French 1B Study Review Guide - Montgomery County Public Schools


French 1B Study Review Guide - Montgomery County Public Schools
French 1B Final Examination Study Guide – June 2015 Montgomery County Public Schools Name: __________________________ Before you begin working on the study guide, organize your notes and vocabulary lists from semester B. Refer to these materials as you complete each section of the study guide. Les passe‐temps In unit 5, you learned and applied:  Present tense of faire  Question words  Adverbs  Present tense of aller  Near future (aller + infinitive)  Passé récent (venir de + infinitive)  Idioms with avoir Can you … 
Communicate about pastimes? Identify months of the year and seasons? Describe basic weather conditions? Offer, accept, and decline invitations? Communicate about places in the community? Identify some Francophone countries? Identify pastimes in Francophone countries and compare them to these in the United States? 1. Use the present tense of the verbs faire or aller and the words in the word bank to complete the sentences about activities. cinéma film mauvais musée photo plage quelle surf a. Quand il _____________ chaud, Thomas et Alizée _____________ du _____________ à la _____________. b. Avec qui _____________‐tu au _____________ pour voir le dernier _____________ de Bradley Cooper ? c. En _____________ saison _____________‐vous de la photo ? d. Qu’est‐ce qu’ils _____________ s’il pleut quand ils _____________ de la vidéo amateur ? e. Est‐ce que vous _____________ du sport en hiver quand il neige ? f. Je ne _____________ pas de sport, mais je _____________ au _____________ quand il fait _____________. 2.
Write questions starting with the suggested words. Ask them to your partner and write down his/her answers.  Quand _______________________________ ?  ________________________________  En quelle saison _______________________ ? ________________________________  Avec qui ______________________________? ________________________________  Qu’est‐ce que _________________________? ________________________________
1 French 1B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 1 of 8 3.
Choose three cities on the map and draw a different weather symbol and activity symbol next to each one. Then, ask your partner about the weather/activities in his/her 3 cities. Follow the example below. Quel temps est‐ce qu’il va faire à _____ ? Qu’est‐ce que tu vas faire ? Où est‐ce que tu vas aller ? 
Il va faire beau à Paris. Je vais faire du vélo. Je vais aller à la campagne. __________________________________
4. Use and apply what you have learned in this unit to write a note to a friend telling about your favorite pastimes and asking him/her two questions. Write in French. Refer to the Rubric for Written Communication as you write. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. 5. Read the last bullet of the “Can you…” question of Unit 5. Then complete the graphic organizer below with as many details as possible. Write in English. Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Products or Practices : _________________________ In French‐speaking Countries In the U.S. After checking the “Can you…” questions for unit 5, what do you need to review before the final exam? 2 French 1B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 2 of 8 Les repas In unit 6, you learned and applied:  Partitive  Present tense of –ir verbs  Present tense of vouloir  Present tense of prendre  Present tense of boire  Imperative Can you …  Communicate about food and beverages for breakfast, lunch, and dinner  Communicate about preferences for foods and beverages  Extend, accept, and decline food  Order food in a restaurant  Identify some Francophone countries  Identify and describe foods and beverages from Francophone countries and compare them to those in the U.S.  Describe open‐air markets in Francophone countries and compare it to open‐air markets in the U.S.  Identify and describe customs related to food and meals in Francophone countries and compare them to those in the U.S. 6. List four items in each category below. Petit déjeuner Déjeuner Dîner Desserts Boissons 7. Use the words listed above to write complex sentences about your preferences for food and beverages. Describe what you usually eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Use a variety of vocabulary and the verbs manger, prendre, and boire.  Petit déjeuner : _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________  Déjeuner : _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________  Dîner : ____________________________________________________________________
8. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate partitive article Au supermarché, je viens d’acheter…
_____ bacon _____ confiture _____ pain _____ quiches _____ bananes _____ eau _____ pizzas _____ riz _____ beurre _____ glace _____ poisson _____ tartes 3 French 1B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 3 of 8 9. Imagine what each person is saying. Make sure to write complex sentences and to use a variety of vocabulary. ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________ 10. Conjugate the following verbs in the imperative. Tu Nous Vous Mettre la table Boire de l’eau Prendre des vitamines Manger ses légumes 11. Use and apply what you have learned in this unit to write a note to a friend telling about your least favorite food and asking him/her two questions. Write in French. Refer to the Rubric for Written Communication as you write. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. 12. Read the last three bullets of the “Can you…” questions of Unit 6. Then complete the graphic organizer below with as many details as possible. Write in English. Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Products or Practices : _________________________ In French‐speaking Countries In the U.S. After checking the “Can you…” statements for unit 6, what do you need to review before the final exam? 4 French 1B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 4 of 8 Les vêtements In unit 7, you learned and applied:  Demonstrative adjectives  Interrogative adjectives  Present tense of mettre  Numbers 100 – 1,000 (Written forms of numbers are required for 0 – 10 only) Can you …  Describe clothing and accessories  Offer and ask for help in stores  Ask and give information about clothing items  Communicate about preferences regarding clothing  Identify some Francophone countries  Identify and describe typical clothing items from Francophone countries and compare them to those in the U.S.  Identify and describe customs related to clothing and shopping in Francophone countries and compare them to those in the U.S. 13. Describe a complete outfit, including accessories for each of the activities represented below. Write in complete sentences. Use a variety of vocabulary as well as the verb mettre. Activités Description 14. Imagine what each person is saying. Make sure to write complex sentences and to use a variety of vocabulary. ‐
French 1B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 5 of 8 5 15. Fill in the blank with the appropriate interrogative and demonstrative adjectives.  Example: Quels vêtements ? Ces vêtements.
