Résultats de l`étude globale du Data


Résultats de l`étude globale du Data
Résultats de l’étude globale du Data-­‐Driven Marke7ng and Adver7sing dans le Monde Cecile Delettré, Board member Adetem, International coordinator avec les associa*ons marke*ng françaises : Adetem, CMD, SNCD, réunies par le label French Marketers lors des missions à l’étranger comme à la DMA et la par*cipa*on de Emarke*ng.fr et Ensemble B2B Et les autres par*pants dans le monde : French Marketers : @CecileDELETTRE [email protected] Le panel : 3,000 Marketers et publicitaires dans N = 2,938 Panelists le monde de tous secteurs Quel est le principal role/business focus? Within which of the following vertical markets are your professional efforts most intensively concentrated? Automotive 13.3% 8.6% Business-­‐to-­‐business services (“B2B”) 5.8% 43.3% 30.0% Consumer goods (“FMCG” or “CPG ”) 13.7% Entertainment, media and/or 10.4% Financial services (banking, credit Government 32.4% Healthcare and/or pharmaceuticals 5.2% 15.9% 3.9% 6.7% Insurance Manufacturing 9.3% 7.4% Not-­‐for-­‐profit/charities Marketer/advertiser Publisher/media (focused on selling advertising) Provider of marketing services (including data and agency services) Developer of advertising and marketing technology Other 12.0% Retail—predominately “brick-­‐and-­‐
9.7% Retail—predominately catalog and/or 9.2% Technology 10.9% Telecommunications 5.9% Travel and hospitality 6.7% Utilities Other Pas plus de 3 réponses possibles French Marketers : @CecileDELETTRE [email protected] 2.4% 9.7% Participation par pays à l’étude Data Driven marketing 600 500 523 467 422 400 300 200 158 100 291 215 168 137 35 25 38 92 142 135 28 22 40 0 French Marketers :@CecileDELETTRE [email protected] La majorité des répondants décrivent leur organisation comme trés avancée dans le data-­‐
driven marketing “How sophisticated is your organization’s data-­‐driven marketing and advertising (DDMA) approach? 81.3% 21.9% 12.4% 1.8% 2.7% 1 -­‐-­‐ Not at all sophis*cated 2 3 -­‐-­‐ About average French Marketers :@CecileDELETTRE [email protected] 4 Index: 4.37 59.3% 5 -­‐-­‐ Very sophis*cated …cependant les point de vue sur l’ avancement dans le Data Driven marketing, divergent par pays et en France “How sophisticated is your organization’s data-­‐driven marketing and advertising (DDMA) approach? Very 5.00 sophis+cated 4.00 United States, 3.53 United Kingdom, 3.54 French Marketers : @CecileDELETTRE [email protected] Sweden, 4.00 1.00 Singapore, 3.11 Not at all sophis+cated New Zealand, 2.93 Netherlands, 3.80 Italy, 3.17 India, 3.60 Hungary, 3.36 Hong Kong, 3.25 Germany, 3.45 France, 3.07 Chile, 3.63 Brazil, 3.31 Argentina, 2.96 2.00 Belgium, 3.43 3.00 Australia, 3.24 About average Priorités du “Data-­‐Driven” “A quel point est-­‐ce que votre organisation pratique chacune des choses suivantes chaque jour?” Not at all To Some Extent Sophisticated Practitioner 48.5% 44.4% 43.3% 46.6% 43.6% 47.4% 42.2% 45.7% 36.2% 34.3% 21.2% 18.1% 9.8% 8.2% 10.4% Purchase third-­‐party data Maintain databases to host Segment data so as to Measure campaign results Measure campaign results to support targeted information on customers better target and engage across individual marketing across multiple marketing marketing campaigns and/or prospects addressable audiences channels channels 2.74 3.80 3.74 3.74 French Marketers :@CecileDELETTRE [email protected] 3.36 La confiance dans le Data Driven Marketing est la meilleure en Belgique et en Allemagne Extremely confident 5.00 United States French Marketers :@CecileDELETTRE [email protected] United Kingdom 1.00 Sweden Not at all confident Singapore 2.00 New Zealand Netherlands Italy India Hungary Hong Kong Germany France Chile Brazil Belgium Australia 3.00 Argentina 4.00 Somewhat confident Thinking in general about your current business activities and conditions within your respective marketplace, how confident are you in the value of “data-­‐driven marketing and advertising” and its prospects for future growth? Les prévisions de dépenses par canal de communication : digital, mobile, direct, social Les répondants indiquent les prévisions sur leurs choix de canaux de communication dans leur budget à venir Spending has increased/is 5.00 likely to increase significantly 4.00 French Marketers :@CecileDELETTRE [email protected] Web content (site/content optimization) Reported spending change 2015 Teleservices/contact center 1.00 Social media management/
content Reported spending change 2014 Search (SEO/SEM) Mobile apps, content, SMS Email Direct mail Spending has decreased/is likely to decrease significantly Addressable TV 2.00 Digital out-­‐of-­‐home 3.00 Digital display advertising* No material change Les prévisions de dépenses par besoin Traditional campaign execution French Marketers :@CecileDELETTRE [email protected] Predictive analytics, modeling and segmentation Digital campaign execution Data/database management (CRM and “DMP” technology) Data compilation, sourcing and/or brokerage Customer contact, support and call center Creative and content development 2.00 Spending has decreased/is likely to decrease significantly 1.00 Audience analytics, measurement and attribution 3.00 No material change Expected spending change 2016 Spending has increased/is 5.00 likely to increase significantly 4.00 Digital Display, Social Media et Web Content générent le plus de performances et de gains Improved substan+ally 5.00 Thinking about the results generated by each of your (or your clients’) data-­‐
driven marketing and advertising channels, how has the performance of each of the following changed over the past year? 4.00 Web content (site/content optimization) French Marketers :@CecileDELETTRE [email protected] Teleservices/contact center Performance 2015 Social media management/
content Search (SEO/SEM) Mobile apps, content, SMS Performance 2014 Email 1.00 Direct mail Declined substan+ally Digital out-­‐of-­‐home 2.00 Addressable TV 3.00 Digital display advertising* No material change Le premier besoin du Data driven Marketing : Mesurer l’attribution,le résultat et le ROI French Marketers :@CecileDELETTRE [email protected] Enhanced support from agency(ies) and other service providers, 3.77 1.00 More/better staff training with respect to marketing and advertising technology, 4.03 Not at all important to deriving value Improved organizational processes (including incentive structures and data-­‐
sharing policies), 4.03 More/better staff training with respect to digital marketing programs/
execution, 4.09 Better integration between advertising and marketing technology platforms, 4.10 Improved access to quality audience data, 4.12 Better understanding of DDMA and its contribution among senior stakeholders, 4.12 More/better staff training with respect to analytics, segmentation and targeting, 4.22 Neutral importance 3.00 2.00 Improved campaign measurement and attribution tools, 4.24 4.00 How important would each of the following be in advancing your (or your clients’) ability to derive value from your DDMA programs? 5.00 Cri+cally important to deriving value Etude complète accessible à partir du
10.12.2015 auprès :
•  des associa*ons : Adetem, CMD, SNCD, et des partenaires de diffusion de l’étude : Emarke*ng.fr et Ensemble B2B •  de French Marketers Facebook : French Marketers Twi8er : @FrenchMkters Contact : Cécile DELETTRE @CecileDELETTRE [email protected] +33 6 86 87 88 43 + 49 178 53 22 748 Founder & InternaMonal coordinator French Marketers Member of Board ADETEM -­‐ ExecuMve member Global DMA