Case studies, other papers and working papers – Etude de cas


Case studies, other papers and working papers – Etude de cas
Case studies, other papers and working papers –
Etude de cas, autres revues et working papers (2003-2006)
* = membre du CEB
• 2006
Bozkaya* A. and W.R. Kerr, "Bundling the Contracts: TA-Energy," Harvard Business
School Case 807-075, 2006.
Bozkaya* A. and W.R. Kerr, "Bundling the Contracts: TA-Energy Teaching Note (TN),"
Harvard Business School Case 807-091, 2006.
Carone G., C. Denis, K. McMorrow, G. Mourre* and W. Röger, "Long-term labour
productivity and GDP projections for the EU25 Member States: a production function
approach", European Commission Economic Papers, No. 253, June 2006.
Chandelle F. et J. Haverals*, "Analyse des impacts financiers, organisationnels et marketing
des normes IFRS dans le secteur des assurances", Bulletin des Assurances - Tijdschrift voor
Verzekeringen, n° 356, 2006.
Dowejko* M., M. Francesch, C.W. Lam and B. Yung, "Multidisciplinarity tamed. The
Evaluation Report of Multi-disciplinary Programme", Report of Multi-disciplinary
Programme, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hong Kong University, 2006.
Fouillet* C., "Microfinance indienne : disparité spatiale et économique", Le Mensuel de
l’université, mai 2006.
Fouillet* C., "La microfinance serait-elle devenue folle ? Crise en Andhra Pradesh", Espace
Finance, Gret – Cirad, 25 avril 2006.
Fouillet* C., "Microfinance and Bancarization: An Indian Case Study", WP-French Institute
of Pondicherry, 2006.
Fouillet* C., I. Guérin and M. Roesch, "Debt, debt burden and interest rates: Has « the
Microfinance machine » gone berserk? Crisis in Andhra Pradesh (India)", WP-French
Institute of Pondicherry, 2006.
Fouillet* C. and M. Roesch, "La microfinance : un remède contre tous les maux ?", Le
Mensuel de l’université, avril 2006.
Gallais-Hamonno* G., "L’extraordinaire modernité technique du « Grand Parti de Lyon » de
1555", Document de recherche LEO 2006-06.
Guérin I., M. Roesch et C. Fouillet*, "La microfinance : qui se soucie des clients ?", Débat
actuel sur les initiatives solidaires et les entreprises sociales, Toulouse : Centre Européen de
Resources sur les Initiatives Solidaires et les Entreprises Sociales – CERISES, novembre
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
Page 1
Haverals* J., "Vers l’établissement d’un seul jeu mondial de normes comptables", Actualité
Comptable, n° 10, 2006.
Haverals* J., "L’IASB et le FASB publient les deux premiers chapitres de leur cadre
conceptuel commun", Actualité Comptable, n° 13, 2006.
Hudon* M., "Microfinance et financement des exclus bancaires du Sud", Esprit Libre,
Octobre 2006.
Hudon* M., "Le développement à crédit ?", Le Soir, 5 septembre 2006.
Hudon* M. and D. Traca*, "Des subventions controversées", La Libre Belgique, 11
novembre 2006.
Hudon* M. and A. Vanroose*, "Training in Microfinance: Is there a Role for Academic
Institutions", European Dialogue, 36, pp. 60-66, 2006.
Jung* C.G. and A. Fontana*, "Slow Pyrolysis vs Gasification: mass and energy balances
using a predictive model", submitted for publication in J.Anal. and Applied Pyrolysis.
Labie* M., "Downscaling – When Commercial Banks Move into Microfinance ",
Microenterprise Americas, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington D.C., pp. 30-33,
Autumn 2006.
Labie* M., I. Ngongang, M. Nyssens and P. Wele, "Analyser l’articulation entre
microfinance et micro-assurance santé : réflexions à partir de trois cas béninois", Document
d’Economie et de Gestion, Centre de Recherche Warocqué, Working Paper 2006/2.
Lewin A.Y. and C. Peeters*, "Progress Report: Smaller Businesses Extend their Reach",
Strategy+Business, 44, pp. 48-49, Autumn 2006.
Lewin A.Y. and C. Peeters*, "The Top-Line Allure of Off-shoring", Harvard Business
Review, pp. 22-24, March 2006.
