29/03/16 GRAILLE-AVY Lisa L2 CR : Juliette Phélip ANGLAIS C


29/03/16 GRAILLE-AVY Lisa L2 CR : Juliette Phélip ANGLAIS C
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
CR : Juliette Phélip
16 pages
Examination of the patient
A. Phrasal
I. Take something off
II. Go off
Take up something
IV.Turn down
V. Turn off
VI.Turn on
B. If and only if : conditionnel
I. Inversion de la valeur conditionnelle
II. La conditionnelle : modalité
C. Taking a history
A. Phrasal (p 87-90)
I. Take something off
take off : se dévêtir/ enlever quelque chose ou prendre l'avion
La particule “off” peut être placée avant ou après le complément sauf s'il s'agit d'un pronom ( her, it...): off est
alors placé après le complément
→ Study : read the sentences carefully
• Why don't you take your coat off ?
• Do you mind if I take off my shoes ?
• Marcus gave me the ring and I promised never to take it off.
• All jewellery must be taken off when doing sports.
1) Circle the verb that is closest in meaning to take off : to wear – to remove – to collect – to leave
2) Which of the following can you not take of?
Gloves – necklace – sunglasses – contact lenses
3) Which of these are grammatically possible ?
a. He took his tie off
b. He took off his tie
c. He took it off
d. He took of it
e. His tie was taken off
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
Réponses : 1)remove
2)contact lenses
Respond to the following, using take something off and the information in brackets in an appropriate way in
each case. Add any other words you think you need. The first one has been done for you.
a. Do you need some help ? Yes please, I ________________ (my boots).
→ Yes please, I'm trying to take my boots off
b. It's so hot in here ! Why ___________ (your sweater) ?
c. Why aren't you wearing your ring ? I always ___________ (wash my hands)
d. Is the office warm enough for you ? No. That's why I ____________(my coat)
e. Where do you think you left your watch ? I don't know, I remember_________(changed my clothes)
f. What are you looking for ? My glasses, I've forgotten where I put them when________.
Réponses :
b. It's so hot in here ! Why don't you take off your sweater ?
c. Why aren't you wearing your ring ? I always take it off when I wash my hands.
d. Is the office warm enough for you ? No. That's why I haven't taken off my coat.
e. Where do you think you left your watch ? I don't know, I remember taking it off when I changed my clothes.
f. What are you looking for ? My glasses, I've forgotten where I put them when I took them off.
Dans les phrases a, b et d on peut placer le complément en fin de phrase ou entre take et off mais pas dans les
autres car le complément est un pronom. CR : exemple pour la b : why don't you take your sweat off ?
Go off
Signifie exploser pour une bombe ou bien sonner/retentir pour un réveil par exemple.
→ Study : read this sentences carefully
• The gun went off accidentally while he was holding it.
• I heard that a bomb had gone off in the centre of town.
• What's that noise ? I think it's fireworks going off in the park.
• My alarm clock goes off every morning at seven.
• Everybody had to leave the building when the fire alarm went off.
1) Complete the meanings with the word or phrase from the brackets :
a. If a bomb goes off, it _____ ( falls/explodes)
b. If a gun goes off, it is _____ (dropped/fired)
c. If an alarm goes off, it makes a sudden _____(loud noise/explosion)
Réponses : a-explodes / b-fired / c-loud noise
2) Which of the following can go off ?
a. a fire
d. a loud noise
b. a bomb
e. fireworks
c. a gun
f. a radio
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
Réponses : b,c,e
→ Grammar:
Which of these are gramatically possible?
a) The bomb went off
b)He went off the bomb
c)The bomb was gone off
Réponse: a
III. Take up something
a. Take up something : entreprendre une activité
Dans un premier cas “take up something” signifie entreprendre une activité
→ Study : read these sentences carefully
• I didn't know you'd taken up cookery
• He's taken up jogging in order to lose weight
• She took up languages and now speaks Chinese quite well
• I used to do some writing and I'd like to take it up again
→ Grammar
Which of these are grammatically possible ?
a. She took up sailing
b. She took it up
c. She took up it
d. Sailing was taken up
Réponses : a,b
→ Practise:
1) Complete the sentences with the correct form of take up and one of the object below
baseball – her new job – different instrument – it – painting – one – smoking
a. Tom recently _______ to get fit
b. He advises parents and children on the dangers of ______.
c. Rather than all of us playing the flute, I think we should ________.
d. I had never been fishing before, but I have now________ and am enjoying it.
e. My art teacher advised me ________ as a career.
f. She__________ first thing Monday morning.
g. I never had the time for a hobby, even if I had wanted to _____.
