Books Received - Theological Studies


Books Received - Theological Studies
[1961] 523-24). Pierre Grelot, Man and Wife in Scripture (tr. by Rosaleen
Brennan; New York: Herder and Herder, 1964. Pp. 127; $2.95. Cf. TS 23
[1962] 505-6). TL· Idea of CaÜwlicism: An Introduction to tL· Thought and
Worship of tL· Church, ed. by Walter J. Burghardt, S J., and William F.
Lynch, S.J. (expanded paper ed.; New York: World, 1964. Pp. 518; $2.95.
Cf. TS 21 [1960] 648-49). Karl Rahner, Inquiries: Inspiration in tL· Church,
Visions and Propstes, TL· Church and tL· Sacraments, TL· Episcopate and
tL· Primacy, On Heresy (New York: Herder and Herder, 1964. Pp. viii +
463; $8.00. Cf. TS 22 [1961] 676-79; 23 [1962] 104-6; 132-34; 25 [1964] 45356). Eduard Schillebeeckx, O.P., Mary, Motiier of tL· Church (tr. by Ν. D.
Smith; New York: Sheed & Ward, 1964. Pp. xvi + 175; $3.95. Cf. TS 25
[1964] 272-75). Roland de Vaux, O.P., Studies in Old Testament Sacrifice
(Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Press, 1964. Pp. xi + 120; 15*. Cf. TS 26 [1965]
[All books received are listed here whether they are reviewed or not]
Scriptural Studies
Barth, Markus. Conversation with tL· Bible. New York: Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 1964. Pp. xiii + 338. $6.95.
Barucq, André, S.D.B. Le Livre des Proverbes. Collection Sources bibliques.
Paris: Gabalda, 1964. Pp. 267.
Christophe, Paul. L'Usage chrétien du droit de propriété dans VEcriture et la
tradition patristique. Paris: Lethielleux, 1963. Pp. 264. 19.50 fr.
Daniélou, Jean, S.J. Jean-Baptiste, témoin de l'Agneau. Paris: Editions du
Seuil, 1964. Pp. 187.
Ehrhardt, Arnold. TL· Framework of tL· New Testament Stories. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1964. Pp. ix + 336. $7.00.
Enslin, Morton S. From Jesus to Christianity. Boston: Beacon, 1964. Pp.
75. $3.00.
Das Evangelium nach Philippos. Hrsg. u. übers, von Walter C. Till. Patristische Texte und Studien 2. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1963. Pp. 96. DM 36.—
Ewing, J. Franklin, S.J. TL· Ancient Way: Life and Landmarks of tL· Holy
Land. New York: Scribner's, 1964. Pp. 224. $4.50.
Fraine, Jean de, S.J. Praying with tL· Bible: TL· Biblical Bases of Great
Christian Prayers. Tr. by Jane Wynne Saul, R.S.C.J. New York: Desclee,
1964. Pp. viii + 182. $3.75.
Gelin, Albert, P.S.S. The Poor of Yahweh. Tr. by Kathryn Sullivan, R.S.C. J.
Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1964. Pp. 125. $2.25; $1.00 paper.
Gelin, Albert, P.S.S. TL· Psalms Are Our Prayers. Tr. by Michael J. Bell,
S.J. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1964. Pp. 61. $1.95; $.85 paper.
Gottwald, Norman K. All tL· Kingdoms of iL· Earth: Israelite Prophecy and
International Relations in tL· Ancient Near East. New York: Harper &
Row, 1964. Pp. xv + 448. $7.00.
Grelot, Pierre. Man and Wife in Scripture. Tr. by Rosaleen Brennan. New
York: Herder and Herder, 1964. Pp. 127. $2.95.
Gutzwiller, Richard, S.J. TL· Parables of tL· Lord. Tr. by Arlene Swidler.
New York: Herder and Herder, 1964. Pp. 144. $3.75.
Harrelson, Walter. Interpreting tL· Old Testament. New York: Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, 1964. Pp. xi + 529. $7.50.
Hennecke, Edgar. NeutestamentlicL· Apokryph in deutsch Übersetzung 2:
Apostolisches, Apokalypsen und Verwandtes. 3. Aufl., hrsg. von Wilhelm
Schneemelcher. Tübingen: Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1964. Pp. χ + 661. DM
43 —
Jeremías, Joachim. Les paraboles du Seigneur. Trad, du 4e éd. allemande
par Bruno Hübsch. Le Puy: Xavier Mappus, 1964. Pp. 237.