_____________ anorak ? _____________ anorak. _____________ bottes ? _____________ bottes. _____________ chemise ? _____________ chemise. _____________ chemisier ? _____________ chemisier. _____________ maillots de bain ? _____________ maillots de bain. 16. Use and apply what you have learned in this unit to write a note to a friend telling about clothing and asking him/her two questions. Write in French. Refer to the Rubric for Written Communication as you write. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. 17. Read the last two bullets of the “Can you…” statements of Unit 7. Then complete the graphic organizer below with as many details as possible. Write in English. Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Products or Practices : _________________________ In French‐speaking Countries In the U.S. After checking the “Can you…” questions for unit 7, what do you need to review before the final exam? A la maison In unit 8, you learned and applied:  Present tense of pouvoir  Present tense of devoir  Present tense of dormir  Present tense of sortir  Present tense of partir Can you …  Give simple descriptions of a house, including location of rooms and furnishings  Communicate about household chores  Ask for, give, and refuse permission  Communicate about the frequency of activities  Identify some Francophone countries  Identify and describe typical housing in Francophone countries and compare them to those in the U.S.  Identify and describe customs related to hospitality in Francophone countries and compare them to those in the U.S. 18. Write a complex sentence about each chore pictured below. Make sure to state how often you have to do each one. 6 French 1B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 6 of 8 _____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 19. Use and apply what you have learned in this unit to write a note to a friend telling him/her about your ideal house and asking him/her two questions. Write in French. Refer to the Rubric for Written Communication as you write. ________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ 20. Read the last two bullets of the “Can you…” statements of Unit 8. Then complete the graphic organizer below with as many details as possible. Write in English. Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Products or Practices : _________________________ In French‐speaking Countries In the U.S. After checking the “Can you…” questions for unit 8, what do you need to review before the final exam? Grammar Read the following paragraphs. Then choose the word that best completes each sentence, according to the context. 7 French 1B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 7 of 8 Mes amis et moi, nous 1 d’aller à la plage 1. A. allons B. venons parce qu’il 2 très beau. 2. A. fais B. font Demain, il 3 faire mauvais, alors nous 4 aller 3. A. vais B. vas au cinéma. 4. A. allons B. allez A la plage, nous _5_ beaucoup de choses. 5. A. manges B. mangent Moi, je _6_ souvent _7_ pizza et je _8_ 6. A. prendre parfois _9_ coca. B. prends 7. A. du B. des 8. A. bois B. boivent 9. A. des B. du Nous _10_ faire beaucoup de choses à la 10. A. pouvez plage, mais parfois, mes amis _11_ un peu B. peut alors moi, je _12_ et je _13_ au volley. 11. A. dormons B. dorment 12. A. part B. partir Mes amis _14_ parfois envie d’aller au centre‐
13. A. jouent B. joues commercial après la plage. Quand je vais au 14. A. ont centre‐commercial, je _15_ des vêtements B. avons différents. 15. A. mettent B. mets Et toi, _16_ vêtements aimes‐tu porter au centre commercial ? 16. A. quel B. quelle 8 French 1B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 8 of 8 C. allez D. venez C. faisons D. fait C. va D. vont C. venons D. venez C. mangez D. mangeons C. prend D. prenez C. de la D. de l’ C. boire D. boit C. de la D. de l’ C. peuvent D. pouvons C. dormez D. dormir C. pars D. partons C. jouez D. joue C. as D. avez C. mettre D. met C. quels D. quelles