Dr. Daniel Béland


Dr. Daniel Béland
Curriculum Vitae (updated on May 21, 2007)
Dr. Daniel Béland
Department of Sociology
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2N 1N4
Fax: (403) 282-9298
Phone: (403) 220-6509
E-mail: [email protected]
Web page: http://www.danielbeland.org/
1999 Ph.D. (Political Sociology), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris)
1995 M.A. (Sociology), Université du Québec à Montréal
1993 B.A. (Sociology), Université du Québec à Montréal
Political sociology; sociological theory; public policy; historical and comparative sociology
2006- Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Calgary
2001-2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Calgary
2000-2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Concordia University
2000 Instructor, Department of History, Northwestern University (Arles Summer Program)
1994-1995 Research Assistant, Political Science Department, Université du Québec à Montréal
2004 Visiting Scholar, Harvard University (John F. Kennedy School of Government)
1998-1999 Visiting Scholar, National Academy of Social Insurance (Washington, DC)
1998-1999 Fulbright Scholar, George Washington University (History Department)
1997-1998 Visiting Student, University of Chicago (Social Sciences Division)
2005-2010 Co-investigator, Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population (SEDAP)
2003-2007 SSHRC Standard Research Grant (with André Lecours): $64,000
2002 SSHRC Development Award (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calgary)
2001 UGRC Starter Grant (University of Calgary): $10,000
2005 My book, Social Security, named “Outstanding Academic Title 2005” by Choice magazine
2005 Social Science Research Fellowship (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calgary)
2004 Distinguished Researcher Award (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calgary)
2000 Annual Dissertation Award, L'Observatoire des retraites (France)
1998-1999 Fulbright Scholarship (Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program)
1997-1999 Ph.D. Scholarship: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
1997-1998 Exchange Scholarship: University of Chicago-Dean of Social Sciences Division
1995-1997 Ph.D. Scholarship: Fonds de Coopération et d’Aide à la Recherche du Québec
2006 Nominated for a Students’ Union Teaching Excellence Award (University of Calgary)
2005 Nominated for a Students’ Union Teaching Excellence Award (University of Calgary)
2003 Distinguished Teacher Award (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calgary)
2003 Nominated for a Students’ Union Teaching Excellence Award (University of Calgary)
2002 Students’ Union Teaching Excellence Award (University of Calgary)
1. Daniel Béland and Alex Waddan, Reshaping American Social Policy? Conservative Ideas and
Institutional Change (under contract with Georgetown University Press for inclusion in the
“American Governance and Public Policy” series; delivery date: September 2009).
2. Daniel Béland and Brian Gran (eds), Comparative Social Policy and the Public-Private
Dichotomy [under contract with Palgrave Macmillan; delivery date: September 2007].
3. Larry DeWitt, Daniel Béland, and Edward D. Berkowitz (forthcoming, August 2007), Social
Security: A Documentary History. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press.
4. Daniel Béland (forthcoming, June 2007), States of Global Insecurity: Policy, Politics, and
Society. New York: Worth Publishers (“Contemporary Social Issues Series”).
5. Daniel Béland (2005), Social Security: History and Politics from the New Deal to the
Privatization Debate. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas (“Studies in Government and Public
Policy” series), 252 pages. (Updated paperback edition with a new afterword, February 2007).
6. Daniel Béland and John Myles (eds) (2004), Special Issue of the Canadian Journal of
Sociology [29(2): 165-312] on Social Policy: Canadian and International Perspectives.
7. Daniel Béland (2001), Une sécurité libérale? La politique des retraites aux États-Unis [“A
Liberal Security? Retirement Policy in the United States”], Paris, Librairie générale de droit et de
jurisprudence (“Droit et société” series), 239 pages.
JOURNAL ARTICLES (* Indicates peer-reviewed articles)
1. *Daniel Béland and Toshimitsu Shinkawa (forthcoming), “Public and Private Policy Change:
Pension Reform in Four Countries,” Policy Studies Journal.
2. *Daniel Béland and Alex Waddan (forthcoming), “Conservative Ideas and Social Policy in the
United States,” Social Policy & Administration.
