Rapport annuel des activités de recherche 2003


Rapport annuel des activités de recherche 2003
Faculté des sciences de la santé
Faculty of Health Sciences
Rapport annuel des activités de recherche
Annual Report of Research Activities
Janvier 2005
January 2005
Table des matières / Table of Contents
AVANT-PROPOS ......................................................................................................................................... 3
FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................................... 4
ÉCOLE DES SCIENCES DE L’ACTIVITE PHYSIQUE / SCHOOL OF HUMAN KINETICS ............................................. 5
FINANCEMENT EXTERNE / EXTERNAL FUNDING................................................................................. 5
FINANCEMENT INTERNE / INTERNAL FUNDING.................................................................................. 7
PUBLICATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 8
COMMUNICATIONS ORALES / ORAL PRESENTATIONS ...................................................................... 16
FINANCEMENT EXTERNE / EXTERNAL FUNDING............................................................................... 23
FINANCEMENT INTERNE / INTERNAL FUNDING................................................................................ 24
PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 25
COMMUNICATIONS ORALES / ORAL PRESENTATIONS ...................................................................... 29
ÉCOLE DES SCIENCES INFIRMIERES / SCHOOL OF NURSING ........................................................................ 34
FINANCEMENT EXTERNE / EXTERNAL FUNDING............................................................................... 34
FINANCEMENT INTERNE / INTERNAL FUNDING................................................................................ 37
PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 38
COMMUNICATIONS ORALES / ORAL PRESENTATIONS ...................................................................... 45
Faculty of Health Sciences
2003-2004 Report of Research Activities
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Faculté des sciences de la santé
Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
La Faculté des sciences de la santé est présentement dans une phase de croissance phénoménale en matière de
recherche et l’année 2003-2004 a été excellente. Les professeurs et professeures de la Faculté ont continué à
recevoir des octrois des grands conseils de recherche (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC) et d’un nombre grandissant d’agences
externes. Leur recherche a porté sur des aspect importants de la santé tels que la santé des femmes, des
personnes âgées, des francophones en situation minoritaire, les interventions multiples dans le contexte de la
santé des populations, les soins palliatifs, la réadaptation et l’autonomie fonctionnelle, la santé et la technologie et
la pratique clinique basée sur les faits scientifiques. Le nombre de leurs publications arbitrées a augmenté ainsi que
le nombre de leurs présentations lors de conférences avec comité d’arbitrage.
En ce qui a trait aux faits marquants, notons qu’en 2003-2004, la Dre Nancy Edwards détenait une chaire de
recherche en sciences infirmières de la Fondation canadienne de la recherche sur les services de santé et des IRSC
alors que la Dre Annette O’Connor détenait une Chaire de recherche du Canada. Le Dr Chris Blanchard a reçu en
2004 une bourse de chercheur de carrière du Ministère de la santé et des soins de longue durée de l’Ontario et a
obtenu une Chaire de recherche de l’Université d’Ottawa. Deux chercheurs détenaient une bourse de Nouveau
chercheur des IRSC : le Dr Ian Graham et la Dre Nicole Paquet. Six professeurs détenaient une bourse de
chercheur de carrière du Ministère de la santé et des soins de longue durée de l’Ontario : les Drs Lucie Brosseau,
Glen Kenny, Barbara Davies, Mary Egan, Heidi Sveistrup et Éric Doucet. Deux chercheures détenaient une Bourse
du premier ministre pour l'excellence en recherche : les Dres Chantal Laroche et Heidi Sveistrup. Les Drs Eric
Doucet, Pascal Imbeault et Chris Blanchard ont reçu une Bourse de la Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation pour
mettre en place leur Unité de recherche métabolique et comportementale à l’hôpital Montfort. Les Drs Andrée
Durieux-Smith, Chantal Laroche et Christian Giguère ont continue leurs activités de recherche au Réseau canadien
de recherche sur le langage et l'alphabétisation (NCE) et le Dr Jean Harvey a continué à accroître les activités de
recherche à son Centre de recherche sur le sport dans la société canadienne.
La Faculté des sciences de la santé a travaillé de concert avec son Comité de la recherche pour réviser son
programme de subventions et en établir des nouvelles. Le programme comprend maintenant les subventions
suivantes : (1) Subventions pour l’initiation à la recherche, (2) Subventions pour les nouvelles directions, (3)
Subventions pour la continuation de la recherche, (4) Subventions pour les déplacements des nouveaux
chercheurs, (5) Subventions pour les déplacements des chercheurs séniors, (6) Subventions pour les déplacements
des étudiants des cycles supérieurs, (7) Subventions pour les déplacements internationaux du CRSH, (8)
Subventions spéciales, (9) Subventions pour l’organisation de séminaires et (10) Subventions pour l’organisation
de conférences. Ce programme, accompagné d’une nouvelle approche qui permet d’octroyer aux nouveaux
professeurs et professeures des fonds de démarrage et du temps protégé pour la recherche, a contribué (et devrait
continuer) à accroître la cadence du développement de la recherche à la Faculté des sciences de la santé. En
termes d’infrastrructure de recherche, la Faculté a été très heureuse d’accueillir le Dr Guy Czaika en tant qu’agent
de développement de la recherche en janvier 2004. Il sera certainement d’un grand secours aux chercheurs
individuels en quête de subventions, de bourses et de publications quoique ses efforts se dirigeront de plus en plus
vers une des grandes priorités de la Faculté des sciences de la santé : le développement d’équipes et de projets de
recherche interdisciplinaires.
En 2003-2004, les chercheurs et chercheures de la Faculté des sciences de la santé étaient affiliés à plusieurs
instituts de recherche de la région. Ceux-ci comprenaient l’Institut de recherche de l’hôpital pour enfants de l’Est
de l’Ontario, l’Institut de recherche Élizabeth Bruyère, l’Unité de recherche en santé communautaire, l’Institut de
recherche et de développement en réhabilitation, l’Institut de santé des populations et l’Institut de recherche en
santé d’Ottawa. Les professeurs et professeures sont restés actifs aux plans régional, provincial et national, dans
des organismes de recherche comme le CRSH, le CRSNG, le Conseil d’administration des IRSC, des Comités
aviseurs des IRSCs, des comités d’évaluation par les pairs, des comités de rédaction, et des comités de recherche
provinciaux tels que l’Alliance de recherche en santé de l’Ontario.
Quoique la Faculté ait développé de nouveaux espaces de recherche aux pavillons Guindon et Montpetit, il existe
encore une pénurie d’espace de recherche. La Faculté est donc activement impliquée dans la quête de nouveaux
espaces de recherche sur le campus et à l’extérieur. Si ses efforts sont susceptibles de devenir encore plus
nécessaires à court et moyen termes, elle n’en a pas moins acquis en 2003-2004 des espaces de recherche au
Centre de Réadaptation, à l’hôpital Montfort et à l’Institut de recherche Élizabeth Bruyère.
Je suis extrêmement enthousiaste au sujet de l’état de la recherche à la Faculté et j’entrevois déjà l’année
académique 2004-2005 comme encore plus productive. Comme l’atteste le présent rapport, notre recherche est EN
SANTÉ et nos professeurs et chercheurs peuvent en être fiers. J’aimerais en profiter pour les féliciter et leur
souhaiter tout le succès possible en recherche dans la présente année académique.
Geneviève Rail, Ph.D.
Vice–doyenne à la recherche
Faculté des sciences de la santé
Faculty of Health Sciences
2003-2004 Report of Research Activities
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Faculté des sciences de la santé
Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
The Faculty of Health Sciences is experiencing phenomenal growth in terms of research and the year 2003-2004
was a great one. Professors of the Faculty continued to see their research largely funded by the granting councils
(SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR) and by a growing number of external agencies. Their research involved many important
aspects of health, including women's health, health in the elderly, health needs of Francophones in a minority
context, physical activity and health, multiple interventions in population health, palliative care, rehabilitation and
functional autonomy, health and technology, and evidence-based practice. The number of their peer-reviewed
publications increased as well as the number of their peer-reviewed presentations.
In terms of highlights, we can say that in 2003-2004, Dr. Nancy Edwards held a CHSRF/CIHR chair in Nursing while
Dr. Annette O’Connor held a Canada Research Chair. Dr. Chris Blanchard received the 2004 Open Provincial
Competition of the Career Scientist Awards from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care as well as a
University of Ottawa Research Chair. Two researchers held a CIHR New Investigator position: Drs. Ian Graham and
Nicole Paquet. Six professors held an Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care career scientist award: Drs.
Lucie Brosseau, Glen Kenny, Barbara Davies, Mary Egan, Heidi Sveistrup and Éric Doucet. Two researchers held a
Premier’s Research Excellence Award: Drs. Chantal Laroche and Heidi Sveistrup. Drs. Eric Doucet, Pascal Imbeault
and Chris Blanchard received a Canada Foundation for Innovation award to establish their Behavioral and Metabolic
Research Unit at the Montfort Hospital. Drs. Andrée Durieux-Smith, Chantal Laroche and Christian Giguère
continued their research activities at the Language and Literacy Research Network (NCE) and Dr. Jean Harvey
continued to increase the research activities of his Research Center on Sport in Canadian Society.
The Faculty of Health Sciences worked with its Research Committee to revise its existing funding programs and to
establish new ones. The following programs are now under way: (1) Initiation of Research Grants, (2) New
Research Directions Grants, (3) Continued Research Grants, (4) New Researcher Travel Grants, (5) Senior
Researcher Travel Grants, (6) Graduate Student Travel Grants, (7) SSHRC International Travel Grants, (8) Special
Grants, (9) Seminar Organization Grants, and (10) Conference Organization Grants. These programs, in
conjunction with a new approach to providing new professors with start-up funds and some protected research
time, have contributed (and should continue) to increase the pace of research development at the Faculty of Health
Sciences. In terms of research infrastructure, the Faculty has been extremely happy to welcome Dr. Guy Czaika as
a research facilitator in January 2004. He will certainly be of great help to individual researchers in the quest for
research grants, awards and publications although the bulk of his work should shift to a high priority for our Faculty
of Health Sciences: the development of interdisciplinary research teams and projects.
In 2003-2004, the Faculty of Health Sciences researchers were affiliated with a number of university-linked
research units. These included the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, the Élizabeth Bruyère
Research Institute, the Community Health Research Unit, the Institute of Rehabilitation Research and
Development, the Institute of Population Health, and the Ottawa Health Research Institute. Professors remained
active on national, provincial and regional research-related bodies such as SSHRC, NSERC, the CIHR Governing
Council, several CIHR Institute Advisory Boards, various peer review committees and editorial boards, and
provincial research-focused boards such as the Ontario Health Research Alliance.
Although the Faculty developed new research space in Guindon and Montpetit Halls, there is still a notable lack of
research space. The Faculty is thus actively looking for research space both on- and off-campus. While its efforts
are likely to be needed even more in the foreseeable future, it has been successful in 2003-2004 in acquiring
research space at the Rehabilitation Centre, the Montfort Hospital and the Élizabeth Bruyère Research Institute.
I am extremely enthusiastic about the state of research at the Faculty of Health Sciences and I am already seing
evidence that the academic year 2004-2005 will be even more productive. As can attest the present report, our
research is in GOOD HEALTH and our professors and researchers have much to be proud of. I would like to take
this opportunity to congratulate them and to wish them the best in their research endeavours for the current
academic year.
Geneviève Rail, Ph.D.
Vice Dean (Resarch)
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
2003-2004 Report of Research Activities
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Faculté des sciences de la santé
Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Beaudoin, C., PI, (2003-04) Étude de l’impact des cours d’éducation physique sur le rendement scolaire des
élèves à l’école secondaire. Ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario; Recherche; 26,125$.
Chris Blanchard, Eric Doucet et Pascal Imbeault. Behavioural and Research Center for Obesity Treatment and
prevention. Fonds d’Innovation du Canada : Relève. Montant global :1,487,706$; Montant/année (durée = 4
ans: 371927).
Blanchard, C. & Fortier, M., Inactivity and over-eating: Why do overweight women do it?, Montreal-Ottawa New
Emerging Team (MONET) 1 year Pilot Grant Program, 10,000$
Blanchard, C.M. (2004). Activité physique et qualité de vie chez des survivantes du cancer du sein. Funded by Le
Consortium National de Formation en Santé. Development Grant – 1 year ($7,000 CAN).
Blanchard, C.M., Fortier, M., & Strychar, I. (2004). Inactivity and over-eating: Why do overweight women do it?
Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Montreal-Ottawa New Emerging Team Pilot Grant
Program – 1 year ($10,000 CAN).
Rhodes, R.E., Blanchard, C.M., Courneya, K.S., & Plotnikoff, R. (2004). Development of a theory-based leisuretime walking program. Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Operating Grant – 2
years ($94,616 CAN).
Blanchard, C.M. (PI), Fisher, J., Courneya, K.S, Sparling, P., Rhodes, R., & Baker, F. (2003). Does the theory of
planned behavior moderate the relationship between ethnicity and moderately intense physical activity in
college-aged students. Funded by the National Institutes of Health. Research Center for Minority Institutions –
Sub Grant – 3 years ($80,303 USD).
Blanchard, C.M. (PI), Nehl, E., & Baker, F. (2003). Determinants of physical activity in ACS employees. Funded by
the American Cancer Society. Internal Research Grant – 1 year ($25,000 USD).
Blanchard, C.M. (Co-PI), Doucet, E. (Co-PI), & Imbeault, P. (Co-PI). (2003). Behavioural and metabolic
research center for obesity prevention and treatment. Funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation
($595,083 CAN) & the Ontario Innovation Trust ($892,623 CAN) On-going New Opportunities Funds – 4 years.
Blanchard, C.M. (PI). (2003). Can exercise improve quality of life in breast cancer survivors after treatment?
Funded by National Cancer Institute of Canada. Sociobehavioral Cancer Research Network Pilot Project Fund –
1 year ($5,000 CAN).
Blanchard, C.M. (Co-PI), & Imbeault, P. (Co-PI) (2003). Adiponectin-Physical activity trial in breast cancer
survivors. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Montreal-Ottawa New Emerging Team Pilot
Grant Program – 1 year ($10,000 CAN).
Murnaghan, D. (PI), MacQuarrie, C., Taylor, J., MacLellan, D., Blanchard, C.M., Rodgers, W., Cameron, R., &
Lyons, R. (2003). Taking action to enhance health behaviours in teens: A school-based approach. Funded by
the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Operating Grant – 3 years ($110,000 CAN) & the PEI Health
Research Program. Regional Partnership Program Grant – 3 years ($110,000 CAN).
Murnaghan, D. (PI), MacQuarrie, C., MacLellan, D., Blanchard, C.M., & Rodgers, W.M. (2003). Engaging
adolescents: identifying predictive beliefs to inform new tobacco interventions for youth. Funded by the
Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative. Feasibility Grant – 1 year ($29,995 CAN).
Lyons, R., Willms, J., Bornstein, S., Murnaghan, D., Blanchard, C.M., Manske, S., Rodgers, W., McIntyre, L.,
Meagher-Stewart, D., & Edwards, N. (2003). Reconfiguring physical and social environments to improve
health: Research infrastructure development in Atlantic Canada. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research. Operating Grant – 6 years ($2,400,000 CAN).
Louise Bouchard, Christine Dallaire, Anne Gilbert, Maurice Lévesque, Louise Lemyre; Minorité francophone, santé
et réseaux sociaux : une étude-pilote à Cornwall ; CNFS ; $10 000.
CIHR. Effects of Methylphenidate on Energy Balance. Montant global: 49,699$. Investigateur principal : Goldfield
G, Co-investigateurs : E Doucet, P Imbeault, D Barnes, D Prud’homme.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Gary Goldfield (chercheur principal), Éric Doucet, Denis Prud’homme, Pascal Imbeault et David Barnes.
Effects of methylphenidate on energy balance in men. Canadian Institute of Healt Research. Montant global:
49,699$; Montant/année (durée = 1 ans: 49,699$).
Eric Doucet, Gary Goldfield, David Barnes, Pascal Imbeault and Denis Prud’homme. Effects of
methylphenidate on energy balance in Obese Men. CIHR. 497706$
Eric Doucet. Ghrelin and Pyy 3-36 dealings in the Struggle for Meal Size Regulation. MONET Pilot Grants-New
Emerging Team Initiative (CIHR). 10000$
Durand-Bush, N., Trudel, P. CRSH; Recherche; 38,416.00$. The role of resonance in sport (phase 1, avril 2003mars 04).
Young, R., Andrew, C., Graham. K., Harvey, J. (2004-2009) (plus 60 co-chercheurs et collaborateurs), “Multilevel
Governance and Public Policy in Canadian Municipalities”, CRSHC, MCRI program, $2,484, 650 (montant exact
à confirmer) public policy, federal, municipal, provincial, multilevel, governance
Harvey, J., Lévesque, M., Denis, C., Andrew, C., Bouchard, L., (2003-2004) “L’évaluation de l’impact des
partenariats de Québec en forme sur les communautés : Étude pilote de l’Outaouais et de la Mauricie”, Québec
en forme, Contrat, $ 95,000. sport, capital social, gouvernance, partenariats, politiques publiques.
Harvey, J., Donnelly, P., (2003-2004) “Volunteerism: Researching the capacity of Canadian Sport”, Sport Canada,
Contrat de recherche, $51,500. bénévolat, citoyenneté, politique du sport
National Cancer Institute of Canada. Exercise in men receiving radiation therapy for prostate cancer: Effects on
fatigue, body composition, muscular fitness, aerobic capacity and health-related quality of life. Montant global:
394,073$, Montant annuel: 131,358 $. Investigateur principal : Siegal, R. Co-investigateurs : K Courneya, R
Reid, RJ Sigal, G Kenny, D Prud’homme, S Malone, G Wells.
CIHR. L’institut de la nutrition, du métabolisme et du diabète: Resistance exercise as an intervention in type 2
diabetes mellitus. Montant global: 1,056,000$. Montant annuel: 352,000$. Investigateur principal : Sigal R.
Co-investigateurs : G Kenny, R Reid, D Coyle, G Wells, M Fortier et D Prud’homme.
Gagnon, P. (P.I.), Kenny G. (co-principal investigator), «Effects of sleep deprivation and heat exposure on
thermoregulatory response in soldiers». Government of Canada, National Defence, Quality of life research
program, $70, 500 (March 2004-September 2005).
Kenny, G. (P.I.); «Human Thermoregulation». Natural Sciences and Engineer Research Council of Canada
(NSERC), Individual Discovery Grant, $140,000.
Kenny, G. (P.I.); Deep mining human thermoregulation. Deep Mining Research Consortium, $2,550.
CIHR. Increasing physical activity in obese children. Montant global: 180,801$, Montant annuel: 90,400$. Coinvestigateurs : Goldfield G and D Prud’homme.
CHEO-RI, Hospital for sick children. Increasing physical activity in obese children. Montant global: 26,500$.
Montant annuel: 13,250 $. Co-investigateurs : Goldfield G and D Prud’homme.
CIHR. Genetic and environmental influences on body weight development and childhood obesity: A populationbased approach – Development Grant. Montant global: 5,000$. Investigateur principal : Dubois L, Coinvestigateurs : R Tremblay, D Perusse, M Tremblay, D Prud’homme.
CIHR. (The New Emerging Team Obesity and Healthy Body Weight). Critical periods of body weight dysregulation:
A woman’s health perspective. Montant global: 1,500,000 $, Montant annuel: 300,000$. Investigateur
principal : Prud’homme D, E Poehlman, Co-investigateurs : JM Lavoie, I Strychar, E Doucet, M Brochu.
CIHR: New Frontier Program-Development Grants.. National Cardiac Registry Symposium. Montant global: 80,000
$. Investigateur principal : Glasgow K, Co-investigateur : D Prud’homme.
Australian Research Council: Cross-cultural analysis of constructions of health and fitness in lives of young people.
Chercheurs: Wright, J., O’Flynn, G., MacDonald, D., Rail, G. $210,000 (2003-2006)
SSHRC: Youth’s constructions of health and fitness. Chercheurs: Rail, G., Beausoleil, N., MacNeill, M., Burrows, L.,
& Wright, J. $210,446 (2003-2006)
SSHRC: Healthy dancing bodies: (De)construction, (re)construction. Chercheurs: Fortin, S., & Rail, G., $132,484
McFaull, S. and Robertson, G. Measurement of impact forces in a simulated bicycle handlebar Injury crash: The
effect of the child’s mass, the initial riding speed, and the properties of the handlebar-ends, , Centre for
Healthy Human Development, Health Canada, $9850.
Diane Ste-Marie (PI) and Rose Martini (CI). Seft modeling : Examining self-regulatory processes. SSHRC, 20042007, Global amount: $70,000. ($ 30,000; 2004-2005)
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Trudel, P., Harvey, J., Durand-Bush, N., Werthner, P., Gilbert, W. CRSH; Recherche; 39,000.00$. Apprendre à
devenir entraîneur bénévole dans sa communauté de pratique (phase 2, avril 2003- mars 04).
2003-04 (chercheur principal : Beaudoin, C.); Developing and testing a new image scale on the perception of
female’s own body image; Faculté de la Santé, Université d'Ottawa; Recherche; 5,000$.
Blanchard, C.M. (PI). (2003). Can exercise improve quality of life in breast cancer survivors after treatment?
Funded by the University of Ottawa. Faculty of Health Sciences Development Fund – 1 year ($5,000 CAN) &
the University Research Development Fund – 1 year ($5,000 CAN).
Louise Bouchard, Christine Dallaire, Anne Gilbert, Maurice Lévesque, Louise Lemyre; Minorité francophone, santé
et réseaux sociaux : une étude-pilote à Cornwall ; CNFS ; $10 000
Gary Goldfield (chercheur principal), Éric Doucet, Denis Prud’homme, Pascal Imbeault et David Barnes.
Effects of methylphenidate on energy balance in men. Fonds interfacultaire de l’Université d’Ottawa: 20,000$
(durée 1 ans).
Gary Goldfield, Eric Doucet, Pascal Imbeault and David Barnes. Effects of methylphenidate on energy balance.
University of Ottawa Interfaculty Grant. 20000$.
Natalie Durand-Bush, «The Effects of a Resonance-Based Psychological Intervention on the Quality of Life,
Psychological Well-Being, Intrinsic Motivation, and Self-Efficacy of Overweight Adults,» Faculté des sciences de
la santé (interne); $5000 pour l’année 2004-2005; Fonds de développement de la faculté.
Fortier, M., Phase 1 PAC project : Exploration of health care provider expectations, perceived barriers and
recommended strategies for integration of physical activity counselors into the primary care team, Faculté des
sciences de la santé, CNFS et MONET, 7,000.00$
Gravelle, F., Larocque, L. Programme de support académique « Côte à Côte (Side by Side) » pour l’équipe de
Football des Gee Gee’s de l’Université d’Ottawa. Comité sénatorial de l’enseignement (sous-comité des
bourses) Partie 2. $2,500.00 (du Comité) et $3,000.00 (Programme de Football des Gee Gee’s).
Pascal Imbeault (chercheur principal) et Chris Blanchard. Adiponectin-Physical activity trial in breast cancer
survivors. Montréal-Ottawa New Emerging Team. Montant global 9,829$ (durée 1 an).
Pascal Imbeault. Short-term effects of exercise under cold exposure on plasma adiponectin levels in healthy
men. Faculté des sciences de la santé et université d’Ottawa. Montant global 10,000$ (durée 1 an).
G. Karlis. Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Human Kinetics, $500, “The Future of Leisure, Recreation and
Sport in Canada.”
2004-2005 Kenny, G. (P.I.) University of Ottawa, Faculty of Health Sciences, Research Funds, Metabolic fuel
selection during cold exposure: Effects of glucose ingestion, $5,000.
Yves Lajoie, Étude sur les capacités de transfert des ressources attentionnelles chez les personnes âgées et les
jeunes adultes, FUAR, $5000.00 pour un an
Lamontagne M (IP) (2003-04), Biomechanics of Knee Brace, $5,000.
University of Ottawa, Interfaculty Collaborative Research competition. Obesity Resistance – A Genetic Approach.
Montant global: 18,000$. $. Investigateur principal : Tesson F, Co-investigateurs : R McPherson, D
Prud’homme, R Dent, K Williams, K Adamo.
SSHRC and University of Ottawa Faculty of Grad and Postdoc Studies: Un/healthy, un/fit, dis/abled:
De/Reconstructions of health and fitness among adolescents with mobility impairments. Researchers: Rail, G.,
Seely, M. $3500 (2004-2005)
SSHRC and University of Ottawa Faculty of Grad and Postdoc Studies: Canadian youth and sexual health.
Researchers: Rail, G., Doull, M. $3500 (2004-2005)
Robertson, G. Testing of Gyrowheel, Bristol Aerospace, $3300.
Séguin, Benoit et Schantz, Otto. Jeux olympiques et les jeunes. Faculté des sciences de la santé, 5,000$.
Trudel, P. Prix d’excellence en éducation pour 2003-2004. Une bourse de $10,000 m’a été accordé dont $7,000
destinés à la recherche sur les pratiques pédagogiques innovatrices et $3,000 pour tâches supplémentaires
liées au perfectionnement pédagogique.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Penny Werthner, The experiences and self-reflected learning of coaches, Research Services and Faculty of Health
Science, $10,000.00, 2004
Livres / Books
Karlis, G. Leisure and Recreation in Canadian Society. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishers, 312 pages;
ISBN 1-55077-138-8, 2004.
Chapitres de livres /
Chapters in books
Durand-Bush, N., Thompson, K. A., & Salmela, J. H. (2004). Expert coaches and the coaching process. In G.
