News from African Protected Areas


News from African Protected Areas
News from African
Protected Areas
Nouvelles des Aires Protégées
en Afrique
The IUCN Red List
(list of threatened
species all over the
world) is a very
important tool for
decision makers
involved in
conservation issues.
April 2012
An analysis of the 2008 IUCN Red
List of Threatened Species™
Edited by Jean-Christophe Vié, Craig Hilton-Taylor
and Simon N. Stuart
Hereafter are
presented a few
abstracts issued from
the analysis of the
edition of the Red List
that was published in
2008 (and has been
regularly updated
since then). This
summary is meant to
better understand
what the List is about,
how it works, what
kind of issues it
addresses, the main
trends of Biodiversity
1) The IUCN Red List of threatened
species: a key conservation tool
What is The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species?
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ (or The IUCN
Red List) has a long established history as the world’s
most comprehensive information source on the global
conservation status of plant and animal species. It is
based on an objective system of assessing the risk of
extinction for a species. Species listed as Critically
Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable are collectively
described as ‘threatened’.
What information is included for each species?
The IUCN Red List is not just a register of names and
associated threat categories. It is a rich compendium of
information on the threats to the species, their ecological
requirements, where they live, and information on
conservation actions that can be used to reduce or
prevent extinctions.
© Joe Zammit-Lucia
Please kindly refer to for more
Above: the Iberian Lynx Lynx pardinus is considered as a
Critically Endangered Species and illustrates the first page
of the analysis we refer to.
How is The IUCN Red List compiled?
Species assessments on The IUCN Red List are
generated through the knowledge of thousands of the
world’s leading species scientists through a peer review
News from African Protected Areas - NAPA
African Protected Areas & Conservation –
April 2012
Policymaking: The IUCN Red List informs national
legislation and multi-lateral environmental agreements. It
is also used to prioritize financial allocation (e.g. by the
Global Environment Facility).
process. Contributions are made by members of IUCN’s
Species Survival Commission, the IUCN Red List
Partnership and other experts. Information management
tools, collectively referred to as the Species Information
Service (SIS), have been developed to collect, manage,
process, and publish data on The IUCN Red List.
Conservation Planning: Several conservation planning
tools rely on The IUCN Red List, including Important Bird
Areas, Important Plant Areas, Key Biodiversity Areas,
Alliance for Zero Extinction sites, and systematic
conservation planning.
What species are included in The IUCN Red List?
By 2008, 44,837 species have been assessed and 38%
have been classified as threatened. Comprehensive
assessments of every known species of mammal, bird,
amphibian, shark, reefbuilding coral, cycad and conifer
have been conducted. There are ongoing efforts to
complete the assessment of all reptiles, all fishes, and
selected groups of plants and invertebrates. Although,
only a small proportion of the world’s species has so far
been assessed, this sample indicates how life on earth is
faring, how little is known, and how urgent the need is to
assess more species.
Public and Private Site Management: The IUCN Red
List is a screening tool for land development and can
guide environmental impact assessments. The wealth of
information on habitats and threats to species are used in
biodiversity management plans and site rehabilitation
Red for Danger… Red as a ‘Wake-up Call’? Biodiversity
loss is one of the world’s most pressing crises with many
species declining to critical levels. At the same time there
is growing awareness of how biodiversity underpins
human livelihoods. The IUCN Red List is a clarion call for
the drive to tackle the extinction crisis. Many key
conservation organizations and information websites rely
on The IUCN Red List to help spread their message and
educate the world about conservation issues.
The IUCN Red List Website
The IUCN Red List is too large to publish as a book.
However, it can be viewed in its entirety on, a website managed and maintained
by the IUCN Species Programme. It is updated once a
2) State of the world’s species
A species rich world
The variety of species existing today is a product of 3.5
billion years of evolution, involving radiation, speciation,
extinction and, more recently, the impacts of people.