Mohan* A., "European Cartography of Innovative Business Solutions to CSR challenges in
Europe for CSR Europe", report, 1st CSR Europe Contribution to the European Alliance, July
Mourre* G. and M. Thiel, "Monitoring short-term labour cost developments in the
European Union: which indicators to trust?", European Commission Economic Papers No.
258, September 2006.
Nysten* S., C. Vandervinne* and P. Verdin*, SN Brussels Airlines, INSEAD-SBS, 2006.
Nysten* S. and P. Verdin*, Pay-Pal Inc., INSEAD-SBS, 2006.
Occhino F., K. Oosterlinck* and E. White, "How occupied France financed its own
exploitation during WW2", NBER Working Paper No. W12137, and WP-CEB: N°06/012.
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
Page 2
Peeters* C., "WorldLink - Managing a Global Network of Strategic Partner"s, Duke
University, Fuqua School of Business, Case Study, 2006.
Peeters* C., "Anderson Motor Equipment - Leveraging a Strategic Offshore Partnership",
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business, Case Study, 2006.
Roome* N., "Innovation, competitiveness and responsibility: The new frontier of corporate
responsibility", Ethical Corporation, August 2006.
Sukadi* R., "MFIs on the remittance market: How should they position themselves?",
European Dialogue, 36, pp. 70 – 92, 2006.
Szafarz* A., "Entre souci de rentabilité et aide au développement", interview dans La
Libre du 14 octobre 2006.
van Pottelsberghe* B. and D. François, "The cost factor in patent systems", CEPR
Discussion Paper 5944 and WP-CEB 06-002.
van Zeebroeck* N., B. van Pottelsberghe* and D. Guellec, "Claiming more: The increased
voluminosity of patent applications and its determinants.", CEPR Discussion Paper 5971 and
WP-CEB 06-018.
Verstraeten* M., "Recenser les besoins de développement du personnel", Personnel &
Gestion, éditions Kluwer, 8, pp.10 -18, octobre 2006.
• 2005
Archontopoulos E., D. Guellec, N. Stevensborg, B. van Pottelsberghe* and N. van
Zeebroeck*, "An approach to and patterns in EPO patent voluminosity analysis".
Ataya* G., "The FSO Case Study: Software Struggle at FSO", Solvay Business School, 2005.
Baudewyns D., M.-P. Laurent* and A. Szafarz*, "Investir sur les marchés financiers ou
dans l'immobilier locatif ?", l'Echo, 24 juin 2005.
Beine M., P.-Y. Preumont* and A. Szafarz*, "Sector diversification during crises: A
European perspective", 2005.
Bozkaya* A. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Who Funds Technology-Based Small Firms:
Evidence from Belgium", under revision (December 2005) for publication at the Economics
of Innovation and New Technology.
Chapelle* A. and A. Szafarz*, "Control consolidation with a threshold: An algorithm",
Cosma A., O. Scaillet* and R. von Sachs, "Multivariate wavelet-based shape preserving
estimation for dependent observations", HEC Genève DP and FAME DP 144, April 2005.
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
Page 3
Denuit M., A.-C. Goderniaux and O. Scaillet*, "A Kolmogorov-Smirnov type test for
shortfall dominance against parametric alternatives", FAME DP 143 and HEC Genève DP,
March 2005.
De Smet* Y. and C. Lamboray, "Clustering the bidding space into niches: A multicriteria
hierarchical approach", IS-MG 2005/05.
Enright M. J. and V. Subramanian*, "Biotechnology in India: A Profile", Biotechnology in
Asia, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy, Hong Kong, 2005.
Guellec D., B. van Pottelsberghe* and N. van Zeebroeck*, "Claiming More - The
Increased Voluminosity of Patent Applications and its Determinants".
Haverals* J., "Directive juste valeur : la transposition en droit belge est enfin réalisée",
Actualité comptable, 7, pp.1-2, mars-avril 2005.
Haverals* J., "Le règlement IFRS et ses conséquences fiscales", Actualité comptable, 16,
pp.1-4, août-septembre 2005.
Haverals* J., "Normes IFRS pour les PME : état actuel des travaux de l’IASB", Actualité
comptable, 21, pp. 1-3, novembre 2005.