Jomier, Jacques, O.P. TL· Bible and tL· Koran. Tr. by Edward P. Arbez,
S.S. New York: Desclee, 1964. Pp. viii + 120. $2.75.
Longenecker, Richard N. Paul, Apostle of Liberty. New York: Harper &
Row, 1964. Pp. χ + 310. $4.50.
Loretz, Oswald. Qohdet und der Alte Orient: Untersuchungen zu Stil und
iheologiscL·r TL·matik des Buches QoL·^. Freiburg: Herder, 1964. Pp. 348.
Ménard, Jacques-Ε. L9Evangile selon Philippe. Paris: Lethielleux, 1964. Pp.
106. 18 fr.
Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome, O.P. Paul on Preaching. New York: Sheed &
Ward, 1964. Pp. xx + 314. $4.50.
New Testament Students' Workbook: Greek, Latin, and English Texts. College­
ville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1964. Pp. 671. $6.95.
TL· Oxford Annotated Apocrypha of tL· Old Testament (RSV). Ed. by Bruce
M. Metzger. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1965. Pp. xxii + 298. $3.50.
Reicke, Bo. NeutestamentlicL· Zeitgeschichte: Die bibliscL· Welt 500 v.—100
n. Chr. Sammlung Töpelmann 2/2. Berlin: Töpelmann, 1965. Pp. viii +
257. DM 28 —
Schnackenburg, Rudolf. Baptism in tL· T^ght of St. Paul. Rev. ed., tr. by
G. R. Beasley-Murray. New York: Herder and Herder, 1964. Pp. xii +
228. $5.95.
Trilling, Wolfgang. Das wahre Israel: Studien zur Theologie des MatthäusEvangeliums. Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testament 10. 3., umgearbeitete Auflage. Munich: Kösel, 1964. Pp. 248. DM 29.50.
Vaux, Roland de, O.P. Studies in Old Testament Sacrifice. Cardiff: Univ. of
Wales Press, 1964. Pp. xi + 120. 15*.
Doctrinal Tfalogy
Bouyer, Louis. TL· Spirit and Forms of Protestantism. Tr. by A. V. Littledale. Meridian Books M180. Cleveland: World, 1964. Pp. xiii + 234. $1.95.
Bravo, Francisco. El sacerdocio común de los creyentes en la teologia de Lutero.
Victoriensia 16. Vitoria: Editorial ESET, 1963. Pp. xxxi + 425.
Calvin, John. Deux congrégations; Exposition du catéchisme. Introd. et notes
par Rodolphe Peter. Cahiers de la Revue d'histoire et de philosophie
religieuses 38. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1964. Pp. xxxiii +
49. 8 fr.
Hervé, J.-M., S.S., and C. Larnicol, C.S.Sp. Manuale iheologiae dogmaticae
2. Nova éd. Paris: Berche & Pagis, 1964. Pp. xx + 656.
TL· Idea of Catholicism: An Introduction to tL· TL·^^ and Worship of tL·
Church. Ed. by Walter J. Burghardt, S.J., and William F. Lynch, S.J.
Expanded ed. Meridian Books M173. New York: World, 1964. Pp. 518.
$2.95 paper.
Lartigolle, J. Vocation chrétienne du travailleur moderne: Essai sur la théologie
du travail. Paris: Lethielleux, 1964. Pp. 120. 7.20 fr.
Le Guillou, M. J., O.P., and Ghislain Lafont, O.S.B. L'Eglise en marcL·:
Appartenance, collégialité, sainteté. Cahiers de la pierre-qui-vire 23. Bruges:
Desclée de Brouwer, 1964. Pp. 224. 138 fr.
Lexikon für Tfalogie und KircL· 9: Rom—Tetzel. Hrsg. von Josef Höfer u.
Karl Rahner, S.J. Freiburg: Herder, 1964. Cols. 1384.
Otto, Stephan. Gottes Ebenbild in Geschichtlichkeit: Überlegungen zur dogmatischen Anthropologie. Paderborn: Schöningh, 1964. Pp. 122. DM 7.80.
Pannikar, Raymondo. Kultmysterium in Hinduismus und Christentum: Ein
Beitrag zur vergleicL·nden ReligionstL·oL·gie. Freiburg: Alber, 1964. Pp. 231.
