Un été aux Etats-Unis


Un été aux Etats-Unis
Un été aux Etats-Unis
L ’ ex p ér i en c e l in g u is t i q u e et int e r n a t i on a l e
in d is p ens a bl e p ou r n o s ét ud ia nt s
Contrib uez, vo us
aussi, à rendre cette
belle aventure
possible !
Votre contribution laissera
empreinte sur la vie d’un
Entreprise :
encourager nos étudiants en offrant
une ou plusieurs bourses de voyage
et mieux faire connaître vos besoins
en recrutement ! Don défiscalisé à
60 %.
Particulier/diplômé :
par un don défiscalisé à 66 % ! Par
exemple, 100 euros de dons vous
coûteront réellement 34 euros !
disposant de moyens réduits
de financer leur voyage est
une priorité.
La maîtrise de l’anglais est une compétence professionnelle indispensable pour les étudiants de
l’ENSMM. Aujourd’hui, elle conditionne l’obtention des diplômes et l’insertion dans la vie
Afin de donner à ses étudiants les meilleures chances de développer leur pratique opérationnelle
de l’anglais, et compléter ainsi efficacement leur formation, l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de
Mécanique et des Microtechniques propose désormais des opportunités de bénévolat aux EtatsUnis, dès la première année, en partenariat avec une organisation caritative reconnue, Pittsburgh
Cares, située à Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie.
Pour de nombreux étudiants, et principalement ceux de milieux modestes, cette opportunité sera
leur première expérience dans un pays de langue anglaise. Il ne fait aucun doute qu’elle
constituera un tremplin essentiel pour leur réussite, grâce à l’interaction linguistique et culturelle
à laquelle seront exposés les étudiants lors de leur mission terrain et dans le cadre de leur famille
d’accueil, qui les hébergera gracieusement.
Les volontaires auront la possibilité de choisir parmi les divers domaines associatifs proposés par
Pittsburgh Cares : assistance aux personnes âgées, environnement, événements culturels, soutien
Pour tout niveau de don, ou subvention, ou
renseignement :
[email protected]
ou +33 (0)3 81 40 29 26
Le projet MOVE met un point d’honneur à s’assurer que les étudiants ne soient pas isolés et
évoluent avec d’autres bénévoles et responsables américains pour que leur expérience soit
vraiment celle d’une immersion. Par les liens ainsi crées, cette opportunité offerte aux étudiants
de l’ENSMM contribuera aussi au rayonnement international de nos régions !
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques26 chemin de l’Epitaphe – 25000 Besançon
Meet Our Volunteers !
Rencontrez nos candidats au départ !
GUILLAUME JEREMY Hi! My name is Guillaume Penuela. I am a French engineering student at the ENSMM. I am currently looking forward to spending a summer in Pittsburgh and working as a volunteer for local charities. This will not only enable me to improve my English but it will also help me discover the American culture and way of life. Let me tell you a bit more about myself: I am an only child and I grew up in a village near Lyons which is quite a big city (it is approximately the same size as Pittsburgh). Currently I am a freshman at ENSMM planning to work for an automotive company as soon as I graduate. I like cars but I also enjoy skiing with my friends and family and going to the cinema. I especially like watching American movies and TV series. That is why I am so interested in the US. I even would like to settle there for a little for a few years from now. I cannot wait to get to Pittsburgh and visit the place! Thank you for reading and for your support! Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques26 chemin de l’Epitaphe – 25000 Besançon
I am a 20‐ year old student at a French Engineering School, « ENSMM », and I would like to experience summer in the United States. This experience will also allow me to get involved in volunteer work. I was born in Rennes, a city in Brittany where I grew up and I have a younger brother. I would say that I am sporty and energetic. Indeed, I love doing and watching sports in particular Basketball which I played since I was 8, that’s why I am a big NBA fan. I also like watching TV‐shows, such as Dexter and science documentaries. I often read science magazines to keep up with the news. This opportunity to volunteer in Pittsburgh is also interesting because it will allow me to discover a new culture and to meet new people and I think it will support my open‐