Hawawini G., V. Subramanian* and P. Verdin*, "Creating and Capturing Value: The
Strategic Drivers of Superior Performance", Working Paper INSEAD & Solvay Business
School, 2005.
Hawawini G., V. Subramanian* and P. Verdin*, "Performance Management: A Valuebased Approach". Working Paper 2005.
Huber P., O. Scaillet* and M.-P. Victoria-Feser, "A latent factor model for ordinal data to
measure multivariate predictive ability of financial market movements", FAME DP 159 and
HEC Genève, December 2005.
Hudon* M., "Poverty-Focused Institutions and Commercial MFIs: Competition and/or
Complementarity?", Global News, April 2005.
Hudon* M., "La microfinance: un secteur en évolution. Le rôle catalyseur des bailleurs de
fonds? ", Global News, June 2005.
Loulit* A., "Pricing Barrier Option with Curved Boundary".
Loulit* A.,”Pricing debt under CEV Model".
Loulit* A., "Pricing derivative security under CEV Model".
Loulit* A., "Credit risk and yield spreads in the HJM environment".
Loulit* A., "Valuation of defaultable bond using an adjustable stochastic default boundary".
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
Page 4
Mathieu* A. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, The economic impact of the Belgian Airways
Industry, a report for BATA (Belgian Airways Transportation Association), 2005.
Mills* J. and M. Schmit*, "The EU implementation of Basel II: The Case of Leaseurope".
Minne* P., "Petit agenda fiscal de l’investisseur en 2005", l’Echo, Chronique fiscale, 15
février 2005.
Minne* P., "Planification successorale et donation enregistrée: premières réflexions", l’Echo,
Chronique fiscale, 15 mars et 19 avril 2005.
Minne* P., "Donation de biens mobiliers: harmonisation partielle entre Régions", l’Echo,
Chronique fiscale, 17 mai 2005.
Minne* P., "Réflexions sur la directive européenne sur l’épargne", l’Echo, Chronique fiscale,
21 juin 2005.
Minne* P., "Les œuvres d’art et le fisc - Première partie: les donations", l’Echo, Chronique
fiscale, 19 juillet 2005.
Minne* P., "Droits de succession et œuvres d’art", l’Echo, Chronique fiscale, 16 août 2005.
Minne* P., "La directive européenne sur l’épargne et la transparence", l’Echo, Chronique
fiscale, 20 septembre 2005.
Minne* P., "La Directive européenne sur l’épargne - Principe et pays concernés", l’Echo,
Chronique fiscale, 18 octobre 2005.
Minne* P., "La Directive européenne sur l’épargne - Les revenus concernés", l’Echo,
Chronique fiscale, 22 novembre 2005.
Minne* P., "La Directive européenne sur l’épargne - Cas pratiques", l’Echo, Chronique
fiscale, 20 décembre 2005.
Minne* P., "Les plus-values sur les titres et les plus-values internes", Chronique de fiscalité
patrimoniale et successorale de l’Echo, Case Study, 21 décembre 2004 et 18 janvier 2005.
Mortehan* O. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "The impact of collaborative agreements on
firms' performances - The case of the IT industry in the 90’s".
Nemery de Bellevaux P. and Y. De Smet*, "Multicriteria Ordered Clustering", IS-MG
Roome* N. and J. Jonker, "Whistling in the Dark: The Enterprise Strategies of European
Leaders in Corporate [Social] Responsibility", ICCSR - Nottingham University Business
School, University of Nottingham (UK), No.30-2005, ICCSR Research Paper Series - ISSN
1479-5124, pp. 1-35, 2005.
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
Page 5
Scaillet* O., "Kernel based goodness-of-fit tests for copulas with fixed smoothing
parameters", FAME DP 145 and HEC Genève, May 2005.
Scaillet* O., "Testing for stochastic dominance efficiency", with N. Topaloglou, FAME DP
154 and HEC Genève, August 2005.
Schmit* M., "Leaseurope Statistics", World Leasing Yearbook, Euromoney Publication, pp.
42-46, 2005.
Verdin* P., "Failsafe Strategies, Manageris", Book Review of Chatterjee, S, n° 140, pp. 3-10,
September 2005.