3. *Daniel Béland (forthcoming), “Insecurity and Politics: A Framework,” Canadian Journal of
4. *Daniel Béland, “Neo-Liberalism and Social Policy: The Politics of Ownership,” Policy
Studies, 28(2): 91-107.
5. *Toshimitsu Shinkawa and Daniel Béland, “Jiyushugi Fukushi Rejimu no Tayosei: Danzoku
Kinko to Zenzoshugi no Aida” [“Varieties of the Liberal Welfare Regime: Between Punctuated
Equilibrium and Incrementalism”], Hogaku Ronso [Kyoto Law Review], 160(5/6): 184-220.
6. *Daniel Béland, “Ideas and Institutional Change in Social Security: Conversion, Layering, and
Policy Drift,” Social Science Quarterly, 88(1): 20-38.
7. *Daniel Béland, “The Social Exclusion Discourse: Ideas and Policy Change,” Policy &
Politics, 35(1): 123-139.
8. *Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “Décentralisation, mouvements nationalistes et politiques
sociales: les cas du Québec et de l’Écosse” [“Decentralization, Nationalist Movements and Social
Policies: Quebec and Scotland”], Lien social et politiques, nº 56: 135-146.
9. *Daniel Béland, “The Politics of Social Learning: Finance, Institutions, and Pension Reform in
the United States and Canada,” Governance, 19(4): 559-583.
10. *Daniel Béland and Patrik Marier, “Protest Avoidance: Labor Mobilization and Social Policy
Reform in France,” Mobilization, 11(3): 297-311.
11. *Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “Sub-State Nationalism and the Welfare State: Québec
and Canadian Federalism,” Nations and Nationalism, 12(1): 77-96.
12. *Daniel Béland and Alex Waddan, “The Social Policies Presidents Make: Pre-Emptive
Leadership under Nixon and Clinton,” Political Studies, 54(1): 65-83.
13. *Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “Nationalism, Public Policy, and Institutional
Development: Social Security in Belgium,” Journal of Public Policy, 25(2): 265-285.
14. *Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “The Politics of Territorial Solidarity: Nationalism and
Social Policy Reform in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Belgium,” Comparative Political
Studies, 38(6): 676-703.
15. *Daniel Béland, “Insecurity, Citizenship, and Globalization: The Multiple Faces of State
Protection,” Sociological Theory, 23(1): 25-41.
16. *Daniel Béland, “Ideas and Social Policy: An Institutionalist Perspective,” Social Policy &
Administration, 39(1): 1-18.
17. *Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “Nationalisme et protection sociale: une approche
comparative” [“Nationalism and Social Policy: A Comparative Approach”], Canadian Public
Policy, 30(3): 319-332.
18. *Daniel Béland and François Vergniolle de Chantal, “Fighting ‘Big Government’: Frames,
Federalism, and Social Policy Reform in the United States,” Canadian Journal of Sociology,
29(2): 241-264.
19. *Daniel Béland and Ka Man Yu, “A Long Financial March: Pension Reform in China,”
Journal of Social Policy, 33(2): 267-288.
20. *Daniel Béland and Jacob S. Hacker, “Ideas, Private Institutions, and American Welfare State
‘Exceptionalism’: The Case of Health and Old-Age Insurance, 1915-1965,” International Journal
of Social Welfare, 13(1): 42-54.
21. *Daniel Béland and Jean-Philippe Viriot Durandal, “L’expertise comme pouvoir: le cas des
organisations de retraités face aux politiques publiques en France et aux États-Unis” [“The Power
of Expertise: Senior Organizations and Public Policy in France and the United States”], Lien
social et politiques, nº 50: 105-123.
22. *Daniel Béland, “Néo-institutionnalisme historique et politiques sociales: une perspective
sociologique” [“New Historical Institutionalism and Social Policy: A Sociological Perspective”],
Politique et sociétés, 21(3): 21-39.
23. *Daniel Béland, François Vergniolle de Chantal, and Alex Waddan, “Third Way Social
Policy: Clinton’s Legacy?” Policy & Politics, 30(1): 19-30.