Current estimates of the number of species range from 5
to 30 million, with a best working estimate of 8 to 14
million; of these, only around 1.8 million have been
Structure of the Red List Categories.
National and regional Red Lists
IUCN has developed guidelines for assessing the status of
species at sub-global levels to enable the production of
national and regional Red Lists. IUCN is increasingly
undertaking national and regional Red List assessments
and is collaborating on national Red List projects to
incorporate their data into the global IUCN Red List.
While scientists debate how many species exist, there are
growing concerns about the rising tide of extinctions of
both described and undescribed species due to human
Although only 2.5% of the world’s described species have
been assessed so far, The IUCN Red List provides a
useful snapshot of what is happening to species today and
highlights the urgent need for conservation action.
How is the information in The IUCN Red List used?
The IUCN Red List has a wide range of users including
conservationists, policy makers, and businesses. Below
are some examples of different uses:
Indicator of Biodiversity Trends: Governments have
agreed various targets to reduce biodiversity loss and
indicators are vital in tracking progress in achieving these.
The IUCN Red List Index (RLI) provides such an indicator
and reveals trends in the overall extinction risk of sets of
The 2008 IUCN Red List update
The 2008 update of The IUCN Red List includes 44,838
species, of which 869 (2%) are Extinct or Extinct the Wild;
16,928 (38%) are threatened with extinction (with 3,246
Critically Endangered, 4,770 Endangered and 8,912
Vulnerable); 3,513 (8%) are Near Threatened; while 5,570
News from African Protected Areas - NAPA
African Protected Areas & Conservation –
April 2012
probably increase in future, whereas less than 1% of
amphibians show increasing trends.
(12%) have insufficient information to determine their
threat status (Data Deficient).
The number of extinctions might well exceed 1,100 if the
257 Critically Endangered species tagged as ‘Possibly
Extinct’ are considered.
It is not all bad news; species can recover with concerted
conservation efforts. In 2008, 37 of the recorded
improvements in status were for mammals. An estimated
16 bird species avoided extinction over the last 15 years
due to conservation programmes. Conservation does
work, but to mitigate the extinction crisis much more needs
to be done, and quickly.
The 2008 IUCN Red List update includes:
• A complete reassessment of the world’s mammals,
showing that nearly one-quarter (22%) of mammal species
are globally threatened or Extinct, and 836 (15%) are Data
• The addition of 366 new amphibians, many listed as
threatened, and the confirmed extinction of two additional
species, reaffirming the extinction crisis faced by
amphibians; nearly one-third (31%) are threatened or
Extinct and 25% are Data Deficient.
• A complete reassessment of the world’s birds indicates
that one in seven (14%) are threatened or Extinct; birds
are one of the best-known groups with less than 1% Data
• 845 species of warm-water reef-building corals have
been added to the Red List, with more than one-quarter
(27%) listed as threatened and 17% as Data Deficient.
• All 161 grouper species; over 12% are threatened with
extinction because of unsustainable fishing; a further 30%
are Data Deficient.
• All 1,280 species of freshwater crab, 16% of which are
threatened with extinction, but 49% are Data Deficient.
The 2008 IUCN Red List also includes some notable new
species, for example 14 tarantulas from India (8 of them
threatened); 3 orchids from the Americas; a striking
Rafflesia species (plants with enormous flowers) from the
Philippines; and a bumblebee which has declined
dramatically in North America, as have other key
pollinators world-wide.
3) Broadening
Biodiversity assessments
The need for a broader view of biodiversity
To date, major conservation decisions and species-based
indicators of biodiversity change have only included data
on a restricted subset of species, and do not take into
consideration the majority of biodiversity. The breadth of
information provided to inform important global objectives
like the various targets to reduce biodiversity loss, needs
to be improved upon. Assessing the larger groups of less
well-known organisms presents a major challenge, and a
comprehensive survey of extinction risk for whole groups
is often not feasible.