Réponses :
a. Tom recently took up baseball to get fit
b. He advises parents and children on the dangers of taking up smoking.
c. Rather than all of us playing the flute, I think we should take up different instruments.
d. I had never been fishing before, but I have now taken it up and am enjoying it.
e. My art teacher advised me to take up painting as a career.
f. She's taking up her new job first thing Monday morning.
g. I never had the time for a hobby, even if I had wanted to take one up.
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
2) Correct any errors in the following
a. She decided to take up walk to try keep fit.
b. I believe she took up the violin at the age of 4.
c. I was no good at rugby so I take up rowing.
d. There are lots of hobbies that you can take them up.
Réponses :
a. She decided to take up walking to try to keep fit.
b. Pas de faute
c. I was no good at rugby so I took up rowing.
d. There are lots of hobbies that you can take up. ( Le 'them' est en trop, inutile)
b. take up something : occuper de l'espace, du temps
Dans un second cas, take up something signifie occuper de l'espace, du temps
→ Study
• The equipment is expensive and takes up a lot of space.
• I'm sorry to take up so much of your time.
• Looking for a place to live has been taking up all my time recently.
• The whole day has been taken up with making phone calls.
→ Grammar
Which of these are grammatically possible ?
a. The table takes up a lot of room (ici on emploie room dans le sens de place)
b. The table takes a lot of room up
c. A lot of room is taken up
d. The table takes it up
Réponses : a, c
→ Practise
1) Complete these sentences with either a positive or negative form of take up in a suitable tense.
a. This sleeping bag rolls up really small so it ____ much space in my rucksack.
b. I wish you didn't have to work so much. It ___ too much of your time.
c. I'm sure he won't mind helping you, as long as you____ too much of his time.
d. He found that most of his time ____ with looking after the children.
e. Once we folded (=plié) the chairs up, they hardly___any room.
Réponses :
a. This sleeping bag rolls up really small so it won't take up much space in my rucksack.
b. I wish you didn't have to work so much. It takes up too much of your time.
c. I'm sure he won't mind helping you, as long as you don't take up too much of his time.
d. He found that most of his time was taken up with looking after the children.
e. Once we folded the chairs up, they hardly took up any room.
2) In one of these sentences, the verb take up is not used correctly. Can you find and correct the
mistake ?
a. The annual report takes up nearly thirty pages
b. The new flat screen monitors are very popular as they take up so little space.
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
c. What space there was had been took up by two long tables.
d. The main problem with this software is that it takes up too much disk place.
Réponse : c- What space there was had been taken up by two long tables.
IV. Turn down
a. Turn somebody or something down : refuser quelque chose ou rejeter quelqu'un
→ Study
• Why did you turn down the invitation to Kate and Jim's wedding ?
• I can't believe he turned the company's offer down flat.
• She's invited me to join the team and I'm not going to turn her down.
• I've just been turned down for another job.
Use the sentences in the study box to help you to do the exercises
→ Meaning
1) Choose the correct meaning of this use of turn down :
a. to reject or refuse
b. to remove or destroy
Réponse : a
2) Which of the following can you turn down ?
a. an invitation
d. a job
b. an offer
e. a wedding
c. a party
f. a proposal
Réponses : a,b,d,f
→ Grammar : There is grammatical mistake in one of the sentences. Find it and correct it.
a. He turned the invitation down
b. He turned down my offer
c. Why did you turn it down ?
d. I can't believe he turned down her
e. My request was turned down immediately.
Réponse : d- I can't believe he turned her down
→ Practise : complete the following sentences with the correct form of turn somebody or something down and
one of the objects below.
The band – the plans – the chance – her – a place
a. Every recording company had _____ so they produced the album themselves.
b. They were very disappointed when the council _____ for a larger school.
c. Early in his career he _____ of playing the title rôle in a Hollywood movie.
d. Sadly, he had to ______ on a graduate course when his mother fell it.
e. She's so good at her job that I can't imagine any employer_____.
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
Réponses :
a. Every recording company had turned down the band so they produced the album themselves.
b. They were very disappointed when the council turned down the plans for a larger school.
c. Early in his career he had turned down the chance of playing the title role in a Hollywood movie.
d. Sadly, he had to turn down a place on a graduate course (= une place dans un cours de licence)when his
mother fell it.
e. She's so good at her job that I can't imagine any employer turning her down .
b. Turn something down : baisser l'intensité lumineuse, le volume sonore
→ Study :
• Who turned the music down ?
