Curriculum Vitae - European Medicines Agency


Curriculum Vitae - European Medicines Agency
Curriculum vitae
Bruno Urbain
December 2006–Present
Coordinator of veterinary assessors
Federal Agency for Medicinal and Health Products (Belgium)
December 1997–November 2006
Senior assessor
Federal Public Service of Public Health, Food Chain Security and Environment (Belgium)
September 1990–October 1997
Research associate
University of Liège. Department of Veterinary Phamacology and Toxicology (Belgium)
September 1988–August 1990
Research associate
University of Liège. Department of Bacteriology and Pathology of Bacterial Diseases (Belgium)
July 1985–August 1990
Veterinary surgeon
Self-employed (Belgium)
Small animals practice
–June 1997
Doctor in Veterinary Sciences (PhD)
University of Liège. Department of Veterinary Phamacology and Toxicology (Belgium)
Environmental toxicology
–June 1990
Licencié en médecine vétérinaire expérimentale
University of Liège. Department of Bacteriology and Pathology of Bacterial Diseases (Belgium)
–June 1985
Doctor in Veterinary Medicine
University of Liège, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Belgium)
Maximum residue limits
Safety and efficacy of Immunologicals
Safety and efficacy of Pharmaceuticals
Mainil J., Daube G., Jacquemin E., Urbain B., Pohl P., Kaeckenbeek A. Identification of virulence
plasmids in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli from cattle and pigs. Proceedings of 2nd International
Meeting on Bacterial Epidemiological Markers. April 8-11, 1990, Rhodes, Greece .
Urbain B., Delaunois A., Gustin P.- Effets des endotoxines d'E.coli sur la microcirculation des
poumons isolés et perfusés de porcelets.- Proceedings de la réunion du groupe Respiration de
l'Association des Physiologistes de Langues Françaises, Bruxelles, Mars 1991.
Gustin P., Urbain B., Ansay M., Nicks B. -Impact de la pollution atmosphérique sur le système
respiratoire. I: L'ammoniac. - Ann. Méd.Vét., 1991, 135, 417-422.
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Curriculum vitae
Bruno Urbain
Gustin P., Delaunois A., Urbain B., Zeimes K. and Ansay M.- Permeability of endothelium and
partitioning of pulmonary blood flow resistance in isolated and perfused pig lungs: effects of age and
breed. Vet. Res. Communication , 1992, 16, 69-82.
Urbain B., Delaunois A., Gustin P., Ansay M. Endotoxin- induced microvascular injury in isolated and
perfused pig lungs. Vet. Res. Communication, 1992, 16, 453-464.
Urbain B., Gustin P., Ansay M., Nicks B. Comparison of dust concentrations in pig buildings and in
environmental inhalation chambers. Proceedings of the 12th International Pig Veterinary Society
Congress, 1992, 2, 535.
Urbain B., Pohl P., Kaeckenbeek A., Mainil J. Are some porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
pathotypes a combination of other pathotypes? Proceedings of the 12th International Pig Veterinary
Society Congress, 1992, 1, 247.
Urbain B, Gustin P, Ansay M. Influence of ammonia inhalation on the microvascular response to
endotoxins in isolated perfused pig lungs. Arch. Int. Physiol. Bioch Bioph, 1993.
Urbain B, Gustin P, Prousvot JF, Ansay M, Michel O, Nicks B. Microclimat et composition de l'air dans
une enceinte fermée destinée à l'étude de la toxicité des polluants atmosphériques chez le porcelet.
Vet. Res., 1993, 24, 503-514
Gustin P, Urbain B , Prousvot JF, Ansay M. Effects of atmospheric ammonia on pulmonary
hemodynamics and vascular permeability in pigs: interaction with endotoxins. Tox. Applied
Pharmacol., 1994, 125, 17-26.
Urbain B , Gustin P, Prousvot JF, Ansay M. Quantitative assessment of aerial ammonia toxicity to the
nasal mucosa by the nasal lavage method in pigs. Am. J. Vet. Res., 1994, 55, 1335-1340.
Gustin P, Urbain B, Prousvot JF, Ansay M. Impact de l'ammoniac sur le système respiratoire du porc;
analyse de la relation dose-effet. Journées rech. porcine en France, 1994, 26, 79-84.