Verdin* P., S. Nysten* and C. Vandervinne*, SN Brussels Airlines, Case study, 2005.
Verdin* P. and S. Nysten*, Pay-Pal Inc., Case study, 2005.
• 2004
Andersson L., L. Van der Heyden and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Stentor- Innovation in
start-up", INSEAD case study, forthcoming.
Binkert N. et P. Minne*, "La dévolution successorale: pour simplifier une matière
compliquée", Chronique de fiscalité patrimoniale et successorale de l’Echo, 16 mars 2004.
Binkert N. et P. Minne*, "Dévolution successorale et succession en présence d’un conjoint
survivant", Chronique de fiscalité patrimoniale et successorale de l’Echo, 20 avril 2004.
Binkert N. et P. Minne*, "Les donations – Aperçu des principes généraux et des formes de
donations", Chronique de fiscalité patrimoniale et successorale de l’Echo, 18 mai 2004.
Binkert N. et P. Minne*, "Les donations - Aperçu de certaines modalités pouvant assortir
toutes formes de donations", Chronique de fiscalité patrimoniale et successorale de l’Echo,
20 juillet 2004.
Bozkaya* A., A. Romain* and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Surveying Technology-Based
Small Firms: A Perspective from Belgium", WP-CEB 04/020; Hitotsubashi University, Japan
IIR-WP 03-23.
Callaert J., K. Debackere, P. Galland*, P. Landoni, J. Lecocq, E. Sapsalis*, B. van Looy
and B. van Pottelsberghe*, Regional Development through knowledge-driven
entrepreneurship: the role of knowledge generating institutions; Final Report Transversal
action program: Belgium in a globalizes society, SSTC/DWTC, Sept 2004.
Cohen M., L. Van der Heyden and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Sensy- Innovation in SME’s",
INSEAD case study, 2004.
Colmant B. et J. Haverals*, "L’image comptable : sincère, fidèle ou circonstancielle?",
L’Echo, p.13, 14 janvier 2004.
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
Page 6
Crotti E. and D. Traca*, "Virgin Blue: Fighting National Champions", INSEAD case study
Dehon C. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Implementing a Forecasting Methodology for PCT
Applications at WIPO", IIR-WP 03-21.
Dowejko* M., "Marka dla Polski", Uniwersytet Warszawski (Warsaw University Quaterly),
2, 18 , pp. 22-23. Traduction : "La marque pour la Pologne", 2004.
Dowejko* M and M. Lach, "Marketing interaktywny dóbr trwałych", Marketing w Praktyce,
11, pp. 15-20. Traduction: "Marketing interactif des produits durables", 2004.
Dutta S., J. Howe and P. Verdin*, "Technology Strategy at Banco Comercial Português"
(C), 22 p. in Banco Comercial Português, INSEAD, forthcoming ECCH.
Dutta S. and P. Verdin*, "Universitat Oberta De Catalunya (UOC): A New World Class
University?", INSEAD, Anne-Marie De Jonghe and Eline Van Poeck, 2004, ECCH: 04/20045197.
Farber A.*, "Taking Stock", Vietnam Economic Times, pp. 30-31, May 2004.
Farber* A. and Q.-H. Vuong*, "New empirical results on anomalies and herd behavior:
Vietnam stock market 2000-2004", Nghiên cui Kinh tê sô 316, Thang 9/2004.
Galland* P. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, The economic impact of Microsoft Belgium, a
report for Microsoft Belgium, December, 2004.
Guellec D. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "From R&D to productivity growth - Do the
institutional setting and the source of funds of R&D matter?", WP-CEB 4/010 and IIR-WP 0326.
Hawawini G., V. Subramanian* and P. Verdin*, "Creating and Capturing Value: The
Strategic Drivers of Superior Performance", INSEAD, 2004.
Heirwegh* J.-J., K. Oosterlinck* et A. Szafarz*, "Tous égaux face à la répudiation des
emprunts russes par les bolchéviques?", l'Echo, 25 Novembre 2004.
Megally* E., S. Nysten* and B. van Pottelsberghe*, Evaluation of the current fiscal
incentive toward business R&D in Belgium, January 2004.