Tenenbaum & D. Hackfort (Eds.), Perspectives in sport and exercise psychology: Essential processes for
attaining peak performance. Germany: Myer & Myer Publishers. Manuscript accepted for publication.
Contemporary issues in higher education: Challenges and suggestions. In G. Karlis & G. T. Papanikos (eds.).
Contemporary Issues in Higher Education: International Perspectives. Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for
Education and Research, pp: 1-4, 2003.
Higher education and research in leisure studies: current state of condition. In G. Karlis & G. T. Papanikos (eds.).
Contemporary Issues in Higher Education: International Perspectives. Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for
Education and Research, pp. 53-62, 2003.
Ste-Marie, D.M. (2003). Expertise in sport judges and referees : Circumventing information-processing
limitations. In J. L. Starkes & A. Ericsson (Eds.). Expert performance in sport: Advances in research on sport
expertise. P. 169-190. Champaign IL : Human Kinetics.
Rédacteurs (Éditions spéciales) /
Editors (Special Issues)
Harvey, J. Éditeur invité avec David Whitson, Numéro spécial sur Les industries du loisir, Loisir et société, vol 27,
no 1, 2004.
Karlis, G., and Papanikos, G.T. (Eds.). Contemporary Issues in Higher Education: International Perspectives.
Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research, 166 pages, ISBN: 960-87102-2-7, 2003.
Beausoleil, N. et Rail, G. (Eds.) (2003). Special issue : Health panic and the commodification of women’s health in
Canada. Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, 27(2).
Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture /
Papers in Refereed Journals
Beaudoin, C., Ste-Marie, D.M. & Bottamini, G. (2003). Traduction et validation Canadienne-Française d’une
échelle portant sur l’estime de son corps. AVANTE, 9, 25-37.
Blanchard, C.M., Feeny, D., Mahon, J., Bourne, R., Rorabeck, C., Stitt, L., & Webster-Bogaert, S. (2004). Is the
HUI valid in total hip arthroplasty patients? Quality of Life Research, 13, 339-348.
Blanchard, C.M., Stein, K.D., Baker, F., Dent, M.F., Denniston, M.M., Courneya, K.S., & Nehl, E. (2004).
Association between current lifestyle behaviors and health-related quality of life in breast, colorectal, and
prostate cancer survivors. Psychology & Health, 19(1), 1-13.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Blanchard, C.M., Rodgers, W., & Gauvin, L. (2004). The influence of exercise duration, baseline feeling states,
and cognitions during running on feeling states in a naturalistic exercise environment. Psychology of Sport and
Exercise, 5, 119-133.
Feeny, D.H., Blanchard, C.M., Mahon, J., Bourne, R., Rorabeck, C., Stitt, L., & Webster-Bogaert, S. (2004). The
stability of utility scores: Test-retest reliability and the interpretation of utility scores in elective total hip
arthroplasty. Quality of Life Research, 13, 15-22.
Stein, K.D., Jacobsen, P., Blanchard, C.M., & Thors, C. (2004). Further validation of the multidimensional fatigue
symptom inventory-short form (MFSI-SF). Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 27(1), 14-23.
Blanchard, C.M., Courneya, K.S., Rodgers, W.M., Fraser, S., Murray, T., Daub, B., & Black, B. (2003). Is the
theory of planned behavior a useful framework for understanding exercise behavior during phase II cardiac
rehabilitation? Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 23, 107-116.
Blanchard, C.M., Baker, F., Denniston, M., Courneya, K.S., Hann, D., Gesme, D., Reding, D., Flynn, T., &
Kennedy, J. (2003). Is absolute amount or change in exercise more strongly associated with quality of life in
adult cancer survivors? Preventive Medicine, 37, 389-395.
Blanchard, C.M., Denniston, M., Baker, F., Ainsworth, S., Courneya, K.S., Hann, D., Gesme, D., Reding, D.,
Flynn, T., & Kennedy, J. (2003). Do adult cancer survivors change their lifestyle behaviors after a cancer
diagnosis? American Journal of Health Behavior, 27(3), 246-256.
Blanchard, C.M., Rhodes, R., Nehl, E., Fisher, J., Sparling, P., & Courneya,K.S. (2003). Ethnicity and the theory of
planned behaviour in the exercise domain. American Journal of Health Behavior, 27(6), 579-591.
Blanchard, C.M., Feeny, D., Mahon, J., Bourne, R., Rorabeck, C., Stitt, L., & Webster-Bogaert, S. (2003). Is the
health utilities index responsive to total hip arthroplasty patients? Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
Nov;56(11), 1046-54.
Blanchard, C.M., Cokkinides, V., Courneya, K.S., Nehl, E.J., Stein, K., & Baker, F. (2003). Comparing physical
activity behavior of breast cancer survivors after treatment to non-cancer controls. Behavioral Medicine,
27(4), 140-149.
Feeny, D.H., Blanchard, C.M., Mahon, J., Bourne, R., Rorabeck, C., Stitt, L., & Webster-Bogaert, S. (2003).
Comparing community-preference based and direct standard gamble scores: Evidence from elective total hip
arthroplasty. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 19(2), 362-372.
Hansen, G., Blanchard, C.M., Rodgers, W., & Bell, G. (2003). Efficacy of prescribing endurance training intensity
using the ventilatory equivalents for oxygen and carbon dioxide in untrained men and women. Sports
Medicine, Training and Rehabilitation, 11, 23-32.
Nehl, E., Blanchard, C.M., Stafford, J., Ainsworth, S., & Baker, F. (2003). Research interests in the field of
behavioral, psychosocial, and policy cancer research. Psycho-Oncology, 12(4), 385-392.
Nehl, E., Blanchard, C.M., Conerly, R.C., Stein, K., Ainsworth, S., Gansler, T., & Merriman, B. (2003). Evaluation
of the American cancer society’s breast cancer-related documents by cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer
Education, 18(2), 106-14.
Wilson, P. M., Rodgers, W. M., Blanchard, C.M., & Gesell, J. (2003). The relationship between psychological
needs, self-determined motivation, exercise attitudes, and physical fitness. Journal of Applied Social
Psychology, 33, 2373-2392.
Courneya, K.S., Jones, L.W., Rhodes, R.E., & Blanchard, C.M. (2003). Effect of response scales on self-reported
exercise frequency. American Journal of Health Behavior, 27(6), 613-622.
Dallaire, C. (2004). Sport’s impact on the francophoneness of the Alberta Francophone Games (AFG). Ethnologies,
25(2), 33-58.
Dawson, D., “One Community or Two Solitudes: Ontology, Epistemology, and Praxiology of Canadian and
American Leisure Research,” Journal of Leisure Research, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 325-330, 2003.
Doucet, E. Activité physique et maîtrise du poids corporel (2004). Le Médecin du Québec, 39: 97-102 (February).
Jacqmain,M., Doucet, E., Després, J.-P., Bouchard, C. and Tremblay, A. Calcium intake, body composition and
lipid-lipoprotein in adults (2003). American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77: 1448–1452 (June).
Doucet, E., St-Pierre, S., Bouchard, C. and Tremblay, A. Greater than predicted decrease in energy expenditure
during exercise after body weight loss in obese men (2003). Clinical Science, 105: 89-95 (July).
Doucet, E., Tremblay, A., Simoneau, J.-A. and Joanisse, D.R. Skeletal muscle enzymes as significant predictors of
24 h energy expenditure in obese individuals after weight loss (2003). American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
78: 430-435 (September).
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Doucet, E., Pomerleau, M. and Harper, M.-E. Fasting and postprandial total ghrelin remain unchanged after a
short-term energy restriction (2004). Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 89: 1727-1732 (April).
Durand-Bush, N., Salmela, J. H., & Thompson, K. A. (2004). Le rôle joué par les parents dans le développement
et le maintien de la performance athlétique experte. STAPS, 64, 15-38.
Egan, Sean (2003). A holistic Analysis of the educational components of traditional games.
physical culture and tourism. Vol. X, No. 1, pp.39-49.
Imbeault P, Pomerleau M, Harper ME and Doucet E. Unchanged fasting and postprandial adiponectin levels
following a 4-day caloric restriction in young healthy men. Clinical Endocrinology 60: 429-433, 2004.
Epitropoulos, M., Karlis, G., Lagopoulos, K., Micropantremenos, K., Sport tourism and Karpathos: The PanAgean
Games of 2002. Journal of Sport Tourism Journal. 8(4): 312-319, 2003.
Canadian Diabetes Association, In: Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Diabetes in
Canada, Exercise and Diabetes, Sigal R.J. and Kenny G.P., Canadian Journal of Diabetes, December 2003,
27(4) suppl 2.
Kenny, G.P., Periard, J., Journeay, W.S., Sigal, R. & Reardon, F.D. Effect of exercise intensity on the
postexercise sweating threshold. J. Appl. Physiol 95: 2355-2360, 2003.
Kenny, G., Ducharme, M., Reardon, F., Reardon, M., Zaleski, W. Muscle temperature transients before, during
and following exercise measured using an intra-muscular multi-sensor probe. J Appl Physiol, 94:2350-2357,
Haman F., F. Peronnet, G. Kenny, E. Doucet, D. Massicotte, C. Lavoie, C. Scott, J.-M. Weber. Effects of
Carbohydrate Availability on Sustained Shivering: I. Oxidation of Plasma Glucose, Muscle Glycogen and
Proteins. J Appl Physiol, Jan 2004; 96: 32 – 40
Kenny G.P., Périard J., Sigal R.J., Journeay S.W., Reardon F.D. Cutaneous active vasodilation in humans during
passive heating postexercise. J Appl Physiol, 95:1025-1031, 2003
Jackson D., Kenny G. Upright lower body positive pressure application attenuates elevated post-exercise resting
thresholds for cutaneous vasodilation and sweating in human. J Appl Physiol, 95: 121-128, 2003.
Boulé N.G., Haddad E., Kenny G.P., Wells G.A., Sigal R.J. Meta-analysis of the effect of structured exercise
training on cardiorespiratory fitness in Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetologica, 46(8): 1071-1081, 2003.
Proulx C.I., M.B. Ducharme, G.P. Kenny. Most effective immersion treatment for exercise-induced hyperthermia.
In: Tochihara Y., Umezaki S., Fukazawa T., Hashiguchi N., Sunwoo Y.(eds), Environmental Ergonomics: The
Ergonomics of Human Comfort, Health and Performance in the Thermal Environment, Elservier Ergonomics
Book Series, Elservier, United Kingdom, 2004.
Kenny G.P., D.N. Jackson. The interrelation of thermal and nonthermal reflexes in the control of postexercise heat
loss responses. In: Tochihara Y., Umezaki S., Fukazawa T., Hashiguchi N., Sunwoo Y.(eds), Environmental
Ergonomics: The Ergonomics of Human Comfort, Health and Performance.
Lajoie, Y., Gallagher, S. Predicting falls within the elderly community: comparison of postural sway, reaction time,
the Berg Balance Scale and the ABC Confidence Scale for comparing fallers and non-fallers. Archives of
Gerontology and Geriatrics, 38(1) : 11-26, 2004.
Lott, A., Bisson, E., Lajoie, Y., McComas, J., Sveistrup, H. The Effect of Two Types of Virtual Reality on Voluntary
Center of Pressure Displacement. CyberPsychology, 6(5): 477-485, 2003.
Cerulli, G., Benoit, D., Lamontagne, M., Caraffa, A., Liti, A., & Brué, S. (2003). In-Vivo anterior cruciate ligament
strain behaviour during a rapid deceleration movement: case report. Journal of Knee Surgery Sports
Traumatology Arthroscopy, 11(5), 307-311.
Ramsey DK, Wretenberg PK, Benoit D, Lamontagne M, & Németh G. (2003). Methodological Concerns Using
Intra-cortical Pins to Measure Tibiofemoral Kinematics. Journal of Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology
Arthroscopy, 11(5), 344-349.
Ramsey, D. K., Wretenberg, P., Lamontagne, M., Németh, G. (2003). Electromyographic and biomechanics
analysis of anterior cruciate ligament deficiency and functional knee bracing. Clinical Biomechanics, 18, 28-34.
Benoit, D., Lamontagne, M., Cerulli, G., & Liti, A. (2003). The Clinical Signifiance of Electromyography
Normalisation Techniques in Subjects with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury During Treadmill Walking. Gait &
Posture 18, 56-63.
Moulin, Claude, 2004, Turismo Cultural y Autenticidad: Problematicas Actuales, Revista Espacio, 2004, La
Havane, Cuba.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Moulin, Claude, 2003 , Tourisme Culturel et Economusées, Anthologie des Economusées, p.244-251, Les Editions
GID, Québec.
Boulay P, D Prud’homme. Health-care consumption and recurrent myocardial infarction after 1 year of
conventional treatment versus short- and long-term cardiac rehabilitation. Prev Med, 38(5):586-93, May
Godin G, LD Lambert, N Owen, B Nolin, and D Prud’homme. Stages of motivational readiness for physical
activity: A comparison of different algorithms of classification. British Journal of Health Psychology, 9: 253267, May 2004.
Blackburn P, B Lamarche, C Couillard, A Pascot, N Bergeron, D Prud'homme, A Tremblay, J Bergeron, I Lemieux
and JP Després. Postprandial hyperlipidemia: another correlate of the "hypertriglyceridemic waist" phenotype
in men. Atherosclerosis, 171(2): 327-336, 2003.
Blanchet C, Giguere Y, Prud’homme D, Turcot-Lemay L, Dumont M, Leduc G, Cote S, Laflamme N, Rousseau F
and S Dodin. Leisure physical activity is associated with quantitative ultrasound measurements independently
of bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. Calcified Tissue International, 73(4): 339-349, Oct 2003.
Berthier MT, Houde A, Bergeron J, Prud’homme D, Després JP and MC Vohl. Effect of the factor VII R353Q
missense mutation on plasma apolipoprotein B levels: impact of visceral obesity. Journal of Human Genetics,
48 (7): 367-73, 2003.
Hajamor S, Despres JP, Couillard C, Lemieux S, Tremblay A, Prud’homme D and A Tchernof. Relationship
between sex hormone-binding globulin levels and features of the metabolic syndrome. Metabolism, 52(6):
724-30, 2003.
Després JP, I Lemieux I, A Pascot, N Alméras, M Dumont, A Nadeau, J Bergeron and D Prud’homme. Gemfibrozil
therapy reduces plasma C-reactive protein levels in abdominally obese men with the atherogenic dyslipidemia
of the metabolic syndrome. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular biology, 23(4): 702-3, 2003.
Couillard C, MC Vohl, JC Engert, I Lemieux, A Houde, N Alméras, D Prud’homme, A Nadeau, JP Després and J
Bergeron,. Effect of the Apolipoprotein C-III gene Polymorphism on the lipoprotein-lipid profile of viscerally
Obese Men, Journal of Lipid Research, 44(5): 986-93, 2003.
Berthier MT, Paradis AM, Tchernof A, Bergeron J, Prud’homme D, Després JP and MC Vohl. The interleukin 6174G/C Polymorphism is associated with indices of obesity in men. Journal of Human Genetics, 48 (1) : 14-9,
Laberge, S., Dumas, A., Rail, G., Dallaire, H. et Voyer, P. (2003). Les conceptions du « bien-vieillir » d'aînées de
milieux populaires et favorisés. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 24(3), 71-93.
Rail, G. et Beausoleil, N. (2003). Introduction: Health panic and the commodification of women’s health. Atlantis:
A Women's Studies Journal, 27(2), 1-5.
Rail, G. et Lefebvre, M. (2003). Sculling cyborg: Scientific discourses, media representations and the effacement
of Silken Laumann’s subversive potential. Recherche sémiotique—Semiotic Inquiry, 22(1-2), 3-18.
Journeay, S.W., Reardon F.D., Martin R.C., Kenny G.P. Control of cutaneous vascular conductance and sweating
during recovery from dynamic exercise in humans. J Appl Physiol, Jun 2004; 96: 2207 - 2212.
Purkiss, S.B.A. and Robertson, D.G.E., (2003) Methods for calculating internal mechanical work: Comparison
using elite runners, Gait and Posture 18(3):143-149.
Robertson, D.G.E. and Dowling J.J. (2003) Design and responses of Butterworth and critically damped digital
filters. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 13(6):569-573
Findlay, L.C. & Ste-Marie, D.M. (2004). A reputation bias in figure skating judging. Journal of Sport and Exercise
Psychology, 26, 154-166.
Ste-Marie, D.M., Clark, S.E., Findlay, L. & Latimer, A.E. (2004). Contextual interference: A strategy for
handwriting skill acquisition. Journal of Motor Behavior, 36, 115-126.
Clark, S.E., Trembley, F. & Ste-Marie, D. (2004). Differential modulation of corticospinal excitability during
observation, mental imagery and imitation of hand actions. Neuropsychologia, 42, 105-112.
Ste-Marie, D.M. & Bottamini, G. (2003). Memory biases in gymnastic judging : Differential effects of surface
feature changes. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 17, 733-751.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Comptes rendus avec comité de lecture /
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Fortier M., Tulloch, H., Depault I., Sigal R., Kenny G. Psycho-social Predictors of Compliance in a Randomized
Exercise Trial in Individuals with Type II Diabetes: Preliminary Analyses. 7th Annual CDA/CSEM Professional
Conference and Annual Meetings, Ottawa, Canada, Oct 15-18, 2003. Presented at the Canadian Diabetes
Association Annual Meeting and Scientific Session October 2003, Can J Diabetes, 27(3): 346.
Tulloch H., Fortier M., Depault I., Sigal R., Kenny G. Exercise Facilitators and Barriers for Individuals with Type
II Diabetes Involved in a Randomized Trial: A Qualitative Inquiry. 7th Annual CDA/CSEM Professional
Conference and Annual Meetings, Ottawa, Canada, Oct 15-18, 2003. Presented at the Canadian Diabetes
Association Annual Meeting and Scientific Session October 2003, Can J Diabetes, 27(3): 347.
Tulloch H., Fortier M., Capstick G., Sigal R., Kenny G. Effects of a Randomized Exercise Trial for people with
Diabetes on Exercise Mediators: Pilot Results. 7th Annual CDA/CSEM Professional Conference And Annual
Meetings, Ottawa, Canada, Oct 15-18, 2003. Presented at the Canadian Diabetes Association Annual Meeting
and Scientific Session October 2003, Can J Diabetes, 27(3): 357.
Fortier M., Tulloch H., Capstick G., Kenny G., Sigal R. Effects of a randomized exercise trial for people with
diabetes on exercise mediators: pilot results. Second conference of the international behavioural nutrition and
physical activity. Québec, Canada, July 17-20, 2003. Submitted. Presented at the Canadian Diabetes
Association Annual Meeting and Scientific Session October 2003, Can J Diabetes, 27(3): 357.
Dittmann KR, Kenny GP, Attema R, Phillips PA, Weatherbee KD, Sigal RJ. Effects of aerobic and resistance
exercise on glycemic control and physical fitness in older and younger type 2 diabetic subjects. Presented at
the Canadian Diabetes Association Annual Meeting and Scientific Session October 2003, Can J Diabetes,
27(3): 353.
Kenny, G.P., Périard, J., Reardon, F.D. Relatioship between postexercise esophageal temperature response and
the postexercise threshold for cutaneous vasodilation. Proceedings 10th Annual Meeting CSEP St John’s, Nfld,
Can. J. Appl. Physiol. (27):S27, 2003.
Kenny, G.P., Périard, J., Reardon, F.D. Effect of workload on the postexercise sweating response. Proceedings
10th Annual Meeting CSEP St John’s, Nfld, Can. J. Appl. Physiol. (27):S28, 2003.
Lajoie, Y. , Bisson, E. Transferring attention: Effects of ageing . Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 25, Suppl.
2003, Savannah, Georgia, June 2003.
Lajoie, Y., Bisson, E. Reaction time and transferring attention: Effects of ageing. Journal of Sport & Exercise
Psychology. 25, Suppl. 2003, NASPSPA, Savannah, Georgia, June 2003.
Périard, J., Reardon, F.D., Kenny, G.P. Effect of exercise intensity on post exercise skin blood flow control.
Proceedings 10th Annual Meeting CSEP St John’s, Nfld. Can. J. Appl. Physiol. (27):S40, 2003.
Journeay, W.S, F. Reardon and G. Kenny. Hemodynamic responses to lower body positive and negative pressure
during seated recovery from dynamic exercise. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Canadian
Society for Exercise Physiology, Niagra Falls, Ontario, Can J Appl Physiol, 28(Suppl):69, 2003.
Journeay, W.S., F.D. Reardon and G.P. Kenny. The role of central command and the skeletal muscle pump in
hemodynamic and thermoregulatory responses during recovery from dynamic exercise in humans.
Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Niagra on the lakes,
Ontario, Can J Appl Physiol, 28(Suppl):69, 2003.
Journeay, W.S., F.D. Reardon and G.P. Kenny The effect of postexercise venous pooling on core temperature
recovery. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Niagra on
the lakes, Ontario, Can J Appl Physiol, 28(Suppl):70, 2003.
Journeay, W.S., Reardon, F.D., Kenny G.P. Cardiovascular responses to apneic facial immersion during altered
cardiac filling. Proceedings 10th Annual Meeting CSEP St John’s, Nfld, Can. J. Appl. Physiol. (27): S26, 2003.
Post, A. and Robertson, D.G.E. (2003) Force plate considerations in studies involving ramps at different angles.
Proceedings of the XXVth Conference of the American Society of Biomechanics.
Rambarran, K.K.; Lemaire, E.D. and Robertson, D.G.E. (2003) Effectiveness of the Kinetic Wedge foot orthosis
modification to reduce relative plantar pressure. Proceedings of the XXVth Conference of the American Society
of Biomechanics.
Singer, J. and Robertson, D.G.E. (2003) Biomechanics of ascending an incline. Proceedings of the XXVth
Conference of the American Society of Biomechanics.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Beaulieu, F.D.; Pelland, L. and Robertson, D.G.E. (2003) Descending stairs, forwards and backwards. Proceedings
of the XIXth Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, 334.
Rambarran, K.K.; Lemaire, E.D. and Robertson, D.G.E. (2003) Effectiveness of the Kinetic Wedge foot orthosis
modification to improve gait posture, Proceedings of the XIXth Congress of International Society of
Biomechanics, 331.
Trudel, P., Bernard, D., “Communities of practice as an approach to foster ice hockey coach development”. In D.J.
Pearsall and A.B. Ashare, (Eds) ‘Safety in Hockey: Fourth Volume’ ASTM 11446,(pp. 167-179), Philadelphia,
American Society for Testing and Materials, 2004.
Bernard, D., Trudel, P., “The values of coaches and players about rule infractions, violence, and ethics”. In D.J.
Pearsall and A.B. Ashare, (Eds) ‘Safety in Hockey: Fourth Volume’ ASTM 11446,(pp. 152-166), Philadelphia,
American Society for Testing and Materials, 2004.
Autres publications et rapports techniques /
Other Publications and Technical Reports
Beaudoin, C., Leblanc, R., & Lauzon, P., « L’effet des cours d’éducation physique sur la performance académique
d’élèves franco-ontarien, en dixième année du secondaire », Rapport de recherche remis au Ministère
d’Éducation et de la Formation de l’Ontario, avril 2004.
Wallot, J.P., Dallaire, C. et Pagé, L. (2004). La présence française en Ontario français : 1610, passeport pour
2010. Résultats d’un projet de recherche de 2 ans sur les documents d’archives illustrant l’histoire francoontarienne. Site web de plus de 3200 pages pour faire valoir et mettre en contexte ces documents d’archives.
[http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/crccf/passeport/index.html ] Ottawa : Centre de recherche en civilisation
canadienne-française (CRCCF), Université d’Ottawa.
Bourgeault, I.L., Sutherns, R., Haworth-Brockman, M., Dallaire, C., White, Kl, Winkup, J. (2004). National
Research Project on The Impact of Restructuring on Rural, Remote and Northern Women’s Health: Policy
Issues, Options and Knowledge Translation. Final Report. Submitted to Status of Women Canada. 110 p.
Dallaire, C. et Leclerc, G. (2004). Results from Francophone Focus Groups with Women in Rural and Remote
Communities in Canada. Project #4 of the National Rural and Remote Women’s Health Study. In R. Sutherns,
M. McPhedran and M. Haworth-Brockman, Rural, Remote and Northern Women’s Health : Policy and Research
Directions, (pp. F1-F51). Ottawa: Centres of Excellence for Women’s Health.
Martin, V. et Dallaire, C. (2002, août). Femmes, santé et milieu rural au Canada : Bibliographie commentée des
écrits de langue française. Dans R. Sutherns, M. McPhedran et M. Haworth-Brockman (2004), La santé des
femmes en milieux rural, éloigné et nordique: Orientations en matière de politiques et de recherche, (pp. D1D34). Ottawa : Centres d’excellence pour la santé des femmes.
Dallaire, C. (2003). Le Plan d’action pour les langues officielles : Perspectives de recherche pour le développement
des communautés francophones et acadiennes. Compte-rendu de la Table Ronde « Plan d’action pour les
langues officielles : Perspectives de recherche » organisée par l’Institut canadien de recherche sur les
minorités linguistiques, 4 et 5 décembre, Ottawa. Diffusé sur le site web de l’Institut :
Sutherns, R., Wakewich, P., Parker, B. and Dallaire, C. (2003, Februrary). A Literature Review and Thematic
Bibliography. In R. Sutherns, M. McPhedran and M. Haworth-Brockman (2004), Rural, Remote and Northern
Women’s Health : Policy and Research Directions, (pp. E1-E57) ). Ottawa: Centres of Excellence for Women’s
Salmela, J. H., & Durand-Bush, N. (2003). Age Group Development (Version 1.0): Resource material for coaching
artistic gymnastics [CD-ROM]. Mouthier, Switzerland: International Gymnastics Federation.