• He turned down the sound on the TV but left the picture on the screen.
• If the radio was too loud for you, why didn't you ask me to turn it down ?
• When it's very hot, keep your lights off or turned down low.
→ Meaning
Complete the meaning of this use of turn something down by using the words below
reduce – equipment – noise – controls
a. To adjust the …
b. On a piece of …
c. In order to …
d. The amount of heat, … or light that is produced
Réponses :
a. To adjust the controls
b. On a piece of equipment
c. In order to reduce
d. The amount of heat, noise or light that is produced
→ Grammar : Which of these are grammatically possible ?
a. He turned down
b. He turned the volume down
c. He turned down the volume
d. He turned it down
e. The volume was turned down
Réponses : b,c,d,e
→ Practise
Complete the following sentences in an appropriate way, using turn something down
a. I can't hear myself think in here ! → Can you turn the music down/ turn down the music?
b. It's very hot in here. Do you mind → if I turn down the heating / turn the heating down
c. The television was still on, but the sound → had been turned down (CR : une seule possibilité ici)
d. She didn't want the sauce to boil so she → turned down the gaz/ turn the gaz down
e. He wanted a romantic atmosphere so he put on some music and → he turned the light down / turn down the
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
V. Turn something off (éteindre, couper , arrêter un appareil électrique)
→ Study :
• Can you turn the lights off ? The switch is by the door.
• Turn off the music- I want to talk to you.
• You've been watching TV all day ! Turn it off now
• Why has the air conditioning been turned off when it's so hot ?
→ Grammar : Which of these are grammatically possible ?
a. He turned the TV off
b. He turned off the TV
c. He turned it off
d. He turned off it
e. The TV was turned off
Réponses : a,b,c,e
→ Practise
1) Respond to the following comments by completing the sentences below, using turn off and a suitable object
(a noun or pronoun) in each answer.
a. This programme is terrible ! I agree. Let's …
b. Have you finished with the computer ? No, don't …
c. The water is still running ! Sorry, I forgot …
Réponses :
a. Let's turn it off
b. No, don't turn it off
c. Sorry, I forgot to turn off the tap (=robinet)
2) How many of these comments can you follow with « turn it off »
a.It's the middle of summer and the heating's on !
b. I've seen this programme before
c. I can't hear what the newsreader is saying.
d. I love this song
Réponses : a,b
→ Synonyms
Switch something off means the same as turn something off and is used in the same way
Exemple : Don't forget to switch off the lights when you leave
Turn something on (allumer un appareil)
→ Study
• It's pretty dark in here ! Shall I turn the light on ?
• Let's turn on the TV. I want to watch the news
• I don't understand this machine. How do you turn it on ?
• The heating has been turned on, so the office will soon get warm.
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
→ Grammar : Which of these are grammatically possible ?
a. He turned the radio on
b. He turned on the radio
c. He turned it on
d. He turned on it
e. The radio was turned on
Réponses : a,b,c,e
→ Practise
1) Complete these sentences in an appropriate way, using a form of turn on and an object
a. It's cold here, isn't it ? We …
b. My computer's broken . It crashes every time I ….
c. She was bored, driving down the motorway on her own, so she …
Réponses :
a. We should turn on the heating
b. I turn it on
c. So she turned on the radio
2) Correct any errors in the following
a. I forgot to turn the answer machine when I left the house this morning
b. If you want a hot bath later, you'll have to turning the hot water on now.
c. How can you read in this light ? Let me turn on the big light on for you
d. To turn the power back on, press the standby button
e. He's been at work for an hour and he hasn't even turned it on his computer yet
Réponses :
a. I forgot to turn on the answer machine when I left the house this morning
b. If you want a hot bath later, you'll have to turn the hot water on now.
c. How can you read in this light? Let me turn on the big light for you (il y a un 'on' en trop, peu importe
d. To turn the power back on, press the standby button → juste
e. He's been at work for an hour and he hasn't even turned on his computer yet !('it' supprimé)
→ Synonims
Synonyme de 'turn on' → 'switch on'
Exemple : How do you switch/put the lights on ?