Rahner, Karl. Inquiries. New York: Herder and Herder, 1964. Pp. viii +
463. $8.00.
Sagi-Bunic, Thomislaus, O.F.M.Cap. uDuo perfecta" et uduae naturae" in
definitione dogmatica Chakedonensi. (= Extract from Laurentianum 5
[1964].) Rome: Laurentianum, 1964. Pp. 157.
Schillebeeckx, E., O.P., Mary, Mother of iL· Redemption. Tr. by N. D. Smith.
New York: Sheed & Ward, 1964. Pp. xvi + 175. $3.95.
Schmaus, Michael. Wahrheit als Heilsbegegnung. Theologische Fragen heute
1. Munich: Hueber, 1964. Pp. 155. DM 5.80.
Spedalieri, Fr. Maria netta scrittura e nella tradizione della chiesa primitiva 2 :
Studi e problemi 1. Messina: Editrice "La Sicilia," 1964. Pp. 131. L. 900.
Wessels, Cletus, O.P. TL· Mother of God, Her Physical Maternity: A Re­
appraisal. River Forest, HI.: Aquinas Library, 1964. Pp. viii + 169.
$1.95 paper.
Moral Theology, Canon Law, Liturgical Questions
Dwyer, Adrian I. Marriage Cases: A Handbook for Parish Priests. Spring­
field, HL: Templegate, 1964. Pp. χ + 100. $3.95.
Gelineau, Joseph, S.J. Voices and Instruments in Christian Worship. Tr. by
Clifford Howell, S.J. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1964. Pp. 224.
La Messe: Liturgies anciennes et textes patristiques. Choisis et présentés par
A. Hamman, trad, par H. Delanne, France Quéré-Jaulmes, et A. Hamman.
Lettres chrétiennes 9. Paris: Grasset, 1964. Pp. 283. 15 fr.
Roberts, Thomas D., S.J., et al. Contraception and Holiness: TL· Catholic
Predicament. New York: Herder and Herder, 1964. Pp. 346. $5.50.
Roux, Charles, et al. TL· Catholic Viewpoint on tL· Lüge Trial. Ed. and tr.
from Cahiers Laennec by Malachy G. Carroll. Cork: Mercier Press, 1964.
Pp. 95. 5s.
St. John-Stevas, Norman. Life, Death and tL· Law. Meridian Books M179.
Cleveland: World, 1964. Pp. 375. $2.45.
What Modern Catfalics Think about Birth Control. Ed. by William Birmingham. New York: New American Library of World Literature, 1964. Pp.
256. $.75.
History and Biography, Patristics
Breydy, Michel. Le concept du sacerdoce à la lumière des textes patristiques et
liturgiques des Syro-Maronites. Beirut: Imprimerie Catholique, 1964. Pp.
180. $4.00 paper.
Chenu, M.-D., O.P. Toward Understanding Saint Thomas. Tr. with corrections and bibliog. additions by A.-M. Landry, O.P., and D, Hughes, O.P.
Chicago: Regnery, 1964. Pp. viii + 368. $6.00.
Clebsch, William A. England's Earliest Protestants, 1520-1535. Yale Publications in Religion 11. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Press, 1964. Pp. xvi
+ 358. $7.50.
Constable, Giles. Monastic Tithes from Their Origins to tL· Twelfth Century.
Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, n.s. 10. New York:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1964. Pp. xxi + 346. $9.50.
Cushner, Nicholas P., S.J. Philippine Jesuits in Eocile: TL· Journals of
Francisco Puig, S.J., 1768-1770. Bibliotheca Instituti Historia S.I. 24.
Rome: Institutum Historicum S.I., 1964. Pp. xvi + 202. L. 2500; $4.00.
Daniélou, Jean, and Henri Marrou. TL· Christian Centuries 1 : TL· First Six
Hundred Years. Tr. by Vincent Cronin; ills, selected and annotated by
Peter Ludlow. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964. Pp. xxx + 522. $12.50.
Décarreaux, Jean. Monks and Civilization: From tL· Barbarian Invasions to
tL· Reign of Charlemagne. Tr. by Charlotte Haldane. New York: Doubleday, 1964. Pp. 397. $5.95.
