French 304 – Introduction to French Literature FRE 304.090 Dr


French 304 – Introduction to French Literature FRE 304.090 Dr
French 304 – Introduction to French Literature FRE 304.090 Dr. Joyce Johnston Email: [email protected] Phone: X2279 Office: LAN 252 Office Hours: MWF 10-­‐11am, MW 12pm-­‐1pm, by appointment French Table: Tuesdays 4:30-­‐6pm at Java Jack’s Department: Languages, Cultures and Communication Class meeting time and place: MW 1-­2:15, Ferguson 175 Français 304 -­ Introduction à la littérature – La famille et l’individu Student Learning Outcomes: Students in this class will: 1. Appreciate French and Francophone literature within cultural context. 2. Develop reading techniques to approach novels, short stories, poetry, and theater. 3. Improve written and spoken French 4. Be able to analyze literary texts in written and spoken French 5. Be able to understand academic articles regarding French and Francophone literature. Textes: (à trouver sur ou Comtesse de Ségur – Les Malheurs de Sophie Ionesco – La Cantatrice chauve Mariama Bâ -­‐ Une si longue lettre Photocopies. Evaluation des étudiants: 15 % Une participation active dans chaque classe – les étudiants perdront 5 points pour chaque absence et 2 points pour chaque jour qu'ils arrivent en retard. (Maximum pour une semaine -­‐ 10 points) · 15 % Un examen de mi-­‐semestre 10 % Un journal à rendre 4 fois par semestre · 10 % Réaction écrite à un article 5% Animation d’une discussion 15 % Une dissertation de 3 -­‐ 5 pages sur le sujet de votre choix (10 points pour votre plan, 10 points pour vos commentaires sur celui d’un/e camarade) 10% Participation à la représentation de La Suite d’un bal masqué 20 % Un examen final à rendre avant midi le dernier jour des examens finaux. Grades are as follows: 895-­‐1000 points = A 795-­‐894 points = B 695-­‐794 points = C 595-­‐694 points = D 594 points and below = F Class Participation/Attendance: Attending class and participating actively on a daily basis are necessary for a student's success in this class. As this is a literature class it should go without saying that you MUST read the assignment before coming to class. If I do not believe that you have read I will not give you participation points for that day. I will record a participation grade for each student on a weekly basis. A student can receive a maximum of 10 points per week. Grades are assessed based on a student’s engagement in the class, contribution of ideas, preparation and attention to ideas of other students. To ensure that students are well prepared for class, I will often draw a student’s name at the beginning of class and ask the student to explain an aspect of the text for the day’s class. Eating, chewing gum, and use of cell phones make speaking French very difficult and are thus not permitted in the classroom. Engaging in these activities will result in a lower participation score. Tardiness/Absence: Students are expected to be on time and a penalty for tardiness is counted against the student's overall participation as discussed in the Participation Criteria. Students are allowed 2 absences per semester at their discretion. This could be for school-­‐sponsored events, a religious observance, illness or family related events or emergencies. However, once the 2 absences are surpassed for any reason, students lose 5 points of participation per absence unless other arrangements are made with Dr. Johnston immediately. Arriving to class tardy will drop your weekly grade by two points for every day you are late. If you must miss class for any reason, you will still be responsible for all assignments due. In case of illness, contact instructor via e-­‐mail or call a classmate to keep up with assignments. Assignments: In addition to a midterm and take-­‐home final exam, students will have the following assignments: Journal: Students will write 4 journal entries (typed, one-­‐page each) over the semester and collect those in the D2L dropbox. Article review: Students will review a critical article on Ionesco’s La Cantatrice chauve and write a 2-­‐page synopsis and reaction to it. Play performance: In November we will be doing a dramatic reading and acting out of the one-­‐act play La Suite d’un bal masqué. There will be a variety of opportunities for students to earn their grade – acting, preparation, programs, discussion, -­‐ but all will involve knowledge of the play and use of French. Dissertation: Students will write a 3 to 5 page paper on one or more of the texts studied in this course. Part of the grade will be based on your outline and your comments on classmates’ outlines during peer editing. Students with disabilities: If you have a learning or physical disability, visual or hearing impairment that might affect your progress in French, please see me. Considerations will be made for those students with documented learning disabilities. University Policies: Academic integrity is a responsibility of all university faculty and students. Faculty members promote academic integrity in multiple ways including instruction on the components of academic honesty, as well as abiding by university policy on penalties for cheating and plagiarism. Definition of Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty includes both cheating and plagiarism. Cheating includes but is not limited to (1) using or attempting to use unauthorized materials to aid in achieving a better grade on a component of a class; (2) the falsification or invention of any information, including citations, on an assigned exercise; and/or (3) helping or attempting to help another in an act of cheating or plagiarism. Plagiarism is presenting the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own. Examples of plagiarism are (1) submitting an assignment as if it were one's own work when, in fact, it is at least partly the work of another; (2) submitting a work that has been purchased or otherwise obtained from an Internet source or another source; and (3) incorporating the words or ideas of an author into one's paper without giving the author due credit. Please read the complete policy at Academic dishonesty, cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. All students in this class are expected to comply to university policies regarding academic honesty. Click here to see university policy on academic integrity. Any student caught cheating will receive a grade of zero on the assignment and will be reported to the dean of his or her major school. All homework should be your own. Students are not allowed to use translation programs, native speakers or other students to assist them with assignments. Doing so constitutes academic dishonesty and will be dealt with according to university policy. When using tutors such as the AARC, they must follow my guidelines. If you have questions in regard to assignments, please see me. Program Learning Outcomes: 1. The student will be able to communicate orally with native speakers of the target language. 2. The student will be able to comprehend authentic texts written in the target language. 3. The student will be able to write effective, original compositions in the target language. 4. The student will demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. 5. The student will, if seeking teacher certification, demonstrate preparation to teach the target language Withheld grades: Ordinarily, at the discretion of the instructor of record and with the approval of the academic chair/director, a grade of WH will be assigned only if the student cannot complete the course work because of unavoidable circumstances. Students must complete the work within one calendar year from the end of the semester in which they receive a WH, or the grade automatically becomes an F. If students register for the same course in future terms the WH will automatically become an F and will be counted as a repeated course for the purpose of computing the grade point average. FRE 304 timeline Semaine Date Semaine 1 25/8-­29/8 lundi Semaine 2 1/9-­5/9 lundi mercredi Semaine 3 8/9-­12/9 lundi mercredi mercredi Semaine 4 15/9-­19/9 lundi mercredi Semaine 5 22/9-­26/9 lundi mercredi Semaine 6 29/9-­3/10 lundi mercredi Semaine 7 lundi 6/10-­10/10 mercredi En cours* Les textes en question sont à lire avant le cours Introduction au cours – Prévert « Familiale » et Ronsard « Ode à Cassandre » La Femme et la poésie : Pisan « Je suis veuve, seulette… », Labé « Je vis je meurs » et Marie de France Le Laustic Pas de cours L’Enfance et la poésie : Hugo « Demain, dès l’aube » et Desbordes-­‐
Valmore « Ondine à l’école » et «Le coucher du petit garçon » Les poèmes en prose : Baudelaire « Le joujou du pauvre » et « le désespoir de la vieille » La femme, la famille, le théâtre : Bawr La Suite d’un bal masqué – première moitié La femme, la famille, le théâtre : Bawr La Suite d’un bal masqué Les enfants et la littérature : Ségur Les Malheurs de Sophie Les enfants et la littérature : Ségur Les Malheurs de Sophie Les enfants et la littérature : Ségur Les Malheurs de Sophie Examen de mi-­semestre La famille…autrement : Ionesco La Cantatrice chauve La famille…autrement : Ionesco La Cantatrice chauve Collaboration sur des scènes d’Ionesco A rendre Journal #1 à rendre Journal #2 à rendre Semaine 8 13/10-­
17/10 lundi Présentation des scènes d’Ionesco mercredi La femme…autrement : Beauvoir « Monologue » Semaine 9 20/10-­
24/10 lundi La femme…autrement : Beauvoir « Monologue » mercredi La famille et l’honneur : Barbey d’Aurevilly « La Vengeance d’une femme » Semaine 10 lundi La famille et l’honneur : Barbey 27/10-­
d’Aurevilly « La Vengeance d’une 31/10 femme » mercredi La famille et l’honneur : Barbey d’Aurevilly « La Vengeance d’une femme » Semaine 11 lundi Peer editing – Bring 2 copies of 3/11-­7/11 your « plan » to class mercredi Bâ Une si longue lettre Ch 1-­‐3 Semaine 12 lundi Bâ Une si longue lettre Ch 4-­‐6 10/11-­
14/11 mercredi Bâ Une si longue lettre Ch 7-­‐12 Semaine 13 lundi Travaillez sur la pièce de théâtre 17/11-­
mercredi Bâ Une si longue lettre Ch 13-­‐15 21/11 Semaine 14 lundi Bâ Une si longue lettre Ch 16-­‐20 24/11-­
28/11 mercredi Pas de cours – L’Action de grâce Semaine 15 lundi Bâ Une si longue lettre Ch 21-­‐23 1/12-­5/12 mercredi Terminez Bâ Une si longue lettre Réaction à l’article à rendre Journal #3 (monologue) à rendre Peer editing – your plan Dissertation à rendre Représentation de La Suite d’un bal masqué Journal #4 à rendre