24. *Daniel Béland, “Les paradoxes de la ‘privatisation’: épargne individuelle et réforme des
retraites aux États-Unis” [“Paradoxical ‘Privatization’: Personal Savings and Pension Reform in
the United States”], Revue française des affaires sociales, 56(1): 93-108.
25. *Daniel Béland, “Does Labor Matter? Institutions, Labor Unions and Pension Reform in
France and the United States,” Journal of Public Policy, 21(2): 153-172.
26. *Daniel Béland, “De l’‘autonomie de l’État’ à l’art du compromis social: la réforme des
pensions de vieillesse à la fin des années 1930” [“From ‘State Autonomy’ to the Art of
Compromise: Pension Reform in the Late 1930s”], Canadian Review of American Studies, 31:
27. *Daniel Béland and Claudia Zamorano, “La genealogía de la solidaridad en materia de
políticas sociales: ¿qué podemos aprender de la experiencia francesa?” [“The Genealogy of
Solidarity Regarding Social Policy Matters: What Can We Learn from France?”], Revista
mexicana de sociología, 62(2): 3-20.
28. *Daniel Béland and François Vergniolle de Chantal, “Politiques sociales, stratégies
électorales et fédéralisme sous la présidence Clinton” [“Social Policy, Electoral Strategies, and
Federalism under the Clinton Presidency”], Revue française de science politique, 50(6): 883-913.
29. *Daniel Béland and Randall Hansen, “Reforming the French Welfare State: Solidarity, Social
Exclusion and the Three Crises of Citizenship,” West European Politics, 23(1): 47-64.
30. *Daniel Béland, “Expertise et politique des retraites” [“Expertise and Retirement Policy”],
L’Année de la régulation, 4: 74-99. [Partial reprint in Emiliano Grossman (ed.) (2005), Lobbying
et vie politique, Paris, La Documentation française (Problèmes sociaux et politique n° 918).]
31. *Daniel Béland and Alex Waddan, “From Thatcher (and Pinochet) to Clinton? Conservative
Think Tanks, Foreign Models and US Pensions Reform,” Political Quarterly, 71(2): 202-210.
32. *Daniel Béland, “L’avenir des retraites aux États-Unis: défi démographique, débat politique”
[“The Future of Retirement Policy in the United States: From Demographic Challenge to Political
Debate”], Futuribles, nº 244: 83-108.
33. *Daniel Béland, “État-providence, libéralisme et lien social. L’expérience française: du
solidarisme au ‘retour’ de la solidarité” [“Welfare State, Liberalism and Social Cohesion in
France: From Solidarism to the ‘Return’ of Solidarity”], Cahiers de recherche sociologique, nº
31: 145-164.
34. Daniel Béland and Randall Hansen, “La question de la citoyenneté sociale au Royaume-Uni:
vers une réflexion européenne?” [“British Social Citizenship in Question: Toward a European
Debate?”], Droit social, November: 918-926.
35. *Daniel Béland, “La fin du Welfare State: de la guerre contre la pauvreté à la guerre contre
les pauvres” [“Ending the Welfare State: From the War against Poverty to the War against the
Poor”], Esprit, nº 232: 38-58.
1. Daniel Béland (forthcoming, 2008), “Canada.” In Roger Chapman (ed.), Encyclopedia of the
Culture Wars. Armonk (NY): M.E. Sharpe.
2. Daniel Béland and André Lecours (2005), “Nationalism and Social Policy in Canada and
Québec.” In Nicola McEwen and Luis Moreno (eds), The Territorial Politics of Welfare. London:
Routledge, pp. 189-206.
3. Daniel Béland (2005), “Ideas, Interests, and Institutions: Historical Institutionalism Revisited.”
In André Lecours (ed.), New Institutionalism: Theory and Analysis. Toronto: University of
Toronto Press, pp. 29-50.
4. Daniel Béland and John Myles (2005), “Stasis Amidst Change: Canadian Pension Reform in
an Age of Retrenchment.” In Giuliano Bonoli and Toshimitsu Shinkawa (eds), Ageing and
Pension Reform around the World. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 252-272 [Japanese
translation of the book published in 2004 by Minerva Publishing].
