
Date : JUIL/AOUT 16
Page de l'article : p.45
Journaliste : M.D.
Pays : France
Périodicité : Parution Irrégulière
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A new step for mankind
The Musee de 'Homme, o vénérable cultura! institution
housec! in a wing of the Palais de [baillet since 1938,
reveols its newly renovated look M o
n the building constructed for the Universal
Exposition of 1937 everything (or almost) except
the walls nas changed After visiting the reception
area on the ground floor and the adjoinmg book
shop and Cafe de I Homme restaurant we climb a
broad stairwav to an atrium which can also be reached
by elevator (like all the areas hère) The atrium is the
nerve center of the muséum which is run bv the
Muséum national d Histoire naturelle The ceiling of
Us huge hall was remo\ ed to reveil a glass roof that
dates back to the former palais du Trocadero (1878)
Fram there wc can move on to the auditorium and
resource center, which s where the G dene de I Homme
visit begms, with the permanent exhibmo i co\ ermg
2,500 sq rn on two levels A stairway and mezzanine
have been constructed to connect them
Who are we? Where do w e come fronv1 Where are
we going2 These three questions form the Connecting
thread of the itinerary which was joindy planned with
scientific advisors Vanous fields of knowledge are explored along the
way biologv anthropology ethnoloçv, histor)
Lach item or series is
accompanied b) an explanation Showcases of vanou» sizes, alcôves
panels curtains carrying texts touch screens, videos and so on eve
rythmg is designed to encourage wsitors to enpv themscKes while
thmking about the things the) are discovenng The fascmatmgjour
nevbegimwithaneximinationofwhafihun in bang is long with
analyse of our w a) s of thmking and relationships with other animals
The second part of the itmerar) takes us back to the
origins of h imamty It looks it botti extintt speues
of hoimnids md the Mie that spread acnss the
Oentire globe ours
We then reach the age of modem humamtv with
lis increasmgly globahzed hfestvles \ customized
Dakar minibus expresses modem cultura! mterac
tion Inside it, we ride through a city where tradi
bon and modernit) coexist t inallv the Balcon des
sciences that overlooks the atrium is dedicated to news
of research parncukrl) the work of the sciennsts hère
at the musee de I Homme Their laboratories are just
ibo\ e} our head
but the visit ends hère H
Tous droits réservés à l'éditeur
Muséum national
d'Histoire naturelle de l'Homme
17 place Trocadero 16th
Tel 0144057272 Closed Tuesday
10pm to 6pm 9pm on Wednesday €10
www museedelhomme fr
CAFEDELHOMME2 9229358400503

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