Urbain B , Gustin P, Prousvot JF, Beerens D, Ansay M. Le nez du porc, bio-indicateur de la pollution
atmosphérique. Journées rech. porcine en France, 1995, 27, 117-120.
Urbain B , Gustin P, Beerens D, Ansay M. Effets pulmonaires de la nébulisation d’endotoxines chez le
porc. Journées rech. porcine en France, 1996, 28, 349-354.
Urbain B , Gustin P, Prousvot JF, Beerens D, Michel O, Nicks B, Ansay M. Chronic exposure of pigs to
airborne dust and endotoxins in an environmental chamber : technical note. Vet. Res., 1996 , 27, 569.
Urbain B , Gustin P, Charlier G, Coignoul F, Lambotte JL, Grignon G, Foliguet B, Vidic B, Prousvot JF,
Ansay M. A morphometrical and functional study of the toxicity of atmospheric ammonia in the extrathoracic airways in pigs. Vet. Res. Communication; 1996, 20, 381.
Urbain B , Gustin P, Beerens D, Ansay M. Acute effects of endotoxin inhalation on the nasal mucosa
in pigs : interaction with ammonia. Proceedings of the 14th International Pig Veterinary Society
Congress, 1996, 519.
Urbain B , Prousvot JF, Beerens D, Ansay M, Gustin P. Acute effects of endotoxin inhalation on the
respiratory tract in pigs : interaction with ammonia. Inhal. Toxicol., 1996, 8, 947.
Urbain B, Mast J., Goddeeris B, Ansay M, Gustin P. Influence d’une exposition aux poussières sur la
composition cellulaire des liquides de lavage nasal et broncho-alvéolaire chez le porc. Journées rech.
porcine en France, 1997, 29, 17-22.
Urbain B, Beerens D, N’Guyen Q, Mast J, Goddeeris B, Ansay M, Gustin P. Chronic effects of dust
inhalation on the respiratory tract in pigs. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of the
European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology. 1997, 20-suppl. 1, 291.
Urbain B, Mast J., Goddeeris B, Ansay M, Gustin P. Influence d’une exposition aux poussières sur
l’appareil respiratoire du porc : interaction avec l’ammoniac. Journées rech. porcine en France, 1998,
30, 417-422.
Bruno Urbain, Jan Mast, Dominique Beerens, T.Quyen N’guyen, Bruno Goddeeris, Michel Ansay and
Pascal Gustin. Effects of dust and endotoxin inhalation on the respiratory tract in pigs. Am. J. Vet.
Res., 1999 Sep; 60 (9): 1005-60.
Urbain B., Laurier L., Falize F., Pastoret P.P. Les molécules orphelines en médecine vétérinaire. Ann.
Med. Vét., 2000, 144, 5-11.
Saegerman C., Hubaux M., Urbain B., Lengelé L. Berkvens D. Regulatory aspects concerning
temporary authorisation of animal vaccination in case of an emergency situation: example of
bluetongue in Europe. In: Animal vaccination. Part. 2: scientific, economic, regulatory and socio-ethical
aspects. Chapter 4: Regulatory aspects. Co-ordinator and Editor: P. -P. Pastoret, A. Schudel & M.
Lombard. Rev. Sc. Tech. O.I.E.(special issue), 2007, 26 (2), 395-414.
O. Wilmart, A. Legrève, M-L. Scippo, W. Reybroeck, B. Urbain, D.C. de Graaf, W. Steurbaut, P.
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Curriculum vitae
Bruno Urbain
Delahaut, P. Gustin, B.K. Nguyen and C. Saegerman. Residues in Beeswax: A Health Risk for the
Consumer of Honey and Beeswax? J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 8425−8434.
Member of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (CVMP) (since 2002)
Alternate member of the Belgian Biosafety Advisory Council (2005-2013)
Member of the CVMP Safety Working Party (1999- 2002)
Member of the “Centre Belge d’Information Pharmacothérapeutique Vétérinaire” (since 2013)
Member of the CVMP Scientific Advice Working Party (since 2015)
Other Relevant Information
OIE Focal Point for Veterinary Products
EFSA OBSERVER in Pesticides - Mammalian Toxicology Meetings
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