Duchesne JF, B Lévesque, S Gingras, R Lavoie, D Prud’homme, E Bernard, LP Boulet, P Ernst. Effets respiratoires
de la natation en bassin intérieur pour les nageurs de compétition. Fond de la recherche en santé du Québec,
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Résumés publiés de présentations à des congrès scientifiques arbitrés /
Published Abstracts of Papers Presented at Scientific Peer Reviewed Conferences
Nehl, E.J., Powe, B.D., Blanchard, C.M., & Finnie, R. (2004). A snapshot of the users of the American Cancer
Society’s national Cancer Information Center. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 27, S024.
Blanchard, C.M., Courneya, K.S., Rodgers, W.M., Fraser, S.N., Murray, T., Daub, B., & Black, B. (2003). Is the
theory of planned behavior a useful framework for understanding exercise behavior during phase II cardiac
rehabilitation? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 25, S141.
Blanchard, C.M., Cokkinides, V., Nehl, E.J., Stein, K.D., Baker, F., Courneya, K.S. (2003). Comparing physical
activity behavior of breast cancer survivors after treatment to non-cancer controls. Annals of Behavioral
Medicine, 25, S063.
Blanchard, C.M., Nehl, E.J., Rhodes, R.E., Fisher, J, Sparling, P., Courneya, K.S. (2003). The moderating
influence of ethnicity on the theory of planned behaviour in the exercise domain. Annals of Behavioral
Medicine, 25, S010.
Blanchard, C.M., Stein, K.D., Baker, F., Dent, M.F., Denniston, M.M., Nehl, E.J, Courneya, K.S. (2003). Current
lifestyle behaviors and health-related quality of life in breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer survivors. Annals
of Behavioral Medicine, 25, S056.
Nehl, E.J., Blanchard, C.M., Stafford, J., Buskirk, T., & Baker, F. (2003). Current and future areas of interest in
the behavioral, psychosocial, and policy research of cancer. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 25, S054.
Fraser, S.N., Blanchard, C.M., Rodgers, W.M., Daub, B., & Black, B. (2003). Examining changes in the quality of
life of men and women as a result of cardiac rehabilitation. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 25, S142.
Stein, K.D., Blanchard, C.M., Jacobsen, P.B., & Thors, C. (2003). Further validation of the multidimensional
fatigue symptom inventory-short form (MFSI-SF). Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 25, S054.
Nehl, E.J., Conerly, R., Blanchard, C.M., Stein, K.D., Ainsworth, S. (2003). Evaluation of the American cancer
society’s smoking cessation materials by smokers. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 25, S086.
Parker T, Doucet E, Pomerleau M and Imbeault P. Acute effects of exercise intensity on adiponectin levels in
young healthy women. Obesity Research 11: A93, 2003 (NAASO, Fort Lauderdale, USA).
Doucet E, Pomerleau M, Parker T and Imbeault P. Effects of exercise intensity on ghrelin levels. Obesity
Research 11: A99, 2003 (NAASO, Fort Lauderdale, USA).
Tremblay A, Pelletier C, Doucet E and Imbeault P. Thermognesis and weight loss in obese individuals: a primary
association with organochlorine pollution. Obesity Research 11: A53, 2003 (NAASO, Fort Lauderdale, USA).
Boulé, N.G., Doucet, E., Imbeault, P., Tremblay, A. Time course for weight loss induced improvements in
components of the metabolic syndrome in obese adults (2003). International Journal of Obesity, 27: S100
Doucet, E., and Pomerleau M. Changes in energy expenditure and appetite are not associated to changes in
ghrelin or leptin during a short-term energy-restricted diet (2003). International Journal of Obesity, 27: S104
Pomerleau, M., Doucet, E., Weber, J.-M. and Haman, F. Ghrelin variations during cold exposure after low- and
high-carbohydrate diets in lean men (2003). International Journal of Obesity, 27: S61 (June).
Gonzalez, G.A., Doucet, E., Alméras, N. and Tremblay, A. Estimation of daily energy needs with two different
predictive procedures:comparison to whole body indirect calorimetry measurements in sedentary and active
adults. Second Conference of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA)
July 17-20 2003. Québec, Canada. P.5, P138 (July).
Tremblay A., Pelletier, C., Doucet, E., and Imbeault, P. Thermogenesis and weight loss in obese individuals: a
primary association with organochlorine pollution. (2003). Obesity Research, 11: A53 (October).
Parker, T.M., Doucet, E., Pomerleau, M. and Imbeault, P. Acute Effects of Exercise Intensity on Adiponectin
levels in Young Healthy Women (2003). Obesity Research, 11: A93 (October).
Doucet, E., Pomerleau, M., Parker, T.M. and Imbeault, P. Effects of Exercise Intensity on Ghrelin levels (2003).
Obesity Research, 11: A99 (October).
Gonzalez, G.A., Doucet, E., Alméras, N. and Tremblay, A. Energy expenditure in obese individuals (2003). Obesity
Research, 11: A132 (October).
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Egan, Sean & S.Burke.(2003) How elite mountain climbers train to cope with hypoxia. High Altitude medicine and
Biology. Volume 3, No. 4, p.435, 2003. Banff.
G.Major, Egan, Sean, & E.Doucet (2003, February). Effects of acute mountain sickness symptoms on energy
intake. Presented @High altitude medicine and biology. Volume 3, No. 4, p.453, 2003. Banff.
Kowal, J., & Fortier, M.S. (2004). Barriers to physical activity behavior change in a community based sample of
adult women. Communication présentée au congrès du “Society of Behavioral Medicine” (SBM), Baltimore,
mars, 2004. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 25, S028.
Pomerleau M, Imbeault P, Parker T and Doucet E. Effects of exercise intensity on daily energy intake in women.
Obesity Research 11: A104, 2003 (NAASO, Fort Lauderdale, USA).
Parker, T., Imbeault, P., Doucet, E., Weber J.-M. and Haman, F. Short term effect of low- and high-carbohydrate
diets on plasma leptin levels upon cold exposure in humans (2003). International Journal of Obesity, 27: S60
Pomerleau, M., Imbeault, P., Parker, T.M. and Doucet, E. Effects of Exercise Intensity on Appetite and Energy
Intake (2003). Obesity Research, 11: A104 (October).
Imbeault P, St-Pierre, Joyner J, Haupt LM and Prins JB. Increased adiponextin gene expression following a 3-week
arachidonic acid food supplement in type 2 diabetic patients. International Journal of Obesity 27: S109, 2003
(ECO, Helsinki, Finland).
St-Pierre S, Prins JB and Imbeault P. Effect of arachidonic acid supplement on blood glucose, insulin and leptin
levels in type 2 diabetic patients. International Journal of Obesity 27: S123, 2003 (ECO, Helsinki, Finland).
Boulé NG, Doucet E, Imbeault P, and Tremblay A. Time course for weight loss induced improvements in
components of the metabolic syndrome in obese adults. International Journal of Obesity 27: S100, 2003 (ECO,
Helsinki, Finland).
Parker T, Imbeault P, Doucet E, Weber JM and Haman F. Short term effect of low- and high-carbohydrate diets on
plasma leptin levels upon cold exposure in humans. International Journal of Obesity 27: S60, 2003 (ECO,
Helsinki, Finland).
Imbeault P, Doucet E, Weber J-M and Haman F. Effect of low- and high-carbohydrate diets on plasma
adiponectinlevels during cold exposure in humans. Experimental Biology, Abstract # 826.16 (Washington, DC,
S.Burke, T.Orlick and S.Egan (2003) Mental strategies of successful Mount-Everest climbers. High altitude
medicine and Biology. Volume 3, No. 4, p.460, 2003. Banff.
Clark, S.E., Trembley, F., Ste-Marie, D.M. (2003). Differential modulation of corticospinal excitability during
observation, mental imagery and imitation of hand actions. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 8, 32-33.
Clark, S.E., Cooper, A. & Ste-Marie, D.M. (2003). Using the Q-EDD to assess the prevalence of disordered eating
in female aesthetic athletes. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 25, s43.
Clark, S.E., Cumming, J., Ste-Marie, D.M., McCullagh, P. & Hall, C.R. (2003). Assessing the concurrent validity of
the functions of observational learning questionnaire. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 25, s44.
Cumming, J., Clark, S.E., Ste-Marie, D.M., McCullagh, P. & Hall, C.R. (2003). A reassessment of the factor
structure of the functions of observational learning questionnaire. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,
25, s47.
Ste-Marie, D.M. & Bottamini, G. (2003). Effects of varying levels of contextual interference on handwriting
acquisition in children. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 25, s129.
Ste-Marie, D.M., Law, B., Clark, S.E. & Cooper, A. (2003). Examining observational learning through the
interference paradigm. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 25, s129.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Communications à des congrès scientifiques avec comité de lecture /
Papers Read in Scientific Conferences Peer Reviewed
Beaudoin, C. « Projet Vivre en santé : La perception des parents des cours d’Éducation physique », 72e Congrès
de l'ACFAS, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada. 2004
Beaudoin, C. « Éducation physique et à la santé : les nouvelles tendances au Canada», 72e Congrès de l'ACFAS,
Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada. 2004
Chouinard. N. and Thompson, K. (2003). Team building: A step by step approach to develop cohesion. Skating
into the Future: Hockey in the New Millennium Conference, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Chouinard, N. (2003). Tactics related to loose puck situations. Skating into the Future: Hockey in the New
Millennium Conference, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Chouinard, N, Blann, W. and Thompson, K. (2003). Leadership skills and challenges of sport administrators.
North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Ithaca, New York
Dallaire, C. et Denis, C. (2004, mai). Pouvoir social et dynamisme culturel : Leçons de trois Jeux francophones.
Communication présentée lors du colloque « La vitalité des communautés francophones du Canada : Si
destinée n’était pas synonyme de densité… » dans le cadre du 72e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour
le savoir - ACFAS, Montréal, Québec.
Dallaire, C. (2004, mars). La reproduction des identités francophones chez les jeunes aux Jeux franco-ontariens.
Communication présentée au colloque « Mémoire et fragmentation. L’évolution de la problématique identitaire
en Ontario français » du Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne française (CRCCF), Ottawa.
Dallaire, C. (2003, novembre). The Challenges of Strengthening Minority Cultural Communities through Sport
Festivals. Communication présentée lors du congrès annuel de la “North American Society for the Sociology of
Sport (NASSS)”, Montréal, Canada.
Dallaire, C. (2003, juin). Successes and Difficulties of Sport Festivals Promoting Minority Identities: A
Comparative Analysis of Francophone Games in Canada. Communication présentée lors du 2e colloque
mondial de sociologie du sport de l’Association internationale de sociologie du sport (AISS), « Sport and Social
Order : Challenges for Theory and Practice », Cologne, Allemagne.
Denis, C. et Dallaire, C. (2003, juin). L’hybridité identitaire des jeunes francophones du Canada : Analyse
comparative des participants aux Jeux de l’Acadie, aux Jeux francophones de l’Alberta et aux Jeux francoontariens. Communication présentée lors du colloque de l’Association française d’études canadiennes (AFEC),
« Peuples du Canada », Rouen, France.
Doucet, E., and Pomerleau M. Changes in energy expenditure and appetite are not associated to changes in
ghrelin or leptin during a short-term energy-restricted diet. European Congress on Obesity (ECO). Helsinki
(Finland), May 29th to June 1st, 2003.
Doucet, E., Pomerleau, M., Parker, T.M. and Imbeault, P. Effects of Exercise Intensity on Ghrelin levels. North
American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO). Ft-Lauderdale (USA), October 11th to 15th, 2003.
Boulé NG, Doucet E, Imbeault P, and Tremblay A. Time course for weight loss induced improvements in
components of the metabolic syndrome in obese adults. International Journal of Obesity 27: S100, 2003 (ECO,
Helsinki, Finland).
Parker T, Doucet E, Pomerleau M and Imbeault P. Acute effects of exercise intensity on adiponectin levels in
young healthy women. Obesity Research 11: A93, 2003 (NAASO, Fort Lauderdale, USA).
Doucet E, Pomerleau M, Parker T and Imbeault P. Effects of exercise intensity on ghrelin levels. Obesity
Research 11: A99, 2003 (NAASO, Fort Lauderdale, USA).
Tremblay A, Pelletier C, Doucet E and Imbeault P. Thermognesis and weight loss in obese individuals: a primary
association with organochlorine pollution. Obesity Research 11: A53, 2003 (NAASO, Fort Lauderdale, USA).
Faubert, C., & Durand-Bush, N. (2004, May). Le rôle de la résonance dans la performance, le bien-être et la
motivation intrinsèque d’athlètes de sports d’endurance. Poster presented at the meeting of the 72e Congrès
Annuel de l’Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS), Montreal, QC, Canada.
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Faubert, C., & Durand-Bush. N. (2004, March). Experiencing resonance: Lessons learned and insights from
endurance athletes. Paper presented at the meeting of the 8th Annual Eastern Canada Sport & Exercise
Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS), St. Catharines, ON, Canada.
Short, K., & Durand-Bush. N. (2004, March). The impact of a resonance-based intervention with 11th graders in
the context of physical education classes. Paper presented at the meeting of the 8th Annual Eastern Canada
Sport & Exercise Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS), St. Catharines, ON, Canada.
Arcand, I., & Durand-Bush. N. (2004, March). The impact of a resonance-based intervention on the athletic and
academic performance of university student athletes: A proposed study. Paper presented at the meeting of the
8th Annual Eastern Canada Sport & Exercise Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS), St. Catharines, ON, Canada.
Soulard, A. D., & Durand-Bush, N. (2003, October). The process of resonance of international athletes. In N.
Durand-Bush (Chair), Nurturing positive psychology in people: The role of resonance and perspective in
creating positive change and affect. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the 18th Annual Conference of
the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP), Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Doell, K., & Durand-Bush, N. (2003, October). Using resonance in consultations: The effectiveness of daily
journals. In N. Durand-Bush (Chair), Nurturing positive psychology in people: The role of resonance and
perspective in creating positive change and affect. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the 18th Annual
Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP), Philadelphia, PA,
Faubert, C., & Durand-Bush. N. (2003, October). Examining the impact of resonance on the performance and
well-being of cyclists using a multiple case single-subject experimental design. In N. Durand-Bush (Chair),
Nurturing positive psychology in people: The role of resonance and perspective in creating positive change and
affect. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the 18th Annual Conference of the Association for the
Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP), Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Durand-Bush, N., & Doell, K. (2003, July). The use of journals and interviews to facilitate self-awareness and
resonance. Poster presented at the meeting of the XIth European Congress of Sport Psychology, Copenhagen,
Fortier, M.S., Sweet, S., Tulloch, H., Blanchard, C., Kenny, G., & Sigal, R. (2004). Changes in exercise
motivation over time: Moderating effects of gender and exercise modality. Communication présentée au 2ième
congrès mondial de Self-Determination Theory, Ottawa, mai, 2004.
O’Sullivan, T., Fortier, M.S., & Hogg, W. (2004). The PAC project: Integrating physical activity counselors in the
primary health care team: A proposed randomized controlled trial. Communication présentée au congrès du
“Eastern Canadian Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium” (ECSEPS), Brock, mars, 2004.
Humphries, C., Fortier, M.S., & Kowal, J. (2004). Physical activity maintenance in middle aged and older women:
A proposed qualitative study. Communication présentée au congrès du “Eastern Canadian Sport and Exercise
Psychology Symposium” (ECSEPS), Brock, mars, 2004.
Sweet, S. & Fortier, M.S. (2004). The influence of psycho-social constructs on physical activity maintenance in
adults with type 2 diabetes in the post-intervention phase of a randomized exercise trial. Communication
présentée au congrès du “Eastern Canadian Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium” (ECSEPS), Brock,
mars, 2004.
Kowal, J., & Fortier, M.S. (2004). Barriers to physical activity behavior change in a community based sample of
adult women. Communication présentée au congrès du “Society of Behavioral Medicine” (SBM), Baltimore,
mars, 2004. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 25, S028.
Harvey, J. “The Politics of Bill C-12: An Act to Promote Sport and Physical Activity”. Paper presented at the annual
NASSS conference, Montreal, 2003.
Imbeault P, Doucet E, Weber J-M and Haman F. Effect of low- and high-carbohydrate diets on plasma
adiponectinlevels during cold exposure in humans. Experimental Biology, Abstract # 826.16 (Washington, DC,
Pomerleau M, Imbeault P, Parker T and Doucet E. Effects of exercise intensity on daily energy intake in women.
Obesity Research 11: A104, 2003 (NAASO, Fort Lauderdale, USA).
Imbeault P, St-Pierre, Joyner J, Haupt LM and Prins JB. Increased adiponextin gene expression following a 3-week
arachidonic acid food supplement in type 2 diabetic patients. International Journal of Obesity 27: S109, 2003
(ECO, Helsinki, Finland).
St-Pierre S, Prins JB and Imbeault P. Effect of arachidonic acid supplement on blood glucose, insulin and leptin
levels in type 2 diabetic patients. International Journal of Obesity 27: S123, 2003 (ECO, Helsinki, Finland).
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Parker T, Imbeault P, Doucet E, Weber JM and Haman F. Short term effect of low- and high-carbohydrate diets
on plasma leptin levels upon cold exposure in humans. International Journal of Obesity 27: S60, 2003 (ECO,
Helsinki, Finland).
Adamo KB, F Tesson, R Sigal, G Kenny, D Prud’homme. Influence PPARγ2 Genotype on Exercise Response in
Type 2 Diabetes: a DATE Substudy. 11 (sept) Suppl. Obesity Research. North American Association for the
Study of Obesity Annual meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 2003.
Blouin K, JP Després, C Couillard, A Tremblay, D Prud’homme, A Tchernof. Contribution de l’âge et de la
diminution des niveaux d’androgènes aux caractéristiques du syndrôme métabolique chez l’homme. Congrès
de la Société Québécoise de Lipidologie, de Nutrition et de Métabolisme. Sainte-Foy, Québec, Avril 2004.
Yasari S, A Paquette, A Charbonneau, R Savard, D Prud’homme, JM Lavoie. Effects of exercise training cessation
on the time course of gain of fat in adipose tissue in response to a high fat diet. A MONET study. Experimental
Biology, Washington DC, April 2004.
Dubé MC, D Joanisse, C Lavoie, D Prud’homme, S Lemieux, C Bouchard, L Pérusse, SJ Weisnagel. CT-scan
Derived Muscle Fat Infiltration Indices and Body Fat Distribution in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetic and Healthy
Subjects: Strong Relations Independent of Diabetes Status. 11 (sept) Suppl. Obesity Research. North
American Association for the Study of Obesity Annual meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 2003.
Prud’homme D, M Fitchet, N Alméras, M Dumont, A Tremblay, JP Després. Six-Month Topiramate Treatment
Reduces Body Weight and Blood Pressure. 11 (sept) Suppl. Obesity Research. North American Association for
the Study of Obesity Annual meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 2003.
Dubé MC, SJ Weisnagel, D Prud’homme, C Lavoie. Early or late postprandial exercise in type 1 diabetic patients :
are these time conditions so different? Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology congress, Niagara on the lake,
October 2003.
Berthier MT, A Houde, J Bergeron, D Prud’homme, JP Després, MC Vohl. Effect of the Factor VII R353Q Missense
Mutation on Plasma Apolipoprotein B levels : impact of Visceral Obesity. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 27:3,
355 no223, 2003. CDA/CSEM Professionnal Conference and annuals Meetings, Ottawa, October 2003.
Adamo KB, JG Fodor, A Chockalingam, R Cifkova, D Prud’homme. Hypertriglyceridemic waist and exercise in a
female Newfoundland population. Medicine and Science in sports and exercise. 35 (5) Suppl. ACSM 50th
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, May 2003.
Blackburn P, I Lemieux, A Pascot, C Couillard, N Alméras, J Bergeron, D Prud’homme, A Tremblay, B Lamarche ,
JP Després. Est-ce que l’utilisation du rapport cholesterol total/cholesterol HDL associé à la circonférence de
taille permet une prédiction des éléments de la triade métabolique athérogène comparable à la triglycéridémie
utilisée dans la définition du phénotype de la « taille hypertriglycéridémiante » Journée de la recherche de
l’Hôpital Laval. Mai 2003.
Fortin, S., Rail, G., Trudelle, S. et Vieira, A. (2004, mai). « Danser et être en santé : itinéraire en zone trouble ».
Conférence annuelle de l’Association Canadienne Française pour l’Avancement des Sciences, Montréal,
Voyer, P., Laberge, S., Rail, G. (2004, avril). “Attitudes toward medication by elderly women from diverse cultural
backgrounds and implications for promoting compliance to a drug regimen.” The 18th World Conference on
Health Promotion and Health Education, Melbourne, Australie.
Kim, K.Y. et Rail, G. (2003, Novembre). “Asian-Canadian Adolescents Making Sense of Health and Fitness.”
University of Ottawa Applied Health and Social Research Symposium, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Kim, K.Y. et Rail, G. (2003, Novembre). “‘Good Medicine Tastes Bitter’: Korean-Canadian Adolescents’
Constructions of Health and Fitness.” Conférence annuelle de la North American Society for the Sociology of
Sport, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Ravel, B. et Rail, G. (2003, Novembre). “The Road to Performance: Gay/Bisexual Women in Ice Hockey.”
Conférence annuelle de la North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Seeley, M. et Rail, G. (2003, Novembre). “Support or Suppress? Re/examining outsiderness and other
methodological issues in doing disability research.” Conférence annuelle de la North American Society for the
Sociology of Sport, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
George, T. et Rail, G. (2003, Novembre). “Of Silk Saris and Gym Shorts: Constructions of Health and Fitness
among Young South Asian Canadian Women.” Conférence annuelle de la North American Society for the
Sociology of Sport, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Martin, V.F. et Rail, G. (2003, Novembre). “Physical activity and health practices among elderly Native women: A
reflection of their identity.” Conférence annuelle de la North American Society for the Sociology of Sport,
Montréal, Québec, Canada.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Messing, K., Randoin, M., Fortin, S. et Rail, G. (2003, octobre). « Ce n’est pas confortable mais je suis correcte
comme ça » : la posture debout statique prolongée. Congrès de l’Association canadienne de recherche en
santé au travail (ACRST / CARWH). Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Lemaire, E.D.; Robertson, D.G.E. & Stewart, L. Biomechanics of C-leg locomotion on level ground, stairs and
ramps. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Prosthetics & Orthotics Australia, Melbourne,
Australia, Nov. 2003.
Post, A. and Robertson, D.G.E. Force plate considerations in studies involving ramps at different angles. XXVth
Conference of the American Society of Biomechanics, Toledo, OH, Sept. 2003.
Rambarran, K.; Lemaire, E.D. and Robertson, D.G.E. Effectiveness of the Kinetic Wedge foot orthosis modification
to reduce relative plantar pressure, XXVth Conference of the American Society of Biomechanics, Toledo, OH,
Sept. 2003.
Singer, J. and Robertson, D.G.E. Biomechanics of ascending an incline. XXVth Conference of the American Society
of Biomechanics, Toledo, OH, Sept. 2003.
Beaulieu, F.; Pelland, L. and Robertson, D.G.E. Descending stairs, forwards and backwards. XIXth Congress of
International Society of Biomechanics, Dunedin, New Zealand, July 2003.
Rambarran, K.; Lemaire, E.D. and Robertson, D.G.E. Effectiveness of the Kinetic Wedge foot orthosis modification
to improve gait posture, XIXth Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, Dunedin, New Zealand, July
Seguin, B., O’Reilly, N., Lyberger, M. and McArthy, L. (Juin, 2004). Marketing d'embuscade - Menace sérieuse à
l'exclusivité des sponsors olympiques. Article accepté pour présentation au Congrès de l'Association des
Sciences Administratives du Canada (ASAC), Université Laval, Québec.
Bottamini, G. & Ste-Marie, D.M. Male voices on body image. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for
Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology, Hamilton (ON), October 2003.
Clark, S.E. & Ste-Marie, D.M. Self-modeling as an intervention for competitive swimmers. Paper presented at the
Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology, Hamilton (ON), October 2003.
Ste-Marie, D.M. & Howell, L. Seft-modeling in Tae Kwon Do: Examining effects in training and competition. Poster
presented at the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology, Hamilton (ON), October
Culver, D., Trudel, P., “ L’approche collaborative : Aider des entraîneurs de sport à apprendre de leurs
expériences quotidiennes ”, 72ième congrès de l’ACFAS, Montréal, P.Q. Canada, Mai 2004.
Lemyre, F., Trudel, P., “Helping athletes and coaches learn and work together: Action and participatory human
inquiry strategies”, Eight Annual Eastern Canada Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS), Brock
University, Ont. Canada, March, 2004.
Larocque, L., Trudel, P., “Learning as a process of becoming: The community of practice perspective”, Eight
Annual Eastern Canada Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS), Brock University, Ont. Canada,
March, 2004.
Wright, T., Trudel, P., Harvey, J., “The use of the internet among competitive summer and winter youth hockey
coaches”. Eight Annual Eastern Canada Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS), Brock
University, Ont. Canada, March, 2004.
Culver, D., Trudel, P., “Cultivating communities of practice to help sport coaches learn through experience: The
role of researcher/facilitator”. Poster presentation at the Harvard Student Research Conference and
International Forum, Harvard, USA, February, 2004.
