Call for Papers / Appel de Communictions


Call for Papers / Appel de Communictions
• The Department of French Studies at the University of Toronto, in co-operation
with the Centre Michel Foucault in Paris, is organizing an international congress on
"Michel Foucault and Literature" to be held at Victoria College, in Toronto, October
12-16, 1994. The congress will include five general sections: "Literature and
Episteme", "Literature and Sexuality", "Literature and Power", "Literature and
Emancipation", and "Foucault Reader/Writer". The languages of the congress will
be English and French.
Those interested in presenting a paper in one of these sections are invited to submit
a proposal (400-500 words) to the organizer, Paul Bouissac, Victoria College, 73
Queen's Park E. Toronto, Canada, M5S 1K7. Fax: 416-924-7866. E-mail:
[email protected]. Deadline: November 30,1993.
• The CCLA will hold its annual colloquium during the meeting of the Learned
Societies June 3 to 6, 1994. All members of the Association are invited to propose an
abstract for a paper in the following special sessions. Members are also invited to
propose papers for open sessions which have also been planned
Special Sessions:
Literature and the Environment, North and South
Questions of Intermedia Translation
Modernity and the Holocaust:
Representations of the Third Reich in Film and Fiction
France and Latin-America:
Both Directions of the Literary Connection
Cultural Transvestism:
Cross-Dressing as Cross-Cultural Phenomenon
The Use and Abuse of Enchantment:
Children's Literature and the [Postmodern World
Please send two copies of your abstract (250 words maximum) before December 31,
1993 to:
Daniel F Chamberlain
Vice-President, CCLA
Department of Spanish and Italian
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada, K7L 3N6
• Members who have not payed their 1993 CCLA membership dues must do so
before submitting a paper proposal.
•& *
• Le De'partement deludes franchises de I'Universite de Toronto, en cooperation
avec le Centre Michel Foucault a Paris, organise un congres international intitule
"Michel Foucault et la literature". Ce congres se tiendra au college Victoria a
Toronto, du 12 au 16 octobre 1994. Le programme comprendra les cinq stances
suivantes : "Litte"rature et epist&ne", "Litte"rature et sexualit£", "Litterature et
pouvoir", litterature et emancipation", et "Foucault lecteur/auteur". Le congres se
tiendra en anglais et en francais.
Ceux et celles qui voudraient presenter une conference sont invite(e)s a envoyer
leurs propositions (400 a 500 mots) a Paul Bouissac, organisateur, Victoria College, 73
Queen's Park E., Toronto, Canada, M5S 1K7. Fax : 416-924-7866. E-mail :
[email protected]. Date limite : 30 novembre 1993.
26e Assembles Generale de 1'ACLC: Appel de Communications
• L'ACLC tiendra son colloque annuel lors de la reunion des Societes Savantes du 3
au 6 juin 1994. Tous les membres de 1'Association sont invites a presenter une
proposition de conference pour les stances speciales suivantes. L'Association vous
invite egalement a proposer une communication pour les seances ouvertes.
Seances speciales:
La litterature et 1'Environnement, Nord et Sud
Questions de traduction entre les medias de communication
La modernite et 1'holocauste :
Representations du troisieme Reich au cinema et dans la fiction
La France et 1'Amerique Latine :
Les deux directions de la connection litteraire
Le transvestisme culturel :
Transvestisme comme phenomene interculturel
L'Usage et Tabus de 1'enchantement :
La litterature infantile et le monde [post]-moderne
Veuillez envoyer deux copies de votre proposition (maximum : 250 mots) avant le
31 decembre 1993 a :
Daniel F. Chamberlain
Vice-president, ACLC
Department of Spanish and Italian
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada, K7L 3N6
• Les membres qui n'ont pas encore paye leur cotisation a 1'ACLC doivent le faire
avant de soumettre leur proposition de conference.