Dehnhard, Hans. Dos Problem der Abhängigkeit des Basilios von Plotin:
Untersuchungen zu seinen Schriften De Spiritu Sancto. Patristische Texte
und Studien 3. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1964. Pp. 100. DM 28.—
Dempf, Alois. Geistesgeschichte der altchristlichen Kultur. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1964. Pp. 295. DM 24 —
Dvornik, Francis, Byzance et la primauté romaine. Unam sanctam 49. Paris:
Editions du Cerf, 1964. Pp. 161. 11.40 fr.
Eutherius of Tyana. Eine Antilogie des Eutherios von Tyana. Hrsg. von
Martin Tetz. Patristische Texte und Studien 1. Berlin: De Gruyter,
1964. Pp. xlvi + 90. DM 36.—
Gilson, Etienne. TL· Spirit of Thomism. New York: Kenedy, 1964. Pp. 127.
Guibert, Joseph de, S.J. The Jesuits, Their Spiritual Doctrine and Practice:
A Historical Study. Ed. by George E. Ganss, S.J.; tr. by William J.
Young, S.J. Chicago: Loyola Univ. Press, 1964. Pp. xxv + 692. $14.00.
Harney, Martin P., S.J. Good Fatìier in Brittany: The Life of Blessed Julian
Maunoir. Boston: St. Paul Editions, 1964. Pp. 322. $5.00; $4.00 paper.
Heinzmann, Richard. Die "Compilatio quaestionum faologiae secundum
Magistrum Martinum." Mitteilungen des Grabmann-Instituts 9. Mimich:
Hueber, 1964. Pp. 44. DM 8.80.
Leo the Great [Saint]. Sermons 1 (Noël, Incarnation, Epiphanie). Introd. de
Jean Leclercq, O.S.B.; trad, et notes de René Dolle, O.S.B. Sources
chrétiennes 22 bis. 2e éd. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1964. Pp. 295. 18 fr.
Lortz, Joseph. TL· Reformation: A Problem for Today. Tr. by John C. Dwyer,
S.J. Westminster, Md.: Newman, 1964. Pp. 261. $4.25.
Luneau, Auguste. L'Histoire du salut duez les Pères de l'église: La doctrine
des âges du monde. Théologie historique 2. Paris: Beauchesne, 1964. Pp.
448. 30 fr.
Martins, Mario, S.J. A legenda dos santos mártires Verissimo, Máxima e
Julia, do cod. CV/1-23 d., da Biblioteca de Evora, (=Extract from Revista
portuguesa de historia 6.) Coimbra, 1964. Pp. 53.
Ochagavía, Juan, S.J. Visibile Patris Filius: A Study of Irenaeus9 Teaching
on Revelation and Tradition. Orientalia Christiana analecta 171. Rome:
Pont. Oriental Institute, 1964. Pp. xi + 208. L. 3000; $5.00.
Orosius, Paulus. TL· Seven Books of History against tL· Pagans. Tr. by Roy
J. Deferrari. Fathers of the Church 50. Washington, D.C.: Catholic
University of America Press, 1964. Pp. xxi + 422. $6.50.
Pelikan, Jaroslav. Obedient Rebels: Catholic Substance and Protestant Principle
in Luther's Reformation. New York: Harper & Row, 1964. Pp. 212. $5.00.
Quodvultdeus. Livre des promesses et des prédictions. Introd., texte, trad., et
notes par René Braun. Sources chrétiennes 101-2. Paris: Editions du
Cerf, 1964. 2 vols. Pp. 742. 48 fr.
TL· Reformation: A Narrative History Related by Contemporary Observers and
Participants. Ed. by Hans J. Hillerbrand. New York: Harper & Row,
1964. Pp. 495. $7.50.
Roensch, Frederick J. Early TL·mistic School. Dubuque, Iowa: Priory Press,
1964. Pp. xxü + 351. $5.95.
Romanos le Melode. Hymnes 1: Ancien Testament (¿-#). Introd., texte,
trad., et notes par Jean Grosdidier de Matons. Sources chrétiennes 99.
Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1964. Pp. 429. 42 fr.
Seckler, Max. Das Heü in der Geschichte: GeschichlsÜtedtogisches Denken bei
Thomas von Aquin. Mimich: Kösel, 1964. Pp. 268. DM 28 —
Texte der Kirchenväter: Eine Auswahl nach TL·men geordnet 4. Hrsg. von
Alfons Heilmann und Heinrich Kraft. Munich: Kösel, 1964. Pp. 636. DM
29.50; DM 25.— (subscription).
