chansons en français


chansons en français
en français
Petit poisson
Pour se dire bonjour
Par la fenêtre ouverte, bonjour, bonjour,
Par la fenêtre ouverte, bonjour le jour.
Bonjour à (prénom enfant),
bonjour à (prénom enfant)
Par la fenêtre ouverte, bonjour, bonjour,
Par la fenêtre ouverte, bonjour le jour.
Bonjour (prénom enfant) etc…..
Petit poisson, petit poisson
Nage, nage, nage
Petit poisson, petit poisson
Glou, glou, glou
Oh non! Mais qu’est ce qui s’est passé ?
Il s’est fait manger par…une
jolie pieuvre, jolie pieuvre
Nage, nage, nage
jolie pieuvre, jolie pieuvre
Glou, glou, glou
Elle s’est faite manger par… un
Si tu aimes le soleil
Si tu aimes le soleil tape des mains (clap-clap)
Si tu aimes le soleil tape des mains (clap-clap)
Si tu aimes le soleil et le jour qui se réveille
Si tu aimes le soleil tape des mains (clap-clap)
Si tu aimes le soleil tape des pieds (boum-boum)
Si tu aimes le soleil tape des pieds (boum-boum)
Si tu aimes le soleil et le jour qui se réveille
Si tu aimes le soleil tape des pieds (boum-boum)
Si tu aimes le soleil claque la langue (clac-clac)…
Si tu aimes le soleil crie hourra! (hou-rra!)…
barracuda, barracuda
Nage, nage, nage
Barracuda, barracuda
Glou, glou, glou
Oh non! Mais qu’est ce qui s’est passé ?
Il s’est fait manger par…un
Méchant requin, méchant requin
Nage, nage, nage
Méchant requin, méchant requin
Glou, glou, glou
Oh non! Mais qu’est ce qui s’est passé ?…
Il s’est fait manger par une
Grosse baleine, grosse baleine
Nage, nage, nage
Grosse baleine, grosse baleine
Hip, hip, hip,
Mais qu’est ce qui s’est passé?
La baleine a trop mangé, elle a le hoquet.
Les enfants énumèrent alors tous
ce que la baleine a avalé.
Apple peach apricot
Apple peach apricot
what’s your name what’s your name
Apple peach apricot
what’s your name tell me now.
What’s your name?
What’s your name?
Five little monkeys
Five little monkeys [Hold up five fingers.]
jumping on the bed. [Jump up and down.]
One fell off [Hold up one finger and then
roll your hand down towards the floor.]
and bumped his head. [Tap your head with your fist.]
Mama called the doctor and the doctor
said, [Put your pinky to your mouth and
thumb to your ear like a telephone.]
« No more monkeys jumping on the bed! » [Put one
hand on your hip and wag your index finger.]
Four little monkeys [Hold up four fingers.]
jumping on the bed.
One fell off
and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
« No more monkeys jumping on the bed! »
Three little monkeys [Hold up three fingers.]
jumping on the bed.
One fell off
and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
« No more monkeys jumping on the bed! »
Two little monkeys [Hold up two fingers.]
jumping on the bed.
One fell off
and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
« No more monkeys jumping on the bed! »
One little monkey [Hold up one finger.]
jumping on the bed.
She fell off
and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
« No more monkeys jumping on the bed! »
The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus go,
Round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go
Round and round,
All day long.
The wipers on the bus go,
Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go
Swish, swish, swish,
All day long.
The doors on the bus go,
Open and shut,
Open and shut,
Open and shut.
The doors on the bus go
Open and shut,
All day long.
The Driver on the bus says,
« Move on back!
Move on back!
Move on back! »
The Driver on the bus says,
« Move on back! »
All day long.
The babies on the bus go,
« Wah, wah, wah!
Wah, wah, wah!
Wah, wah, wah! »
The babies on the bus go,
« Wah, wah, wah! »
All day long.
The mommy on the bus says,
« Shush, shush, shush,
Shush, shush, shush,
Shush, shush, shush. »
The mommy on the bus says
« Shush, shush, shush »,
All day long.
The horn on the bus goes,
Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep, beep.
The horn on the bus goes
Beep, beep, beep,
All day long.