

observé dans les carottes de glaces polaires, en particulier la carotte EPICA prélevée à Dôme C en Antarctique.
Cette carotte de glace, qui contient un enregistrement
climatique des 800 000 dernières années [J. Jouzel et al.
2007], a été forée dans le cadre du projet EPICA (European
Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica) ; ce projet a été le récipiendaire du Prix Descartes en 2008. Le rôle de 10Be dans
ces études présente deux facettes : (i) il permet de contribuer à l’établissement d’une chronologie à la fois relative
et absolue de la glace polaire ; (ii) il produit un enregistrement des variations de l’activité solaire et de l’intensité du
champ géomagnétique pour la période de temps recouverte par la glace.
Alors que l’extraction et la purification de 10Be de la glace
polaire continue à se poursuivre au CSNSM, la plupart des
mesures par SMA sont maintenant effectuées auprès de
l’installation ASTER au CEREGE à Aix-en-Provence, suite
à la décision administrative de fermer le Tandétron (alors
qu’il était en pleine exploitation) en 2006. Une collaboration a aussi été développée avec le groupe SMA de Xi’an
en Chine. L’un des principaux intérêts de cette collaboration est que la Chine projette de forer une carotte de glace
profonde à Dôme A en Antarctique12. Comme discuté par
l’IPICS (International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences,, ce site est potentiellement l’un des plus prometteurs pour l’étude de la glace
déposée il y a plus de 1,3 Ma, et représente ainsi une
priorité de la plus haute importance pour la communauté
de paléoclimatologie.
Bien que les mesures par SMA ne soient plus réalisées
auprès du Tandétron, des résultats de 10Be et d’autres
isotopes radioactifs de longue période, obtenus antérieurement soit auprès du Tandétron soit auprès d’autres
installations, ont fait l'objet d'interprétations et ont été
publiés pendant la période de ce rapport [E. Bard et al.
2007, G.-B. Dreyfus et al. 2008, C. Fitoussi et al. 2008 et
2010, C. Fitoussi et G.-M. Raisbeck 2007, B.-M. Goehring
et al. 2008 et G.-M. Raisbeck et al. 2007].
Articles publiés dans des revues
J. Aléon
Multiple origins of nitrogen isotopic anomalies
in meteorites and comets, Lunar Planet. Sci.
XLI (2010) #1342
J. Duprat, E. Dobrică, C. Engrand et al.
Extreme deuterium excesses in ultracarbonaceous
micrometeorites from central Antarctic snow,
Science 328 (2010) 742-745
E. Dobrică, C. Engrand, H. Leroux et J. Duprat
Investigation of ultracarbonaceous Antarctic micrometeorites by analytical transmission electron microscopy, Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI (2010) #1613
C. Engrand et al.
Oxygen isotopes of EPICA-Dome C extraterrestrial dust
layers: constraints on the nature of the impactors,
Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI (2010) #1981
C. Fitoussi, G.- M. Raisbeck et P. Hubert
A wine tour around the world traced with 129I;
potential as a forensic tool, Nucl. Instr. & Meth.
B 268 (2010) 1265-1268
J. Aléon, C. Engrand, L.- A. Leshin et K.- D. McKeegan
Oxygen isotopic composition of chondritic interplanetary dust particles: A genetic link between carbonaceous chondrites and comets, Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta 73 (2009) 4558-4575
E. Dobrică, C. Engrand, J. Duprat et al.
Connection between micrometeorites and Wild 2
particles: from Antarctic snow to cometary ices,
Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 44 (2009) 1643-1661
E. Dobrică, C. Engrand et al.
Transmission electron microscopy of ultracarbonaceous Antarctic micrometeorites of possible
cometary origin, Lunar Planet. Sci. XL (2009) #1534
E. Dobrică, C. Engrand et al.
Immature carbonaceous matter in Concordia Antarctic
micrometeorites, Lunar Planet. Sci. XL (2009) #1688
J. Duprat , E. Dobrică, C. Engrand et al.
Extreme deuterium enrichment in organic matter from
cometary Antarctic micrometeorites, Lunar Planet. Sci.
XL (2009) #1724
J. Aléon et M. Bourot-Denise
Mineralogy and petrography of a spectacular
refractory inclusion that underwent chondrule
formation, Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX (2008) #1638
E. Dobrică, C. Engrand et al.
Classic and exotic particles in the 2006 Concordia
Antarctic micrometeorite collection, Lunar Planet. Sci.