Tierney, Brian. TL· Crisis of Church and State 1050-1300 (With Selected
Documents). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1964. Pp. xi + 211.
$5.50; $2.45 paper.
Thomas Aquinas [Saint]. Commentary on tL· Nicomachean Ethics. Tr. by
C. I. Litzinger, O.P. Chicago: Regnery, 1964. 2 vols. Pp. xiii + 1000.
Todd, John M. Martin Luther: A Biographical Study. Westminster, Md.:
Newman, 1964. Pp. xix + 290. $5.75.
Pastoral and Ascetical Tfalogy, Devotional Literature
Alberione, James, S.S.P. Woman: Her Influence and Zeal as an Aid to tL·
PriesOwod. Tr. by the Daughters of St. Paul. Boston: St. Paul Editions,
1964. Pp. 316. $3.50; $2.50 paper.
Amalorpavadass, D. S. L'Inde à la rencontre du Seigneur. Paris: Spes, 1964.
Pp. 367. 15 fr.
Arnáiz Barón, Fray Ma. Rafael. To Know How to Wait. Tr. by Mairin
Mitchell. Westminster, Md.: Newman, 1964. Pp. xviii + 381. $3.50.
Besnard, Albert-M., O.P. Visage spirituel des temps nouveaux. Paris: Editions
du Cerf, 1964. Pp. 93. 6 fr.
Best Sermons 9 (1964). Protestant edition by G. Paul Butler. Princeton,
N.J.: Van Nostrana, 1964. Pp. xix + 321. $5.95.
Beyerhaus, Peter, and Henry Lefever. TL· Responsible Church and tL·
Foreign Mission. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1964. Pp. 199. $1.95
Cardinal Newman's Best Plain Sermons. Ed. by Vincent Ferrar Blehl, S.J.
New York: Herder and Herder, 1964. Pp. xix + 171. $3.95.
Foucauld, Charles de. Spiritual Autobiography of Charles de Foucauld. Ed.
and annot. by Jean-François Six; tr. by J. Holland Smith. New York:
Kenedy, 1964. Pp. χ + 214. $4.95.
Frauen im Bannkreis Christi. Hrsg. von Theodor Bogler, O.S.B. Liturgie
und Mönchtum 35. Maria Laach: Ars Liturgica, 1964. Pp. 96. DM 4.50.
Giordani, Igino. Christ, Hope of tL· World. Tr. by Clelia Maranzana, R.C.
Boston: St. Paul Editions, 1964. Pp. 470. $7.00; $5.00 paper.
Huyghe, Gérard, et al. Les religieux aujourd'hui et demain. Problèmes de vie
religieuse 20. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1964. Pp. 218. 12.60 fr.
Jeanne d'Arc, O.P., Soeur. Les religieuses dans l'église et dans le monde actuel.
Problèmes de vie religieuse 18. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1964. Pp. 350.
16.50 fr.
Jesus Lord: Passages jrom tL· Fathers, Doctors and Theohgians. Compiled
by Charles Dollen. Boston: St. Paul Editions, 1964. Pp. 269. $3.00; $2.00
John of the Cross [Saint]. Collected Works. Tr. by Kieran Kavanaugh,
O.C.D., and Otilio Rodriguez, O.C.D. New York: Doubleday, 1964. Pp.
740. $11.95.
A Monk of the Eastern Church. A Day with Jesus. Tr. by a Monk of the
Western Church. New York: Desclee, 1964. Pp. 109. $2.50.
Oechslin, Raphael-Louis, O.P. TL· Spirituality of tL· Layman. Tr. by
Michael C. O'Brien. New York: Desclee, 1964. Pfc. 140. $3.50.
Perrin, J. M., O.P. TL· Minister of Christ. Tr. by Thomas F. Murray.
Dubuque, Iowa: Priory Press, 1964. Pp. xxiii + 141. $2.95.
TL· Spiritual Diary of Raphael Cardinal Merry del Val. Compiled and ed.
by Francis J. Weber. New York: Exposition Press, 1964. Pp. 48. $2.75.
Teresa Margaret, Sr., D.C. J C^se All: A Study of St. Thérèse of Lisieux
and Her Spiritual Doctrine. Westminster, Md.: Newman, 1964. Pp. 252.
Varieties of Mystical Experience: An Anthology and Interpretation. By
Elmer O'Brien, S.J. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. Pp.
χ + 311. $7.50.
