Environment and Urbanization


Environment and Urbanization
Urban Poverty: characteristics, causes
and consequences
Volume 7 Number 1 April 1995
Environment and Urbanization
Editorial Board
Tade Akin Aina
Julio D. Davila
University College,
London, UK
E. J. Anzorena SJ
David Satterthwaite
London, UK
Managing Editor
Artwork and Production
Diana Mitlin
Jane Bicknell
Julian Lewis
Advisory Board
M.A. Al-Hammad
Director, Arab Urban Development Institute, Saudi Arabia
Anil Agarwal
Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, India
Adil M. Ahmad,
University of Khartoum, The Sudan
Somsook Boonyabancha
Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, Bangkok, Thailand
Yves Cabannes
Groupe de Recherche et d’Echanges Technologiques,
Paris, France
Allan Cain
Development Workshop, Luanda, Angola
Sandy Cairncross,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K.
Diego Carrión
Ciudad, Quito, Ecuador
S. K. Das
New Delhi, India
Leonard Duhl
School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley,
Pietro Garau
UN Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), Nairobi,
Gustavo Garza
El Colegio De Mexico, Mexico D.F., Mexico
Malick Gaye
ENDA, Dakar, Senegal
Arif Hasan
Karachi, Pakistan
David C. Korten
President, the People Centred Development Forum, USA
S. M. Kulaba
Centre for Housing Studies, Ardhi Institute, Tanzania
Aprodicio A. Laquian
Centre for Human Settlements, University of British
Columbia, Canada
Andrew Maskrey
Centro de Investigación, Documentación y Asesoría
Poblacional (CIDAP) and I.T.D.G., Lima, Peru
Terry McGee
Institute of Asian Research, Vancouver, Canada
Caroline Moser
Urban Development Division, the World Bank, USA
Barry Pinsky
Rooftops, Canada
Ann Schlyter
Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Sweden
Jai Sen
Calcutta, India
Yap Kioe Sheng
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Johan Silas
Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia
Diana Lee Smith
SINA/Mazingira, Nairobi, Kenya
Fredj Stambouli
University of Tunis, Tunisia
Richard E. Stren
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Editorial inquiries and subscription requests: The Editors, Environment and Urbanization, IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street,
London WC1H ODD, UK. Information for contributors will be found on the back of the back inside cover.
This journal or parts of it may be reproduced freely provided the source is cited.
The views expressed in this journal do not necessarily represent those of the Advisory Board, IIED or SIDA
The papers appearing in Environment and Urbanization are abstracted or indexed in the International Current
Awareness Services (UK), International Development Abstracts (UK), Sociological Abstracts (USA), PAIS (USA)
the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Research Alert, Current Contents/ Social and Behavioural Sciences
(USA) and SINTESIS (Spain) and selected material is indexed in the International Bibliography of the Social
Sciences (UK) and in Pollution Abstracts, Risk Abstracts and in other Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (USA).
Printed on recycled paper by Russell Press, Nottingham, UK. ISSN 0956-2478
Information for
Información para los
Information pour les
Environment and Urbanization aims
to provide an effective means of
exchange of ideas and information in
the fields of human settlements and
the environment among nongovernmental organizations (NGOs),
activists and researchers in the Third
World, and between these and
international aid agency staff,
students and teachers in the First
World. Each issue focuses on a
particular theme and includes a set of
articles and a guide to the literature.
The theme of the forthcoming issue is
announced in the contents page.
Contributions in the form of articles
on the themes of future issues are
welcomed. The editors also invite
comments on articles published in
previous issues, reports on seminars,
conferences, research projects and
on the activities of community and
pressure groups throughout the
Third World.
La revista Environment and Urbanization aspira a ser un vehículo para el
intercambio de ideas e información en
las áreas de asentamientos humanos y
el medio ambiente, entre organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs),
activistas e investigadores en el Tercer
Mundo, y entre éstos y los representantes de agencias internacionales de
asistencia, estudiantes y docentes en
el Primer Mundo. Cada número trata
sobre un tema en particular e incluye
un conjunto de artículos y una reseña
temática. El tema del número
siguiente se encontrará en la página
del índice (Contents). La redacción de
la revista considerará artículos sobre
temas futuros, así como comentarios a
artículos publicados en números
anteriores, informes de seminarios,
congresos, proyectos de investigación
en curso o actividades de grupos
comunitarios y de presión en diversas
partes del Tercer Mundo.
Articles submitted for publication
should be between 1,500 and 5,000
words (or between 6 and 20 pages
long if typed in double spacing).
Although the journal is an English
language publication, there are
limited facilities for translating
contributions submitted in French,
Spanish and Portuguese. All tables
and figures must have a complete
source. Wherever references are to
be given for additional information,
insert a number in the text and list the
references and their numbers at the
end of the article. All references
must include, wherever relevant, the
name of the author(s), year, title of
work, publishers and place of
publication as indicated in the
examples given below.
Los artículos de fondo que se sometan
a consideración de la redacción
deberán tener entre 1.500 y 5.000
palabras (o entre 6 y 20 páginas
mecanografiadas a doble espacio).