B. If and only if : conditionnel (p 110-112)
I. Inversion à valeur de conditionnel
1) Second conditional
If the patient was to die, his case would help science → Should the patient die, his case would help science
On remplace if par should et on accorde le verbe au présent. La deuxième partie de phrase n'est pas affectée
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
Rewrite the following using an inversion
a. if he promised to be home early, he would be lent the family car
b. if his condition improved, the patient would be discharged from the hospital
c. you would drink water from the tap if it was safe
d. The child would be breast-fed if his mother had enough milk
Réponses :
a.Should he promise to be home early, he would be lent the family car
b. Should his condition improve, the patient would be discharged from the hospital
c. You would drink water from the tap should it be safe
d. The child will be breast-fed should his mother have enough milk
2) third conditional
il n'y a plus de should, on enlève “if” et on effectue une inversion entre le sujet et l'auxiliaire,
le reste de la phrase ne change pas
If there had been running water, I would have washed my hands → Had there been running water, I
would have washed my hands
If I had been aware, I would have brought up-to-date medical textbooks → Had I been aware, I would have
brought up-to-date medical textbooks
Rewrite the following using an inversion :
a. If he had repaired the car on time, it wouldn't have broken down
b. If the patient hadn't been allergic to iodine, the patient wouldn't have had a rash
c. Surely they would have drunk water from the tap if it had been safe
d. What would you have done if you had had the chance ?
Réponses :
a. Had he repaired the car on time, it wouldn't have broken down
b. Hadn't the patient been allergic to iodine, the patient wouldn't have had a rash
c. They would have drunk water from the tap had it been safe
d. Had you had the chance what would you have done ?
La conditionnelle : modalité
Lorsque c'est possible et selon le sens dans lequel sont employés les modaux on peut les rempacer par d'autres
verbes (on conjugue au futur)
Can (lorsque employé dans le sens de possibilité physique)→ be able to
May (permission)→ be allowed to
Must (obligation)→ have to
Rewrite the following in the future
a. The child must be breast-fed if his mother has enough milk
b. You may drive my car if you promise to be home early
c. The patient may leave the hospital if his condition is improving
d. You can drink water from the tap provided it is safe
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
Réponses :
a. The child will have to be breast-fed if his mother has enough milk
b. You will be allowed to drive my car if you promise to be home early
c. The patient will be allowed to leave the hospital if his condition is improving
You'll be able to drink water from the tap provided it is safe
III. La conditionnelle : variantes
condition positive : if
condition négative : unless (sauf si)
Children may not enter unless accompanied by an andult
→ Les enfants ne peuvent pas entrer sauf s'ils sont accompagnés d'un adulte
condition nécesssaire : provided (pourvu que)
Children can enter provided they are accompanied by an adult
→ Les enfants peuvent entrer pourvu qu'ils soient accompagnés d'un adulte
Rewrite the following, using « provided » :
a. The child won't be breast-fed unless his mother has enough milk
→ The child will be breast-fed provided his mother has enough milk
b. My dad won't let me have his car unless I promise to be home early
→ My dad will let me have his car provided I promise to be home early
c. The patient will pass away unless he is put on a respirator
→ The patient won't pass away provided he is put on a respirator
d. We would see more of you if you lived closer
→ We would see more of you provided you live closer
e. We could meet you tomorrow if it wasn't raining
→ We could meet you tomorrow provided it wasn't raining
Transform the following sentences :
a. The physician said that to avoid a miscarriage (fausse couche) it was essential that the patient should rest
→ He said that unless the patient …
b. He said that the child's life depended on organ donation
→ Provided an organ …
c. To be successful, the treatment for obesity entails a rigorous 3-month
diet → If you want …
d. The majority did not survive. This was due the fact that they had no access to medical
treatment → If they …
e. Basically, good health implies that a person has access to safe water, adequate food,and a decent standard of
→ Unless …
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
f. It is imperative that common set of guidelines should be formulated
g. One of the conditions of entering the medical school was that candidates had been vaccinated
→ They would be admitted to …
Réponses :
a. He said that unless the patient rested, there would be a risk of miscarriage (degré 2)
b. Provided an organ was donated, the child would be saved (degré 2)
c. If you want to loose weight, you'll have to go on a diet (degré 1)
d. If they had had access to medical treatment, they would have survived
(degré 3)
e.Unless people have access to safe water, they won't survive
(degré 1) ou won't survive (degré 0)
f. A common set of guidelines should be formulated otherwise things don't work out
g. They would be admitted to medical school only if they were vaccinated
C. Phonetics, Saying it Aloud (p37-39)
I. Weak / unstressed syllables
CR : Pour les mots de 2 syllabes ou plus, il y a forcément une ou plusieurs syllabe(s) faible(s) (qui ne porte pas l'accent)