Philosophical Questions
Arvon, Henri. Feuerbach: Sa viet son oeuvre, avec un exposé de sa philosophie.
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1964. Pp. 116. 5 fr.
Kierkegaard, Sjíren. La difficulté d'être chrétien. Textes choisis et présentés
par Jacques Colette, O.P. Chrétiens de tous les temps 5. Paris: Editions
du Cerf, 1964. Pp. 310. 12 fr.
Legido López, Marcelino. El problema de Dios en Platan: La teologia del
demiurgo. Theses et studia philologica Salmanticensia 11. Madrid: Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1963. Pp. 242. Ptas. 150.
Marty, Martin E. Varieties of Unbelief. New York: Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 1964. Pp. 231. $5.00.
TL· Onlological Argument from St. Anselm to Contemporary Phüosophers.
Ed. by Alvin Plantinga; introd. by Richard Taylor. Anchor Books 435.
New York: Doubleday, 1965. Pp. xviii + 180. $.95.
Ottaviano, Carmelo. La tragicità del reale ovvero la malinconia delle cose:
Saggio sulla miaßosofia. Padua: CEDAM, 1964. Pp. xvii + 775. L. 7500.
Paul Tillich in CatMic Thought. Ed. by Thomas A. O'Meara, O.P., and
Celestin D. Weisser, O.P. Dubuque, Iowa: Priory Press, 1964. Pp. xxiii +
323. $5.95.
Philosophical Interrogations. Ed. by Sydney and Beatrice Rome. New York:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. Pp. 422. $6.50.
Readings in Metaphysics. Selected, with introd. and comment., by Jean R.
Rosenberg. Westminster, Md.: Newman, 1964. Pp. ix + 368. $2.95 paper.
Wrzecionko, Paul. Die philosophisch Wurzeln der Tfalogie Albrecht
Ritschls. Berlin: Töpelmann, 1964. Pp. 264. DM 36.—
Zaragüeta y Bengoechea, Juan. Estudios filosóficos. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1963. Pp. 387.
Special Questions
Carrier, Hervé, S.J. TL· Sociology of Religious Belonging. Tr. by Arthur J.
Arrieri. New York: Herder and Herder, 1965. Pp. 335. $6.50.
Civil Rights: A Source Book. Compiled by Charles Dollen. Boston: St. Paul
Editions, 1964. Pp. 123. $2.00; $1.00 paper.
Fesquet, Henri. CatMicism: Religion of Tomorrow? Tr. by Irene Uribe.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. Pp. viii + 216. $4.95.
Guitton, Jean. Unity through Love: Essays in Ecumenism. Tr. by Brian
Thompson. New York: Herder and Herder, 1964. Pp. 152. $3.95.
L'Heureux, John. Quick as Dandelions: Poems. New York: Doubleday, 1964.
Pp. vi + 90. $2.75.
Martz, Louis L. TL· Paradise Within: Studies in Vaughan^ Traherne, and
Milton. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1964. Pp. xix + 217. $6.50.
Mentor-Omega Books. New York: New American Library of World Literature, 1964. TL· Essential Augustine (ed. Vernon J. Bourke; 272 pp.;
$.75). TL· Little Flowers of St. Francis and Other Franciscan Writings
(tr. and introd. Serge Hughes; 222 pp.; $.75). Josef Pieper, Guide to
Thomas Aquinas (tr. Richard and Clara Winston; 160 pp.; $.60).
Mole, John W., O.M.I. TL· Communications Apostatate and tL· Second
Vatican Council. Ottawa: Christian Communications Service, 1964.
Pp. 21. $.35,
Packer, J. I. Keep Yourselves from Idols: A Discussion of tcHonest to God."
Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1964. Pp. 20. $.39.
TL· Religious Experience. Ed. with introductions by George Brantl. New
York: Brailler, 1964. 2 vols. Pp. xvii + 1144. $17.50.
Steps to Christian Unity. Ed. by John A. O'Brien. New York: Doubleday,
1964. Pp. 321. $4.95.
Stuart, Janet Erskine, R.S.C.J. TL· Education of CatMic Girls. Westminster, Md.: Newman, 1964. Pp. xiii + 257. $3.95.
What's Ahead for tL· Churches?: A Report from TL· Christian Century. Ed.
by Kyle Haselden and Martin E. Marty. New York: Sheed & Ward,
1964. Pp. 214. $4.50.

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