Larocque, L., Trudel, P., “Learning as a process of becoming: The case of moose hunters”. Poster presentation at
the Harvard Student Research Conference and International Forum, Harvard, USA, February, 2004.
Culver, D., Trudel, P., “Facilitating the Learning Process in a Club: Cultivating excellence with coaches”,
Presentation at the meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA, October, 2003.
Wright, T., Trudel, P., Harvey, J., "The use of the internet among competitive summer and winter youth hockey
coaches". Eight Annual Eastern Canada Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS), Brock
University, Ont. Canada, March, 2004.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Communications et conférences sur invitation /
Invited Papers and Lectures
Beaudoin, C. « Bien-être et qualité de vie au travail/Wellness and Quality of life at work »; Conférence présentée
dans le cadre d’une journée de formation pour les employés du Ministère de la justice, Gouvernement fédéral
du Canada, Ottawa, janvier 2004
Beaudoin, C. « Wellness and Quality of life at work »; Atelier-conférence présentée dans le cadre d’une retraite
pour gestionnaires du Ministère de la justice, Gouvernement fédéral du Canada, Ottawa, décembre 2003
Blanchard, C.M., Courneya, K.S., Stein, K.D., Baker, F., Dent, M.F., Denniston, M., & Nehl, E. (2003).
Association between current lifestyle behaviors and health-related quality of life in breast, colorectal, and
prostate cancer survivors. Alberta Center For Well-Being: Research Update, 10(1).
Dallaire, C. (2004, avril). Les succès et les défis de la promotion des identités minoritaires dans le contexte de
festivals sportifs: une analyse comparative des jeux francophones au Canada. Communication présentée au
Séminaire international de recherche « Jeux, sports et francophonie : l’exemple du Canada » organisé par le
Centre d’Études Canadiennes inter-universtiare de Bordeaux (CECIB) et la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme
d’Aquitaine, 28 avril, Bordeaux, France.
Dallaire, C. (2004, mars). Les jeunes à la Finale des Jeux de l’Acadie : leurs motivations et leur appréciation des
visées sportive et communautaire des Jeux. Présentation au Conseil d’administration de la Société des Jeux de
l’Acadie, Beresford, Nouveau Brunswick.
Dallaire, C. (2003, décembre). Le Plan d’action pour les langues officielles : Perspectives de recherche pour le
développement des communautés francophones et acadiennes. Communication présentée à la Table Ronde
« Plan d’action pour les langues officielles : Perspectives de recherche » organisée par l’Institut canadien de
recherche sur les minorités linguistiques, 4 et 5 décembre, Ottawa.
Dallaire, C. (2003, novembre). Asymmetrical Hybridities : Youths at Francophone Games in Canada. Présentation
invitée dans le contexte des séminaires organisés dans le cadre des activités de la Chaire en études
canadiennes de l’University College Dublin, Irlande.
Dallaire, C. (2003, octobre). Importance et retombées des activités parascolaires pour les élèves francophones en
milieu minoritaire. Atelier au 56e Congrès de l’Association canadienne pour l’éducation de langue française
(ACELF), Toronto, Ontario.
Dallaire, C. (2003, juin). Les Jeux de la francophonie canadienne minoritaire et la construction sociale du "vrai"
francophone. Présentation invitée dans le contexte des séminaires du Laboratoire de recherche Activités
Physiques et Sportives et Sciences Sociales, Strasbourg, France
Doucet E. Obésité: Plus qu’une histoire de poids... Université de Moncton. 17 avril 2003.
Doucet E. Activité physique et vieillissement. Université d’Ottawa. 14 mai 2003.
Doucet E. La graisse sous tous ses plis. CNFS. Hôpital Montfort. 18 Novembre 2003.
Durand-Bush, N. (2004). Engaging in the process of resonance to increase work satisfaction and productivity.
Invited speaker at a KCI Medical meeting, Ottawa, Canada.
Durand-Bush, N. (2003, October). Invited discussant for Dr. Martin Seligman’s keynote address at the meeting of
the 18th Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP),
Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Durand-Bush, N. (2004, April). Invited discussant for the plenary session entitled “Research stories: Things you
always wanted to know” at the annual meeting of the Jean Paul Dionne Symposium, University of Ottawa,
Ottawa, Canada.
Durand-Bush, N. (2003, September). Developing and maintaining excellence in sport. Invited speaker at the
meeting of the Xth Brazilian International Congress of Sport Psychology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Imbeault P. The adipose tissue-derived protein adiponectin under the magnifying glass. Monthly meeting of the
Centre for Research in Biopharmaceuticals and Biotechnology. 11/2003 (Ottawa, Canada).
Imbeault P. La graisse sous tous ses plis. Consortium National de Formation en Santé. 01/2004 (Ottawa,
Lamontagne, M. (2003). Backwards release mechanism of ski-boots to prevent ACL-injuries: a biomechanical
study. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference in Orthopaedics, Biomechanics, Sports
Rehabilitation, Assisi (Perugia), Italy.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Lamontagne, M. (2003). Biomechanics of musculotendinous unit. Paper presented at the 7th International
Conference in Orthopaedics, Biomechanics, Sports Rehabilitation, Assisi (Perugia), Italy.
Lamontagne, M. (2003). Tissue Biomechanics in the adolescent. Paper presented at the 7th International
Conference in Orthopaedics, Biomechanics, Sports Rehabilitation, Assisi (Perugia), Italy.
Prud’homme D. Physical activity and Exercise. Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management and
Prevention of Obesity. Toronto, Avril 2004.
Prud’homme D. L’obésité et le diabète de type II… un défi de taille. Conférence Roche / Activité de formation
médicale continue. Gatineau, Avril 2004.
Prud’homme D. Antipsychotiques et problèmes métaboliques : mise à jour. Département de psychiatrie, Hôpital
Montfort, Décembre 2003.
Prud’homme D. Traitement antipsychotique et perturbations métaboliques : que
préoccupations? Hôpital Joliette, Département de Psychiatrie, Joliette, Octobre 2003.
Prud’homme D. Topiramate: An anti-obesity agent. Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) research
founds. Ottawa, Juin 2003.
Prud’homme D. Physical activity and prevention of disease in the elderly. Physical activity and disease prevention
invitational workshop. University of Ottawa : Institute on Health of the Elderly. University of Ottawa associated
with the SCO Health Service and the Community Health Research Unit. Mai 2003.
Prud’homme D. Traitement antipsychotique et perturbations métaboliques : que sont devenues nos
préoccupations en 2003? 2e sommet francophone de consultation en psychiatrie. Marrakech, Maroc, Avril
Prud’homme D. Le traitement de l’obésité. Journée Montfort, Ottawa, Avril 2003.
Prud’homme D. Effets métaboliques des antipsychotiques : Mise à jour. Rimouski. Département de psychiatrie,
Février 2003.
Prud’homme D. Metabolic Consequences of the Antipsychotics. Psychiatry advisory board meeting, Manoir des
sables. Orford. Février 2003.
Rail, G. (2003, janvier). « Les femmes et la santé : enjeux sociaux ». Invitée de Roxanne Deevey à une série sur
la santé des femmes dans le cadre de l’émission Panorama, Télévision Franco-Ontarienne, Ottawa. (Entrevue
télévisée de 30 minutes enregistrée sur le campus de l’Université d’Ottawa).
Rail, G. (2003, janvier). « Le sport extrême et ses coûts sociaux ». Invitée à l’émission Québec ce soir, RadioCanada, Québec. (Entrevue télévisée de 10 minutes enregistrée aux studios de Radio Canada, Montréal).
Rail, G. (2003, janvier). « Le Super Bowl et l’impact de la reproduction des discours dominants sur le genre, la
race, le capitalisme et le nationalisme ». Invitée à l’émission Matin Express, RDI (Radio-Canada). (Entrevue
télévisée de 10 minutes enregistrée aux studios de Radio Canada, Montréal).
Rail, G. (2004, Février). “Gender-based analysis in communications.” International Conference on Gender and
Communication, Havana, Cuba.
Rail, G. (2003, Septembre). “Sports research and feminist postmodernism.” Conférence invitée, Graduate
Seminar, Idrettshogskole, Oslo, Norway.
Rail, G. (2003, Novembre). “Fostering Research Connections: Perspective from the Faculty of Health Sciences.”
University of Ottawa Applied Health and Social Research Symposium, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Robertson, D.G.E.; Lemaire, E.D.; Beaulieu, F.D..; Stewart, L-A. and Singer J. (2003, Oct.) Prosthetic Gait
Analysis on Stairs and Ramps, International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics Canada Symposium,
Sunnybrook and Women’s Hospital, Toronto.
Robidoux, M. (Oct.) 2003 –Guest Speaker: “Wounding Words: The Performance of Language in Canadian
Hockey.” Social Sciences Festival. Department of Social and Cultural Sciences. Vanier College, Montreal, QC
Ste-Marie, D. Le biais lié à la mémoire dans le jugement en gymnastique. Presented at the 4th International
Colloquium of the Association Française de recherche en activités gymniques et acrobatiques, Amiens, France,
March 2004.
Ste-Marie, D. Panel member of « Balance in Academia and Life » Presented at the student meeting of the North
American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Savannah Georgia, June 2003.
Trudel, P., Gilbert, W. “Le volet caché de la formation des entraîneurs(e)s : l’apprentissage par expérience" .
Présentation au International Congress of the Moroccan Association of Sport Psychology, Marrakech, Maroc,
juin 2004.
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Trudel, P. “Et si les entraîneurs partageaient leur savoir!! ". Présentation au colloque PERFO 2004, organisé par la
Fédération du sport étudiant, Gatineau, P.Q., Canada, juin 2004.
Werthner, P. (2003). Developing self-reflective coaches, Part II. Sport Leadership Conference and ICCE Global
Coach Conference, Vancouver, B.C., October 30-November 2.
Werthner, P. (2003) Current research in coaching effectiveness. Sport Leadership Conference and ICCE Global
Coach Conference, Vancouver, B.C., October 30-November 2.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Brosseau L., Finestone, H. & Wells, G. The development of EBCPGs for post-stroke physical rehabilitation: Phase
II. The Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation, $30,005.00 (2004-2005).
Bayley, M., et al., Brosseau, L. The stroke canada optimization of rehabilitation through evidence (SCORE
project). Networks of Centres of Excellence (Canada Stroke Network), $415,000. (2003-2005) ; $207,500.
Denis, S., Tétreault, S., Dubouloz, C.-J., McKinley, P., Duquette, J., Goldin, J.J., Bernat, D., Gardiner, M. &
Lefebvre, H. Étude de l’implication des membres de la famille des clients ayant de la fibromyalgie dans le
processus de réadaptation. GIRAFE, $5,000.00 (2003-2004).
Lam, T., Backman, Dubouloz, C.-J., Etcheverry, Klaiman, Kruppa, Marazzani, McColl, Polatajko, Schnider, Taylor,
Townsend. Content Validation of CAOT Accreditation Indicators. Association Canadienne des ergothérapeutes
du Canada, $20,000.00 (2003-2004).
Daphne A. Ducharme (chercheur principal) et Rachel I. Mayberry (co-chercheure), Deaf readers: How do they
create associations between sign and print?, CRSH, $43,753 (3 ans), $18,565 2004), $15,064 (2005),
$10,124 (2006)
Durieux-Smith, A. Newborn Hearing Screening. Masonic Foundation of Ontario, $105,000.00 (2002-2005),
$35,000.00 (2003-2004).
M.Egan. Career Science Award, Ministry of Health and Long-term care $50,000 (1 year).
P Guitard (PI), M Egan, CJ Dubouloz, M Tremblay, G Coutu Walkulczyk (CIs) Vers un agenda de recherche
centrée sur le client francophone en réadaptation : Validation de la Mesure canadienne du rendement
occupationnel. Consortium national de formation en santé. $10,000 (1 year).
Guitard, P., Sveistrup, H., Lockett, D., Edwards, N. (2004-2005) How effective are bath grab bars for stopping a
fall when you lose your balance? Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation ($25 000; $25 000)
Chantal Laroche, Christian Giguère. Review of the Hearing Conservation Program, Canadian Armed Forces,
39 228$ (2003-01-24 au 2003-09-30)
Chantal Laroche, Christian Giguère, André L’espérance. Optimization of acoustic warning signalization to
improve safety in the workplace. NSERC-CHRP, 136 800$ 2001: 56 100$, 2002: 47 600$, 2003: 33 100$
(terminé en déc. 2003)
2004 – 2009 Leonard, C. L. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, discovery grant,
$50,000 ($10,000/year). “Towards a better understanding of the role of the right hemisphere in language
2004 – 2007 Rochon, E. A. (Co-PI), Leonard, C. L. (Co-PI), Grady, C. L, Graham, S. Heart and Stroke Foundation
of Canada, operating grant, $323,604 (Year 1: $101,589; Year 2: $111,130; Year 3: $110,885). “Neural,
linguistic, and communicative changes after treatment for anomia in aphasia”.
Desrosiers J. (Chercheure principale), Belleville S., Bravo G., Demers L., Landreville P., Mercier L., Paquet N.,
Payette H., Rainville C., Robichaud L., Rousseau J., Ska B., Talbot L., Verreault R., Vincent C. Besoins et
services de réadaptation pour les personnes âgées ayant subi un AVC: Étude multicentrique. IRSC, 20032006, montant total : $289,672, montant par année : $94,847 + $5,131 d’équipement la première année.
Feldman A.G. (Chercheur principal), Lamarre Y., Paquet N. Sensori-motor Integration in Goal-directed
Movements. IRSC, 2003-2006, montant total : $132,446, montant par année : $42,682 + $4,400
d’équipement la première année.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Dannenbaum E., Paquet N. (co-chercheures principales), Feldman A.G. Recovery of gaze stability in patients with
vestibular deficits. Subvention de recherche clinique de l’Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec
(OPPQ)-Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR), 2003-2005, montant total :
$15,000, montant par année $7,500.
World Rehabilitation Fund (récipiendaire de la subvention) Rachel Thibeault – chercheur principal : SocioEconomic Rehabilitation Initiative for War-Affected Women in Sierra Leone, 2003 World Bank Development
Marketplace (DM) Global Competition, $126,000 USD
F. Tremblay. Functional connectivity underlying tactile form perception: an exploration through interfering
magnetic stimulation. NSERC ($22 000 in total/ $11 000 yearly: 2005-2006)
Brosseau, L. Evidence-based practice in rehabilitation. University Research Chair, $100,000 (2003-2008);
$20,000 (2003-2004).
Brosseau, L. et al A multifaceted knowledge transfer strategy for implementing clinical practice guidelines on
rheumatoid arthritis: a feasibility/validity study. Faculty of Health Sciences and IRND, $10,000. (2003).
L. Brosseau, L Casimiro, M Egan, CJ Dubouloz, A Durieux-Smith, L Garcia, L Pelland, I Graham. Répertoire
sur Internet de recommandations cliniques interdisciplinaires portant sur des interventions efficaces et fondées
sur les faits scientifiques : Une ressource francophone pour les étudiants, éducateurs, cliniciens, chercheurs,
administrateurs et décideurs en réadaptation. CNFS ; 10,000$/1 yr.
Brosseau, L., Egan, M., Durieux-Smith, A., Dubouloz, C.-J., Casimiro, L. Répertoire sur Internet de
recommandations cliniques interdisciplinaires portant sur des interventions efficaces et fondées sur les faits
scientifiques. Programme de soutien à la recherche CNFS, $10,000.00 (2003-2004).
Daphne A. Ducharme (chercheur principal), How do deaf children create associations between sign and print?,
Fonds de recherche de la Faculté, $5000
Bouchard, L., Durieux-Smith, A. & Graham, I. Proposal to conduct a one-day Faculty Development Workshop on
Interdisciplinary pedagogy, University of Ottawa, Development of Interdisciplinary Initiatives, $9,950.00
Mary Egan (PI), Robin Gaines, Cheryl Missiuna, Rose Martini (CIs) Un projet pour l’avancement des connaissances
et des services pour les enfants francophones atteints du trouble de l’acquisition de la coordination (TAC) .
Consortium national de formation en santé. $7725 (1 year).
Linda Garcia, Chantal Laroche et collaborateurs. Developing a blueprint for ENTOURAGE, Vice-rectorat
enseignement, Programme d’initiatives interdisciplinaires, T : 10 000$ (2003-2004)
Linda Garcia, Chantal Laroche, Stéphane Bouchard, Pierre Gosselin. Using virtual humans in disability research
to test the impact of non verbal communication, Faculté des Sc. de la Santé et Service de la recherche, T : 5
000$ (Sc. Santé); 5 000 $ (Ser. Rech.) (2003-2004)
Garcia, L. (C.P.), Laroche, C., Bouchard, S., Joanisse, J., Sveistrup, H, Lee, W., Kozak, J., Lemaire, E.,.
Developing a blueprint for ENTOURAGE, Development of Interdisciplinary Initiatives Program, Université
d’Ottawa, $10,000.
Garcia, L. (C.P.), Paradis, J., Laroche, C., Groupe de recherche sur l’évaluation des troubles de la
communication (GRETCOM) ; Développement d’une base de données pour les tests, fonds vice-rectorat –
formation, ($6,914)
Gomes J (PI). Genetic variability and susceptibility to prostatic diseases among adult males, Start up funds for the
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, $10,000
Guitard, Tremblay Egan, Dubouloz, Coutu-Wakulczyk, Etcheverry, Restall. (2004) VALIDATION DE LA
national de formation en santé (CNFS)- 9 675$
Fonds de développement de La Faculté des sciences de la santé- 5000$ (Janvier 2004).
Hébert, M., & Thibeault, R. (2002). La pertinence du Mini-Mental Examination (Folstein, Folstein, McHugh, 1975)
dans le dépistage, le diagnostic et le traitement des personnes souffrant de démence. - Faculté des sciences
de la santé - FUAR Université d’Ottawa - 10 000 $ (2003-2004).
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
2003/2004 Leonard, C.L. University of Ottawa Research Funds, $10, 000. “Neural processing characteristics
associated with changes in word retrieval abilities after treatment for anomia”.
2003/2004 Leonard, C.L. University of Ottawa, Policy 94 Awards Committee, $5,000 “Neural processing
characteristics associated with changes in word retrieval abilities after treatment for anomia”. Purpose: 3credit course load reduction.
Martini, Rose (2003). Teaching workload reduction ($4,257.) Policy 94.
Paquet N. Développement d’une unité de recherche en réadaptation vestibulaire. Fond de départ de la Faculté des
sciences de la santé, Université d’Ottawa, 2003-2005, montant total : $30,000, montant par
année $15,000.
Tremblay, L.E., Pomey, M.P. & Casimiro, L. Étude de la satisfaction des soins de réadaptation communautaire en
Ontario français. Gouv. Du Canada (CNFS), 5,000$ (2004).
Livres / Books
Tremblay, L.E., Savard, J., Casimiro, L. & Tremblay, M. Répertoire des outils d’évaluation en français pour la
réadaptation. Les Éditions du Centre Franco-Ontarienne des ressources pédagogiques, septembre 2003 (sous
Chapitres de livres /
Chapters in books
Egan M, Delaat, MD & Vallée C., ALogos and mythos reasoning in occupational therapy,@ in M. McColl (ed),
Spirituality in occupational therapy, CAOT Publications, (2003), pp. 115-124.
McKinley P, Pelland L. Perception of competence for stair descent in children with intellectual disabilities. In:
L’éducation familiale dans les années 2000. Eds : Palacio-Quintin E, Bouchard JM, Terrisse B. (2003);Montréal,
Québec : Éditions Logiques.
Thibeault, R. (2003). Experiential and Philosophical Considerations on
Occupational and The Genesis of
Meaning and Resilience. Dans Spirituality and Occupational Therapy. Édité par Mary Ann McColl. Ottawa:
Publications de l’Association canadienne des ergothérapeutes.
Rédacteurs (Éditions spéciales) /
Editors (Special Issues)
Egan, M. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy: Models of practice and evidence-based practice (2003).
Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture /
Papers in Refereed Journals
L.Brosseau, K.Yonge, S.Marchand, V.Robinson, G.Wells, and P.Tugwell. Efficacy of transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation (TENS) for rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review (Cochrane Review). The Cochrane Library [3].
2003. Oxford, Update Software.
L.Brosseau, K.Yonge, S.Marchand, V.Robinson, G.Wells, and P.Tugwell, Efficacy of
osteoarthritis: a systematic review (Cochrane Review)., The Cochrane Library (2003).
L.Brosseau, L.MacLeay, V.Robinson, G.Wells, and P.Tugwell. Intensity of exercise for osteoarthritis: a metaanalysis (Cochrane Review). The Cochrane Library [2]. 2003. Oxford, Update Software.
S.Milne, L.Brosseau, M.J.Noel, H.Drouin, J.Davis, G.Wells, and P.Tugwell, The efficacy of continuous passive
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motion for the treatment of arthroplasty of the knee (Cochrane Review)., The Cochrane Library [2]. 2003.
Oxford, Update Software.
M.Egan, L.Brosseau, M.Farmer, M.A.Ouimet, S.Rees, G.Wells, and P.Tugwell. Splints/orthoses in the treatment of
rheumatoid arthritis (Cochrane Review). The Cochrane Library [1]. 2003. Oxford, Update Software.
Egan M (2003). Models and evidence-based practice: You can=t have one without the other. Canadian Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 70, 261-265.
Garcia, L.J., Eriks-Brophy, A., Daneault, C., Gravel, M., Séguin, M.J., Rochette, M.C. (2003) Comparaison de deux
méthodes pour décrire l’impact de l’aphasie sur le fonctionnement de deux individus – étude pilote,
Développement humain, handicap et changement social, 12(1), 31-49.
Giguère, C., Laroche, C. and Poirier, P. (2003). Evaluation of audible traffic signals for pedestrians with visual
impairment, Canadian Acoustics, (2003), 31(2), 3-11.
Giguère, C., Laroche, C. and Poirier, P. (2003). Evaluation of audible traffic signals for pedestrians with visual
impairment, Canadian Acoustics, (2003), 31(2), 3-11.
Laroche, C., Soli, S., Giguère, C., Lagacé, J., Vaillancourt, V. & Fortin, M. An Approach to the Development of
Hearing Standards for Hearing-critical Jobs. Noise & Health Journal (2003), 6(21), 17-37.
Vaillancourt, V., Laroche, C., Lavoie, C. Exposition au bruit environnemental en milieu de garde. Acoustique
Canadienne, (2003), 31(2), 13-21.
Laroche, C., Soli, S., Giguère, C., Lagacé, J., Vaillancourt, V. & Fortin, M. An Approach to the Development of
Hearing Standards for Hearing-critical Jobs. Noise & Health Journal (2003), 6(21), 17-37.
Proulx, G., Laroche, C. Recollection, Identification and Perceived Urgency of the Temporal-Three Evacuation
Signal, Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, (2003) 13(1), 67-82
Reichman, S., Leonard, C., Mintz, T., Kaizer, C., & Lisner-Kerbel, H. (2004). Compiling life history resources for
older adults in institutions: Development of a guide. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 30(2), 20-28.
Martini, R., Wall, A. E., & Shore, B.M. (2004). Metacognitive processes underlying psychomotor performance in
children with differing psychomotor. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly,21, 248-268..
Lott, A., Bisson, E., Lajoie, Y., McComas, J., Sveistrup, H. The effect of two types of virtual reality on voluntary
center of pressure displacement. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 6(5): 477-485, 2003.
Lamontagne A., Paquet N., Fung J. (2003) Postural Adjustments to Voluntary Head Motions During Standing Are
Modified Following Stroke. Clinical Biomechanics 18:832-842.
Paquet N., Kulkarni K., Fung J., Watt D.G.D. (2003) Spatial Navigation After Surgical Resection of an Acoustic
Neuroma: A Pilot Study. Journal of Otolaryngology 32:180-184.
Kairy D., Paquet N., Fung J. (2003) A Postural Adaptation Test for Stroke Patients. Disability and
Rehabilitation. 25:127-35.
Dannenbaum E., Rappaport J., Paquet N., Visintin M., Fung J., Watt D. (2004) 2-year Review of a Novel Vestibular
Rehabilitation Program in Montreal and Laval, Quebec. Journal of Otolaryngology 33:5-9.
Pelland L, McKinley P. The Montréal Rehabilitation Performance Profile: A statistical model for assessing stair
descent in children with cognitive impairments. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003;
Roberts, P.M. Performandce of Canadian adults on the Graded Naming Test. Aphasiology, 17(10), 933-946, 2003.
Roberts, P.M. Code, C.F.S., McNeil, M.R. Describing participants in aphasia research. Part 1: Audit of current
practices. Aphasiology, 17(10), 911-932, 2003.
Tremblay F, Mireault AC, Dessureault L, Manning H, Sveistrup H. Postural Stabilization from fingertip contact: I.
Variations in sway attenuation, perceived stability and contact forces with aging Experimental Brain Research
available first on-line http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00221-004-1830-4..
Clark, S., Tremblay, F. and Ste-Marie, D. (2004) Differential modulation of corticospinal excitability during
observation, mental imagery and imitation of hand actions. Neuropsychologia 42, 105-12.
Sveistrup, H., McComas, J., Thornton, M., Marshall, S., Finestone, H., McCormick, A., Babulic, K., Mayhew, A.
Experimental studies of virtual reality-delivered compared to conventional exercise programs for rehabilitation.
CyberPsychology & Behavior, 6(3): 245-249, 2003.