Banana = b∂nǽna o0o
Cinema = sinem∂ 0oo
Canada = Kǽn∂d∂ 0oo
7.2 Listen. In each sentence or phrase there are two vowels which are not /ə/. Circle them.
EXAMPLE an apple and a banana
1. from Canada to China. 0oo - 0o
2. The parrot was asleep 0o - o0
3. The cinema was open. 0oo - 0o
4. The photographer's assistant o0oo - o0o
5. A question and an answer 0o - 0o
6. A woman and her husband 0o - 0o
7. a pasta salad 0o - 0o
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
7.3 How is the weak syllable said ?
Sound /∂/
Sound /i/
Asleep – Collect- Doctor
Letter - Quarter - Salad
Sofa - Woman (wum∂n)
Begin - Market - Needed
Orange - Peaches - Return
Teaches - Women (wimin)
II. Word stress
Look at the following groups. Find what syllable is stressed. Elicit the pattern with dots. Compare.
He is a fan of his football club and supports them. o0
The local football club has a lot of supporters o0o
The lecture takes a lot of my energy : I really need to concentrate hard. 0oo
The lecture takes a lot of my energy : a lot of concentration is necessary. oo0o
Now, look at the following pairs and decide is the stress pattern remains THE SAME or if it VARIES.
photograph 0oo
estimate 0oo
consult o0
refer 0o
physic 0o
refuge 0o
7. ideal 0o
photography o0o
estimation oo0o
consultation oo0o
referral 0oo
physician o0o
refugee oo0
idealist 0oo
8. compute o0o
9. geriactrics o0o
10. photographer o0oo
11. capable 0oo
12. practise 0o
13. picture 0o
computer o0o
geriactrician oo0o
photography o0oo
capability 0ooo
practitioner o0oo
picturesque oo0o
III. Ending en -ate
1) Pronunciation of -ate ending
The verb is pronounced /eit/ whereas the noun and the adjective are pronounced / / .
To moderate, to relate, to separate
Delicate, separate, moderate, private
2)Stress on
◦ Two syllables words
The noun or adjective is stressed on the 1st syllable [0o], the verb on the second [o0].
the palate, phosphate, nitrate, sulfate
to relate, to inflate, to rotate
◦ Words with three-syllables or more
The stress is on the syllabe before last [o0oo].
L'accent va se déplacer vers la droite
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
to accelerate, to degenerate, to inoculate, to intoxicate, to hesitate, to operate
acetate, chocolate, estimate, ultimate
• Now, your turn : mark the stress and pronunciation :
1. He graduated from Standford last year. → oo0o /ei/
2. It was a deliberate attempt to falsify the results. → o0oo /ə/
3. I find it difficult to relate to him → o0 /ei/
4. We live in a temperature climate. → 0oo /ə/ - 0o /ə/
5. 25% of the nurses estimated that… → Oooo
D. Taking a history
at the surgery, consulting room → au cabinet médical
the GP (general practitioner)/ family doctor → généraliste, médecin traitant, médecin de famille
during surgery hours → aux heures de consultations
to make an appointment → prendre rendez-vous
to miss/keep an appointment → manquer/ne pas manquer un RV
What's your name ? Full name → nom, nom et prénom (il y a du niveau là merci l'anglais)
surname, family name → patronyme
first name → prénom
Could you spell it ? → Pouvez-vous me l'épeler ?
How old are you ? When were you born ? → Quel âge avez-vous ? Quand êtes vous né ?
Where do you live ? What's your full adress ? Où habitez vous ? Votre adresse complète ?
What do you do for a living ? What's your job ? Your occupation ?
Are you married, single, divorced, widowed ? Marié, célibataire, divorcé, veuf/veuve
Do you have children ? How many ?
Delivery, miscarriage → accouchement, fausses couches ?
Abortion (spontaneus or therapeutic) → avortement
Do you live on your own ? → vivez/habitez vous seuls ?
Wife/husband, mother/father → femme/mari, mère/père
Mother in law, father in law, in laws → belle-mère, beau-père, beaux-parents
Sister, brother, sister-in-law, brother-in-law → sœur, frère, belle sœur, beau frère
Have you got any pets ? Avez vous des animaux de compagnie ?
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
General health questions (état général)
How much do you weigh ? Combien pesez vous ?
Has your weight increased/decreased ? Augmenté/Diminué
Are you on the pill ? Prenez vous la pilule contraceptive ?