1. Daniel Béland (2003), “Identity Politics and French Republicanism,” Society, 40(5): 66-71.
2. Daniel Béland (2002), “Un conservatisme à visage humain? George W. Bush et l’avenir des
politiques sociales” [“Compassionate Conservatism? George W. Bush and the Future of Social
Policy”], La vie des idées, winter. <http://www.repid.com/article.php3?id_article=82>
3. Daniel Béland (2002), “Bridges and Doors: Framing Interdisciplinary Dialogues,” Canadian
Journal of Sociology Online. <http://www.arts.ualberta.ca/cjscopy/newmill/beland.html>
1. Daniel Béland (2007), Le système de retraite américain: entre fragmentation et privatisation.
Hamilton: SEDAP Research Paper 172 (McMaster University), February.
2. Daniel Béland (2006), What Ownership Society? Debating Housing and Social Security
Reform in the United States. Hamilton: SEDAP Research Paper 150 (McMaster University),
February. <http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/sedap/>
3. Daniel Béland (2005), The Political Construction of Collective Insecurity: From Moral Panic
to Blame Avoidance and Organized Irresponsibility. Cambridge, MA: Center for European
Studies Working Paper Series 126 (Harvard University), October.
4. Daniel Béland and Patrik Marier (2004), The Politics of Protest Avoidance. Hamilton: SEDAP
Research Paper 114 (McMaster University), February.
5. Daniel Béland and André Lecours (2003), Politique sociale et nationalisme sub-étatique.
Montreal: Cahiers du CPDS, May.
6. Daniel Béland and John Myles (2003), Stasis amidst Change: Canadian Pension Reform in an
Age of Retrenchment. Hamilton: SEDAP Research Paper 111 (McMaster University), February.
1. Review of Eric Fong (ed.), Inside the Mosaic, in Canadian Journal of Sociology
2. Christopher Howard, Review of The Welfare State Nobody Knows: Debunking Myths about
U.S. Social Policy, in American Journal of Sociology (forthcoming).
3. Review of Edwin Amenta, When Movements Matter: The Townsend Movement and the Rise of
Social Security, in Contexts, 6(1): 62-63.
4. Review of Philip Smith, Why War? The Cultural Logic of Iraq, the Gulf War, and Suez, in
Canadian Journal of Sociology Online (January-February).
5. Review of Dan Zuberi, Differences that Matter: Social Policy and the Working Poor in the
United States and Canada, in Canadian Ethnic Studies, XXXVIII (2).
6. Review of John L. Campbell, Institutional Change and Globalization, in Canadian Journal of
Sociology 31(4): 529-531.
7. Review of C.T. Gillin, David MacGregor and Thomas R. Klassen (eds), Time’s Up!
Mandatory Retirement in Canada, in Canadian Journal on Aging, 25(3): 331-332.
8. Review of Jennifer Klein, For All These Rights: Business, Labor, and the Shaping of
America’s Public-Private Welfare State, in Canadian Review of American Studies, 36(2): 237242.
9. Review of Steven Lukes, Power: A Radical View, Second Edition, in Canadian Journal of
Sociology Online, July-August. <http://www.cjsonline.ca/reviews/power.html>
10. Review of Georges Campeau, From UI to EI: Waging the War on the Welfare State, in
Canadian Journal of Political Science, 39(2): 434-435.
11. Review of Herbert Obinger, Stephan Leibfried and Francis G. Castles (eds), Federalism and
the Welfare State: New World and European Experiences, in Journal of European Social Policy,
16(2): 204.
12. Review of Neil Gilbert, Transformation of the Welfare State, in Perspectives on Politics,
4(1), March: 210-211.
13. Review of Seungsook Moon, Militarized Modernity and Gendered Citizenship in South
Korea, in Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, January-February.
14. Review of Jürgen Osterhammel and Niels Petersson, Globalization: A Short History, in
Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology On-Line Book Reviews, September.
15. Review of Paul Pierson, Politics in Time: History, Institutions, and Social Analysis, in
Political Studies Review, 3(3), September: 385-386.
16. Review of Robin H. Rogers-Dillon, The Welfare Experiments: Politics and Policy
Evaluation, in Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, July-August.
