Wysiwyg-TeX-editors on the basis of object


Wysiwyg-TeX-editors on the basis of object
P Bernd Schmid
Cahiers GUTenberg, n 10-11 (1991), p. 207-207.
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Cahiers GUTenberg n * 10-11 — Septembre 91
Wysiwyg-TfTjX-editors on the basis of
object-oriented system technology
B e r a d SCHMID
FIZ Karlsruhe,
7514 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,
A f t e r a short i n t r o d u c t i o n i n t o object-oriented p r o g r a m m i n g introducing
the terms object, object attributes and methods and after showing the
m o t i v a t i o n t o realize a T^X-editor on the basis of object-oriented technology
the objective of the development of a WYSlWYG-editor and its range
concerning T ^ X which is implemented is described.
The general strategy o f realization w i l l then be explained. For this the
scanner-/parser implementation as well as the box concept and the box
attributes w i l l be described. This tends t o demonstrate the easy, efficient
interactive treatment of documents using WYSlWYG-suitable editing of T^Xterms and the reduction of mistakes by syntax- /semantics-checks using
graphic methods of visualization. A n outlook on further developments on
the basis of this object-oriented concept of realization w i l l be given.
Finally the application of a WYSlWYG-editor is evaluated i n the project
" C O M P I N D A S - G U r of Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe.
This w i l l
include a depiction of the demands of this application and the extent of
the p r o j e c t , a classification of the users as well as the evaluation of first
experiences w i t h the use of a WYSlWYG-editor concerning efficiency, user
acceptance and error reduction i n comparison t o current T ^ X editing tools.