What form of contraception do you use ? Moyen de contraception
Past medical history (antécédents médicaux)
On utilise le present perfect car cela a commencé antérieurement et il y a un lien avec le présent
• Have you had all the childhood diseases ? Maladies infantiles
• Have you had any surgery ? Subi des opérations
• Appendix, tonsils, hernia, tumour → appendice, amygdales, hernie, tumeur
• Do you complain of/ suffer from → souffrez vous de ..
• Diabetes, high blood pressure, gout → diabète, HTA, goutte
• Asthma, sexually transmitted diseases → asthme, MST
• What is your blood group ? Groupe sanguin
Family history (antécédants familiaux)
Are your parents still alive ? Encore en vie
At what age did they die ? A quel âge sont-ils morts ?
What was the cause of their death ? What did they die of ?(on ne peut pas dire what are they dead of)
De quoi sont-ils morts ?
Do you have brothers or sisters ?
Are they healthy ? En bonne santé
Bad habits (facteurs de risque)
Do you smoke ? How many cigarettes a day ?
Since when have you been smoking ? Depuis quand, date de départ
How long have you been smoking ? Depuis quand, nombre d'années
Are you heavy smoker ? A chain smoker ? Gros fumeur, fumeur invétéré
Do you drink alcohol ? How many glasses ?
Are you a drug addict ?
A drug addict/ drug addiction → un toxicomane/ la toxicomanie
Drug history
Are you on any treatment ? Prenez-vous un traitement
Antibiotics, insulin, antihypertensiv drug, diuretics, steroids, anticoagulants
Are you up to date in the immunizations against → à jour dans
Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough → diphthétie, tétanos, coqueluche
Poliomyelitis, typhoid, small pox → polio, typhoïde, variole
Tuberculosis, hepatitis
Have you ever had … ?
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
Measles, german measles, mumps, chicken pox → rougeole, rubéole, oreillons, varicelle
Are you allergic to … ?
Food, pollen, grasses, dust, dust mites → nourriture, pollen, graminées, poussière, acariens
Wool, cat's hair, pets → laine, poils de chat, animaux domestiques
Fungus, latex, antibiotics, penicillin
Have you had eczema, asthma, any rash, spots ? Eczéma, asthme, urticaire, boutons
Aches and pains (maux et douleurs)
Ache (faire mal)
aching muscles= courbatures
An ache
To Ache
Aching (douloureux)
ex : I've got a pain in my belly
on dit “my legs hurt” et pas “my
legs hurt me”
ex: he hurt himself, he hurt his
To hurt
a bed sore= escarre
a cold sore= bouton de fièvre
a sore throat= mal de gorge
a sore =lésion
A sore
Ache ou pain
An ache : dull or continuous → mal sourd ou continu
He has an ear-ache, a back-ache, tooth-ache, stomach-ache, headache
Il a mal à l'oreille, au dos, à une dent, à l'estomac, à la tête
To have a heart-ache → Figuré, avoir un chagrin d'amour
Sore (adj) → painful part of body, hurting when touched or used
A sore-throat → mal de gorge
I'm sore from running yesterday → mal aux muscles d'avoir couru
Tenderness : a pain that is not present at rest, but which can be elicited by palpation
It feels tender → c'est sensible
To hurt (verbe seulement) → faire mal (générique)
ANGLAIS – Examination of the patient
Types of pains
Can you describe the pain ? Décrire la douleur
What's the pain like ? Quel genre / A quoi ressemble-t-elle ?
What kind of pain is it ? Quel genre
Is it bad enough to wake up at night ? Assez douloureux pour vous réveiller la nuit ?
Is there anything that brings it on ? Quelque chose la fait apparaître?
Is there anything that starts it off/triggers it off ? Quelque chose la déclenche?
It burns → ça brûle
It stings → ça pique (yeux ou muqueuses)
I was stung by a wasp → piqué par une guêpe
It pricks → ça pique (aiguille ou lame)
It itches → ça démange
Mosquitoe bites usually itch → les piqûres de moustique démangent
I feel like scratching → j'ai envie de me gratter
It tickles → ça chatouille
I am ticklish → je suis chatouilleuse
It throbs → ça palpite
I feel a … ing pain (throbbing, burning, stinging..) → je ressens une douleur (pulsatile, cuisante ...)
It feels like pins and needles → fourmillements
To tingle/ to have a tingling sensation → sensation de picotements
A cramp, numbness, to feel numb → crampe, engourdissements
My foot feels numb (with cold) → je ne sens plus mon pied (de froid)