XXXIX (2008) #1672
E. Dobrică et al.
Rare earth element insights into the petrologic
evolution of the Acapulcoite – Lodranite parent body,
Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX (2008) #1327
C. Fitoussi, J. Duprat, V. Tatischeff et al.
Measurement of the 24Mg(3He,p)26Al cross section,
implication for 26Al production in the early Solar
System, Phys. Rev. C 78 (2008) 044613
12. J ones N. Nature 446 (2007)
CSNSM - Astrophysique du Solide ■ 21
G. B. Dreyfus, G. - M. Raisbeck et al.
An ice core perspective on the age of the Matuyama
Brunhes boundary, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 274 (2008) 151-156
J. Duprat et V. Tatischeff
Upper limits on the irradiation-induced short lived
nuclei in comets, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta Suppl. 72
(2008) 233
C. Engrand et al.
Cosmic dust layers in EPICA-Dome C deep ice core,
Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX (2008) #1554
J. Duprat et V. Tatischeff
On non-thermal nucleosynthesis of short-lived
radionuclei in the early Solar System,
New Astron. Rev. 52 (2008) 463-466
C. Fitoussi, G.M. Raisbeck et al.
Search for supernovaproduced 60Fe in a marine
sediment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (2008) 121101
B. - M. Goehring et al.
Beryllium–10 exposure ages of erratic boulders in
southern Norway and implications for the history of
the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, Quarternary Sci. Rev. 27
(2008) 320-336
S. - B. Simon et al.
A refractory inclusion returned by Stardust from comet
81P/Wild 2, Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 43 (2008) 1861-1877
E. Bard, G. - M. Raisbeck, F. Yiou et J. Jouzel
Comment on “ Solar activity during the last 1000 yr
inferred from radionuclide records ” by Muscheler et al.
(2007), Quaternary Science Rev. 26 (2007) 2301-2304
J. Duprat et V. Tatischeff
Energetic constraints on irradiation-induced production of short-lived radionuclei in the early Solar
System, Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXVIII (2007) #1680
F. Dias et M. Maurette
“Mer d’huile” on Panthalassa: an additional conjecture
for the birth of giant macromolecules on the young
Earth, Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXVIII (2007) #1268
J. Duprat, C. Engrand, M. Maurette et al.
Micrometeorites from central Antarctic snow, the
Concordia collection, Adv. Space Res. 39 (2007) 605-611
J. Duprat et V. Tatischeff
Energetic constraints on in situ production of
shortlived radionuclei in the early Solar System,
ApJ 671 (2007) L69-L72
C. Engrand, J. Duprat, M. Maurette et M. Gounelle
Fe-Ni sulfides in Concordia Antarctic micrometeorites,
Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXVIII (2007) #1668
C. Engrand, J. Duprat, G. Slodzian et al.
SIMS analysis of silicon isotopes: instrumental effects
and application to a Leoville refractory inclusion,
Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXVIII (2007) #1723
22 ■ Astrophysique du Solide - CSNSM
C. Fitoussi et G. - M. Raisbeck
Chemical procedure for extracting 129I, 60Fe and 26Al
from marine sediments: Prospects for detection of
a 2.8 My old supernova, Nucl. Instr. & Meth.
B 259 (2007) 351-358
J. Jouzel et al.
Orbital and millennial Antarctic climate variability over
the past 800,000 years, Science 317 (2007) 793-796
G. Raisbeck, T. Tran, D. Lunney et al.
A search for supernova produced 244Pu in a marine
sediment, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. B 259 (2007) 673-676
