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Les luxations de PTH
dans la littérature
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Cours Futura, Paris, 7 mai 2010
The epidemiology of revision total hip arthroplasty in the United States.
Bozic KJ & al, J.Bone Joint Surg., 91A, 2009, 128-33
Sur 51000 reprises:
11500 (22,5%) codes diagnostic: instabilité
The Finnish arthroplasty register: report of the hip register
Puolakka TJ & al, Acta Orthop. Scand. 2001, Oct, 72(5): 433-41
Sur 12000 reprises:
luxations= 1080 (9%)
En moyenne: 3%
60% récidivent
20 à 30% ré-interventions
-Dislocations after total hip arthroplasty. Woo RYG et Morrey BF, J.Bone Joint Surg,
64A, 1982, 1295-306
-Dislocation after total hip arthroplasty. Yuan L, Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 1999;
119 (5-6): 263-6
-Late dislocations after total hiparthroplasty..Von Kknoch M & al, J. Bone Joint
Surg.84A, 2002, 709-13
-Dislocation following total hip replacement: the Avon orthopaedic centre. Blom
A& al, Annals of the Royal College of surgeons of England, vol90, 8, Nov 2008,
-Outcome of treatment for dislocation after primary total hip replacement. Korwal
RS & al, J. Bone Joint Surg, 84A, 2002, 709-13
Voies d’abord: postérieure, antérieure, externe, miniinvasif
Position des implants: inclinaison, version, navigation
Type d’implants: classique, resurfaçage, double mobilité,
offset, diamètre de tête, couple frottement, modularité
Les parties molles: capsule , rotateurs externes
Le patient: étiologie, BMI, score ASA
Postérieure: 4 à 5% en moyenne (0 à 10)
Antérieure et externe: 2 à 3%
Révisions: jusqu’à 30% (10 – 20% en
(0 à 5)
Voie postérieure: plus de luxation…
12,1% à 3,8% selon diamètre de tête
contre 3,8% à 2,4% par voie antérieure ou latérale
Sur 21000 pth (tx global 4,1%)
Effect of femoral head diameter and operative approach on risk of dislocation
after primary total hip arthroplasty
Berry DJ & al, J. Bone Jt. Surg., 87A, 2005, 2456-63
Voies antérieure et latérale: moins de luxation
mais… boiterie, lésions neurologiques,
pseudarthroses trochanter, calcifications
A modified direct lateral approach for primary and revision total hip arthroplasty.
Pas de différence significative selon voies
d’abord postérieure ou antérieure-externe
-Surgical approach for total hip arthroplasty: a direct lateral or posterior?
Jolles BM & al, J. Rheumatol, 2004 sept, 31 (9): 1790-6
-Posterior vs lateral surgical approach for total hip arthroplasty in adults
with osteoarthritis
Jolles BM & al, Cochrane database syst. Rev., 2006 jul, 19; 3
-Dislocation following total hip replacement: the avon orthopaedic centre
Blom A & al, Annals of the royal college of surgeons of england, vol90
nov 2008; 658-662
-Wich approach for total hip arthoplasty: anterolateral or posterior?
Palau J & al, Clin. Orthop., 467, 2009, 473-7
Minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty via direct anterior
Rachbauer F, Orthopade 2005 nov, 34(11): 1103-4
0 luxation sur 100 premières mais 6 lésions nerf
cutané latéral de la cuisse
_ Gains and losses of small incision lateral total hip arthroplasty:
what patients want and its index case result
Han KY & al, Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 2009 may; 129(5), 635-40
+ de luxation avec réduction des incisions ??...
Idéal: 45/15
« safe zone »: 30-50/5-25
Antéversion <10°: risque lux post x 6
Antéversion >20°: risque lux ant x 6,3
Reducing the risq of dislocation after total hip arthroplasty: the effect of
orientation of the acetabular component
BiedermannR & al, J. Bone Jt. Surg 87B, 2005, 762-9
1,5% lux safe zone contre 6,1% hors safe zone
Dislocations after total hip arthroplasty
Lewinnek GE & al, J. Bone Jt. Surg, 60A, 1978, 217-20
Rôle de la statique pelvienne:
Entre les positions debout et couché, l’antéversion
du bassin varie de 5 à 15 voire 20°
-Equilibre pelvien et mesure tomodensitométrique de la position d’une cupule de
prothèse de hanche.
Ala Eddine T & al, Rev. Chir.Orthop, 1999, 85 (suppl III), 113
-Acetabular component orientation in intra and post operative position in total hip
Hayakawa K& al, Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 2008 apr, 22
-Assessment of cup position from plain radiographs: impact of pelving tilting
Haenle M & al, Surg Radiol Anat, 2007 feb, 29(1): 29-35
La navigation:
Meilleur positionnement , donc moins de risque
de luxation, usure, reprise…
Results with navigated bicontact total hip arthroplasty
Lazovic D, Kaib N, Orthopedics, 2005 oct, 28(10):1227- 33
Pas de différence significative pour abduction et
antéversion , mais dispersion plus grande sans
Computer assisteed surgery for acetabular cup positioning in total hip arthroplasty:
comparative prospective randomized study
Paratte S & al, Rev Chir Orthop, 2007 mai, 93(3):238-46
<1% de luxation avec MIS et navigation contre 2%
pour pth conventionnelles
Role of navigation in total hip arthroplasty
Kelley T, Swank M, J. Bone Jt. Surg,2009, 91a, suppl 1: 153-8
Femoral offset restauration and clinical function after total
hip arthroplasty and surface replacement of the hip: a
randomized study
Girard J & al, Rev. Chir Orthop Reparatrice App Mot, 2008
juin; 94 (4): 376-81
Pas de luxation sur 69 resurfaçages –offset diminué
3 luxations sur 76 PTH avec offset augmenté
Diamètre de tête:
Quelque soit la voie d’abord,
l’augmentation du diamètre de
tête diminue le taux de
Effect of femoral head diameter and operative approach on risk of
luxation after primary total hip arthroplasty
Berry DJ & al, J. Bone Jt. Surg., 2005, 87A: 2456-663
A comparison of total hip resurfacing and total hip arthroplasty.