A new approach
A new approach has been developed that takes a large
random sample of particular species groups – just as
when forecasting election results, a poll of voters is taken.
This allows the determination of overall conservation
status for a group, the broad-scale mapping of patterns of
threat, the identification of the main drivers of threat, and
shows what key actions are required to address decline in
the group. This approach will lead to a better
understanding of the status of global biodiversity, by
incorporating data on vertebrates, invertebrates, and
Comparison to previous Red Lists – good news or bad
Given increased species coverage, from 41,415 species in
2007 to 44,838 in 2008, it is not surprising that the number
of threatened species has increased from 16,116 to
16,928. However, the overall proportion threatened has
dropped slightly.
This could be interpreted as good news, however, of the
223 species that experienced a genuine change in their
Red List status between 2007 and 2008, 183 (82%)
became more threatened, whereas 40 (18%) became less
Groups being assessed to broaden our understanding of
The Red List Index for birds shows a steady and
continuing deterioration in the status of the world’s birds
between 1988 and 2008. The index is based on species
moving between Red List categories, and reflects the
average Red List status of birds. Since 1988, 225 bird
species have become more threatened, compared to just
32 species that have become less threatened.
Evaluating trends in biodiversity
By conducting conservation assessments at regular
intervals, changes in the threat status of species can be
used to monitor trends in extinction risk. Using the
sampled approach, the IUCN Red List Index is a global
biodiversity indicator that can integrate vertebrate, plant
Further evidence for increasing declines in biodiversity
come from the amphibians. Despite a very limited review
in 2008, seven species became more threatened in 2008;
at least 42% of all species have declining populations,
indicating that the number of threatened species will
News from African Protected Areas - NAPA
April 2012
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and invertebrate species from the terrestrial, freshwater,
and marine systems.
4) Species susceptibility
change impacts
There is growing evidence that climate change will
become one of the major drivers of species extinctions in
the 21st century.
But how do we know which species are most at risk?
IUCN is developing assessment tools to identify the
species that are most susceptible to climate change and
the areas in which they occur.
Status of the world’s terrestrial vertebrates
Combining new assessments of reptiles, with the mammal
amphibian and bird data, presents the most accurate
picture of globally threatened terrestrial vertebrates
hitherto. Twenty four percent of terrestrial vertebrates are
threatened with extinction and, worryingly, the regions that
have the most threatened species are usually the least
well understood.
Why are some species more at risk from climate
change than others?
Some species are much more susceptible to climate
change impacts than others due to their life history, and
their ecological, behavioural, physiological and genetic
traits. The risk of extinction increases markedly when
species experience both high susceptibility to climate
change and large climatic changes.
The distribution of reptile threat
Assessment of a representative sample of reptiles has
determined that at least 18% of species are threatened
with extinction. The Indo-Malayan realm has the greatest
diversity of reptile species, but also suffers high levels of
deforestation and over-exploitation, resulting in the highest
concentration of threatened species. However, the
Neotropical realm, in particular the Caribbean islands and
central South America, contains the most species with an
extremely high risk of extinction (i.e., Critically
What are the biological traits that make species most
susceptible to climate change?
IUCN has identified five groups of traits that are believed
to be linked to increased susceptibility to climate change;
these are:
• Specialized habitat and/or microhabitat requirements
• Narrow environmental tolerances or thresholds that are
likely to be exceeded due to climate change at any stage
in the life cycle.
• Dependence on specific environmental triggers or cues
that are likely to be disrupted by climate change.
• Dependence on interspecific interactions that are likely to
be disrupted by climate change.
• Poor ability to disperse to or colonize a new or more
suitable range.
First globally representative invertebrate groups on
the IUCN Red List
At least 16% of freshwater crabs are threatened with
extinction and the majority of these are restricted-range
species. The relatively high threat level of this group is
thought to be a result of life history traits such as low
fragmentation of their freshwater habitats.