A pesar de que la revista se publica en
inglés, disponemos de una modesta
capacidad para traducir colaboraciones
enviadas en francés, español o
portugués. Todos los cuadros y
figuras deberán incluir una fuente.
Las referencias bibliográficas y
cualquier otra información adicional
deberán incluirse en notas, numeradas
secuencialmente, al final del texto.
Las referencias bibliográficas deberán
indicar el nombre de los autores, el año
de publicación, el título de la obra, la
editorial y el lugar de publicación,
según el formato de los ejemplos
suministrados abajo.
La revue Environment and Urbanization a pour objectif de permettre un
échange efficace d’idées et d’informations dans le domaine des établissements humains et de l’environnement,
d’une part entre les organisations nongouvernementales (ONG), les
activistes et les chercheurs dans le
tiers monde, et d’autre part entre ces
derniers et les représentants d’organismes internationaux d’assistance, les
étudiants et les enseignants dans les
pays du premier monde. Chaque
numéro traite d’un thème particulier et
comprend une série d’articles ainsi
qu’une bibliographie documentée.
Vous trouverez le thème du prochain
numéro à la page correspondant à la
table des matières (Contents). La
rédaction vous invite à soumettre des
articles sur les thèmes à venir ainsi
que des commentaires sur les articles
des précédents numéros, sur des
rapports de séminaires, de conférences
et de projets de recherche, ou sur les
activités de groupes communautaires
et de pression à travers le tiers monde.
Style to be followed in references:
Ejemplos del estilo a que deben
ajustarse las referencias:
Les articles soumis à publication
doivent avoir entre 1.500 et 5.000 mots
(6 à 20 pages tapés à la machine en
espace double). La revue est publiée
en anglais; nous avons cependant des
possibilités (assez réduites) de traduire
ce qui nous serait soumis en français,
en espagnol et en portugais. Indiquez
clairement la provenance de toutes les
tables et données. Toutes les
réferences ou informations supplémentaires doivent être numérotées dans le
texte et énumérées en fin de texte.
Les références doivent inclure le nom
des auteurs, l’année de publication, le
titre de l’ouvrage ainsi que l’éditeur et
le lieu de publication suivant les
exemples ci-dessous.
Exemples de la présentation à
utiliser pour les références:
Book/libro/livre: Armstrong, Warwick and Terry G. McGee (1985), Theatres of Accumulation: Studies in Asian and Latin
American Urbanization, Methuen, London.
Articles in periodicals/artículos en revistas/articles dans revues: Costa Leite, Luiz (1988), “Urban disasters in the Third
World: the poor first in line”, Development Forum Vol. XVI, No. 3, May-June.
Papers in books/artículos en libros/articles en livres: Saleem, Shahid (1983), “Land management in the Katchi Abadis of
Karachi”, in Angel, S., R. W. Archer, S. Tanphiphat and E. A. Wegelin (editors), Land for Housing the Poor, Select Books,
Singapore, pp. 144-155.
Conference and seminar papers/presentaciones en congresos y seminarios/communications de conferences et
séminaires: Sidi Boumedine, Rachid (1985), “Les politiques de l’habitat dans l’Algérie indépendante”, paper presented at
the seminar on Shelter Policies in Socialist Third World Nations, Kleve (Germany), 16-21 May.
All contributions must be sent to:
Todas las colaboraciones deben
enviarse a:
Toutes les contributions doivent
être envoyées à:
The Editors, Environment and Urbanization, IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD, United Kingdom/
Reino Unido/ Royaume Uni
Articles on urban poverty:
Conceptual overview
Harare (Zimbabwe)
Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)
San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina)
Rural-urban interface (Tanzania)
Bombay (India)
Urban poverty and the labour market
Urban poverty and social policy
Feedback on:
Women in Environment
Participatory tools and methods:
Environmental health
A review of their use in urban areas
Environment and Urbanization
A twice yearly journal to encourage Third World researchers, teachers, NGO staff and professionals
to write about their work, present their ideas, debate on issues and exchange information on their
activities and publications. To promote a wide distribution, free subscriptions are available for NGOs
and teaching and training institutions in the Third World which have difficulty in finding foreign
Environment and Urbanization is published by the Human Settlements Programme of the Instituto
Internacional de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo (IIED-América Latina) and the International Institute
for Environment and Development (IIED), with financial support from the Swedish International
Development Authority (SIDA). It is the sister journal to Medio Ambiente y Urbanización, published
quarterly in Spanish by IIED-América Latina. Although the two journals have similar editorial policies,
they publish different articles, with Medio Ambiente y Urbanización concentrating on Latin America
and Environment and Urbanization covering all Third World regions. This issue was developed in
collaboration with the Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP).
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London WC1H ODD
United Kingdom
Tel: (44) 171 388 2117
Fax: (44) 171 388 2826
e-mail: [email protected]
IIED-América Latina
Piso 6, Cuerpo A
Corrientes 2835
1193 Buenos Aires
Tel /fax: (54) 1 961 3050