Patients and outcomes. Fowble VA & al, Bull NYU Hosp. Jt Dis, 2009;
67 (76): 108-12
1 luxation dans chaque groupe
Limited range of motion of hip resurfacing arthroplasty due to
unfavorable ratio of prosthetic head size and femoral neck diameter.
Kluess D & al, Acta Orthopaedica, 2008 dec; 79(6):748-54
mob thr <tha par impigment à 90° flexion
Mathematical evaluation of jumping distance in total hip arthroplasty. Sariali E & al, Acta
Orthopaedica, 2009 jun; 80(3):277-82
translation latérale nécessaire pour luxer
dépend de abduction et antéversion mais
surtout de « l’offset « de la tête /plan équatorial
Couple de frottement:
Force nécessaire pour séparer un couple M/M
supérieure à celle nécessaire pour couple
Dislocation after total hip replacement in relation to metal on metal
bearing surfaces. Clarke MT & al, J. Bone Jt. Surg., 2003, 85B: 650-54
Pas de différence taux de luxation selon
couples de frottement ( MM, Mpe, CC)
Risk of complication and revision total hip arthroplasty among medicare
patients with different bearing surfaces. Bozic KJ & al, Clin. Orthop. Relat.
Res., 2010 feb; 18
Double mobilité:
- Unconstrained tripolar implants for primary total hip arthroplasty in patients at
risk for dislocation. Guyen O & al, J. Arthroplasty, 2007 sept; 92(6):8849-59
 0 luxation patients avec au moins 2 f. risque
- The use of a dual articulation acetabular cup system to prevent dislocation after
primary total hip arthroplasty: analysis of 384 cases at a mean follow-up of 15
years. Philippot R; & al, Int Orthop 2009 aug; 33(4):927-32
0 instabilité ; 14 luxations intra-prothétiques
- Prevention of dislocation in total hip revision surgery using a dual mobility
design. Philippot R & al, Rev Chir Orthop Traumatol, 2009 oct; 95(6):407-13
3,7% luxations dans reprises (stt sepsis)
Stem modularity alone is not effective in reducing dislocation rate
The effect of posterior capsule repair upon post
operative hip dislocation following primary total hip
arthroplasty. Tsai SJ & al, Musculoskelet. Disord, 2008 feb
6,3% luxation sans réparation capsule
contre 0 avec réparation capsule
Modified posterior approach to total hip arthroplasty to
enhance joint stability. Kim YS & al, Clin Orthop Relat Res,
2008 feb; 466(2):294-9
de 5,3% à 0 selon section /réparation
rotateurs externes
Les PTH sur # col ont des taux de luxation plus
Dislocation of total hip replacement in patients with fractures of the femoral neck. Enocson A & al, Acta Orthop
, 2009 apr, 80(2):154-9
Total hip arthroplasty in patients 80 years of age and older. Ekelund A & al, Clin Orthop Relat Res, 1992aug;
Internal fixation vs hemiarthroplasty vs total hip arthroplasty for displaced subcapital fractures of the femur. 13
year results of a prospective study. Ravikmar KJ & al, Injury 2000dec; 31(10):793-7
Outcome after primary and secondary replacement for subcapital fractures of the hip in 10264 patients .
Leonardson O & al, J; Bone Jt Surg, 2009 may, 91b; 5:595-600
Total hip replacement after femoral neck fracture in elderly patients. Results of 8577 fractures reported to the
norvegian arthroplasty register. Gjertsen JE & al, Acta Orthop, 2007 aug; 78(4):491-7
Luxations et rhumatismes inflammatoires
Increased risk of dislocation after primary total hip arthroplasty in inflammatory arthritis: a prospective
observational study of 410 hips. Zwartele RE & al, Acta Orthop Scand , 2004dec; 75(6): 684-90
Luxation et durée de séjour
Relationship between length of stay and dislocation rate after total hip arthroplasty. Manerhan DR & al, J.
Arthroplasty, 2003 dec; 18(8):963-7
Luxation et éducation pré-opératoire
Influence of preoperative patient education on the risk of dislocation after primary total hip arthroplasty.
Lubbeke A & al, Arthritis Rheum, 2009 mar; 61(4):552-58
Luxation et totalisation de PHI
Clinical results of conversion total hip arthroplasty after failed bipolar hemiarthroplasty. Diwanji SR & al, J;
Arthroplasty, 2008 oct; 23(7): 1009-15

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