mindedness. Finally, I believe it would help me find a university to finalize my projects because I would like to do an internship in an American lab at the end of my second year. I look forward to crossing the Atlantic this summer to participate in this new experience! TIMOTHEE YANN My name is Timothée Choquart and I will be 21 this summer. I am currently studying at ENSMM to become an engineer. I am interested in sciences and that is why I am studying engineering. I also like nature and would like to work in an environmental‐related field. I enjoy practising sports even though I have a little asthma. Practicing judo in my young years taught me values such as respect and self‐control. I still practise basket‐ball, judo, cycling (mountain bike and BMX) in spite of my heavy workload. I also like other sports such as badminton and strength –training. I also like to listen to various types of music. I love animals but unfortunately I am allergic to cats, this is sad! When I was younger I used to read a lot. Now I have less time but I still enjoy reading anything from comic books to novels. This trip would be my first time in the United States of America. I can’t wait to be there to discover it and to meet new people! Concerning my English skills, I would love to improve them and on this trip I will do my best to get the opportunities to speak the language. I consider myself as rather easy‐going and open‐minded, maybe a bit shy when I don’t know a person I am not very difficult when it comes to food as long as there is no shellfish or mushrooms. Working as a volunteer in the USA would truly be a great experience. Being a part of an organization serviced by PittsburghCares would allow me to get involved and engaged, and would help me with my English. Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques26 chemin de l’Epitaphe – 25000 Besançon
My name is Yann VIVES. I’m 20, I was born in Toulon in France, and I’m currently in my first year in a engineering school, ENSMM. At my school, I am involved in the following clubs: First, I’m the president of a club called “Project Helios”. Our aim is to develop renewable energy and sustainable development at our school. Moreover, I’m a member of another association called “Microshell”. We are developing a vehicle to participate in a race where the winner is the vehicle going the longest distance on one litter of gas. As you can see I would like to work in the energy sector when I finish my studies. During my spare time, I like cycling, skiing, swimming, traveling. I also practice flag‐football in my school (a sport derived from American football). I already travelled to the United States in 2010 with my parents as a tourist to see my mother’s family in Detroit and San Diego. We rented a car to visit California, drove through Utah, Nevada and Arizona… That was the best trip I’ve ever made! I would like to have a volunteering experience in Pittsburgh to meet and get to know other people and therefore improve my English. I’d rather like to work outside, in the environmental sector for example as I’ve already worked 3 months in a city hall, in the Environment and Life Quality department. I hope I will get the right volunteering opportunity to help me meet my objectives. AURELIEN I am a first year engineering student looking for a volunteering experience in the United States. I am currently studying in Besancon, I n France, but I come from Bordeaux. In my engineering school, ENSMM we mainly learn how to design mechanical or automated industrial systems. Beside lessons, but still in the school, I participate in the Eco Shell Marathon whose aim is to find energy solutions to build a vehicle. We are going to Rotterdam in May where the next competition will be. I am also trying to start an oenology club with a classmate who also comes from Bordeaux, a place most famous for its red wines. As I think it is an important cultural heritage, I would like all of my new classmates to discover it. As work experience, I have already worked in boiler‐making and welding for a small size company, setting up water pipes for wine temperature regulation, in wine storehouses. During summer school vacation, I also went to train in the Army for 3 weeks. There, I learned the main principles, duty, and the team spirit. As I have never been to the United‐States, I would like to discover your country and be helpful at the same time. Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques26 chemin de l’Epitaphe – 25000 Besançon
FORMULAIRE DE REMISE DE DON DEFISCALISE « PROJET ETUDIANT MOVE » Informations sur le donateur (nom et adresse indispensables pour le reçu fiscal) Nom et prénom Adresse Ville Département Code postal Téléphone du contact Adresse de messagerie Je vous adresse ci‐joint un chèque pour un don défiscalisé* à 66 % pour un montant de …….. (cochez) 10 € 20 € 30 € 40 € 50 € 80 € 100 € 200 € 1000 € AUTRE
*Par exemple, un don de 100 € ne vous coûtera réellement que 34€, dans la limite de 20 % de votre revenu annuel imposable. Je libelle mon chèque à l’ordre de « Agent Comptable de l’ENSMM, Projet Move ». Je l’adresse à Service Mécénat, ENSMM, 26 rue de l’Epitaphe 25030 Besançon CEDEX Informations concernant les remerciements et le rapport d’activité. Utilisez le nom suivant Signature(s) Date Pour tout complément d’information : Service Mécénat marie‐[email protected] ‐ 03 81 40 29 26
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques26 chemin de l’Epitaphe – 25000 Besançon