G. - M. Raisbeck, F. Yiou, J. Jouzel et T. - F. Stocker
Direct north-south synchronization of abrupt climate
change record in ice cores using Beryllium 10,
Climate of the Past 3 (2007) 541-547
Conférences publiées
J. Aléon et M. Bourot-Denise
Oxygen isotope anatomy of a compound CAI-Chondrule
inclusion from Efremovka, 72nd Meteoritical Society Meeting,
2009, Nancy, France, MAPS 72 Suppl. (2009) #5126
E. Charon, J. Aléon et J. - N. Rouzaud
Combined MicroRaman and C-N-isotopic study of
disordered carbons in Acapulcoites – Lodranites,
72nd Meteoritical Society Meeting, 2009, Nancy, France, MAPS
72 Suppl. (2009) #5159
E. Dobrică, C. Engrand, H. Leroux et J. Duprat
Fine-grained mineralogy of cometary ultracarbonaceous
micrometeorites, 72nd Meteoritical Society Meeting, 2009,
Nancy, France, MAPS 72 Suppl. (2009) #5231
M. Lefort et M. Maurette
A plausible meteoroid control of the benign climate
of the Hadean Earth, 72nd Meteoritical Society Meeting,
2009, Nancy, France, MAPS 72 Suppl. (2009) #5059
M. Lefort et M. Maurette
A meteoroid “super-volcanism” on the Earth and Mars
in the Hadean eon, Workshop on Modeling Martian Hydrous
Environments, 2009, Houston, Texas, LPI 1482 (2009a) 38-39
M. Lefort et M. Maurette
An early meteoroid veneer for the formation of the Earth’s
atmosphere, European Planet. Sci. Congress 2009, Potsdam,
Allemagne, European Planet. Sci. Congress (2009b) 300
M. Maurette
Meteoroid Sulfur and Iridium-group Elements in the Earth’s
Upper Mantle, European Planetary Science Congress 2009
Potsdam, Allemagne, European Planet. Sci. Congress (2009) 302
M. Maurette et M. Lefort
Formation and Impact “Maturation” of the Early Acrid
Meteoroid Atmosphere of Mars, Workshop on Modeling
Martian Hydrous Environments, 2009, Houston, Texas, LPI 1482
(2009) 42-43
E. Dobrică et al.
New clues on composition and structure of carbonaceous
matter in Antarctic micrometeorites, 71st Meteoritical Society
Meeting, 2008, Matsue, Japan, MAPS 43 Suppl. (2008) A38
J. Duprat
Collection of extraterrestrial material in Antarctica,
Space and the Polar Regions, CNES-NSF conference, 2007,
George Mason University, French Embassy, Washington, U.S.A
C. Engrand et al.
More clues about the EPICA-Dome C extraterrestrial
events, 71st Meteoritical Society Meeting, 2008, Matsue,
Japan, MAPS 43 Suppl. (2008) A41
C. Engrand, J. Duprat et M. Maurette
Dust from the (ice) snow and Stardust, Cosima workshop,
2007, Glurns, Italie
F. Dias et M. Maurette
Oil-bearing micrometeorites for an oily-dusty
Panthalassa, 70th Meteoritical Society Meeting, 2007, Tucson,
USA, MAPS 42 Suppl. (2007) 5085
C. Engrand, C. Briois, L. Thirkell et H. Cottin
A Concordia Antarctic micrometeorite used as
a cometary proxy for the analyses of COSIMA onboard
ROSETTA, 70th Meteoritical Society Meeting, 2007, Tucson,
USA, MAPS 42 Suppl. (2007) 5252
Conférences invitées
C. Engrand, E. Dobrică et J. Duprat
A new family of cometary grains in the Concordia
micrometeorite collection, COSIMA workshop 2010,
Glurns, Italie
J. Duprat
Interplanetary dust collections - The Concordia
collection and Stardust mission, 6th VISTARS Workshop on
Nuclear Astrophysics, 2009, Russbach am Pass Gschütt, Austria
J. Duprat, E. Dobrică, C. Engrand et al.
Extreme deuterium rich organic matter revealed by
Antarctic ultra-carbonaceous micrometeorites from
CONCORDIA collection, JENAM/NAM meeting, April 2009,
Hertfordshire, UK
G. - M. Raisbeck
Applications of 10Be in polar ice cores, 3rd East Asian
Symposium on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, 2009, Xi’an, Chine
J. Duprat et V. Tatischeff
Upper limits on the irradiation-induced short lived
nuclei in comets, ”From Sea to Sky” Goldschmidt
conference, 2008, Vancouver, Canada
C. Engrand, J. Duprat, M. Maurette et M. Gounelle
New micrometeorites from central Antarctica:
the Concordia Collection, Dusty Vision 2007, Heidelberg,
Chapitres de livre
J. Aléon
Meteorites and the physico-chemical conditions in
the early solar nebula, École de physique des Houches
2008 : Physics and Astrophysics of Planetary Systems, EAS
Publications series 41 (2010) 253–300
M. Maurette
Hydrous-carbonaceous meteoroids in the Hadean Eon,
In Cosmic Dust – Near and Far, Heidelberg (eds. T. Henning,
E. Grun et J. Steinbacker), ASP Conf. Series 414 (2010) 137-147
H. Yurimoto et al.
Oxygen isotopes of chondritic components, Rev. in
Mineralogy and Geochemistry 68 (2008)141-186
Habilitations à diriger
des recherches
Jean Duprat
Micrométéorites polaires & Système solaire primitif,
HDR, Université Paris-Sud 11 (juin 2010) Orsay, France
Cécile Engrand
Micrométéorites Concordia : des neiges antarctiques
aux glaces cométaires, HDR, Université Paris-Sud 11
(novembre 2008) Orsay, France
Thèses en cours
G. - M. Raisbeck et F. Yiou
AMS; The French Connection, 11th International note on
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, 2008, Rome, Italie
Elena Dobrică
Micrométéorites Concordia : des neiges antarctiques
aux glaces cométaires, Université Paris-Sud 11 (2010)
Orsay, France
G. - M. Raisbeck, F. Yiou, E. Bard et J. Jouzel
Use of paleomagnetic intensity to synchronize climate
records in ice cores and marine sediments, Quaternary
Climate: from Pole to Pole, EPICA open science conference,
2008, Venice, Italie
Emeline Charon
Géochimie et nanostructure des carbones dans les
achondrites primitives : recherche de signatures
pré-accrétionnelles, Université Paris-Sud 11 (2011)
Orsay, France
CSNSM - Astrophysique du Solide ■ 23

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