C.Séguin, G.Coutu-Walkulczyk, M.Vachon, and L.Brosseau, Comportements perturbateurs chez les personnes
aphasiques: Le poids des silences…, L'infirmière Canadienne 4:4 (2003).
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Comptes rendus avec comité de lecture /
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Giguère, C., Laroche, C., Soli, S., Lagacé, J., Fortin, M. and Vaillancourt, V. Hearing Standards for Fisheries and
Oceans Canada. The 8th International Congress on Noise as Public Health Problem, Rotterdam, Netherlands,
(July 2003), 82-83.
Giguère, C., Laroche, C., Zheng, Y., Sabourin, C. A Warning Sound Perception Model Software. The 8th
International Congress on Noise as Public Health Problem, Rotterdam, Netherlands. (July 2003), 80-81.
Giguère, C., Laroche, C. and Leroux, T. (2004). “Evaluation of audible traffic signals for blind pedestrians at quiet
and busy road intersections,” 18th International Congress on Acoustics, Kyoto, Japan, 4-9 April. Proceedings
Vol I, 437-44.
Giguère, C., Palardy, M-J, and De Segovia C. (2004). “The effects of hearing aid processing on the perception of
signals increasing or decreasing in intensity,” 18th International Congress on Acoustics, Kyoto, Japan, 4-9
April. Proceedings Vol I, 827-830.
Zheng, Y, Giguère, C., Laroche, C. and Sabourin, C. (2003). “Detectsound Version 2: A software tool for
adjusting the level and spectrum of acoustic warning signals,” Annual Symposium of the Canadian Acoustical
Association, Edmonton, Alberta, (October, 2003), 76-77.
Palardy, M.-J., Giguère, C. and De Segovia, C. (2003). “Perception of ascending and descending signal intensity and
effects of signal compression by hearing aids,” Annual Symposium of the Canadian Acoustical Association,
Edmonton, Alberta, 14-17 October. Proceedings in Canadian Acoustics 31(3), 82-83.
Zheng, Y., Laroche, C., Giguère, C., Sabourin, C. Development of a computerized psychoacoustic model for
installing acoustic warning devices in noisy settings. International Ergonomics Association Conference, Seoul
(August 2003), 4 p. Conférence invitée.
Laroche, C., Giguère, C., Soli, S., Lagacé, J. and Vaillancourt, V. An approach to the development of hearing
standards for hearing-critical jobs. The 8th International Congress on Noise as Public Health Problem,
Rotterdam, Netherlands. (July 2003), 52-57. Conférence invitée.
Autres publications et rapports techniques /
Other Publications and Technical Reports
N. Edwards, E. Danseco, L. Brosseau, V. Bharti, B. Davies, D. Pharand, J. Ploeg. Evaluation of nursing best
practice guidelines : organizational characteristics. Community health research unit (CHRU publication No.
M04-2), University of Ottawa. 2004.
N. Edwards, B. Davies, E. Danseco, L. Brosseau, D. Pharand, J. Poloeg, V. Bharti. Evaluation of nursing best
practice guidelines : percieved worth and educational/supportive processes. Community health research unit
(CHRU Publication No. M04-3), University of Ottawa. 2004
N. Edwards, B. Davies, E. Danseco, L. Brosseau, D. Pharand, J. Ploeg, V. Bharti. Evaluation of nursing best
practice guidelines : Clinical management, quality assurance and referals. Community health research unit
(CHRU Publication No. M04-4), University of Ottawa. 2004.
Dubouloz, C.J. Rapport d’évaluation scientifique de recherche pour l’Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical
Research (2004).
Dubouloz, C.J. Rapport d’évaluation Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR)
Programme des réseaux thématiques du FRSQ (2004).
Dubouloz, C.J. Rapport d’évaluation, Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation (CRIR), Programme
conjoint FRSQ-FQRSC-MSS de Centres de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation en intégration (2004).
Dubouloz, C.J. Rapport d’évaluation, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et intégration sociale
(CIRRIS), Programme conjoint FRSQ-FQRSC-MSS de Centres de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation
en intégration (2004).
Egan M, Dubouloz CJ, Vallerand J & Robichaud L (2004). The impact of a new translation process on the
performance of French form writers of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists’ Canadian
Certification Exam. January 2004.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Laroche, C., Giguère, C., Soli, S. « Development and validation of hearing standards for Canadian Coast Guard
seagoing personnel and C&P and land-based personnel, Phase II. Interim report on Stage 1, 2 and 3 (English
Project)” Submitted to Canadian Coast Guard under Contract No. F7053-000009, (September 12th, 2003), 40
p. (+Appendices).
Paquet N. and Dannenbaum E. (2003) Innovative Research in Vestibular Rehabilitation. Access Research; Jewish
Rehabilitation Hospital Newsletter 1:3-4.
World Rehabilitation Fund, United Nations Development Programmes (2003). Guidelines for the socio-economic
reintegration of landmine survivors. New York: WRF (Thibeault R., À titre de consultante, mon nom ne peut
apparaître comme auteur, mais il se retrouve sous la section « acknowledgments »
L.E. Tremblay : La relaxation cette mal aimée des exercices. Sur le site WEB de la société de parkinson, 9 pages,
L.E. Tremblay : Les effets de six semaines d’entraînement à l’aide de l’imagerie motrice mentale dans la maladie
de Parkinson. Vol. 2 #2 p. 4, été 2003.
L.E. Tremblay : Plaidoyer en faveur de la vie active et de la pratique de l’activité physique chez la personne
atteinte de la maladie de Parkinson (MP). Vol. 2, #2, p. 2, été 2004.
Résumés publiés de présentations à des congrès scientifiques arbitrés /
Published Abstracts of Papers Presented at Scientific Peer Reviewed Conferences
Laroche, C., Zheng, Y., Giguère, C. and Lavoie, R. “Detectsound Version 2: A useful tool for adjusting acoustic
warning signals in industry,” Proccedings of the Second Congress of the Canadian Association for Research on
Work and Health, Montreal, Quebec, (Oct. 25-26, 2003), p.53.
Laroche, C., Zheng, Y., Giguère, C. and Lavoie, R. (2003). “Detectsound Version 2: A useful tool for adjusting
acoustic warning signals in industry,” Proccedings of the Second Congress of the Canadian Association for
Research on Work and Health, Montreal, Quebec, (Oct. 25-26, 2003), p.53.
Leonard, C. L. Inferencing abilities by right-brain-damaged individuals under a dual task condition. Poster to be
presented at the Academy of Aphasia meeting, Vienna, Austria, October, 2003. Appears in Brain and
Language, 87(1), 212-213.
Jokel, R., Rochon, E., Leonard, C. Changes in error patterns pre- and post-treatment in view of the interactive
activation model of lexical retrieval. Poster to be presented at the Academy of Aphasia meeting, Vienna,
Austria, October, 2003. Appears in Brain and Language, 87(1), 44-45
Thornton M, Marshall S, McComas J, Finestone H, McCormick A, Sveistrup H A Virtual Reality Exercise Program
Improves Balance and Mobility in Community-Living Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury International Society
of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology abstracts 2004
Sveistrup H, Smith S, Bisson E, Lajoie Y, McComas J Virtual Reality Delivery Modalities Affect Displacement and
Velocity of the Center of Pressure during Voluntary Reaching in Young and Old Adults International Society of
Electrophysiology and Kinesiology abstracts 2004
Manning, H. & Tremblay F. Altérations du toucher haptique avec le vieillissement. Résumés de Communications
(section D-108), 72e Congrès annuel de l’ACFAS. Université du Québec à Montréal, Mai 2004.
Heroux M & Tremblay F. Proprioceptive acuity for weight discrimination in patients with chronic unilateral knee
instability secondary to ACL injury. Abstracts of scientific papers Canadian Physiotherapy Association, National
Congress, Quebec city, Quebec, May 2004.
Clark, S., Tremblay, F., and St-Marie, D. Seeing, imagining and imitating hand actions produced differential
modulations of the corticospinal system. Abstracts Proceedings, 44th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic
Society, Vancouver, Canada, November 2003.
F. Tremblay, A.C. Mireault, H. Manning, H. Sveistrup. Stabilization of posture by precision contact: Age-related
declines in sensory function influence contact strategies. Program No. 172.13. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary
Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2003.
M. Heroux, F. Tremblay, Y. Lajoie. Corticomotor adaptations in individuals with chronic knee instability after
anterior cruciate ligament injury. Program No. 914.2. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington,
DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2003.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
L.E. Tremblay, M. Noël, M. Nadeau M. Préfontaine et F. Tremblay. Modulation of corticospinal excitability during
stretching of the rectus femoris muscle. Proceeding of XV congress of International Society of
Electromyography and Kinesiology (ISEK) : 232, 2004.
L.E. Tremblay, M. Héroux et F. Tremblay. Electrotherapy revisited : Cortico-motor adaptation induced by three
types of electrical current: Physiotherapy, 56,1: 57, 2004.
L.E. Tremblay et F. Tremblay. Exploration électrophysiologique du mouvement réel et imaginé de l’extension du
genou chez les parkinsoniens : Neurophysiologie clinique/Clinical neurophysiology, 34, 2 : 113, avril 2004.
Tremblay C, P. Gosselin et L.E. Tremblay .L’identification des émotions implique l’imitation mentale des
expressions faciales. Sur le site WEB : www.acfas.ca/congres . Mai 2004.
L.E. Tremblay, F.Tremblay, H. Manning and G. Léonard. Improved dexterity and perseveretive behavior after
low-frequency repetitive magnetic stimulation in patient with mild Parkinson’s disease. Soc Neurosci. Abstr.
33nd annual meeting on WEB : www.sfn.org .Nov. 2003.
Tremblay C., P. Gosselin, L.E. Tremblay, and C. Mercier Identification of emotion from facial expression involves
mental imitation: Transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Soc Neurosci. Abstr. 33nd annual meeting on
WEB : www.sfn.org . Nov. 2003.
L.E. Tremblay, P. Chamberland, H. Lacroix and F. Tremblay. Modulation of corticospinal excitability in the lower
extremity by physical exercises Preceeding of IBRO ( International Brain Research Organization), p. 132, July
Heroux M, Tremblay L.E. & Tremblay F. Electrotherapy Revisited: Cortico-Motor Adaptations Induced by Three
Types of Electrical Current. Abstracts of scientific papers Canadian Physiotherapy Association, National
Congress, Quebec city, Quebec, May 2004.
Tremblay L.E. & Tremblay F. Exploration électrophysiologique du mouvement réel et imaginé de l’extension du
genou chez le Parkinsonien. Résumés des communications affichées, XIVe Journées Francophones D’ENMG,
Liège Belgique, Mai 2004. Neurophysiologie Clinique 34, 113, 2004.
Tremblay, L.E., Chamberland, P. Lacroix, H. & Tremblay F. Modulation of corticospinal excitability in the lower
limb muscles by physical exercises. Sixth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Prague, Czech Reublic, July
2003. Abstract Book, Abstract #2253, p.204, 2003.
L.E. Tremblay, F. Tremblay, H. Manning, G. Leonard. Improved Dexterity and perseverative behaviors after lowfrequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in patients with mild Parkinson (PD). Program
No. 949.19. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2003.
Communications à des congrès scientifiques avec comité de lecture /
Papers Read in Scientific Conferences Peer Reviewed
L.Brosseau. Evidence-based practice (EBP) in Rheumatology: Present Gaps, Barriers, and Facilitators. Accepted
for an oral presentation at the 12th Cochrane Colloquium in Ottawa.
L.Brosseau. The Ottawa Panel Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (EBCPGs) for rehabilitation
interventions in the treatment of Osteoarthritis (OA). Accepted for a poster presentation at the 12th Cochrane
Colloquium in Ottawa.
Dubouloz, Hall, Ashe, Smith, Vallerand, Laporte. Plenary session. Fostering research connections. Ottawa.
(November 2003)
Olds, J., Durieux-Smith, A., Fitzpatrick, E. & Schramm, D. Early Development in children with cochlear implants:
An interdisciplinary study. VIIIth International Cochlear Implant Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 12th,
Johnston, C., Durieux-Smith, A. & Bloom, K. Teaching prelingual hearing infants to sign: A Systematic Review.
CASLPA Conference, Ottawa, May 6-8, 2004. (poster)
Bloom, K., Johnston, C. & Durieux-Smith, A. Systematic Reviews to inform CASLPA Policy, Practice, Research and
Training. CASLPA Conference, Ottawa, May 6th, 2004.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Durieux-Smith, A. & Riko, K. The Canadian Working Group on Childhood Hearing: Conclusions and
Recommendations. CASLPA Conference, Ottawa, May 6th, 2004.
Bartholomew, S., Durieux-Smith, A., Seewald, R., Westerberg, B. & Schachter, H. Newborn Hearing Screening:
Evidence-based Resource Manual, Health Canada Research Forum – from science to policy, Ottawa, October
20-21, 2003. (poster)
Egan M., Rappolt S., Dubouloz C-J, Polatajko H., von Zweck C., Craik J., Davis J., King J., Vallerand J., Evaluation
of on-line action research for developing strategies to overcome barriers to using research evidence in
practice. CACHE Ottawa. (September 2003)
Cowin, L., Egan, M., Gaines, R., Lysyk, M., Manion, I., Pelland, L., Stokley, K., Tourigny, J., Vilé, L., Younger, A.
(2003, June). The Ottawa Pediatric Rehabilitation Research Alliance (OPRRA): Unique Characteristics,
Challenges and Opportunities. Poster presented at Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centres
Conference, Edomonton, AB.
Chapados, A., Paradis, J., Garcia, L.J. (2004) Solutions pour assurer la justesse ou l’utilité des évaluations en
français, accepted at Canadian Association of Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists annual
convention, Ottawa, May 2004
Labrèche, A., Collet, K., Garcia, L.J. (2004) Utilité de la méthode qualitative du « grounded theory » pour
expliquer l’impact de l’aphasie, accepted at Canadian Association of Speech-language Pathologists and
Audiologists annual convention, Ottawa, May 2004
Garcia, L.J., Paradis, J., Sénécal, I., Laroche, C., Courcy, A. (2004) Sondage sur l’utilisation des outils
d’évaluation en français, accepted at Canadian Association of Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists
annual convention, Ottawa, May 2004
Garcia, L.J., Paradis, J., Sénécal, I., Laroche, C., Courcy, A. (2004) Satisfaction à l’égard des outils d’évaluation
en français : état de la situation Québec/ hors Québec, Ordre des Orthophonistes et Audiologistes du Québec,
Bi-annual convention, January, 2004.
M-J Palardy et C. Giguère (2004). “Perception des signaux ascendants ou descendants en intensité et effet de la
compression du signal par les aides auditive,” Affiche au 12e Congrès de l’Ordre des orthophonistes et
audiologistes du Québec, Québec (QC), 22-24 janvier.
Whitehawk K, Gomes J, Doolittle E, Fuller N, Kotowich R, Robson D. Cancer mapping for aboriginal communities in
Saskatchewan. CASTS2003, University of Saskatchewan, Sept. 18-21, 2003, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
Buschow C, Gomes J, Doolittle E, Goodwill K. Traditional foods in special-care homes: benefits and risks.
CASTS2003, University of Saskatchewan, Sept. 18-21, 2003, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
El-Rafihi M, Gomes J. Domestic use of pesticides: knowledge, attitude and practices among the users.
CASTS2003, University of Saskatchewan, Sept. 18-21, 2003, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
Gomes J, Doolittle E. Environmental health science program: Aboriginal public health inspector. CASTS2003,
University of Saskatchewan, Sept. 18-21, 2003, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
Guimond, P., Dubouloz, C.J., Perceptions of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis on their Decision Making Process,
Swansea. UK. (September 2003)
Guitard, P ., Ferland, F. (2003). Meaningful occupations: The key to adults’ playfulness? Congrès de l’Association
canadienne des ergothérapeutes.Winnipeg.
Vaillancourt, V., Laroche, C., Soli, S., Giguère, C. (2004). “Use of Audio VR to Evaluate Functional Hearing
Abilities in the Workplace,” Poster presented at the Cybertherapy Conference, San Diego (January 2004).
Ratelle, A., Dufour, J., Leroux, T., Laroche, C., Giguère, C., Cloutier, D., Têtu, E., Marcil, A., Trudel, M. (2003).
“Stratégie d’appareillage auditif pour faciliter la communication et les déplacements chez les personnes avec
une surdicécité,”. Congrès québécois de réadaptation, Québec (Aut. 2003)
Ratelle, A., Dufour, J., Leroux, T., Laroche, C., Giguère, C., Cloutier, D., Têtu, E., Marcil, A. (2003). “Hearing aid
fitting strategies for both communication and travel purposes,” World Congress on Deafness and Blindness,
Toronto (August 2003)
Martini, R., Shore, B. M., Wall, A. E. (Oct. 2003). Metacognition and motor performance: Parallels with the
cognitive domain. Paper presentation at the Canadian Society of Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology
(SCAPPS), Hamilton, ON.
Feldman A.G., Paquet N., Lamarre Y. (2003) Role of the Vestibular System in Trunk-Assisted Reaching
Movements. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 29.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Paquet N., Dannenbaum E., Hakim-Zadeh R., Fung J. (2003) Head-Trunk-Pelvis Kinematics During Horizontal
Head Turns in Patients With Unilateral Vestibular Deficit. Proceedings of the Progress in Motor Control IV:
Motor Control and Learning over the Life Span, p.138.
Paquette C., Fung J., Paquet N. (2003) Horizontal Eye and Head Motions During Gaze Shifts and Simultaneous
Yaw Surface Perturbations. 13th Meeting of the Neural Control of Movement, B-09.
Paquette C., Paquet N., Fung J. (2003) Coordination of Gaze and Body Movements during Simultaneous
Horizontal Gaze Shift and Yaw Surface Perturbation. Proceedings of the ISPG Conference, p.80.
Dannenbaum E., Hakim-Zadeh R., Paquet N., Feldman AG. (2003) A Clinical Test for Dynamic Visual Acuity:
Effects of Head Motion Velocity. Canadian Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.
Paquet N. et Dannenbaum E. (2003) La rééducation vestibulaire à l’Hôpital juif de réadaptation de Laval. Résumés
de la journée scientifique CIRRIS/CRIR, p.26.
Kaldas J., Paquet N., Dannenbaum E., Fung J. (2003) A Functional Measure of Navigation. Proceedings of the
World Confederation for Physical Therapy (on disk).
Roberts, P.M., Code, C.F.S., Hillis, A. & McNeil, M.R. How should we describe participants in aphasia research: the
evidence so far. Paper presented at the CPLOL conference (Comité permanent de liaison des orthophonisteslogopèdes de la communauté européenne). Edinburgh, Scotland. September 2003.
Corriveau H, Sveistrup H Characteristics of anticipatory postural adjustments during voluntary movement,
CDA/CSEM Professional Conference
Bisson E, Contant B, Sveistrup H, Lajoie Y Balance training for elderly: comparison between virtual reality and
visual biofeedback, International Society for Aging and Physical Activity
Clark, S., Tremblay, F., and St-Marie, D. Seeing, imagining and imitating hand actions produced differential
modulations of the corticospinal system. Abstracts Proceedings, 44th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic
Society, Vancouver, Canada, November 2003.
Manning, H. & Tremblay F. Altérations du toucher haptique avec le vieillissement. Présentation orale, 72e Congrès
annuel de l’ACFAS. Université du Québec à Montréal, Mai 2004.
Heroux M & Tremblay F. Proprioceptive acuity for weight discrimination in patients with chronic unilateral knee
instability secondary to ACL injury. Podium Presentation at the National Congress, Canadian Physiotherapy
Association, Quebec city, Quebec, May 2004.
F. Tremblay, A.C. Mireault, H. Manning, H. Sveistrup. Stabilization of posture by precision contact: Age-related
declines in sensory function influence contact strategies. Poster presentation at the 33rd Annual meeting,
Society for Neuroscience, New-Orleans, LA, Novemeber 2003.
M. Heroux, F. Tremblay, Y. Lajoie. Corticomotor adaptations in individuals with chronic knee instability after
anterior cruciate ligament injury. Program No. 914.2. 2003 Poster presentation at the 33rd Annual meeting,
Society for Neuroscience, New-Orleans, LA, Novemeber 2003.
L.E. Tremblay, M. Noël, M. Nadeau M. Préfontaine et F. Tremblay. Modulation of corticospinal excitability during
stretching of the rectus femoris muscle. Proceeding of XV congress of International Society of
Electromyography and Kinesiology (ISEK) : Boston 20 juin 2004.
L.E. Tremblay, F.Tremblay, H. Manning and G. Léonard. Improved dexterity and perseveretive behavior after
low-frequency repetitive magnetic stimulation in patient with mild Parkinson’s disease. Soc Neurosci. Abstr.
33nd annual meeting. New-Orleans Nov 2003.
L.E. Tremblay, P. Chamberland, H. Lacroix and F. Tremblay. Modulation of corticospinal excitability in the lower
extremity by physical exercises Preceeding of IBRO ( International Brain Research Organization), Pragues, July
Heroux M, Tremblay L.E. & Tremblay F. Electrotherapy Revisited: Cortico-Motor Adaptations Induced by Three
Types of Electrical Current. Poster presentation at the National Congress, Canadian Physiotherapy Association,
, Quebec city, Quebec, May 2004.
Tremblay L.E. & Tremblay F. Exploration électrophysiologique du mouvement réel et imaginé de l’extension du
genou chez le Parkinsonien. Communications affichée, XIVe Journées Francophones D’ENMG, Liège Belgique,
Mai 2004.
Tremblay, L.E., Chamberland, P. Lacroix, H. & Tremblay F. Modulation of corticospinal excitability in the lower
limb muscles by physical exercises. Poster presentation at the Sixth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience,
Prague, Czech Republic, July 2003.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
L.E. Tremblay, F. Tremblay, H. Manning, G. Leonard. Improved Dexterity and perseverative behaviors after lowfrequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in patients with mild Parkinson (PD). Poster
presentation at the 33rd Annual meeting, Society for Neuroscience, New-Orleans, LA, November 2003.
Communications et conférences sur invitation /
Invited Papers and Lectures
C. Oatis, L. Brosseau, M. Hannan. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP): Solving Clinical Dilemmas. The Annual Meeting
of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals in San Antonio, Texas, October 16-21, 2004 (guest
Durieux-Smith, A. Universal newborn hearing screening : A question of evidence. 3rd Widex Congress of
Paediatric Audiology, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 24th, 2004.
Egan, M. Putting research into practice. School of Rehabilitation Sciences Workshop for clinical fieldwork
supervisors, University of Ottawa, April 23, 2004.
Gomes J. Health impact of ornamental use of pesticides, invited presentation. Parks and Recreation Board,
Municipal Council of the City of Regina, Regina, Feb 17, 2003.
Gomes J. Environmental carcinogenesis: endocrine disruptors, invited presentation. Ottawa Prostate Cancer
Research Meeting, Hull, Jan 20, 2004
Hébert, M. (2004, 23 avril). La pratique fondée sur les faits scientifiques en ergothérapie. Ottawa: Journée de
formation pour les cliniciens, École des sciences de la réadaptation de l’Université d’Ottawa.
Hébert, M. (2003, 21 octobre). Mesure et évaluation en réadaptation: concepts statistiques. Hull: Centre de
Réadaptation la RessourSe, conférence aux ergothrérapeutes.
Laroche, C. Medical Examination of Hearing Required by Quebec Regulations : A Relevance Analysis. Presentation
to the Occupational Health Assessment Guide (OHAG) Committee, Health Canada, May 12th 2004.
Vaillancourt, V., Soli, S., Laroche, C. and Giguère, C. (2004). “Le HINT : un outil clinique méconnu des
audiologistes,” Conférenciers invités au Congrès de l’Association canadienne d’orthophonie et d’audiologie,
Ottawa, (Mai 2004).
Laroche, C., Giguère, C., Soli, S. and Vaillancourt, V. (2004). “Evaluation of functional hearing abilities in noisy
workplaces,” Conférenciers invités au Congrès de l’Association canadienne d’orthophonie et d’audiologie,
Ottawa, (Mai 2004).
Paquet, N. (12 février 2004). Groupe de recherche en analyse du mouvement et ergonomie. Département de
médecine sociale et préventive, Université Laval. Les déficiences de la navigation spatiale des patients avec
une lésion vestibulaire unilatérale.
Paquet, N. (17 décembre 2003). Département d’Oto-rhino-laryngologie de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa. A Research Program
in Vestibular Rehabilitation.
Paquet, N. (15 octobre 2003). Département de physiothérapie du Centre de réadaptation d’Ottawa. Un aperçu de
la recherche clinique en réadaptation vestibulaire.
Roberts, P.M. A path to solving the crises in clinician practice and research. Member of an international expert
panel discusion scheduled for the International World Fluency Congress, Montreal, August, 2003.
Thibeault. R. (2004). Recherche action en zones de guerre et autres situations extrêmes. Symposium Jean-Paul
Dionne, Université d’Ottawa.
Thibeault R. (2004). Health, social justice post war intervention. SUNSIH (Student University Network for Social
and International Health) - Kingston Chapter.
Thibeault R. (2004). Health, social justice post war intervention. SUNSIH (Student University Network for Social
and International Health) - Toronto Chapter.
Thibeault R. (2003). Health, social justice post war intervention. SUNSIH (Student University Network for Social
and International Health) - Ottawa Chapter.
Thibeault, R. (2003). The interconnectedness of human rights and healthcare. Ottawa Social
Forum 2003.