Minne* P. et A. Verbruggen, "La société patrimoniale immobilière: une formule qui laisse
perplexe", Chronique de fiscalité patrimoniale et successorale de l’Echo, 20 janvier 2004.
Minne* P., "Geven zonder moeite – Une extraordinaire opportunité", Chronique de fiscalité
patrimoniale et successorale de l’Echo, 17 février 2004.
Minne* P., "Revenus définitivement taxés – Société de patrimoine et nature d’immobilisation
financière", Chronique de fiscalité patrimoniale et successorale de l’Echo, 15 juin 2004.
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
Page 7
Minne* P., "Fiscalité patrimoniale et successorale – DLU: Fin de l’acte 1", Chronique de
fiscalité patrimoniale et successorale de l’Echo, 17 août 2004.
Minne* P., "Le rachat d’actions propres", Chronique de fiscalité patrimoniale et successorale
de l’Echo, 21 septembre et 19 octobre 2004.
Minne* P., "L’impôt des sociétés au secours de l’emploi", Chronique de fiscalité
patrimoniale et successorale de l’Echo, 16 novembre 2004.
Minne* P., "Les plus-values sur titres et plus-values internes", Chronique de fiscalité
patrimoniale et successorale de l’Echo, 21 décembre 2004 et 18 janvier 2005.
Minne V., L. Sleuwaegen, G. Steurs, and B. van Pottelsberghe*, Impact économique du
projet de règlement REACH, a report for FEDICHEM, January, 2004.
Mortehan* O. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "The Impact of Collaborative Agreement on
Firms' Performances: The case of the IT industry in the 90's", IIR-WP 03-14, 2004.
Mortehan* O. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Collaborative Agreement and R&D Intensity",
mimeo, November 2004.
Nysten* S. and P. Verdin*, "Successfully creating and capturing value, the e-business model
of PayPal Inc.", proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference, International Academy of
EBusiness, This paper won the conference "Outstanding Research Paper Award",
Atlantic City, US, 2004.
Nysten* S. and P. Verdin*, "Successfully creating and capturing value, the e-business model
of PayPal Inc.", Management Jaarboek 2004, Vlaamse Management Associatie (Yearbook of
the Flemish Management Association), 2004.
Nysten* S., C. Vandervinne* and P. Verdin*, "SN Brussels Airlines, taking off for profit?",
Nysten* S. and P. Verdin*, "PayPal Inc., Competing for Profit on the Internet", forthcoming.
Oosterlinck* K., "Market microstructure and Nazi influence on the Paris stock exchange
during WWII", WP-CEB 04/26.
Oosterlinck* K.,"Le prix Victor Tourneur et l’atelier "Harvent-Debay", un Jubilé hors du
commun", in Catalogue Jean Elsen & ses Fils, Liste 228, pp. 1-4, Avril-Juin 2004.
Peeters* C., L. Van der Heyden and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Peptisyntha- Innovation in
large firms", INSEAD case study, 2004.
Peeters* C. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Measuring Innovation Competencies and
Performances - A Survey of Large Firms in Belgium", WP-CEB 4/005 and IIR-WP 03-16.
Peeters* C. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Organizational Competencies and Innovation
Performances: The Case of Large Firms in Belgium", WP-CEB 4/006 and IIR-WP 03-19.
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
Page 8
Peeters* C. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Strategic Management of Innovation and Patenting
Performances", WP-CEB 4/007 and IIR-WP 03-17.
Peeters* C., "From Words to Action: The Challenge of Implementing a Corporate Culture of
Innovation", mimeo.
Peeters* C., "Intra-Organizational and Inter-Organizational Capabilities for Knowledge
Creation and Innovation", mimeo.
Peeters* C. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "An Insight into the Schumpeterian Hypothesis –
Firm Size, Market Structure and Innovation Competencies", mimeo.
Peeters* C., "Essays on Innovation Competencies and Firms' Performance", Ph.D.
Dissertation, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, June 14, 2004.
Picoto J., V. Strauss-Khan and D. Traca*, "EDF and the Deregulation of Electricity in
Europe", INSEAD case study 2004.
Romain* A. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "The determinants of venture capital: additional
evidence"; Discussion Paper Series 1: Studies of the Economic Research Center, N 19/2004,
Deutsche Bundesbank.
