altasterol patches - Alta Care Laboratoires


altasterol patches - Alta Care Laboratoires
GINGKO BILOBA increases peripheral circulation (also at cerebral level)
(Hemorh et al. 1993) (Ginkgo et al. 1992). Moreover it has an antioxidant effect
(UV et al. 1992) and indirectly protects tissues from ageing. Gingko is effective
in increasing cognition in adults (Mix JA, Crews WD et al. 2000). Gingko helps
some men with erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis. One
double-blind trial found improvement in men using standardised Ginkgo biloba
extract for nine months (Sohn M, Sikora R et al. 1991). A preliminary trial,
involving 30 men who were experiencing erectile dysfunction as a result of
medication use (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and other medications),
found that using daily gingko biloba had a positive effect on sexual function in
76% of the men (Cohen AJ,).
PANAX GINSENG counters the effects of stress and enhances intellectual and
physical performance (Shibata S, et al. 1985). The patch is useful for people
with chronic fatigue syndrome. This may be because ginseng is thought to have
an immuno-modulating effect and also helps support the normal function of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, the hormonal stress system of the body
(Tomoda M, et al. 1993) (Broumand N. et al 1997) (Brown D et al. 1996). It
lowers blood sugar level, and may help those in poor physical condition to
tolerate exercise better (Pieralisi G, et al. 1991). In a double-blind trial P.
Ginseng, in combination with some vitamins and minerals, was found to
effectively reduce fatigue (Le Gal M. et al. 1996). Another double-blind trial
also found it helpful for relief from fatigue and, possibly, stress (Caso Mardsco
A. et al. 1996).
Panax ginseng was proved useful for male infertility. A double-blind trial with a
large group of infertile men found that ginseng used daily for three months led
to an improvement in sperm count and sperm motility performance (Salvati G.
et al 1996). A double-blind trial found that P. Ginseng extract used daily for
three months helped improve libido and the ability to maintain an erection in
men with erectile dysfunction (Choi HK. et al. 1995).
Long-term use may be linked to a reduced risk of some forms of cancer (Yun
TK et al. 1998) (Shin HR. et al. 2000).
GUARANA The indigenous people of the Amazon have used crushed guarana seed as a beverage and a medicine. Guaraná was used
to decrease fatigue, reduce hunger, and to help arthritis. It also has a history of use in treating hangovers from alcohol abuse and
headaches related to menstruation (Duke JA et al. 1985). Caffeine and the closely related alkaloids theobromine and theophylline
make up the primary active constituents in guarana. Caffeine’s effects are well known and include stimulating the central nervous
system, increasing metabolic rate, and having a mild diuretic effect (Leung AY et al. 1996).
YOHIMBINE is a vasodilator and blocks alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, part of the sympathetic nervous system (Riley AJ et al. 1994).
Yohmibine has been shown in several double-blind trials to help treat men with ED (Ernst E. et al. 1998) (Carey MP et al. 1996). It
may benefit those who are not responding to serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as fluoxetine (Cappiello A. et al. 1995).
GINGER is considered a tonic for the digestive tract, stimulating digestion and toning the intestinal muscles (Bradley PR et al. 1992).
This action eases the transport of substances through the digestive tract, lessening irritation to the intestinal walls (Yamahara J. et al.
ROSEMARY has a myolissave, antibacterial and analgesic (Aqel MB. et al. 1991) effect.
ESSENTIAL OILS of ginger, p.nigrum, basil and cinnamon are added to this patch to increase the effect of the active ingredients.
Stick 1 Patch in the area of the body requiring treatment.
Stick the patch
Stick 1 patch daily on the lower back for at least 3 months
• On the nape of the neck (in cases of fatigue, weariness,
• To improve sexual activity performance (Salvati G. et
stress, exams, old age).
al 1996) (Choi HK. et al. 1995).
• Just above the tennis elbow (in racket sports).
• To increase sperm count and motility (Salvati G. et al
• On the calves (athletes, footballers, cyclists).
• To improve libido and erectile function (Choi HK. et
• On the muscles (for bodybuilding, weight lifters).
al. 1995).
• On the lumbar region (to improve sexual
ALTASTEROL Patches are hypoallergenic and waterproof for up to 48 hours.