Thibeault, R. (2003). Occupational therapy in postwar interventions. Gala annuel des étudiants en réadaptation
de l’université McGill
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Thibeault, R, (2003). La mondialisation et les universités : de l’enjeu local à la vision globale. Prix d’excellence en
enseignement 2003, Université d’Ottawa
Thibeault , R. (2003). Experiences from the field: Women and the rebuilding of a nation. Ottawa Rehabilitation
L.E. Tremblay et F. Tremblay. Exploration électrophysiologique du mouvement réel et imaginé de l’extension du
genou chez les parkinsoniens : Neurophysiologie clinique/Clinical neurophysiology, XIV journées francophones
Électro-Neuro- Myographie, Liège, Belgique, 27 mai 2004.
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Cragg, B., Pharand, D.,(PIs) Helen Bunn,Susan Eldred,Kathryn Higuchi,Jeanne Molnar, L. Diem, D. Moreau
(Co Is). RNAO Best Practice Guidelines: Implementation in Education. $12,700 (total and this year) Registered
Nurses Association of Ontario.
Cragg, B., Pharand, D., (Co-PIs), Bunn, H., Eldred, S., Higuchi, K., & Molnar, J. (2004) Educational Initiative
for Best Practice Guidelines. Registered Nurses Association of Ontario. $12, 700.
Diem, E. (PI), Cragg, B., Moreau, D., Lauzon, S. (co-inv). CNAC proposal – Education project: Clinical
placements; Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing / Canadian Nurses Association; $10,000.00 (2004).
Davies, B. & Graham, I. Knowledge Transfer Distance Course, Ontario Training Centre in Health Services and
Policy Research, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care, CHSRF/CIHR, 2003-2004, $19,000
Davies, B., Dobbins, M., Edwards, N., Griffin, P., Ploeg, J., Skelly, J. Virani, T. Determinants of the Sustained Use
of Research Evidence in Nursing. Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. Total $309,716 For 20032004 $93,947
Lalonde, A. Davies, B and five other members of the project executive committee: Collaborative Maternity Care,
Primary Health Care Transition Fund, National Envelope, Health Canada. 2004-2006, 2 million dollars total, For
2003-2004 $440,000
Sprague, A., McCabe, L., Brownlee, J., Davies, B., Oppenheimer, L., McVeety, J. Implementation and evaluation of
a second stage of labour clinical practice guideline. Development funds received from Ottawa Hospital Nursing
Research Fund $1,000. AWHONN Canada, $3,000 April For 2003-2004 $4,000
Ontario Training Centre in Health Services and Policy Research" Principal Investigator: A. DiCenso CoInvestigators: D. Angus, P. Armstrong, R. Cockerill, P. Coyte, B.Davies, D. Doran, N. Edwards, P. Goering, B.
Hutchison, B. Minore, B. Montelpare, L. O'Brien-Pallas, R. Pong, M. Rioux, E. Rukholm, B. Spasoff, C.
Woodward Total Funding = $4,210,000 Canadian Health Services Research Foundation/Canadian Institutes of
Health Research (July 2002 - June 2012): $3.75 million Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
(Mental Health & Rehabilitation Reform Branch) (July 2002 - June 2008): $210,000 Ontario Ministry of Health
and Long-Term Care (Research Unit) (April 2003 -March 2004): $250,000; Best estimate of total for 20032004 = $660,000
Edwards, N.& Davies B. Co-PI, Nursing Best Practice Guidelines-4th Cycle Evaluation Registered Nurses
Association of Ontario, Ministry of Health and Long-Term care. (Ontario), Total 4263,000, For 2003-2004
Kothari, A., Driedger, M., Gurd, G., Edwards, N., Orsini, M., Riley, B. Federal Tobacco Control: Understanding
Interactions Within the National Tobacco Policy Community. Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative,
$102,070.00 (2004-2005).
Lyons, R., McIntyre, L., Meagher-Stewart, D., Bavington, B., Edwards, N., Hennebury, T., Hills, M., BraunsteinMoody, J., Bayers, L., Rathwell, T., Frankish, J., Grant, J., Annis, R., Charles, T., Pilkey, D., Colman, R.,
Bollman, R., Simard, P. Reconfiguring physical and social environments to improve health: Research
infrastructure development in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – Institute of
Population and Public Health (IPPH), $2,224,840.00 (2003-2009).
Profit, S., Votta, E., Graham, H., Lockett, D., Holdway, K., Campbell
Thompson, A., Weeks, L., Lee, B., Edwards, N. (collaborator). A
structured interviews to examine seniors’ perceptions of barriers
community and long-term care settings. Canadian Nurses Foundation
B., Chircop, A., Sheppard-LeMoine, D.,
comparison of photo novella and semiand facilitators to physical activity in
(CNF), $26,440.00 (2003-2004).
Nancy Edwards, Dr. Anita Kothari, Susan Brajtman, Judy Mill, Ruth Valantis, Frances Legault, Bonnie Lee,
Debbie Shepard-Lemoine, Nadia Hamel. “Networking Infrastructure for Community Health Nurses,
Researchers and Decision-Makers”. Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, $61, 330 (July 2003-Dec.
Edwards, N., Kothari, A., Mill, J., Valaitis, R., Legault, F., Lee, B., Sheppard-LeMoine, D., Brajtman, S., Hamel,
N. Networking Infrastructure for Community Health Nursing Researchers and Decision-Makers. CHSRF,
$61,330.00 (2003-2004).
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Edwards, N., Kothari, A., Lee, B. Assessing the Usability and Responsiveness of the Research Profile Assessment
Process. CHSRF, $72,489.00 (2003-2004).
Edwards, N. Davies, B.L. Co- PI, Dobbins M, Griffin P, Ploeg J, Skelly J. Evaluation of the Dissemination and
Utilization of Best Practice Guidelines by Registered Nurses in Ontario. Ministry of Health and Long-term Care
Ontario Total $ 369,560, For 2003-2004 $174,648
Edwards, N., Davies, B., Ploeg, J., Skelly, J., Higuchi, K., Pharand, D., Eldred, S. Evaluation of RNAO Nursing
Best Practice Guidelines (Cycle 4). (Registered Nurses Association of Ontario), $263,000.00 (2003-2004).
Edwards, N. & Kothari, A., Legault, F., Murphy, M. & Webber, J. Phase 2: Networking Infrastructure for
Community Health Nursing Researchers and Decision-Makers, CHNET Works! CHSRF, $70,347.00 (2004).
Guitard, P., Lockett, D., Sveistrup, H. & Edwards, N. How Effective are Bath Grab Bar for Stopping a Fall When
You Lose Your Balance? Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, $25,000 (2004-2005).
Ellis, J., Blouin, R, Rowley, B., Taylor, M., Anderson, M., DeCourtney, C., Joyce, M. Building Capacity for the
Development of Pain Education Materials for Inuit Children and Families. ACADRE-CIET 49,307.00 for 1 year
Cohen, R. and 11 other investigators including F. Fothergill Bourbonnais. Strategic Training Initiative in Palliative
Care Research. CIHR, $1,500,000. total. $300,000 per year for 5 years (2003-08).
Graham, I., Harrison, M., Dunning, J. Enhancing continuity in pediatrics. CHSRF, $97,500 (2004)
Building capacity: Development of a transdisciplinary team for improving the quality of health care. Principal
Investigators: J Grimshaw, ID Graham Co-investigators: L Lemyre, DE Angus, MP Eccles, MB Harrison, et al
Funding: $750,000 CIHR/Ontario Ministry of Health (2003-2008)
Evaluation of an Active Strategy to Implement the Canadian CT Head Rule: Phase III Principal Investigator: IG Stiell
Co-investigators: R Brison, D Coyle, ID Graham, J Grimshaw, J Lee, H Lesiuk, J Perry, B Rowe, M Schull, GA
Wells Funding: $538,656 CIHR (2003-2007)
Community randomised control trial of the effectiveness of two compression bandaging technologies Principal
Investigator: MB Harrison Co-investigators: ID Graham, NA Cullum, E Nelson, K Lorimer, C Harris Funding:
$622,318 CIHR (MCT-110636) (2003-2007)
Evaluation of the impact of a multifaceted intervention to enhance the delivery of genetics services by family
physicians Principal Applicants: JC Carroll, JE Allanson, B Wilson Co-investigators: S Blaine, D Davis, M Evans, ID
Graham, J Grimshaw, W Meschino Funding: $282,964 CIHR (2003-2006)
Optimal management of older women with distal forearm fractures Principal Applicants: AB Cranney Co-investigators:
ID Graham, MB Harrison, R Brison, M Godwin, Mark Harrison, J Grimshaw, Y Lam Funding: $209,907 CIHR
The Stroke Canada Optimization of Rehabilitation through evidence (SCORE) Project ($415,000) and Interventions
used by rehabilitation specialists in the treatment of individuals with stroke ($246,500). Principal Investigator:
R Teasell, S Wood-Dauphinee, (Research Priority), M Bayley, MB Harrison (Knowledge Transfer) (Project
Leaders); Co-investigators: S Barreca, S Black, L Brosseau, J Desrosiers, J Grimshaw, ID Graham, J Jutal, N
Korner-Bitensky, M Lewis, R Lyons, R Martino, N Mayo, C Richards. Funding: $661,500 Canadian Stroke
Network (2003-2005)
The public and genetics: Understanding, expectations and priorities Principal Investigators: B Wilson Co-investigators:
ID Graham, D Coyle, M Walker Funding: $170,588 CIHR (2003-2005)
International study of low and middle income (LMIC) health research funding agencies' support and promotion of
knowledge translation. Principal Applicants: P Tugwell and MA Lansang Co-investigators: C Cordero, M Feraz, ID
Graham, J Grimshaw, L Jeyasseelan, K Louw, J Lozano, V Neufeld, V Thamlikitkul, GA Wells Funding: $144,298
CIHR (2003-2005)
Mailing recommendations to the individual or physician to increase screening for type 2 diabetes in women with
previous gestational diabetes: Clinical Trial Principal Applicant: HD Clark Co-investigators: A Karovitch, E Keely,
ID Graham Funding: $91,542 CIHR (2003-2005)
Feasibility of a strategy to promote the implementation of the use of an osteoporosis decision aid Principal Applicant:
AB Cranney Co-investigators: M Godwin, ID Graham, A O'Connor Funding: $23,087 CIHR (2003-2004)
Translating genetics discoveries into appropriate health policy and services: Enhancing research capacity and
developing an interdisciplinary approach. (ICE Grant) Principal Applicant: BJ Wilson, T Caulfield, GA Wells Coinvestigators: JE Allanson, DM Avard, L Bouchard, M Cappeli, JC Carroll, DA Coyle, ER Gold, ID Graham, J
Grimshaw, L Lemyre, JR Simard Funding: $999,970 CIHR (2003-2008)
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Developing an international transdisciplinary knowledge translation project. Principal Investigator: J. Grimshaw Coinvestigators: ID Graham, D Angus, P Cappeliez, M Driedger, M Harrison, L Lemeyre, J Logan, M-P Pomey
Funding: $24,474 University of Ottawa International Creative Research Initiatives AND $24,474 University of
Newcastle upon Tyne (2003-2005)
Canada PRIME: PRocess modeling in ImpleMEntation research: Selecting a theoretical basis for interventions to
change clinical practices. Principal Investigator: J Grimshaw Co-investigators: M Brouwers, G Godin, F Legare,
E Walker, P Cappeliez, ID Graham, L Lemyre, M Zwarenstein, S Driedger, S Hanna, J Logan, M Eccles, M
Harrison, M Pomey Funding: $361,367 CIHR (2003-2005)
The life cycle of evidence in cancer care Principal Investigators: J Grimshaw, ID Graham Co-investigators: D Coyle, M
Brouwers, E Grunfeld, M Trudeau, H Stern, J Maroun, W Evans, S Hanna, K O'Rourke, M Reaume Funding:
$273,181 CIHR (2003-2005)
Environmental scan of knowledge translation activities of Canadian health researchers Principal Investigators: J
Grimshaw and ID Graham Co-investigators: L McAuley, J McGowan, MF Zwarenstein Funding: $79,337 CIHR
Holmes, D., Gastaldo, D. 2004- 2006 Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. Unsafe sexual Practices in Public
Spaces : An Ethnographic…39 751$ (année 1) + 29 726$ (année 2)
Holmes, D. 2003 Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. Bareback Sex Among Gay Men, 20 000$
Holmes, D. 2003 Institut international de recherche en éthique biomédicale. Étude comparative des services
infirmiers en milieu carcéral canadien et français, 5 000$
Holmes, D. (Affiliations : McGill University / O.M.S.) 2003- 2004 Centre de recherche de l’Hôpital Douglas.
Divisions recherche psychosociale / neurosciences, 25 000$
Hogg, W., Martin, C., Lemelin, J. Humbert, J., Legault, F., Woodend, K., Chambers, L., Amos, S., Jaffrey, J., Gray,
D. M., & Deri, C. Anticipatory and Preventive Team Care (APTCare): At Risk Patients of Family Health
Networks, Primary Health Care Transition Fund, $1,337,900.00 (2004-2006).
Allard, P. Brazil, K., Guirguis-Younger, M., Kelley, M. L., Legault, F., & Wilson, K.Optimizing End-Of-Life Care for
Seniors: A New Emerging Team. CIHR Institutes of Aging and Health Services & Policy Research,
$1,270,751.00 (2003-2008).
Grimshaw J. & Research Team (Jo Logan), Canada Prime CIHR. $364,917.00 (2004-2007).
Grimshaw J. & Research Team (Jo Logan), Building Capacity: Development of a Transdisciplinary Team for
Improving the Quality of Health Care KT ICE. CIHR & MOH. $750,000.00 (2003-2007).
2003-2004 Renaud, Lise., (chercheure principale) Dubé,, L., Maisonneuve, D., Moreau, D., Caron-Bouchard, M.,
Mongeau, L., Gagnon, S., (co-chercheures) Media and health: Media as a structural factor in population
health. IRSC/CIHR montant global $ 100,000.
2004-2005 Renaud, Lise., (chercheure principale) Dubé,, L., Maisonneuve, D., Moreau, D., Caron-Bouchard, M.,
Mongeau, L., Gagnon, S., (co-chercheures) Mechanisms underlying the influences of media on social norms
related to physical activity, healthy eating and healthy body weight. IRSC/CIHR $100,000.
2004-2008 Renaud, Lise., (chercheure principale) Dubé,, L., Maisonneuve, D., Moreau, D., Caron-Bouchard, M.,
Mongeau, L., (co-chercheures) Research alliance on social norms and media. CRSH/SSHRCC $250,000./année
2004-2005 Renaud, Lise., (chercheure principale) Dubé,, L., Maisonneuve, D., Moreau, D., Caron-Bouchard, M.,
Mongeau, L., Gagnon, S., (co-chercheures) Environmental Approaches to Physical Activity Healthy Eating and
Healthy Body Weight. IRSC/CIHR $100,000.
O’Connor, A. Validation of quality monitoring tools for Health Dialog call center nurses Foundation for Informed
Medical Decision Making (USA) Global: $ 268,800 Per year: $ 134,400
Metcalfe K, Poll A, Narod S, O’Connor A. The development of a decision aid for breast cancer prevention in BRCA1
and BRCA2 mutation carriers Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Global: $ 131,600 Per year: $ 65,800
Denyse Pharand, Sylvie Corbeil, Salma Debs-Ivall. Supporting Preceptors in Nursing towards a Collaborative
Regional Program: A Pilot Study. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care of Ontario, $12,423.00.
Denyse Pharand, Betty Cragg, Helen Bunn, Susan Eldred, Kathy Higuchi. RNAO Best Practice Guidelines:
Implementation in Education, Registred Nurses Association of Ontario, $12,700.00.
Meryn Stuart (PI) and Cynthia Toman, Invitational Hannah Conference for the History of Canadian Nursing, June
15, 16, 2005, at University of Ottawa, Associated Medical Services Inc, $20,000.00 for 2004-2005.
Meryn Stuart, Working Group on Canadian Nursing History, May 12, 13, 2004, Associated Medical Services Inc.
$15,000.00 for 2004
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Jolicoeur, L., Tourigny, J., Le, T., Lefebvre, M. Assessing the supportive care needs of women with ovarian
cancer: a pilot study Nursing Research Endowment Fund Award, Fondation de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa. $1,000.
Susan Brajtman, Pierre Allard, Christine McPherson, Kathryn Higuchi. “Developing Nursing Practice Guidelines
for Terminal Delirium”. University of Ottawa Faculty Research Development Fund and Initiation of
Research/New Directions Fund, $10,000 (January 2004- December 2004).
Susan Brajtman, Pierre Allard, Christine McPherson, Kathryn Higuchi. New Emerging Team - Optimizing End-ofLife Care for Seniors (NET-ELCS), “Developing Nursing Practice Guidelines for Terminal Delirium”, $5,000
(January 2004 – December 2004).
Christine McPherson, Keith Wilson, Michelle Lobchuk & Susan Brajtman. New Emerging Team - Optimizing Endof-Life Care for Seniors (ELCS-NET) /Sociobehavioural Cancer Research Network, “Family caregivers'
recognition of cancer patients' symptoms at the end of life”. $30,000 (April 2004- April 2005).
Brajtman, S., Allard, P., Higuchi, K.S., & McPherson, C. Developing Nursing Practice Guidelines for Terminal
Delirium. University of Ottawa Initiation of Research/New Directions Fund. $5000.
Brajtman, S., Allard, P., Higuchi, K.S., & McPherson, C. Developing Nursing Practice Guidelines for Terminal
Delirium. Faculty of Health Sciences Research Development Fund. $5000.
Carroll G, Thibeault R, Diem E, CHIAD Members. Interdisciplinary courses in International Health. Université
d’Ottawa, 10 000.00$.
Carroll, G., Prud’homme Brisson, D., Ross, M., Labbé, R. (2003) Evaluation of a French Version of the Palliative
Care Quiz for Nursing. Fonds de demurrage de petits projets, faculté des sciences de la santé. $5,000.00
Guitard, P., Egan, MY, Tremblay, M., Dubouloz, CJ., Coutu-Wakulczyk, G., Etcheverry, E., Restall, G. Étude pilote
de test-retest de la version française de la Mesure canadienne du rendement occupationnel (MCRO). CNFS - 5
000$ obtenus en janvier 2004.
Dunning, J., Cragg, B., Ellis, J. & Langford, S. Comparison of the quality and quantity of face to face versus
online discussion of conceptual issues. Teaching Learning Grants Subcommittee, $4,694.88 (2003).
Fothergill Bourbonnais, F. Analysis of interviews related to nursing care of patients with dyspnea. Faculty of
Graduate and post-doctorial studies. $3500.00
Moreau, D., Conception et évaluation d’un video sur l’évaluation physique et psychologique post partum. Comité
senatorial de l’enseignement. Bourses à l’innovation pédagogique. Centre de pédagogie universitaire.
Université d’Ottawa. Montant global reçu : $5 000.
P. Guimond, O’Connor, A., Siedlikowski, H., Touchie, C., Larochelle, L. Validation d’un outil francophone pour
évaluer le processus de soutien décisionnel des professionnels de la santé. Centre National de Formation,
10,000$ pour un an. (Décision sera rendu début juin 2004)
Denyse Pharand, Sylvie Corbeil, Salma Debs-Ivall. Supporting Preceptors in Nursing towards a Collaborative
Regional Program: A Pilot Study, Fond de recherche de la Faculté des sciences de la santé, $5,000.00.
Tourigny, J., Gagnon, J., Darras, É. Déterminants des comportements du personnel médical et infirmier des soins
ambulatoires face à l’implication des parents dans les soins de l’enfant: une étude pilote multicentrique.
Initiation à la Recherche et Nouvelles Directions (IRND), Université d’Ottawa. $3,885. 2004.
Tourigny, J., Gagnon, J., Darras, É. Déterminants des comportements du personnel médical et infirmier des soins
ambulatoires face à l’implication des parents dans les soins de l’enfant: une étude pilote. Fonds de
développement, Faculté des sciences de la santé. $3,897. 2003
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Livres / Books
Davies, B.L. & Logan, J. (2003) Reading Research: A user-friendly guide for nurses and other health
professionals. (3rd ed). Toronto: Mosby/Elsevier Canada Web site www.elsevier/Reading Research/
Chapitres de livres /
Chapters in books
Graham ID, Harrison MB, Brouwers M. Evaluating and Adapting Practice Guidelines for Local Use: A Conceptual
Framework (Chapter 13) p213-229. In Clinical Governance in Practice. (eds: Sharon Pickering and Jeanette
Thompson) London: Harcourt Publishers. 2003.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D, Légaré F, Santesso N. Knowledge Translation for Patients: Methods to Support Patients’
Participation in Decision Making About Preference-Sensitive Treatment Options in Rheumatology in P. Tugwell,
B. Shea, M. Boers, P. Brooks, L.S. Simon, V. Strand & G. Wells (eds), Evidence-Based Rheumatology. BMJ
Books. pp. 41-62. 2004.
Cynthia Toman, “An Officer and a Lady”: Shaping the Canadian Military Nurse, 1939-1945. In Out of the Ivory
Tower: Feminist Research for Social Change, eds. Andrea Martinez and Meryn Stuart, pp. 89-115. Toronto:
Sumach Press, 2003.
Rédacteurs (Éditions spéciales) /
Editors (Special Issues)
O’Connor, A. An interview to help women with menorrhagia make treatment choices was more effective than
information along. Evidence-based Obstetrics & Gynecology 5(4):169-170, 2003. (Invited Commentary)
Cynthia Toman and Meryn Stuart, co-editors, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, vol. 21, no. 2 (2004).
Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture /
Papers in Refereed Journals
Brajtman, S. (2003). The impact on the family of terminal restlessness and its management. Palliative Medicine,
17, 454-460.
Lee, B., Brajtman, S., Campbell, B., Chircop, A., Edwards, N., Eldred, S., Hamel, N., Holdway, K., Kothari, A.,
Mill, J., Sheppard-LeMoine, D., Votta, E. A Web of Connections. Canadian Nurse. April 2004. 100:4, 23-26.
Allard, P., Brajtman, S., Brazil, K., Guirguis-Younger, M., Legault, F., McPherson, C., Kelley, M. L., Wilson, K.,
Bond, J., Chambers, L., Kozak, J., MacLean, M., Ross, M. M., & Gagnon, P. (2003). Optimizing Research on
End-Of-Life Care for Seniors. Geriatrics Today: Journal of the Canadian Geriatrics Society, 6(3), 173-176.
Guimond, P., Bunn, H., O’Connor, A., Jacobsen, M.J., Tait, V., Drake, E., Graham, I., Stacey, D., & Elmslie, T.
(2003).Validation of a tool to assess health practitioners’ decision support and communication skills. Patient
Education & Counselling, 50(3), 235-245.
Carroll G, Hébert D, Simms-Jones (2004). Évaluation d’une trousse conçue pour aider à réduire leur
consommation de tabac ou à cesser de fumer. Infirmière canadienne 5 (3), 4-10.
St-Denis, Y., Coutu-Wakulczyk, G. Popiea, E., Labbé, R. À la suite d’un traumatisme crânien grave d’un proche
Les 72 premières heures ...pour la famille, Infirmière canadienne 2003, 4 (7): 5-10.
Morin J, Coutu-Wakulczyk G, Woodend K. Besoins et santé mentale d’aidants naturels primaires de patients en
attente de pontages aortocoronariens. Canadian Journal Cardiovascular Nursing 2003, 13 (3): 20-28.
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Séguin C, Coutu-Wakulczyk G, Vachon M-P. Comportements perturbateurs chez des personnes atteintes
d’aphasie: Des connaissances à l’intervention. Infirmière canadienne 2004, 5 (2): 4 - 9.
Cragg, C.E., Humbert, J. & Doucette, S. A Tool Box of Technical Supports for Nurses New to Web Learning. CIN:
Computers Informatics Nursing, 22(1), 19-23, 2004.
Cragg, C.E., Doucette, S. & Humbert, J. Ten universities, one program: Successful collaboration to educate Nurse
Practitioners. Nurse Educator 28(5), 227-231, 2003
Cragg, C.E.. Edwards, N., Song, LX, Zhao, Y, Zou, DH. Integrating web-based technolology in distance education
for nurses in China: Access and attitudes to computers and the internet. CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing,
21(5), 265-274, 2003.
Cragg, C.E.., Edwards, N., Song, L.X., Zhao, Y. & Zou, D.H. (2003) Integrating Web-Based Technology Into
Distance Education for Nurses in China: Computer and Internet Access and Attitudes. CIN: Computers,
Informatics, Nursing. 21(5): 1-10.
Medves, J.M., & Davies, B. Sustaining rural maternity care: Don’t forget the nurses Canadian Journal of Rural
Medicine In Press
Salvador, A., Davies, B., Fung Kee Fung, K, Clinch, J., Coyle, D., Sweetman, A. (2003) Program evaluation of
hospital based antenatal home care for high-risk women. Hospital Quarterly Spring, 67-73
Edwards, N. & Lockett, D. The Prohibitive Costs of Accessing Evidence On-line. The Journal of Continuing
Education in Nursing. 35(2):89-90.
Edwards, N. Reflections on a Research Journey. Canadian Nurse. April 2004. 100:4, 18-20.
Edwards, N., Mill, J. & Kothari, A. (2004) Multiple Intervention Research Programs in Community Health.
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 36(1): 40-54.
Smith, D. & Edwards, N. (2003) Building Research Capacity. Canadian Nurse. 99(9): 23-27.
Edwards, N. (2003) Ratcheting Up Research Efforts for Systems Change. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership.
