Français - Paper Smart


Français - Paper Smart
Statement – Introduction of CEFM Resolution
Canada – October 28, 2016
Delivered by Michael Bonser
Mr. Chair,
On behalf of Canada and Zambia, and with the support of the core group
including Argentina, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Italy, Netherlands, Peru, Turkey,
and the United Kingdom, we have the honour of introducing, under agenda
item 64, a draft resolution entitled, “Child, Early, and Forced Marriage.”
Monsieur le Président,
Cette résolution fait suite à la résolution de 2014 sur les mariages d’enfants,
les mariages précoces et les mariages forcés. Il s’agissait alors de la
première résolution de fond sur cette question adoptée par l’Assemblée
générale des Nations Unies. Elle avait recueilli une adhésion unanime grâce
au soutien de plus de 115 coauteurs de toutes les régions.
Le Secrétaire général a publié un rapport sur les progrès réalisés vers
l’éradication de ces mariages dans le monde. Le mouvement en faveur de
l’éradication de ces pratiques continue à prendre de l’ampleur aux niveaux
international, régional et national.
Globally, the inclusion of a target to eliminate all harmful practices, including
child, early and forced marriage, in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development, is a critical step forward.
It is estimated that 15 million girls around the world are married every year
before they reach 18 years of age and that 720 million women alive today
were married as children. Unless progress is accelerated, this number will
continue to grow by 2030. Child, early and forced marriage threatens the
lives and futures of these girls and young women. It is a violation of their
human rights. It disrupts their education. It jeopardizes their health. It keeps
them from reaching their full potential. And, in turn, it undermines the
development of entire communities and countries.
Progress is being made. In March 2016, the UNFPA-UNICEF Global
Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage was launched.
Regional initiatives are in place, such as the African Union Campaign to End
Child Marriage and the Regional Action Plan to End Child Marriage in South
Asia, and many countries are taking steps nationally to address this practice.
In his report, the Secretary-General calls on us to sustain our efforts to
eliminate this practice. He stresses that we must move beyond small-scale
initiatives towards well-defined, rights-based and locally relevant holistic
strategies, supported by leadership at the highest levels.
Mr. Chair,
Zambia and Canada, with the support of numerous members, have tabled
this resolution which seeks to serve as a roadmap of what must be done to
end child, early and forced marriage and to support those affected by this
The resolution builds on the achievements of past resolutions, including the
most recent resolution passed at the 29th session of the Human Rights
Council. It places an emphasis on the concrete actions and coordination
needed at all levels of government and across all sectors of society. This
includes empowering girls and women, reaching families and communities,
engaging men and boys, providing services, and implementing laws and
The co-sponsors encourage all Member States to join us in supporting this
resolution, and committing to working together towards the achievement of
target 5.3.
With this resolution, we have the opportunity to further our collective efforts
towards a future without child, early and forced marriage. A future where
girls can fulfil their potential and contribute to the development of their
families, communities and countries.
Thank you.