Romain* A. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "The Economic Impact of Venture Capital",
WPCEB 04/014 and IIR-WP 03-20; Discussion Paper Series 1: Studies of the Economic
Research Center, N 18/2004, Deutsche Bundesbank.
Romain* A. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "The Economic Impact of Venture Capital",
WPCEB 04/014 and IIR- WP 03-20.
Romain* A. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "The Determinants of Venture Capital, a Panel
Data Analysis of 16 OECD Countries", WP-CEB 04/015 and IIR-WP 03-24.
Sapsalis* E. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "The Sources of Knowledge and the Value of
Academic Patents", WP CEB 04-003 and IIR-WP 03-25, Hitotsubashi University.
Schmit* M., "Leaseurope Statistics", World Leasing Yearbook 2004, Euromoney Publication,
pp. 29-33, 2004.
Schmit M.*, "Leaseurope and Basel II: The challenge for a better assessment of credit risk",
Port Technology International, published by Henley Publishing Ltd, Tenty Third Edition, pp.
48-49, 2004.
Schmit M.* and S. C. Van Belle, "Residual value risk in the automotive lease sector: an
empirical approach of residual value losses", Leaseurope, 2004.
Sekkat* K., "Improving governance to reap the benefit from openness in the MENA",
Diplomatic World, pp. 26-27, 2004.
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
Page 9
Subramanian* V. and P. Verdin*, "What value leaders do?", INSEAD, WP CEB 04-31,
Verdin* P., "Saatchi & Saatchi (A): Pioneers of Globalisation in Advertising (Condensed)".
• 2003
Bozkaya A*, A. Romain* and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Surveying Technology-Based Small
Firms: A Perspective from Belgium", CEB WP N° 4/020, IIR Working Paper, WP#03-23;
Hitotsubashi University, Japan.
De Jonghe A-M., S. Dutta, E. Van Poeck and P. Verdin*, "Universitat Oberta De
Catalunya (UOC): A New World Class University?", 2003.
Dehon C. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Implementing a Forecasting Methodology for PCT
Applications at WIPO", IIR Working Paper WP#03-21.
Dutta S., J. Howe and P. Verdin*, "Banco Comercial Português", INSEAD, 2003, composed
of three parts:
• Banco Comercial Português (BCP) in the year 2000 (A), 29 p. : A Local Champion
crossing Borders, 30 pp.
• Banco Comercial Português in the year 2002 (B), 22 p.
• Technology Strategy at Banco Comercial Português (2003), 22 p.
Guellec D. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "From R&D to productivity growth-Do the
institutional setting and the source of funds of R&D matter?", CEB Working Paper N° 4/010
and IIR Working Paper WP#03-26.
Guellec D. and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "From R&D to productivity growth – The sources of
knowledge and their interactions", jointly with, ULB-SBS Working Paper, mimeo, 2003.
Guy K. (Chair), L. Tsipouri (Rapporteur), P. Boekholt, W. Braumann, A. Doran, R.
Earley, L. Georghiou, E. Ormala, B. van Pottelsberghe*, J. Serris, J. Sheehan, X.
Theunissen and S. Vitols (Members), D. Agneter and J. Rigby (Experts assisting the
group), I. Saragossi and S. O’Reagain (Commission Staff), Independent Expert Group
Report, "Raising EU R&D intensity - Improving the effectiveness of the mix of public support
mechanisms for private sector research and development", code EUR 20713, ISBN 92-8945578-0, 2003.
Hawawini G., V. Subramanian* and P. Verdin*, "Creating and Capturing Value: The
Strategic Drivers of Superior Performance", Working Paper INSEAD & SBS, 2003.
Mortehan O.* and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "The Impact of Collaborative Agreement on
Firms' Performances: The case of the IT industry in the 90's", IIR Working Paper, WP#03-14,
Hitotsubashi University.
Nysten S.*, E*. Megally* and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Evaluation of current fiscal
incentives for business R&D in Belgium", SSTC / CEB Working Paper N° 4/012.
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
Page 10
Oosterlinck K.*, "Une Ecole, une histoire, des hommes", l’Esprit libre, février 2003, pp. 8-9.
Oosterlinck K.*, "Solvay Business School", in Le livre philatélique belge 2003, La
Renaissance du livre, 2003, p. 19.