Henwood, P., Ellis, J. A. (2004). Chronic neuropathic pain in spinal cord injury: the patient’s perspective. Pain
Research & Management, 9 (1), 39-45.
McCleary, L., Ellis, J. A., Rowley, B. (2004). Evaluation of the Pain Resource Nurse role: A role for improving
pediatric pain management. Pain Management Nursing, 5 (1), 29-36.
Nemeth, K, Harrison, M, Graham ID, Burke, S. Understanding venous leg ulcer pain: Results of a longitudinal
study. Ostomy Wound Management 2004 50(1):34-46.
Wilson K, Code C, Dornan C, Ahmad N, Hebert PC, Graham ID. The reporting of theoretical health risks by the
media: Canadian newspaper reporting of potential blood transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. BMC Public
Health 2004;4:1. HYPERLINK:
"http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/4/1" www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/4/1
Nemeth, K, Graham ID, Harrison, M. The measurement of leg ulcer pain: identification and appraisal of pain
assessment tools. Advances in Skin and Wound Care 2003;16(5):260-7.
Graham ID, Harrison MB, Nelson A, Lorimer K, Fisher A. Prevalence of Lower Limb Ulceration: A Systematic
Review of Prevalence Studies. Advances in Skin and Wound Care 2003;16(6):305-316.
Légaré F, Graham ID, O’Connor AM, Dolan JG, Bélanger-Ducharme F. Prise de décision partagée: traduction et
validation d’un échelle de confort décisionnel du médecin. Pédagogie Médicale 4(4): 216-222, 2003.
Nemeth K, Harrison M, Graham ID, Burke S. Pain in pure and mixed aetiology venous leg ulcers: A three phase
point prevalence study. Journal of Wound Care 2003;12(9):236-240.
Byszewski A, Graham ID, Amos S, Man-Son-Hing M, Dalziel W, Marshall S, Hunt L, Bush C, Guzman D. A
Continuing Medical Education Initiative for Canadian Primary Care Physicians: The Driving and Dementia
Toolkit: A Pre and Postevaluation of Knowledge, Confidence Gained and Satisfaction. Journal of The American
Geriatrics Society 2003 51:1484-1489.
Treloar C and Graham ID. Multidisciplinary cross-national studies: A commentary on issues of collaboration,
methodology, analysis and publication. Qualitative Health Research 2003 13(7):924-932.
Graham ID, Logan J, O’Connor A, Weeks KE. (2003) A qualitative study of physicians’ perceptions of three
decision aids. Patient Education and Counseling 50(3):279-283, 2003.
Graham ID, Harrison MB, Shafey M, Keist D. Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Care of Leg Ulcers: Survey of
family physicians. Canadian Family Physician 2003 49:896-902.
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Graham ID, Beardall S, Carter A, Tetroe J, Davies B. The State of the Science and Art of Practice Guidelines
Development, Dissemination and Evaluation in Canada. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (May) 2003
9(2): 195-202.
Lorimer K, Harrison MB, Graham ID, Friedberg E, Davies B. Venous Leg Ulcer Care. How evidence-based is
nursing practice? Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing. (May) 2003 30(3):132-142
Wilson K, MacDougall L, Pinard B, Amin MA, Fergusson D, Graham ID, Blajchman M, Freedman J, Angus D, Hébert
PC. How Should Canada Fund the Blood System? An Evaluation of the Chargeback Proposal. Hospital Quarterly
Spring 2003, pp 47-54.
Lorimer K, Harrison MB, Graham ID, Friedberg E, Davies B. Assessing venous leg ulcer population characteristics
and practices in a home care community. Ostomy Wound Management (May) 2003 49(5):32-43.
Wilson K, Wilson M, Graham ID, Hebert P. The application of the precautionary principle to the health sector:
Lessons learned from decisions concerning variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and the blood supply. Transfusion
Medicine Reviews. (April) 2003;17(2):89-94.
Cranney AB, Zarkadas M, Graham ID, Switzer CM. The Canadian celiac health survey- The Ottawa Chapter pilot.
BMC Gastroenterol (May 11) 2003; 3(1):8
Coyle D, Graham ID. The role of economics in Canadian clinical practice guidelines of drug therapy. Disease
Management Health Outcomes. 2003;11(1):45-48.
Holmes, D. & Gastaldo, D. (2004). The Ontology of Nursing. In Pamela G. Reed, Nelma. C. Shearer & Leslie H.
Nicoll (Eds). Perspectives on Nursing Theory – 4th Edition. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
(Anthologie d’articles majeurs dans la discipline et sélectionnés par les éditeurs – n’est pas un chapitre de
Holmes, D. & Federman, C. (2003). Response to Professor Sandelowski: Capital Crimes. Nursing Inquiry, 10 (2),
Holmes, D. & Federman, C. (2003). Constructing Monsters: Correctional Discourse and Nursing Practice.
International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research, 8 (3), 942-962.
Zanchetta, M. Z., Tocantins, F., & Holmes, D. (2003). Pourquoi pas ? Similarités et écarts du leadership social au
sein de la profession d’infirmière à Rio et à Montréal. L’infirmière du Québec – Janvier / Février, 18-21.
Nelson, S. & Holmes, D. (2003). Servants of the state: nurses caught between professional ethics and deathwork.
Nursing Inquiry – Editorial, 10 (1), 1.
Holmes, D. & Federman, C. (2003). Killing for the State: The Darkest Side of American Nursing. Nursing Inquiry,
10 (1), 2-10.
Popiea, E., Moreau, D., (2004) Les soins infirmiers et les mutilations génitales féminines. Perspective infirmière.
Vol.1 No.3 Janvier/février 2004 :30-36
Moreau,D. (2003) Contribution à la validation initiale de la Grille d’observation d’un message de santé (GOMS).
Communication. (Revue québécoise des recherches et des pratiques en communication et information) Vol.22
no.2 Éditions Nota bene. : 145-163.
Brehaut JC, O’Connor AM, Wood TJ, Hack TF, Siminoff L, Gordon E, Feldman-Stewart D. Validation of a decision
regret scale. Medical Decision Making, 23:281-292, 2003.
Legare F, O’Connor A, Graham ID, Wells GA, Jacobsen MJ, Elmslie T, Drake E. The effect of decision aids on the
agreement between women’s and physicians’ decisional conflict about hormone replacement therapy. Patient
Counseling and Education. (June) 2003 50(2):211-221
Clark HD, O’Connor AM, Graham ID, Wells GA. What Factors Are Associated with a Woman’s Decision to Take
Hormone Replacement Therapy? Evaluated in the Context of a Decision Aid. Health Expectations (June) 2003
6 (2):110-117
Legare F, Tremblay S, O’Connor AM, Graham ID, Wells GA, Jacobsen MJ. Factors associated with the difference
in score between women’s and doctors’ decisional conflict about hormone therapy: a multilevel regression
analysis. Health Expectations 2003 Sept 6(3):208-21.
Lalonde L, O’Connor A, Joseph L, Grover SA and The Canadian Collaborative Cardiac Assessment Group. Healthrelated quality of life in cardiac patients with dyslipidemia and hypertension. Quality of Life Research
13(4):789-802, 2004.
Montori VM, Bryant SC, O’Connor AM. Decisional attributes of patients with diabetes – The aspirin choice.
Diabetes Care. 26(10):2804-2809, 2003.
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
O’Connor AM, Légaré F, Stacey D. Risk communication in practice: The contribution of decision aids. British
Medical Journal 327:736-740, 2003.
Murray MA, O’Connor AM, Fiset V, Viola R. Women’s decision-making needs regarding place of care at end of life.
Journal of Palliative Care 19(3):176-184, 2003.
Bekker HL, Légaré F, Stacey D, O’Connor A, Lemyre L. Is anxiety a suitable measure of decision aid effectiveness:
A systematic review? Patient Education and Counseling. 50(3):255-262, 2003.
Légaré F, O’Connor AM, Graham ID, Wells GA, Jacobsen MJ, Elmslie T, Drake ER. The effect of decision aids on
the agreement between women’s and physicians’ decisional conflict about hormone replacement therapy.
Patient Education and Counseling 50(2):211-221, 2003.
Cynthia Toman, “Almonte’s Great Train Disaster: Shaping Nurses’ Roles and Civilian Use of Blood Transfusion,”
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 21, 1 (2004): 149-162.
Tourigny, J. (2004). La recherche en milieu clinique: une expérience vécue. L’infirmière canadienne, 5(2), 10-11.
Comptes rendus avec comité de lecture /
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Diem, E., Cragg. B., Lauzon, S., Moreau, D., & Blais, J. (2004). Clinical Placements (Chapter 3), CNAC Nursing
Education Project. CASN Report. Ottawa: CASN
Harrison, M.B., Graham, I.D., Toman, C., and Logan, J. “Supporting Self Management with Heart Failure across
Sectors of Care.” Published Proceedings of the International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health
Services, Washington, D.C., September 2003.
Hagen, B, Pijl-Zeiber, M., Cooper, N, & Higuchi, K.S. (2003). Final Independent Evaluation Report: Health
Innovation Project #99 Advanced Practice Nurse –Gerontology. Report submitted to the Alberta Health
Innovation Fund.
Holmes, D. (2004). Forensic Psychiatric Nursing : A Canadian Perspective. In S. Nelson (Ed.). In Sickness and in
Health Series, Vol. 1 – Ethics, Power, Practice. London, UK : Nursing Praxis International.
Holmes, D. & Morin, P. (2003). L’isolement ou l’appareil de capture. Le Devoir, vol. XCIV, num. 111, p. A7.
Legault, F. & Brajtman, S. (April 25-27, 2004). Building capacity for nursing research and evidence- based
practice in palliative care, (Poster) The 14th Annual Provincial Conference on Palliative and End-of-Life Care,
Toronto, ON. p.80.
Legault, F., Allard, P., Brajtman, S., Brazil, K., Guirguis-Younger, M., Kelley, M. L., McPherson, C., & Wilson, K.
(April 2004). Optimizing end-of-life care for seniors: A new emerging research team. (Poster) The 14th Annual
Provincial Conference on Palliative and End-of-Life Care, Toronto, ON. p.63.
Legault, F. & Brajtman, S. (June 17, 2003). Palliative care nursing research: Building capacity. The Canadian
Hospice Palliative Care Association Conference, Quebec City, p. 55.
Hall, P. & Legault, F. (June 17, 2003). Breaking out of our silos: The long and winding road of interdisciplinary
education. The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association Conference, Quebec City, p. 45.
Autres publications et rapports techniques /
Other Publications and Technical Reports
Diem, E., Cragg, B., Lauzon, S., Moreau, D. & Blais, J. CNAC Nursing Education Project. CASN Report Chapter 3,
Clinical Placements. Ottawa: Canadian Nurses Association and Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing,
Davies, B., Edwards N. (2004). RN’s measure effectiveness of best practice guidelines. Registered Nurse Journal
January/February, 21-23.
Edwards, N., Kothari, A., Brajtman, S., Campbell, B., Lee, B., Legault, F., Sheppard-LeMoine, D., Mill, J.,
Valaitis, R., Hamel., N. & Webber, J. (2004). Networking infrastructure for community health nursing
researchers and decision-makers, Final report submitted to the Canadian Health Services Research
Faculty of Health Sciences
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Edwards, N., Davies, B., Danseco, E., Pharand, D., Brosseau, L., Ploeg, J., Bharti, V. (2004) Evaluation of
nursing best practice guidelines: clinical management, quality assurance and referrals (CHRU Publication
Edwards, N., Davies, B., Dobbins, M., Griffin, P., Ploeg, J. & Skelly, J. (October 2003). Final Report. Evaluation of
Pilot Sites Implementation. Cycle Three Technical Report. RNAO Best Practice Guidelines Project. p. 1-82.
Edwards, N., Davies, B., Dobbins, M., Griffin, P., Ploeg, J., Skelly, J. (October 2003). Evaluation Summary.
Venous Leg Ulcers. RNAO Best Practice Guidelines Project. p. 1 – 24.
Edwards, N., Davies, B., Dobbins, M., Griffin, P., Ploeg, J. & Skelly, J. (October 2003) Evaluation Summary.
Reducing Foot Complications for People with Diabetes. RNAO Best Practice Guidelines Project. p. 1-39.
Edwards, N., Davies, B., Dobbins, M., Griffin, P., Ploeg, J. & Skelly, J. (August 2003) Evaluation Summary.
Screening for Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults. RNAO Best Practice Guidelines Project. p. 135.
Edwards, N., Davies, B., Dobbins, M., Griffin, P., Ploeg, J. & Skelly, J. (July 2003) Evaluation Summary. Adult
Asthma Care Guidelines for Nurses: Promoting Control of Asthma. RNAO Best Practice Guidelines Project. p. 136.
Edwards, N., Davies, B., Dobbins, M., Griffin, P., Ploeg, J., Skelly, J. (June 2003) Evaluation Summary. Smoking
Cessastion: Integrating Smoking Cessastion Intervention into Daily Nursing Practice. RNAO Best Practice
Guidelines Project. p. 1-25.
Edwards, N., Davies, B., Danseco, E., Brosseau, L., Pharand, D., Ploeg, J. & Bharti, V. (2004) Evaluation of
Nursing Best Practice Guidelines : Perceived Worth and Educational / Supportive Processes. Community Health
Research Unit Monograph M04-3, p. 1-25.
Edwards, N., Davies, B., Griffin, P., Ploeg, J., Skelly, J., Danseco, E. & Helliwell, B. (2004) Evaluation of Nursing
Best Practice Guidelines: Interviewing Nurses and Administrators. Community Health Research Unit
Monograph M04-1, p. 1-34.
Edwards, N., Danseco, E., Brosseau, L., Bharti, V., Davies, B., Pharand, D. & Ploeg, J. (2004) Evaluation of
Nursing Best Practice Guidelines: Organizational Characteristics. Community Health Research Unit Monograph
M04-2, p. 1-31.
Lockett, D., Edwards, N., Gurd, G., Leonard, L., Simpson, J., Legault, L., & Ren. E. (2003). Effectiveness of
Internet-based versus print-based dissemination of best information for public health professionals.
Community Health Research Unit Monograph M03-01, p. 1-32.
Lockett, D., Edwards, N., Gurd, G. & Simpson, J. (2003). Barriers to using the Internet as a best practice
dissemination tool in public health. Community Health Research Unit Monograph M03-02, p. 1-17.
Lockett, D., Edwards, N., Gurd, G. & Simpson, J. (2003). On-line learning for public health professionals: Timely
or overdue? Community Health Research Unit Monograph M03-03, p. 1-19.
Edwards, N., Danseco, E., Brosseau, L., Davies, B., Pharand, D., Ploeg, J. (2004). Evaluation of Nursing Best
Practice Guidelines : Organizational Characteristics. Monograph 2. CHRU Publication No. M04-2 : Community
Health Research Unit, University of Ottawa.
Edwards, N., Danseco, E., Pharand, D., Bharti, V., Davies, B., Brosseau, L., Ploeg, J. (2004). Evaluation of
Nursing Best Practice Guidelines : Organizational Characteristics. Monograph 3. CHRU Publication No. M04-3 :
Community Health Research Unit, University of Ottawa.
Harrison MB, Graham ID, Earle W. evaluation of the Managing Congestive Heart Failure Resource: Patient and
Provider Perspectives. Report to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. 2003 (24 pages)
Egan M, Dubouloz C-J, Rappolt S, Polatajko H, von Zweck C, Graham ID. (2003) Enhancing research use through an
on-line action research project. Report to the Office of Learning Technologies, Human Resources Development
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Ankylosing spondylitis decision aid: Should I take biologic agents, such as infliximab or
etanercept? In: Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based
Rheumatology. London: BMJ Books; 2004.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Gout: decision aid: Should I take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)? In:
Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology.
London: BMJ Books; 2004.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Lupus kidney disease (SLE nephritis) decision aid: Do I agree to take the recommended
treatment of steroids (such as prednisone) plus cyclophosphamide? In: Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M, Brooks P,
Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology. London: BMJ Books; 2004.
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O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Osteoarthritis decision aid: Should I take non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs)? In: Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based
Rheumatology. London: BMJ Books; 2004.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Osteoporosis decision aid: Should I take alendronate? In: Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M,
Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology. London: BMJ Books; 2004.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Osteoporosis decision aid: Should I take etidronate? In: Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M,
Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology. London: BMJ Books; 2004.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Osteoporosis decision aid: Should I take hormone replacement therapy (HRT)? In
Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology.
London: BMJ Books; 2004.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Raynaud’s decision aid: Should I take calcium channel blockers, such as nifedipine? In:
Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology.
London: BMJ Books; 2004.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) decision aid: Should I take a combination of DMARDs? In:
Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology.
London: BMJ Books; 2004.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) decision aid: Should I take infliximab? In: Tugwell P, Shea B,
Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology. London: BMJ Books;
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) decision aid: Should I take methotrexate? In: Tugwell P, Shea
B, Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology. London: BMJ
Books; 2004.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) decision aid: Should I take methotrexate? In: Tugwell
P, Shea B, Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology. London:
BMJ Books; 2004.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Shoulder pain in rotator cuff disease decision aid: Should I have a steroid injection? In:
Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology.
London: BMJ Books; 2004.
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Tennis elbow decision aid: Should I have a steroid injection? In: Tugwell P, Shea B,
Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology. London: BMJ Books;
O’Connor AM, Stacey D. Vasculitis decision aid: Should I switch to azathioprine after going into remission with
cyclophosphamide? In: Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. EvidenceBased Rheumatology. London: BMJ Books; 2004.
Pharand, D., Leblanc, L. & Cloutier, L. (2004). Évaluation d’un programme de formation en matière de prévention
des comportements agressifs en milieu psychiatrique. Gatineau : Agence de développement des réseaux
locaux des services de santé et des services sociaux (Programme de subventions en santé publique).
Stuart, M. Commentary: “ Education, Patient Care and Employment Are Inextricably Linked”, Canadian Journal of
Nursing Leadership, 17 (1) 2004: 59-61.
Cynthia Toman, “With the Military--for the Duration.” Approach Paper for the Canadian History of Nursing Exhibit,
Canadian Museum of Civilization, March 2004.
Cynthia Toman, “Canadian Nursing Sisters and Sources at the Canadian War Museum.” Technical report
submitted to the Canadian War Museum, August 2003.
Cynthia Toman, Review of Margaret A. Lowe, Looking Good: College Women and Body Image, 1875-1930
(Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003) in Nursing History Review: in press.
Cynthia Toman, Review of Marjorie Barron Norris, Sister Heroines: The Roseate Glow of Wartime Nursing 19141918 (Calgary, Alberta: Bunker to Bunker Publishing, 2002) in Canadian Historical Review 85, 1 (2003).
Cynthia Toman, Review of Margarete Sandelowski, Devices and Desires: Gender, Technology, and American
Nursing (Chapel Hill/London: The University of North Carolina Press, 2000) in ISIS 94 (2003): 353-355.
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Résumés publiés de présentations à des congrès scientifiques arbitrés /
Published Abstracts of Papers Presented at Scientific Peer Reviewed Conferences
Chouinard A, Coutu-Wakulczyk G. The integration of road safety and public health: setting the stage, (Abstract
ID 1839). 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. Vienna, June 2004 (abstract
Versteeg, C., Gifford, W., Davies, B., Edwards, N., Ploeg, J., Skelly, J. Griffin, P., Virani, T. Indicators of
sustained and expanded use of best practice guidelines, A composite score sheet. Research into Practice,
Evaluating Knowledge Transfer. Ottawa, May. 2004 Page 22-23
Gifford, W., Davies, B., Edwards, N., Griffin, P. Nursing leadership and knowledge transfer: A critical review of
the literature. Research into Practice, Evaluating Knowledge Transfer. Ottawa, May 2004 Page 9
Emed, J., Fillion, F. Rennick, J. Rosmus, C. Patenaude, H., Ellis, J., Shapiro, C., Ritchie, J., Gagnon, A., Johnston,
C. (2004). Incidence and nursing management of procedural pain in children. The Journal of Pain, 5, (3) Suppl
1, p.107.
Ellis, J., Blouin, R.,Rowley, B.,Taylor, M., Anderson, G., DeCourtney, C., Joyce, M., Akoomalik, S., Besau, V.,
(2004). Building Capacity for the Development of Pain Education Materials for Inuit Children and Families. The
Journal of Pain, 5, (3) Suppl 1, p.135.
Ellis, J., Rowley, B., MacNeil, M. (2004). Focus on Pediatric Pain: The Advanced clinical practice fellowship (ACPF)
program: A Collaboration between the University of Ottawa and the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
(CHEO), The Journal of Pain, 5, (3) Suppl 1, p.137.
Rowley, B., MacNeil, M., Ellis, J. (2004). Process and Progress of a Pain Resource Nurse Program (PRN) at a
Pediatric Hospital in Ontario, The Journal of Pain, 5, (3) Suppl 1, p.138.
Samant R, Fitzgibbon E, Meng J, Graham ID. Family Physicians’ Perspectives Regarding the Value of Palliative
Radiotherapy. Accepted for presentation at the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic
Radiology and Oncology, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 20, 2003. (presentation) (Abstract #1028)
Rashid M, Cranney A, Graham I, Zarkadas M, Switzer C, Case S, Malloy M, Warren R, Butzner D. Professional
Advisory Board, Canadian Celiac Association, Canada. Canadian Celiac Health Survey: Pediatric Data.
Presented at North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHN),
Montreal, October 2003. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2003;37(3):369. (presentation)
Samant R, Fitzgibbon E, Meng J, Graham ID. Family Physicians’ Perspectives Regarding the Value of Palliative
Radiotherapy. Accepted for presentation at the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic
Radiology and Oncology, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 20, 2003. (presentation) (Abstract #1028)
Graham ID, Logan J, O’Connor A, Weeks KE, Tetroe JM, and the Group Grant in Decision Support Tools for
Clinicians and Patients. Will Physicians Use Decision Aids Designed to Promote Patients’ Use of Evidence? The
5th International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health Services, Washington, DC September 20-23,
2003 (poster) abstract #124, p. 52.
Graham ID, Logan J, O’Connor A, Weeks K, Tetroe J. A physician survey of attitudes toward and intention to
use patient decision aids. The 2nd International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales,
September 2-4, 2003. (presentation) Abstract #069, p. 81.
Brouwers M, Graham ID, Hanna S, Cameron D, Browman G, Meyer R. Measuring oncologists’ perceptions of
clinical practice guidelines: A new validated tool. Published in the Program/Proceedings of the 2003 Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, IL, USA, May 31-June 3, 2003.
Eldred, S., Higuchi, K. S., & Bunn, H. (May, 2003). RNAO Best Practice Guidelines: Implementation in Education.
University of Ottawa Annual Clinical Nursing Research Conference. Ottawa, ON. (p. 21-22).
Legault, F., Brajtman, S., Allard, P., Brazil, K., Guirguis-Younger, M., McPherson, C., Kelly, M., & Wilson, K.
(April, 2004). Optimizing End-of-Life Care for Seniors: A New Emerging Research Team. Poster presentation at
The 14th Annual Provincial Conference on Palliative and End-of-Life Care, Toronto, On. (p.63).
Legault, F., & Brajtman, S. (April 2004). Building Capacity for Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice in
Palliative Care. Poster presentation at The 14th Annual Provincial Conference on Palliative and End-of-Life
Care, Toronto, On. (p.80).
Legault, F. & Brajtman, S. (June, 2003). Palliative Care Nursing Research: Building Capacity. Presented at The
National Conference of Hospice Palliative Care, Quebec City, Quebec. (p.55).
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Guimond P, Dubouloz CJ, O’Connor A. Perceptions of patients with rheumatoid arthritis on their decision making
process. The 2nd International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4, 2003.
Abstract # 104, p. 104.
Kirshner M, O’Connor A, Stacey D, Tait V. Proposed analytic framework for identifying features of high performing
decision aids. The 2nd International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4, 2003.
Abstract # 082, p. 90.
Lalonde L, O’Connor AM, Drake E, Duguay P, Grover SA. Development of a decision aid for patients at high risk of
cardiovascular disease. The 2nd International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4,
2003. Abstract # 072, p. 83.
Brehaut JC, O’Connor A, Wood T, Hack T, Siminoff L, Gordon E, Feldman-Stewart D. Patient regret in decision
making. The 2nd International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4, 2003.
Abstract # 023, p. 51.
Stacey D, O’Connor AM, Entwistle V, Llewellyn-Thomas H, Rovner D, Holmes-Rovner M, Tait V, Tetroe J, Fiset V,
Barry M, Jones J. Decision aids for people facing health decisions: Systematic Review 2002 Update. The 2nd
International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4, 2003. Abstract # 028, p. 54.
O’Connor AM, Jacobsen MJ, Drake ER, Brehaut J, Tait V, Khangura S, Wells G, Graham I, Cranney A, Tugwell P.
Ottawa Health Decision Centre: Patient decision aids and online resources. The 2nd International Shared
Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4, 2003. Abstract # 022, p. 50. (Poster)
Lalonde L, O’Connor A, Drake E, Duguay P, Grover SA. Development and preliminary validation of a decision aid
for patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Canadian Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 10(1):36;2003.
Communications à des congrès scientifiques avec comité de lecture /
Papers Read in Scientific Conferences Peer Reviewed
Bunn, H., Jacobsen, MJ., Whitelaw, C., Ritchie, L., McIntosh, A., Fox, J. Preferences and decision-making needs of
patients experiencing depression: Inaugural Symposium: “Fostering Research Connections”: University of
Ottawa Applied Health & Social Research Network Conference, Ottawa, November 18, 2003 (Poster &
Bunn, H., Jacobsen, MJ., Whitelaw, C., Ritchie, L., McIntosh, A., Fox, J. Preferences and decision-making needs of
patients experiencing depression: Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses International Nursing
Conference, Toronto, October 30-November 1, 2003.