A minimum total of 9% of dragonflies and damselflies are
listed as threatened. This is lower than most other groups
assessed to date. This group is, however, only a small
invertebrate order, with above average dispersal ability
and generally wide geographic distributions. The majority
of the threatened species in this group inhabit streams and
rivers, and this may be due to more specialized ecological
requirements in conjunction with higher environmental
pressures on flowing waters.
IUCN has collected information relating to these groups of
traits for the world’s birds (9,856 species), amphibians
(6,222 species) and warm-water reef-building corals (799
How common are these traits in the amphibians, birds
and corals?
Where species possess one or more traits associated with
negative climate change impacts, we treat them as
“climate change- susceptible”. Through compiling scores
for birds, amphibians and warm-water reef-building coral
species, initial results suggest that up to 35%, 52% and
71% of these groups respectively could be susceptible to
climate change.
Healthy freshwater invertebrate populations are indicative
of freshwater systems that are able to provide critical
services to humans, such as flood control, and economic
and livelihood benefits. However, river basin and wetland
management is complex, as they are open systems with
ill-defined boundaries.
Varying levels of threat
Freshwater groups of many taxa are, on average, at
higher risk than their terrestrial counterparts. However,
habitat loss and degradation is the largest threat to all
non-marine groups around the world. Where habitat loss is
the primary cause of decline it could be assumed that
there is a positive correlation between declines in
vertebrate and non-vertebrate populations. Where threats
such as exploitation or pollution exist, trends between
different species in the same ecosystem will not
necessarily be the same.
Are the “climate-change susceptible” species the
same as those already identified as threatened on The
IUCN Red List?
Not entirely. IUCN’s work shows that 70-80% of birds,
amphibians and corals that are already threatened are
also “climate-change susceptible”. Given exposure to
large climatic changes, these species which also have
least resilience to further threat, face the greatest risk of
extinction. Of those that are not considered threatened,
28-71% are “climate-change susceptible”.
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April 2012
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How will IUCN use “climate-change susceptibility”
In combination with spatial projections of future climate
from General Circulation Models, assessments of “climatechange susceptibility” complement IUCN Red List
assessments of extinction risk and serve as a ‘warning
flag’ highlighting the need for intensive monitoring and
potentially conservation action for the affected species.
Areas of highest concentration (top 10%, 5% and 2.5%
globally) of amphibian species assessed as threatened
and “climate-change susceptible” (reds), and not
threatened but “climate-change susceptible” (yellows).
We recommend that these species, and the areas of their
greatest concentrations, are given high conservation
Already considered Vulnerable, Venezuelan forest species
Cochranella antisthenesi has been assessed as “climatechange-susceptible”.
Which areas have the highest concentrations of
“climate-change susceptible” species?
For amphibians and corals, we have identified where the
greatest numbers and proportions of threatened and
“climate-change susceptible” and non-threatened but
“climate-change susceptible” species occur.
© Ariadne Angulo
For amphibians, the largest of such areas for threatened
Mesoamerica and northwestern South America, while for
non-threatened but “climate-change-susceptible” species,
southern Brazil and its neighbouring countries, and a large
region from east to central and southern Africa are
identified as priorities.
For corals, high concentration areas occur mainly in the
species rich ‘Coral Triangle’ (Indonesia, Philippines to the
Solomon Island), although various other areas with lower
species richness have high proportions of “climatechange-susceptible” species.
More on
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April 2012
from the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM) and
technical support from the Sahara Conservation Fund
(SCF) and Belgium’s Royal Institute for Natural Resources
(IRSNB). Building on the results of a first phase of
activities, a second round funded mostly by the European
Union has now lead to the reserve’s creation. Local
stakeholders have also been heavily involved in the
process, including pastoralists living in the area who see
the reserve’s establishment and successful management
as an opportunity to preserve their way of life and the
natural resources on which they depend.
awareness has been undertaken at many levels to create
a collaborative framework, including with the oil industry
that is exploiting the reserve’s eastern border.