Oosterlinck K.*, "Le Centre Emile Bernheim : Tel le phénix…" in From Solvay Business
School, n° 11, novembre-décembre 2003, p 20.
Peeters C.* and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Measuring Innovation Competencies and
Performances - A Survey of Large Firms in Belgium", CEB WP N° 4/005 and IIR Working
Paper, WP#03-16, Hitotsubashi University.
Peeters C.* and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Strategic Management of Innovation and Patenting
Performances", CEB WP N°4/007 and IIR Working Paper, WP#03-17, Hitotsubashi
Peeters C.* and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "Organizational Competencies and Innovation
Performances: The Case of Large Firms in Belgium", CEB WP N° 4/006 and IIR Working
Paper, WP#03-19, Hitotsubashi University.
Romain A.* and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "The Economic Impact of Venture Capital", CEB
WP N° 04/014 and IIR Working Paper, WP#03-20, Hitotsubashi University.
Romain A.* and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "The Determinants of Venture Capital, a Panel Data
Analysis of 16 OECD Countries", CEB WP N° 04/015 and IIR Working Paper, WP#03-24,
Hitotsubashi University.
Rossotto C.M., Kh. Sekkat* and A. Varoudakis, "Opening up Telecommunications to
Competition and MENA integration in the World economy", working paper World Bank,
Sapsalis E.* and B. van Pottelsberghe*, "The Sources of Knowledge and the Value of
Academic Patents", IIR Working Paper WP#03-25, Hitotsubashi University IIR and CEB
Working Paper N°04-003.
Schmit M.*, "Leaseurope Statistics", World Leasing Yearbook 2003, Euromoney Publication,
pp. 25-27.
Schmit M*, "Is automotive leasing a risky business?", CEB Working Paper No. 03/009.
Sleuwaegen L., B. van Pottelsberghe*, K. de Backer, S. Nysten*, J. Gille and R. J.
Molemaker, "Vers un nouvel Equilibre entre Economie et Ecologie. Etude de l’Impact
Economique de l’Aéroport de Bruxelles sur l’Economie belge", BIAC, septembre 2003.
Vandervinne C*., S. Nysten* and P. Verdin*, "SN Brussels Airlines: Taking off for
profit?", Case study in preparation, SBS.
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
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Van Poeck E. and P. Verdin*, "Saatchi & Saatchi Company", INSEAD, 2003, composed of
two parts:
• Saatchi & Saatchi (A) : Pioneers of Globalisation in Advertising (Condensed).
• Saatchi & Saatchi and Globalisation (B) : From Dream to Reality.
Van Poeck E. and P. Verdin*, "Creyf’s/Solvus Group: David against Goliath in the
European Temping Industry", Case study, 20031.
van Pottelsberghe B.*, E. Megally* and S. Nysten*, "Evaluatie van de huidige fiscale
O&O-stimuli voor ondernemingen in België", in Studiereeks n°3, POD Wetenschapsbeleid,
Brussel, 2003.
van Pottelsberghe B.*, E. Megally* and S. Nysten*, "Evaluation des incitants fiscaux
actuels à la R&D des entreprises en Belgique", in Série d'études n°3, SPP Politique
scientifique, Bruxelles, 2003.
van Pottelsberghe B.*, E. Megally* and S. Nysten*, "Evaluation of current fiscal incentives
for business R&D in Belgium", SSTC / CEB Working Paper n°3/011.
van Pottelsberghe B.* (Chair), P. Boekholt (Rapporteur), F. Cherbonnier, T. Geary, T.
Grosfeld, H. Hoefner, G. Hutschenheiter, P. Lanser, G. Licht, P. Mohnen, J. F. Sanz
(Members), I. Saragossi and S. O’Reagain (Commission Staff), Independent Expert Group
Report "Raising EU R&D intensity - Fiscal measures. Improving the effectiveness of public
support mechanisms for private sector research and development", European Community,
code EUR 20714, ISBN 92-894-5574-8.
This case study won the first prize in the category International Business of the 2003 EFMD (European Foundation for
Management Development) case writing competition.
Case studies, other papers and WP – Etudes de cas, autres revues et WP (2003-2006) – Centre Emile Bernheim
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