Bunn, H., Jacobsen, MJ., Whitelaw, C., Ritchie, L., McIntosh, A., Fox, J. Decision-making in clinical depression: A
Canadian perspective: Shared Decision Making Conference, University of Wales Swansea, Wales, September
2-4, 2003.
Carroll G, Prud’homme-Brisson D, Ross M. Évaluation de la version française de l’outil «PCQN-F». Second
Annual University of Ottawa Clinical Nursing Research Conference/Deuxième conference annuelle sur la
recherché clinique. “Evaluating Knowledge transfer”/«L’évaluation du transfert des connaissances». May 2-3,
Chouinard A, Coutu-Wakulczyk G. The integration of road safety and public health: setting the stage, (Abstract
ID 1839). 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. Vienna, June 2004 (abstract
Cragg, B. & Andrysyszyn, M.A., Perspective Transformation among Graduates of Master’s Programs in Nursing,
2004 Canadian Nursing Research Conference, London Ontario. May 13, 2004.
Cragg, B. & Andrusyszyn, M.A. Perspective Transformation Among Graduates of Master’s Degree Programs in
Nursing. 37th Biennial Convention, Sigma Theta Tau International Toronto, Ont. Nov 1-5 2003
Andrusyszyn, M.A , Cragg, B. & Fraser, J.Nurses as Multiple Role Women in Distance Education Biennial
Convention, Sigma Theta Tau International Toronto, Ont. Nov 1-5 2003
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Rapport des activités de recherche 2003-2004
Andrusyszyn, M.A , Cragg, B. & Fraser, J. Insights into the Lives of Multiple Role Women Completing Professional
Distance Education. The Forces of Change: Knowing our past, shaping the future. Chicago Institute for Nursing
Education, in affiliation with Saint Xavier University, Chicago Illinois, June 19-21 2003.
Cragg, B., Edwards, N., Song, L.X., Zhao, Y., Zou, D.H. Preparing for Web-based Education for Nurses in China:
A survey of nurses in Tianjin on sources of nursing knowledge, and access and attitudes to computers and the
Internet. CADE-ACED St. John’s NFLD June 2-7, 2003
Cragg, B., Fraser, J., Andrusyszyn, M.A. Multiple role women in professional distance education: satisfactions,
stressors, and supports. CADE-ACED St. John’s NFLD June 2-7, 2003
Versteeg, C., Gifford, W., Davies, B., Edwards, N., Ploeg, J., Skelly, J.,Dobbins, M., Griffin, P., Virani, T.
Indicators of Sustained and Expanded Use of Best Practice Guidelines: A Composite Score Sheet. Second
Annual University of Ottawa Nursing Research Conference. Ottawa, May 2004.
Meagher-Stewart, D., Aston, M., Edwards, N., Smith, D., Young, L., Woodford, E. The Voices and Wisdom of
Public Health Nurses in Primary Health Care in Nova Scotia. National Primary Health Care Conference. (Poster
Presentation) Winnipeg, May 2004.
Mill, J. & Edwards, N. Mentorship in Nursing Research. University of Alberta, Margaret Scott Wright Research Day.
Edmonton, November 2003
Danseco, E., Edwards, N., Davies,B., Ploeg, J. & Skelly, J. A framework for the evaluation of nursing best
practice guidelines: Integrating research, policy and practice. University of Ottawa Applied Health & Social
Research Network symposium, “Fostering Research Connections”. November 2003 (Poster)
Boudreau, M.L., Edwards, N., Lockett, D., Sveistrup, H., Toal-Sullivan, D., Von Zweck, C. Expanding the circle:
Involving businesses in changing attitudes about assistive devices and falls prevention. Canadian Association
on Gerontology Annual Meeting. October 2003.
Danseco, E., Edwards, N., Davies, B., Ploeg, J., & Skelly, J. A framework for the evaluation of nursing best
practice guidelines: Integrating research, policy and practice. Applied Health and Social Research Symposium,
Ottawa, November, 2003
Stacey D, Graham I, O’Connor A, Pomey MP. (2004, May). Factors influencing the design of a knowledge transfer
strategy to enhance call centre nurses’ provision of decision support. 2nd Annual University of Ottawa Clinical
Nursing Research Conference “Lessons Learned: The use of evidence in practice”, May 2-3, 2004, Ottawa,
Graham ID, Logan J, O’Connor A, Weeks K, Tetroe J. Will physicians use decision aids designed to promote
patients’ use of evidence? 5th International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health Services - cohosted by
Academy Health & Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Washington, DC. Sept. 20-23, 2003. (poster)
Graham I, Logan J, O’Connor A, Weeks K, Tetroe J. A physician survey of attitudes toward and intention to use
patient decision aids. The 2nd International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4,
2003. Abstract # 069, p. 81.
Guimond, P., (2004, 11 mai). « Les enjeux de la formation des professionnels de la santé dans une perspective
de prise de décision partagée ». 72 ième Congrès de l’ACFAS, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal,
Guimond P, Dubouloz CJ, O’Connor A. Perceptions of patients with rheumatoid arthritis on their decision making
process. The 2nd International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4, 2003.
Abstract # 104, p. 104.
Guimond, P., Tourigny, J. , Mayrand-Leclerc, M., Lavoie, É. (2003). Determinants of nurses beliefs about
participation in a Quality Assurance Program. Global Nursing Scholarship II Conference. Rome, Italie.
Eldred, S., Smith Higuchi, K., Bunn, H. RNAO Best Practice Guidelines: Implementation in Education: Annual
Clinical Nursing Research Conference, University of Ottawa School of Nursing Honour Society, May 3, 2004.
Holmes, D. , Warner, D. & Perron, A. (2004). The Anatomy of a Forbidden Desire : Men, Penetration and Semen
Exchange. In sickness and in health 2: ethics – power – practice. The University of Iceland, Reykjavik,
Coyte, P. & Holmes, D. (2003). Toward a Theory of Social Inclusion/Exclusion: Economics, Politics and Deviance.
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
Bisson, J., Lauzon, S., Mahmud, M., Ricard, N., Lesage, A., Leclerc, C., Reinharz, D., & Gélinas, D. (2004).
L'évolution de la clientèle du Suivi intensif dans le milieu à l'Hôpital Louis-H. Lafontaine, en Mauricie et Centredu-Québec et à Granby : Comparaison pré-post et analyses des déterminants après un an de suivi.
Communication présentée à la 1ère conférence de l'Association canadienne pour la recherche sur les services
et les politiques de la santé (ACRSPS), Montréal, 25-28 mai.
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Moreau, D., Media as a core element of social and cultural environments : The roles of media in structuring
normative influences on population health. Présentation orale à la 18ième Conférence mondiale de Promotion
de la Santé et d’Éducation pour la Santé. Melbourne, Australie du 26-30 avril 2004
Col NF, Fortin JM, Ngo L, O’Connor AM, Goldberg R. Computer-generated decision support can promote
behavioural change and preventive screening. 27th SGIM Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. May 14, 2004.
Col NF, Fortin JM, Ngo L, O’Connor AM, Goldberg R. Integrating presonalized decision support into primary care:
Impact on decisional conflict. 27th SGIM Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. May 14, 2004.
Santesso N, Judd M, O’Connor A, Qualman A, Robinson V, Shea B, Stacey D, Tugwell P, Wale J, Wells G. Creating
and disseminating “friendly front end” summaries of Cochrane reviews. 3rd Canadian Cochrane Symposium
"Advancing the Knowledge Translation of Systematic Reviews". Hamilton, ON. Nov. 2003.
Stacey D, O'Connor AM, Santesso N, Tugwell P, Legare F, Cranney A. Patient decision aids: A strategy to
translate systematic review evidence for rheumatology preference-sensitive treatment choices. 3rd Canadian
Cochrane Symposium "Advancing the Knowledge Translation of Systematic Reviews". Hamilton, ON. Nov.
Col NF, Fortin JM, Goldberg RJ, Kaplan S, Chuo J, O’Connor AM. Impact of a personalized decision support aid on
menopausal women-Results from a randomized controlled trial. American Medical Informatics Association
2003 Annual Symposium. Washington, DC. Nov. 8-12, 2003.
Légaré F, Tremblay S, O’Connor AM, Graham I, Wells G. Disparities between women’s and physicians’ decisional
conflict about hormone therapy. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 31st Annual
Meeting-“Linkages: Collaboration with Researchers, Communities and Funders”. Banff, Alberta. Oct. 25-28,
Stacey D, O’Connor A, Barratt A. Evidence-based decision aids for women in out-of-target age groups,
considering breast cancer screening mammography. Reasons for Hope 2003: new developments in breast
cancer research 3rd scientific conference sponsored by the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative.
Ottawa. ON. Oct. 2003.
Kirshner M, O’Connor A, Stacey D, Tait V. Proposed analytic framework for identifying features of high performing
decision aids. The 2nd International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4, 2003.
Abstract # 082, p. 90.
Lalonde L, O’Connor AM, Drake E, Duguay P, Grover SA. Development of a decision aid for patients at high risk of
cardiovascular disease. The 2nd International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4,
2003. Abstract # 072, p. 83.
Brehaut JC, O’Connor A, Wood T, Hack T, Siminoff L, Gordon E, Feldman-Stewart D. Patient regret in decision
making. The 2nd International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4, 2003.
Abstract # 023, p. 51.
Stacey D, O’Connor AM, Entwistle V, Llewellyn-Thomas H, Rovner D, Holmes-Rovner M, Tait V, Tetroe J, Fiset V,
Barry M, Jones J. Decision aids for people facing health decisions: Systematic Review 2002 Update. The 2nd
International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4, 2003. Abstract # 028, p. 54.
O’Connor AM, Jacobsen MJ, Drake ER, Brehaut J, Tait V, Khangura S, Wells G, Graham I, Cranney A, Tugwell P.
Ottawa Health Decision Centre: Patient decision aids and online resources. The 2nd International Shared
Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4, 2003. Abstract # 022, p. 50. (Poster)
Pharand, D. Processus et évaluation d’une traduction en français du « Palliative Care Quiz for Nursing (PQCN-F).
University of Ottawa Nursing Research Conférence. May, 02, 03, 2004
Pharand, D. Second Annual University of Ottawa Clinical Nursing Research Conference (Ottawa) 2 mai 2004.
Supporting Preceptors in Nursing towards a Collaborative Regional Program: A Pilot Study
Pharand, D. Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), (Montréal - 10 mai 2004). La formation des
précepteurs et préceptrices en sciences infirmières, au cœur des préoccupations des milieux académiques et
Stuart, M. ATrophy Professors, Nursing and the Move to Higher Education in Canada, 1965-2000'@ Paper
presented at the American Association for the History of Nursing, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 19, 2003
Toman, C. “’Winning the War:’ Legitimate Work for Nurses.” Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, 12
June 2004.
Toman , C. “Frontlines and Frontiers: Canadian Military Nursing, 1939-1945,” Canadian Historical Association,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, 3 June 2004. [Note: the CHA prints and sells the full paper as a requirement associated
with the oral paper presentation; thus the paper read is based but but different from the full paper included
above under refereed conference proceedings.]
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Toman, C. “Incorporating the Nurse into the Military and the Military into the Nurse.” Joint American Association
for the History of Nursing – Canadian Association for the History of Nursing Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
19-21 September 2003.
Ward, V., Tourigny, J. (2004). Neonatal nurses= perceptions and reported practices of family-centered care in a
Canadian NICU. 5th International Nursing Conference: Diversity in care. Ottawa, Canada.
Tourigny, J. (2003) Canadian parents’ utilization of health care services. The Third Nordic Conference of NoSB
Children of Today. Reykjavik, Islande.
Ward, V., Tourigny, J. (2003). Neonatal nurses’ perceptions and reported practices of family-centered care in a
Canadian NICU. The Third Nordic Conference of NoSB Children of Today. Reykjavik, Islande.
Tourigny, J. (2003). Parents in a same-day surgery unit: their utilization of health care services. Global Nursing
Scholarship II Conference. Rome, Italie.
Communications et conférences sur invitation /
Invited Papers and Lectures
Brajtman, S. (April, 2004). Developing Nursing guidelines for Terminal Delirium. Nursing Research Forum for
Nursing Professional Practice and the Universities Schools of Nursing, Ottawa, On.
Brajtman, S. (January 2004). The Principles and Philosophy of Palliative Care. Invited lecture for University of
Ottawa School of Nursing, Nursing 3132, Illness Experiences Across the Lifespan.
Brajtman, S. & Higuchi, K. (May, 2004). Helping Families Through Terminal Delirium. Annual Palliative Care
Education Day. Ottawa, ON.
Bunn, H., Jacobsen, MJ., Whitelaw, C., Ritchie, L., McIntosh, A., Fox, J. Decision-making: patients experiencing
depression. Faculty of Health Sciences 2004 Symposium, University of Ottawa, May 25, 2004.
Cragg, B. Therapeutic Relationships – Connections. SCOHC Ottawa Professional Council April 7, 2003
Danseco, E., Davies, B., Edwards, N. Cycle 4 Evaluation Measures & Costs
Toronto. January 2004.
Roadmap. RNAO Cycle 4 Launch,
Davies, B. Attitudes towards Caesarean Birth. Current Issues in Perinatal Care. Annual Conference Perinatal
Partnership Program of Eastern and South Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, May 2004
Davies, B. Research projects versus a research program. Research Internship (CHSRF/CIHR School of Nursing
University of Ottawa, May 2004.
Davies, B. What have we learned about the implementation and evaluation of nursing best practice guidelines?
RNAO Launch of Cycle 4 Guidelines, January 13, 2004 Toronto.
Davies, B. An Evaluation Framework for Nursing Best Practice Guidelines: Some Lessons Learned….many still to
go! Think Tank on Evaluation of Healthy Work Environment Best Practice Guidelines, Toronto December, 2003
Virani, T. & Davies, B. RNAO’s Nursing Best Practice Guidelines Project: Implementation and Evaluation of
Evidence-Based Guidelines, Sigma Theta Tau International Conference, Toronto, November 2003
Davies, B Caesarean Section Rates Dialogue and Debate Maternal Child Nurse Researchers Workshop, AWHONN
Canada, Toronto, October 2003.
Davies, B. What is evidence? Understanding approaches to systematic reviews as the basis for clinical practice
guidelines. Nursing Best Practice Guidelines RNAO Summer Institute: Leading and shaping clinical excellence.,
Alliston, Ontario August, 2003.
Davies, B. Knowledge transfer and implementation: Presentation of Canadian initiatives. Dialogue and exchange
with several representatives from the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development,
ZonMw, Ottawa, June, 2003.
Davies, B. Developing a program of research. Research Internship Program (CHSRF/CIHR), University of Ottawa,
June 2003.
Dunning, J. Overview of family nursing practice in acute care, Pediatric Nurses Interest Group, CHEO Chapter,
April 2004.
Benzies, K.M., Edwards, N., Tough, S., Donnelly, C. & Thompson, S. Community-University partnerships to
improve outcomes for children living with the consequences of poverty. The Community Connection:
Improving Health Outcomes Across the Lifespan Scholarship Exchange Conference. Calgary, March 2004.
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Edwards, N. Towards systems change: A Multiple Intervention Approach to Translate Research into Practice.
University of Alberta, Margaret Scott Wright Research Day. Edmonton, November 2003 (Keynote)
Edwards, N. & Mill J. Reflections on Research Mentorship. CASN Conference, Toronto. November 2003.
Edwards, N. Health Care Research and Policy Development. Strategic Planning
Wellness, Edmonton. November 2003. (Invited)
Edwards, N. Getting canes & grab bars out of the closet. KLARU 3rd Annual Conference – Promoting Well-Being
in Older People: Environment, Body, Mind, & Spirit, Toronto. October 2003 (Invited)
Lockett, D., Bonnenfant, D., Asselin, G., Edwards, N. Challenges and opportunities: Setting up falls prevention
initiatives in community agencies and Legions. Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual Meeting. October,
2003. (Invited)
Edwards, N., & Davies, B. Putting best practices to the test: The results are… Best Practice Guidelines 2nd
International Conference Toronto, June 2003.
Edwards, N. & Dunning, J. Intervention methodology. Sino-Canadian Workshop on ETS and the Health of Women
and Infants, Shanghai, December 2003.
Edwards, N. Management structure of the program. Sino-Canadian Workshop on ETS and the Health of Women
and Infants, Shanghai, December 2003.
Edwards, N. Fund management. Sino-Canadian Workshop on ETS and the Health of Women and Infants,
Shanghai, December 2003.
Edwards, N. Intervention study of ETS exposure and smoking behaviour - Pilot Study. Sino-Canadian Workshop
on ETS and the Health of Women and Infants, Shanghai, December, 2003.
Edwards, N. Conceptual framework of the Sino-Canadian ETS Project 2003. Sino-Canadian Workshop on ETS and
the Health of Women and Infants, Shanghai, December 2003.
Harrison MB, Graham ID. Evidence-based nursing: Theory, science and practice. Implications for nursing
curriculum. Invited workshop presented to the Queen’s University School of Nursing and St. Lawrence College
Nursing Faculty. Dec 12, 2003, Kingston, Ontario
Houghton P, Graham ID, Harrison MB, Woodbury G,. Research Utilization 101: Learning the Skills of Critical
Appraisal (invited workshop). 9th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Wound Care, Toronto,
November 2003.
Graham ID and Harrison MB. Implementing Best Practice (invited workshop). 9th Annual Conference of the
Canadian Association of Wound Care, Toronto, November 6-9 2003.
Graham ID. Assisting Change Agents with Evidence-Based Practice: A Conceptual Framework. (invited presentation)
American College of Chiropractic Consultants, Chicago IL, September 18-20, 2003.
Graham ID. Update of AGREE Instrument & Guideline Tools. (invited presentation) American College of
Chiropractic Consultants, Chicago IL, September 18-20, 2003.
Graham ID, Session Chair, Care for the Elderly, for the presentation by Hokenstad A., entitled "Developing care
management capacity in New York City" at the International Conference on New Research and Developments
in Integrated Care, co-sponsored by the World Health Organization and the International Journal of Integrated
Care, Barcelona, Spain. February 21-22, 2003.
Graham ID. Guideline Dissemination and Implementation: A Conceptual Model. Forsyth Evidence-Based Dentistry
Conference - Evidence into Action. (invited presentation) Boston, USA, January 10-12, 2003.
Baley M, Harrison M, Graham ID. (panel facilitator). Stroke Canada Optimization of Rehabilitation by Evidence
(SCORE) Expert Consensus Panel. Toronto, January 21-22, 2004.
Guimond, P., O’Connor, A. Bunn, H., « Prise de décision partagée ». Présentation faite lors d’une journée de
recherche à l’hôpital d’Ottawa (23 avril 2004).
Holmes, D. (2004). Articulation du contrôle social et des soins infirmiers dans un contexte de psychiatrie
pénitentiaire. Université d’Ottawa, Département de criminologie, Speaker Series, Ottawa, Canada.
Holmes, D., Warner, D., & O’Byrne, P. (2004). Anatomie d’un désir interdit: Considérations symboliques et
politiques de l’échange de sperme entre hommes. Séminaire national – Outillons-nous . Direction générale de
la Santé Publique – Montréal Centre. Montréal, Canada.
Coyte, P. & Holmes, D. (2004). Unmasking Health Policies : Behind the Art of Governmentality, Faculty of Nursing,
University of Toronto, Canada.
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Holmes, D. (2003). Soins infirmiers et toxicomanies. SOI 3005. Faculté des sciences infirmières, Université de
Holmes, D. (2003).Erotic Apocalypse in Cyberspace : Sex, Transgression and Ethics of the Self. Post-doctoral
Seminar in Health care, Technology and Place, University of Toronto, Canada.
Holmes, D. (2003). Killing for the State : The Darkest Side of American Nursing. Faculty of Social Work, University
of Toronto, Canada.
Holmes, D. (2003). Nursing as Means of Governmentality. Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Canada.
Lauzon, S. (2004). Nursing: Knowledge and Commitment at Work / Les soins infirmiers : Le savoir et
l’engagement à l’œuvre. Allocution d’ouverture de la semaine nationale des infirmières et infirmiers.
Département de la Santé publique à la Ville d’Ottawa. Centre Hellenic, Ottawa. 12 mai.
Legault, F., & Brajtman, S. (November, 2003). Nursing Research in Palliative Care: U of O Leads the Way.
Invited presentation at the Regional Hospice Palliative Care Rounds, Ottawa, On.
O’Connor A. Responsabilisation des usagers. Symposium sur L’utilisation Optimale de Medicament. Sante et
Services sociaux Quebec. Quebec City, PQ. May 20-21, 2004.
O’Connor A. Research examination factors influencing individuals health decisions. Cancer Control & Population
Science Program Retreat, University of Wisconsin. Madison, WI. May 17, 2004. (Keynote address)
O’Connor A. Effective Consumer Workshop. OMERACT 7. Monterey Bay, CA. May 12-16, 2004.
O’Connor, A. Decision aids in Shared Decision Making. “Shared Decision” mit Sicherheit fur den Patienten. Der
Hauptstadtkongress fur Anasthesiologie und Intensivtherapie mit Pflegesymposium (HAI). Berlin, Germany.
May 6-8, 2004.
O’Connor A. Recent advances in developing and implementing patient decision aids. University of Virginia School
of Medicine. Charlottesville, VA. Apr. 22, 2004.
O’Connor A. Progress and prospects in developing and implementing patient decision aids. Cancer Prevention and
Control Colloquium, National Cancer Institute. Rockland, MD. March 17, 2004.
O’Connor A. From systematic reviews to decision support for consumers: methods for streamlining the process.
Evidence-based Practice Center Inaugural Symposium: “Strength in Systematic Reviews” University of Ottawa.
Ottawa, ON. Feb. 26, 2004.
O’Connor A. Recent advances in decision aids to help women consider options. Obstetrics & Gynecology Grand
Rounds, Ottawa Hospital – University of Ottawa. Ottawa, ON. Feb. 25, 2004.
O’Connor A. Progress in evaluating patient decision aids… a systematic review of trials of patient decision aids and
where we need to be moving next. Research Forum, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Chapel Hill,
NC. Jan. 7-9, 2004.
O’Connor A. “Yes, No, Maybe So: Clinical tools for assessing and resolving patients’ decisional conflict about
health care options.” Grand Rounds, University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC. Jan. 7-9, 2004.
O’Connor, A. Progress and prospects in developing and evaluating patient decision aids. A Topical Forum on
Research Management: “Decision-Making: Making Good Decisions Under Conditions of Uncertainty”. The
Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. Washington, DC. Nov. 21, 2003.
O’Connor A. Developing a career and program of applied health research. University of Ottawa Applied Health &
Social Research Network Inaugural Symposium. University of Ottawa, Ottawa. Nov. 18, 2003.
O’Connor A. Yes, No, Maybe So. Mayo Clinic Medical Oncology Seminars. Rochester, MN. Nov. 3-4, 2003.
O’Connor A. From idea to action: Making information prescriptions a reality – 2003 Information Therapy
Conference. Sponsored by NCQA. Park City, Utah. Sept. 14-16, 2003. Invited Panel Member.
O’Connor AM. The 2nd International Shared Decision Making Conference. Swansea, Wales. Sept. 2-4, 2003.
(Keynote address-invited).
O’Connor A. The role of patient self management in TRIP. 2003 TRIP Conference - Translating Research Into
Practice (TRIP): What’s Working? What’s Missing? What’s Next? Sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality. Washington, DC. July 22-24, 2003.
Toman, C. (2004). “’Filling the ranks’: A Century of Canadian Military Nursing.” National Defense Medical Center,
13 May 2004.
Toman, C. (2004). “With the Military--for the Duration.” Approach Paper for the Canadian History of Nursing
Exhibit, Canadian Museum of Civilization, March 2004.
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Toman, C. (2004). “’Officers and Ladies:’ War as Nurses’ Work.” Body Talk Luncheon, University of Ottawa,
January 2004.
Toman, C. “’We knew we had big shoes to fill’: War, Gender, and Canadian Nurses.” Ontario Women’s History
Conference, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, 18 October 2003.
Toman, C. (2004) "Almonte's Great Train Disaster: Shaping Nurses' Roles and Civilian Use of Blood Transfusion".
Taped presentation for The Ottawa Hospital, broadcast on three sites during May 2004.
Toman, C. (2003). “The Canadian Nursing Sisters”. Interview for a Body + Health television documentary on
Canadian Military Nurses, produced by Peter Camp and narrated by Coleen Walsh for Channel Hamilton,
broadcast on 15 December 2003.
Toman, C. Military Nursing, Fourth year history seminar on “Women, War, and Medicine in Western Society, 18501950,” 7 November 2003.
Toman, C. “Primary Sources in Nursing History” NSG 6130 graduate seminar, 12 May 2004.
Tourigny, J., Chapados, C., Pineault, R. (2004). Déterminants des comportements parentaux lors d’une chirurgie
d’un jour de l’enfant: une étude canadienne. Conférences scientifiques des Cliniques universitaires St-Luc,
Bruxelles, Belgique.
Tourigny, J., Chapados, C., Pineault, R. (2004). Determinants of parents’ behaviours at a time of their child’s
same-day surgery. CHEORI Research Seminars, Ottawa, Ontario.
Woodend, K., Davies, B. Research and Practice: Coming together to improve care. Workshop Leaders. Clinical
Nursing Research Conference, Ottawa, May 2004
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