Niger creates the largest protected area in
Africa: the cultural and natural national
reserve of Termit and Tin Toumma
The largest protected area in Africa
More than a decade’s efforts were crowned on March 6th
this year when the Niger Government formally decreed the
establishment of the Termit & Tin Toumma National
Nature and Cultural Reserve. At 97,000 km² (37,450 sq.
ml) the reserve is the largest single protected area in
Africa, approximately the same size as Hungary or
A huge step forward for the conservation of some of
the world's rarest species
The reserve will give much-needed protection to some of
the world’s most endangered species, including the addax
antelope (Addax nasomaculatus), the dama gazelle
(Nanger dama), the Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia)
and a small population of the elusive Saharan cheetah
(Acinonyx jubatus). The reserve also covers a large
variety of desert habitats, ranging from mountains and
valleys to grassy plains, open desert and sand seas.
A milestones has been reached but the road ahead is
still a long one
Witnessing the successful culmination of a long process is
a major and positive event but it also marks the beginning
of a new chapter because the new reserve will need
strong support to be effective and to meet its conservation
objectives to conserve its natural and cultural heritage for
present and future generations.
For more information, please visit the following web
A long partnership process with multiple stakeholders
The fruit of a process initiated in 2004 under the guidance
of Niger’s Environment Ministry and UNEP’s Convention
on Migratory Species (CMS), work was initiated with funds
News from African Protected Areas - NAPA
April 2012
African Protected Areas & Conservation –
Borja Heredia
Head of Scientific and Technical Unit
Secrétariat PNUE/CMS
[email protected]
John Newby
Directeur Exécutif
Sahara Conservation Fund
[email protected]
Arnaud Greth
Coordonnateur Régional
Programme Antilopes Sahélo-Sahariennes
[email protected]
Dr. Roseline Beudels-Jamar
Councillor for Terrestrial Mammals CMS, Scientific Council
Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique
[email protected]
launched to describe and understand the virus
transmission processes in Africa, and to assess the risks.
Among these programs, the GRIPAVI project is aimed at
characterizing the circulation of avian influenza viruses
and Newcastle disease in both wild birds and domestic
poultry. It shows that the African continent is not free from
risk and that vigilance should continue. By specifying the
virus persistence mechanisms in Africa and identifying risk
situations, it proposes avenues for targeting surveillance
and control strategies and thereby making them more
More information:
To download on
The “Weotenga report”: analyse and
recommendations for better management and
conservation of protected areas in Africa
Training opportunity
The joined UNESCO – Shell – Earthwatch business
planning for natural WH site managers training is
accepting applications for its October 2012 course.
Avian Flu in Africa: targeting vigilance
Deadline is May 4th. All costs are covered, including
transportation, and high level management support is
required. The training includes a 12 month follow-up with a
Shell mentor to help with the implementation of business
planning processes at the site level. All the necessary
information can be found here:
Marie-Noël de Visscher, Véronique Chevalier, Nicolas
In 2006, the detection of the avian influenza (flu) H5N1
virus in Africa caused great concern: the virus could
spread to the whole continent, and then be reintroduced to
Europe by migratory birds. Epidemiological surveillance
programs were set up and national mechanisms
strengthened with the support of international
organizations. At the same time, research programs were
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
African Protected Areas & Conservation – PACO/ESARO
Coordination - Program on Conservation Areas and Species Diversity – ESARO (CASD)
Coordination - Regional Program on Protected Areas – PACO (PAPACO)
Program Officer - Protected Areas Assessment - Trainings
Program Officer - Climat - Communication
Program Officer - World Heritage
Program Officer - Forest Protected Areas – Conservation in Central Africa
Program Officer - Conservation Territories – Support to local NGOs
Program Officer - Small Grants for Conservation (PPI) – Support to local NGOs
Program Officer - Small Grants for Conservation (PPI) – Support to local NGOs
The opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect those of IUCN
News from African Protected Areas - NAPA