Pamphlet 2012-11 - Diocèse de Montréal


Pamphlet 2012-11 - Diocèse de Montréal
23-25 November 2012
Details : A personally directed retreat is a time of silence and
prayer which permits you to re-centre your life on God and to deal
prayer fully with current issues. Trained spiritual directors are
available to accompany you during the weekend.
Where : Maison de prière Notre-Dame,
180, rue de Normandie, Longueuil
Hour : 7:30 PM on Friday to 2 PM on Sunday - Cost : 130$
Info : Paul Empsall : 514-626-9462 or
Catherine Cherry : 514-633-1172
23-25 November 2012— Year of Faith opening
More details to come.
Where :
Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde
1085, rue de la Cathédrale, Montréal
(Métro Bonaventure, Gare centrale)
24-25 November 2012—Year of Faith opening
in Christian communities
25 novembre 2012—Dimanche de la beauté
Y a-t-il de la logique dans la foi et de la mythologie dans l’athéisme?
Lieu : Salle de rencontre Nouveaux Espaces
4451, rue Berri (Métro Mont-Royal)
Heure : 14h30
Info : 514-523-5453 et
26 novembre 2012—Session sur le YouCat
Catéchisme pour les jeunes. 6 rencontres animées par
Mgr Christian Lépine et Mgr Thomas Dowd
Lieu : à déterminer
Dates : 26 novembre, 3 et 10 décembre 2012;
19 et 26 février, 5 mars 2013.
Info : [email protected]
26-27 November 2012—Advent Retreat
Preparing for the Birth of Jesus: In Me and for Others
Where : St. Monica’s Parish—6405, de Terrebonne, Montréal
Info : [email protected]
29 November 2012—Beyond Belief : Beyond Certainty
Details : What does it really mean to be people of faith when traditional religious structures seem to be straining and breaking
down? Sponsored by The Ignatian Spirituality Centre of Montreal
and the Anglican Diocese of Montreal
Where : Fulford Hall, 1444 Union Avenue, Montréal (McGill metro)
Hour : 7 PM — Facilitator : Margaret Silf
Info :
Ignatian Spirituality Centre of Montreal
[email protected] - Telephone : 514-481-1064
What are you looking for?
activities calendar
(John 1: 35-39)
Yves Guillemette, ptre
esus, the Word of God made flesh, first speaks to us in the
form of a question. It is an open-ended question, but do we
need to respond to it? Of course, like any other question.
Can we respond in freedom? Yes, because there is no predetermined answer and there are no good or bad answers. The
question warrants that each person reach into the very depths of
his or her being and reflect on his or her life experience. That is
where the answer is revealed.
It is not necessary to be a believer to let yourself be affected by
Jesus’ question. Being human is enough, for every human being
carries this search for meaning within themselves. This search
could lead us to hearing God’s question, encountering Jesus
Christ, learning from his humanity and welcoming his witness to
Furthermore, the answer to the question, “What are you looking
for?” is the following question: “Where do you live?” To which the
following invitation is given, “Come and see.”
Could it be that an experience of faith is a never-ending dialogue
in which God and human beings exchange questions and answers, inviting one another to quench each others thirst for
learning more about each other?
4 novembre 2012— Célébration de la canonisation de sainte Kateri
Lieu : Oratoire Saint-Joseph
3800, chemin Queen-Mary, Montréal
Heure : 14h30
Téléphone : 514-733-8211
Pour consulter le site web :
10 novembre 2012 — Journée de ressourcement biblique
Thème : La foi, entre ombres et lumière
Heure : 9h00 à 15h30
Lieu :
Sanctuaire Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs
3800 rue Bossuet, Montréal (Métro Cadillac)
Coût : 15$ inscription seulement / 30$ inscription + lunch
Inscription obligatoire : [email protected]
15 novembre 2012 — Conférence du Centre culturel
Thème : 50 ans après Vatican II
Lieu :
Église des Dominicains
2715, chemin de la Côte Ste-Catherine
(métro Université de Montréal, autobus 129)
Heure : 19h30
Info :
[email protected]
15 November 2012— Vatican 101
This is your Chance!
Theme: What is Vatican II
In partnership with the Office for English Pastoral Services
Where: St. Luke’s Parish—106A Anselme-Lavigne, D.D.O. Bus 206
Hour: 7 PM
[email protected]
Make Yourself Known!
Contact us NOW!
[email protected]
514.925.4300 ext. 250
16-17 November 2012—A "New" Evangelization?
Theme: The new evangelization and its connection with the
Year of Faith and Vatican II
Where : St. Monica’s Parish—6405, de Terrebonne, Montréal
Hour : 9 AM—3 PM
Info :
[email protected]