17. Review of Andrew Rich, Think Tanks, Public Policy, and the Politics of Expertise, in Review
of Politics, 67 (1): 709-711.
18. Review of Corey Robin, Fear: The History of a Political Idea, in Canadian Journal of
Sociology Online, January-February.
19. Review of Peter A. Diamond and Peter R. Orszag, Saving Social Security: A Balanced
Approach, in Political Studies Review, 3(1), January: 94.
20. Review of Andrea Louise Campbell, How Policies Make Citizens, in Political Studies
Review, 3(1), January: 88.
21. Review of Hugues Lagrange, Demandes de sécurité: France, Europe, États-Unis, in
Canadian Journal of Sociology, 29(4): 610-612.
22. Review of Robert Castel, L’insécurité sociale: Qu’est-ce qu’être protégé? in Canadian
Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 41(1): 88-90.
23. Review of Bruno Théret, Protection sociale et fédéralisme: L’Europe dans le miroir de
l’Amérique du Nord, in Canadian Journal of Political Science, 36(4): 917-919.
24. Review of Stuart N. Soroka (2002), Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada, in Political Studies
Review, 1(3): 407-408.
25. Review of Dominique Schnapper, La démocratie providentielle: Essai sur l’égalité
contemporaine, in Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology On-Line Book Reviews,
October-November. <http://alcor.concordia.ca/~csaa1/BookReviews.htm>
26. Review of Donald E. Abelson, Do Think Tanks Matter? Assessing the Impact of Public
Policy Institutes, in Political Studies Review, 1 (2): 295-296.
27. Review of Jonathan Engel, Doctors and Reformers: Discussion and Debate over Health Care
Policy 1925-1950, in Contemporary Sociology 32(1): 111-112.
28. Review of Theodore Caplow (ed.), Leviathan Transformed, in Canadian Journal of
Sociology, 28(1): 106-108.
29. Review of Janet R. Horne, A Social Laboratory for Modern France, in American Journal of
Sociology, 107(6): 1637-1638.
30. Review of James J. Rice and Michael J. Prince, Changing Politics of Canadian Social Policy,
in Journal of Social Policy, 31(1): 168-171.
31. Review of Colette Bec, L’assistance en démocratie, in Cahiers de recherche sociologique,
nº32: 183-188.
32. Review of François-Xavier Merrien, L’État-providence, in Cahiers de recherche
sociologique, nº32: 188-194.
33. Review of Rebecca Blank, It Takes a Nation: A New Agenda for Fighting Poverty, in Cahiers
de recherche sociologique, nº30: 331-338).
1. Daniel Béland and André Lecours, Nationalism and Social Policy (manuscript under review).
2. Daniel Béland and Robert H. Cox (eds), Ideas and Politics in Social Science Research
(manuscript under review).
1. Mike Zajko and Daniel Béland, “Space and Protest Policing” (under review).
2. Daniel Béland, “Les mutations du système de retraite américain” (under review).
3. Daniel Béland, “Ideas, Globalization, and Policy Change” (in preparation).
4. Daniel Béland and Alex Waddan, “The Rise of Big Government Conservatism? The Bush
Presidency Reconsidered” (in preparation).
5. Colin Wiseman and Daniel Béland, “Ideas and Policy Change: Oil Policy in Venezuela (in
6. Julia Brotea and Daniel Béland, “Contentious Politics in Post-Communist Romania” (in
1. Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “Federalism, Nationalism, and Social Policy
Decentralisation” (in preparation).
2. Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “The Continental Divide Revisited” (in preparation).
1. “Third-Rail Politics,” Paper presented on Monday, February 12, at the Institute for United
States Policy Research (University of Calgary).
2. “Breaking Down Solitudes? Federalism, Territorial Politics, and the Future of Canada,” Paper
presented on November 30, 2006, at the symposium The Other Side of the Line: The Future of
US-Canada Relations (School of International and Area Studies, University of Oklahoma).
3. Daniel Béland, “Le rôle des droits sociaux dans la (dé-)construction d’une citoyenneté
fédérale,” Paper presented on April 27, 2005, at the Centre d’études canadiennes of the
Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels).
