Depret CV


Depret CV
Eric Dépret
October, 2010
Birth Date: August 22, 1965
Nationality: French
Address: Université Grenoble 2, UFR SHS, BP 47, F-38040 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Phone (office): (+33 4) 76 82 59 06
Phone (home): (+33 4) 76 65 52 77
Email: [email protected]
Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), 1993, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA).
M.S. (Master of Science), 1992, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
D.E.A. (Master of Psychology), 1989, University of Lille (France).
After his undergraduate and graduate studies in psychology (1983-1988) at the University of
Lille (France) he got an Erasmus grant to study (1988-1989) at the University of Louvain at
Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) and attend the sixth Summer School of the European Association of
Experimental Social Psychology (University of Tilburg, The Netherlands). He then became
Teaching Assistant (1989-1990) and Research Assistant (1990-1993) at the University of
Massachusetts at Amherst (USA) where he completed the graduate program of Social and
Personality Psychology in 1993 (with a distinction from the 1994 Dissertation Award of the Society
for Experimental Social Psychology).
Since 1993 he is Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Grenoble (France)
where he occupied various elective positions as member of the Human and Social Sciences Faculty
Board (1998-2006) or as Head of the Psychology Department (1999-2002).
He is a member of the European Association of Social Psychology since 1988 and was a
member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Social Psychology between 1995-1998
and 2002-2005.
He co-organized a Medium size Group Meeting of the EASP (Grenoble, march 15-17,
2000), the 6th International Congress of Social Psychology in French Language (Grenoble, august
30th-september 2, 2006) and has engaged, over the years, in various international activities and
cooperation in terms of teaching and research (University of Exeter, UK, University of Bari, Italy,
The National University at Canberra, Australia, University of Maryland, USA, Missouri Southern
State University, USA, etc.).
At the University of Grenoble he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the
Psychology Department, and in the Education Sciences Department, on: Introduction to social
psychology, Epistemology of social sciences, Introduction to the psychology of religion, Social
psychology of Politeness.
His research interests include: Power relation between groups, Social influence in cults and
religious phenomena, Politeness behaviour and representation, History of social psychology
Dépret, E., & Fiske, S.T. (1993). Social cognition and power: some cognitive
consequences of social structure as a source of control deprivation. In G. Weary, F. Gleicher, & K.
Marsh (Eds.), Control motivation and social cognition, pp 176-202. NY: Springer-Verlag.
Bruins, J., Dépret, E., Den Ouden, M., Extra, J., Górnick, M., Iannaccone, A.,
Kramarczyk, E., Melcher, W., Muñoz, J., Ng, S.H., & Steller, B. (1993). On becoming a leader:
effects of gender and cultural differences on power distance reduction. European Journal of Social
Psychology, 23, 426-441.
Dépret, E. (1996). Besoin de contrôle, sentiment de contrôle et concept de soi [need
for control, control feeling and the self concept]. In J-C. Deschamps & J-L. Beauvois (Eds.) La
psychologie sociale (vol. 2): des attitudes aux attributions, pp 203-207. Grenoble: Presses
Universitaires de Grenoble.
Fiske, S. T., & Dépret, E. (1996). Control, interdependence and power:
understanding social cognition in its social context. European Review of Social Psychology, 7, 3161.
Dépret, E. (1997). La cognition sociale et son contexte: Le cas des relations de
pouvoir [social cognition and its context : the case of power relations]. In J-P. Leyens & J-L.
Beauvois (Eds.) La psychologie sociale (vol. 3): l’ère de la cognition, pp 87-89. Grenoble: Presses
Universitaires de Grenoble.
Dépret, E. (1997). Pouvoir [power]. In Bloch, H., Dépret, E, Gallo, A., Garnier,
Ph., Gineste, M-D., Leconte, P., Le Ny, J-F., Postel, J., Reuchlin, M., & Casalis, D. (Eds.).
Dictionnaire fondamental de la psychologie, pp 959-962. Paris: Larousse.
Dépret, E. (1997). Groupe [group]. In Bloch, H., Dépret, E, Gallo, A., Garnier, Ph.,
Gineste, M-D., Leconte, P., Le Ny, J-F., Postel, J., Reuchlin, M., & Casalis, D. (Eds.). Dictionnaire
fondamental de la psychologie, pp 541-545. Paris: Larousse.
Bloch, H., Dépret, E., Gallo, A., Garnier, Ph., Gineste, M-D., Leconte, P., Le Ny, JF., Postel, J., Reuchlin, M., & Casalis, D. (Eds.) (1997). Dictionnaire fondamental de la
psychologie [basic dictionary of psychology]. Paris: Larousse.
Dépret, E. (1999) Sectes et influences psychologiques [cults and psychological influences].
In Centre d’Etudes en Sciences Sociales de la Défense (Ed.) Les influences psychologiques:
approches scientifiques et prospectives, pp 201-213. Paris : Addim.
Dépret, E., & Fiske, S.T. (1999). Perceiving the powerful: intriguing individuals
versus threatening groups. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 35, 461-480.
Bloch, H., Chemana, R., Dépret, E., Gallo, A., Leconte, P., Le Ny, J-F., Postel, J.,
Reuchlin, M.. (Eds.) (1999). Grand dictionnaire de la psychologie [large dictionary of psychology]
Paris : Larousse.
Pansu, P., & Dépret, E. (1999). Pour une approche psychosociale de l’éducation [for a
social psychological approach of education]. Dans M-T. Copin (Ed.) Les ‘psy’ et l’école, pp 31-46.
Paris : L’harmattan.
Dépret, E. (2000). Sectes et influences psychosociales [cults and social
psychological influences]. Connexions, 73, 131-143.
Dépret, E. (2001). Sectes et manipulation mentale: débat public et analyse
psychosociale [cults and « mental manipulation » : public debate and social psychological analysis].
Dans J-M. Monteil & J-L. Beauvois (Eds.) La psychologie sociale (vol. 5): des compétences pour
l’application, pp 195-211. Grenoble: Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.
Dépret, E. & Filisetti, L. (2001). Juger et estimer la valeur d’autrui: des biais de
jugement aux compétences sociales [Judging and estimating other’s value : from judgment biases to
social competences]. Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 30, 297-315.
Filisetti, L., Wentzel, K. & Dépret, E. (2006). Les buts sociaux de l’élève: leurs
causes et leurs conséquences à l’école [pupils’ social goals: their causes and consequences]. Revue
Française de Pédagogie, 155, 45-56.
Beauvois, J-L. & Dépret, E. (2008). What about social value ? European Journal of
Psychology of Education, 23, 493-500.
Dépret, E., & Reicher, S. (in press). Henri Tajfel, in P-A.Taguieff (Ed.) Dictionnaire
Historique et Critique du Racisme, Paris : PUF.
Reicher, S., & Dépret, E. (in press). Théorie de l’identité sociale [social identity
theory], in P-A.Taguieff (Ed.) Dictionnaire Historique et Critique du Racisme, Paris : PUF.

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