives nationales du Canada
depuis 1992 oh elle a occupt un poste d'archiviste 2 la rtftrence jusqu'en
1997. Elle est actuellement chargte de projet par interim dans le cadre du
Our Contributors
dCveloppement des systbmes d'accbs public 21 la Division des services aux
chercheurs. Co-rtdactrice de la collection des << Brochures historiques B de la
SociCtC historique du Canada, elle est aussi responsable du Comitt de promotion et de recrutement de 1'Association des archivistes du Qutbec. Elle est
l'auteure de la monographie intitulte La grippe espagnole a Sherbrooke et
en histoire, Universitt de Sherduns les Cantons de lJEst( ~ t u d e suptrieures
brooke, 1993, Coll. << Histoire des Cantons de 1'Est z).
Penka Stoyanova graduated with a Master of Information Studies degree in
October 1998 from the Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto,
and also holds a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree from the Higher
Institute of Chemical Technology, Sofia, Bulgaria. She is presently working at
the Credit Valley Hospital Library, Mississauga, Ontario. She has also worked
as a Research Assistant on various research projects at the Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto. Before coming to Canada, she worked as
a special librarian for the printing industry in Bulgaria.