4. Daniel Béland and John Myles, “Reforming the Canadian Pension System,” Paper presented
on April 16, 2005, at Renmin University’s International Forum of Social Security Research in
China and Canada (Beijing).
5. Daniel Béland, “Fearful Democracies: The Politics of Insecurity in French and US Presidential
Elections,” Paper presented on December 14, 2004, at The Minda de Gunzburg Center for
European Studies at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA).
6. Daniel Béland and Patrik Marier, “Avoiding Protest,” Paper presented on October 30, 2004, at
the workshop on Distributive Politics and Social Protection in the 21st Century (Columbus).
7. Daniel Béland and John Myles, “Stasis Amidst Change” (with John Myles), Paper presented
on March 1, 2003, at the workshop Social Policy Responses to Population Ageing in the
Globalization Era (Hokkaido University).
8. “Reforming Federalism and Social Policy in the US,” Paper presented on March 23, 2001, at
the Workshop A New Social Union for 2002? Institute for Research on Public Policy (Montreal).
1. Daniel Béland, “Ideas, Globalization, and Policy Change,” Paper to be presented in September
2007 at the Annual Meeting of the Research Committee 19 (Poverty, Social Welfare and Social
Policy) of the International Sociological Association (Florence).
2. Daniel Béland and Toshimitsu Shinkawa, “Privatizing Pensions: Ideas, Institutional Change,
and Social Security Reform in Britain, Canada, Japan, and the United States,” Paper presented on
June 1, 2006, at the Policy History Conference (Charlottesville, Virginia).
3. Daniel Béland and John Myles, “Canadian Pension Reform,” Paper presented on June 2 at the
annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association (Toronto).
4. Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “Nationalismes de gauche? Mobilisations territoriales,
mouvements sociaux et politiques sociales au Québec et en Écosse,” Paper presented on
November 19, 2005, at the first Congrès des quatre pays (Lausanne).
5. Daniel Béland and Alex Waddan, “President Clinton and Social Policy,” Paper presented on
November 12, 2005, at Hofstra University’s 11th Presidential Conference (Hempstead, NY).
6. Daniel Béland, “Ideas, Institutions and Neo-Liberal Social Policy,” Paper presented on
September 10, 2005, at the Annual Meeting of the Research Committee 19 (Poverty, Social
Welfare and Social Policy) of the International Sociological Association (Chicago).
7. Daniel Béland, “The Politics of Ownership,” Paper presented on September 2, 2005, at the
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Washington, DC).
8. Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “Quebec: Identity, Social Policy and Asymmetrical
Federalism,” Paper presented on June 4, 2005, at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political
Science Association (London, Ontario).
9. Daniel Béland and Alex Waddan, “The Social Policies Presidents Make,” Paper presented on
April 7, 2005, at the Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association (Leeds).
10. Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “Congruence, Nationalism and Public Policy,” Paper
presented on November 11, 2004, at the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science
Association (Boston).
11. Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “Sub-State Nationalism and the Welfare State,” Paper
presented on October 2, 2004, at the International Political Science Association (RC14)
Conference Ethnicity and Politics (Ottawa).
12. Daniel Béland, “Ideas and Social Policy,” Paper presented on September 5, 2004, at the
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Chicago).
13. Daniel Béland, “Frames, Paradigms, and Social Security,” Paper presented on August 17,
2004 at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (San Francisco).
14. Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “Identities, Institutions and Policies,” Paper presented on
August 22, 2003, at the Annual Meeting of the Research Committee 19 (Poverty, Social Welfare
and Social Policy) of the International Sociological Association (Toronto).
15. Daniel Béland, “The Future of the Canadian Welfare State,” Paper presented in June 1, 2003,
at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (Halifax).
16. Daniel Béland and André Lecours, “Nationalism and Social Policy: A Political Perspective,”
Paper presented on March 30, 2003, at the Joint Sessions of Workshops of the European
Consortium for Political Research (Edinburgh).
17. “Does Labor Matter?” Paper presented on November 17, 2000, at the Annual Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America (Washington, DC).
