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- iBrarian
IEP Bordeaux/Master 1ère année
Dario Battistella/2007-2008
Le système politique international contemporain
The Return of the State of War
This course aims at proposing a theoretical analysis of Operation Iraqi Freedom in order to
understand the evolution of the contemporary post-cold-war international order.
It constitutes an English oral version of my French book Retour de l’état de guerre, Paris, A.
Colin, 2006.
Operation Iraqi Freedom and the International Order
I. Towards an International Society
1. The Westphalian Equilibrium
2. The British Concert
3. The American Order
II. From Lockean to Hobbesian Anarchy
4. From Rivalry to Enmity
5. From Just War to Preventive War
6. From Multilateralism to Unilateralism
III. A Protosystemic War
7. A Security Dilemma and Opportunistic Expansionism
8. Domestic Politics and Sinister Imperialism
9. Power Cycles and Hegemonic Decline
The Open Anarchy
IEP Bordeaux/Master 1ère année
Dario Battistella/2007-2008
Le système politique international contemporain
The Return of the State of War
Select Bibliography
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Buzan, Barry and Little, Richard, 2000, International Systems in World History, Oxford:
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