Abdolali Rezaei, Dialogical Mobilizations: State Ideologies, Oppositional Identities and
Democratization in Iran and Turkey (University of Calgary) [since September 2004].
Kristina Babich, The Divided Canadian Welfare State: A Comparative and Historical
Perspective on the Struggles over Public and Private Pension Reform [since January 2006].
Julie Kaye, The Politics of Ethnicity in West Africa: The Case of Post-Conflict Reconstruction in
Northern Ghana [since January 2006].
Colin Wiseman, The Politics of Institutional Change: Oil Policy in Venezuela [since January
Ziaur Rahman, Urban Policy in Bengladesh: The State, Inequality and Housing Crises in Dhaka
City. [Thesis defended successfully on October 17, 2003.]
Kirby Tarzwell, “The Civilizing Process” and “Discipline and Punish:” The Genealogical
Missing Link [Thesis approved in April 2007].
Mike Zajko, Space and Protest Policing: Two Canadian Cases. [Thesis approved in April 2006.]
Contemporary Sociological Theory (University of Calgary, Winter 2007)
Sociology and Public Policy (University of Calgary, Fall 2006)
Political Sociology (University of Calgary, Fall 2002 and Winter 2004)
Political Sociology (University of Calgary, Winter 2002 and Fall 2006)
Contemporary Sociological Theory (University of Calgary, Fall 2001, Winter 2003, Fall 2003,
Winter 2004, Winter 2005, and Winter 2006)
Social Stratification (University of Calgary, Fall 2001, Fall 2002, Fall 2003, and Winter 2005)
Social Problems (Concordia University, Winter 2001)
Introduction to Sociology (Concordia University, Fall 2000 and Winter 2001)
Social Deviance (Concordia University, Fall 2000 and Winter 2001)
History of Contemporary France (Northwestern University, Summer 2000)
Secretary-Treasurer of the Research Committee 19 (Poverty, Social Welfare, and Social Policy)
of the International Sociological Association (2006- )
Grant proposal evaluation: Israel Science Foundation [2007]
Member of the Editorial Board of the Canadian Review of Social Policy (2007- )
Member of the Aid to Scholarly Publications Committee of the Canadian Federation for the
Humanities and Social Sciences (2004- )
Grant proposal evaluation: Killam Scholarship [2003]; Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada (SSHRC) [2004, 2005, and 2006]
Student Awards (2001-2003; 2006-2007); Undergraduate Studies (2003-2005); Striking
Committee (2005-2006); Social Committee (2006 [winter]; 2007 [winter]); CAPI: Committee on
Academic Promotions and Increments (2006-2007).
Organization of the workshop Sociologists at Work (University of Calgary, May 2004 and 2005).
Co-organization of the Working Conference on Public-Private Social Policy (Northwestern
University, September 7, 2005).
Session co-organizer for the following annual conferences: Section on Political Sociology,
American Sociological Association (2005); American Political Science Association (2005; 2006;
2007); Policy History Conference (2006).
Ageing & Society, American Journal of Sociology, Canadian Journal of Political Science,
Canadian Journal of Sociology, Canadian Journal on Aging, Canadian Public Policy, Canadian
Review of Sociology, Comparative Political Studies, Critique internationale, French Politics,
Global Social Policy, Governance, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Journal of Social
Policy, Politique et sociétés, Polity, Research on Aging, Social Policy & Administration, Social
Science Quarterly, The Sociological Quarterly, Broadview Press, Canadian Scholars’ Press,
Elsevier, Pearson, UBC Press, and Michigan State University Press.
2003- American Sociological Association
2003- American Political Science Association
2003- Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association
1998- International Sociological Association (Research Committee 19)
Interview aired on Global TV Calgary on November 8, 2006.
Interviews aired on several Canadian public and private radio stations in December 2003, May
2005, and October 2006.
Invited letter published in The Wilson Quarterly: Summer 2006 (pages 4-6).
Interviews published in the Fast Forward Weekly on November 13, 2003 (page 26); the Calgary
Herald on December 19, 2003 (page B12); La Presse on October 2, 2005 (page PLUS2); and
Apple: Calgary’s Health & Wellness Magazine, March-April 2006 (pp. 11-12).