Reports of ICC National Coordinators - 2013 - Inter


Reports of ICC National Coordinators - 2013 - Inter
Inter-Country Committee Reports 2013
Index of Reports
Austria and Bosnia-Herzegovina ……………………………………………………………….. 1
BeLux (Belgium and GD Luxembourg) ………………………………………………….…….. 2
Brazil …………………………………………………………..…………………………….…….. 3
Czech Republic and Slovakia …………………..……………………………………….…….... 6
Eastern Africa (Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda) ……………… 7
France …………………………………………………………..…………………….…………… 9
Germany ………………………………………………………..………………………………… 14
Israel ……………………………………..…………………….………………………….……… 15
Mexico ……………………………………..…………………….…………………………..…… 19
Morocco ……………………………………..……………………………………….…………… 20
Poland ……………………………………..…………………………..…………….…………… 21
Romania and Moldova ……………………………………..…………..………….…………… 24
Russian Federation ……………………………………..………………..….…….…………… 49
Serbia and Montenegro ……………………………………….……………….….…………… 51
Spain ……………………………………..…………………….………………………………… 54
Switzerland ……………………………………..…………………….…………………….…… 56
Turkey ……………………………………..…………………….……………………….……… 58
Ukraine and Belarus ……………………………………..……….……………….…………… 64
ICC REPORT 2013 - Austria and Bosnia-Herzegovina
ICC Report Austria and BiH 2012/13
PDG Paul Jankowitsch, RC Baden
ICC Chair Austria and Bosnia i Hercegovina
ICC live
Since I was taking over the function as chairman for ICC activities in Districts 1910 and 1920
the first months after July 2012 were obviously filled with stocktaking and learning from my
Successful meetings were held with our German and Swiss ICC Partners in Kassel, Germany
and the next meeting will take place in mid September 2013 in Gmunden, Austria. Also very
succesful and lively were activities and projects of the Czech Slovak and Austrian ICC as well
as the Israel – Austrian ICC. Until the end of the year 2012 a Romania - Austria ICC
cooperation document was signed in Bucuresti and the main driver is on the Austrian side
RC Zell am See. Similarily talks about deepening and widening the links with France were
held – mainly at the Peace Conference in Berlin, initiated by RIP Tanaka - and will hopefully
lead to further action in 2013/14.
In February 2013 Austria had the pleasure to welcome RIP Tanaka and at this occasion an ICC
agreement Japan – Austria – well prepared since the Fukushima exchanges in 2011 - was
signed with the first concrete youth exchanges planned in July 2013.
Recommendations/Marketing of ICC initiatives
Based on my impressions I proposed as „working hypothesis“ for starting new ICCs to have
at least 2 committed RCs on either side before signing an ICC agreement, which was well
accepted by our clubs.
In order to position the „Internationalisation“ avenue of service in our countries a new
presentation pack was put together – based on the Bangkok documents (thank you Toni and
Gianni) - and used in PETS/SETS seminars as well as in the most recent District Conference
June 7 and 8 2013.
In April 2013 a new type of workshop was held, assessing the past activities by the chairmen
of the various ICCs and identifying new regions and initiatives as well. Out of that a possible
Egyptian Austrian ICC, and maybe a Turkish Austrian ICC as well as a Serbian Austrian ICC
are developing.
New initiatiaves can also be reported from Bosnia i Hercegovina, where in April 2013 after
some preparatory talks in RC Sarajevo International a special workshop to assess options
and interest in Bosnia and Hercegovina in general was held.
Based on that we will inform the clubs on an ongoing basis and highlight the importance and
pleasure of the ICC avenue of service. Since the DGE has chosen his annual motto „ View
across borders“ we are very positive that our information, motivation and invitation for
respective actions will be well received in 2013/14
ICC REPORT 2013 - BeLux
Coordination BeLux Coördinatie
Saive, le 05 juin 2013
CIP Belgique et Grand-duché du Luxembourg – rapport 2012-2013
Activités continues durant cet exercice. Le bureau de coordination nationale a soutenu et encouragé les activités
des différentes sections et a préparé son propre renouvellement. Les principaux faits marquants ont été (par ordre
alphabétique des pays de correspondance) :
Algérie :
accueil d’une délégation belge à Oran en mai
participation à la 29ème Conférence du D9010 à Alger en mai
France :
(point contact) rencontre annuelle transfrontalière en février
Liban :
différentes rencontres préparatoires à la signature d’une « charte d’amitié » à
Lisbonne le 25 juin prochain
Israël :
voyage d’une délégation belge et signature d’une « charte d’amitié » en juillet
Maroc :
réunion de travail en Belgique, en septembre
Russie :
rencontre en Russie en février – rencontre en Belgique en novembre – signature
« charte d’amitié » en décembre à Berlin
Suède :
rencontres préparatoires en Belgique et en Suède
Suisse :
rencontre annuelle à Lausanne en octobre
Tunisie :
rencontre en Belgique en juillet – rencontre en Tunisie en février
Turquie :
rencontre à Istanbul en octobre
Ukraine :
rencontres préparatoires en décembre et en avril
En différentes occasions, apport d’aides concrètes et pratiques pour favoriser le passage de Rotariens (et/ou de
« membres de la famille Rotarienne ») soit en Belgique et/ou Grand-Duché du Luxembourg ou dans un des pays
avec lesquels nous avons noué des contacts. Encouragements et soutiens à des Clubs Belgo-luxembourgeois
menant des actions humanitaires dans les pays de correspondance. En Belgique, 16 interventions dans des Clubs
des trois Districts sur le thème des CIP.
En avril, lors de sa réunion semestrielle, le bureau de coordination nationale a renouvelé son équipe dirigeante et
à appeler, pour les trois prochaines années
Marcel ZUCKERMAN (Rc Antwerpen-West) à la fonction de PRESIDENT
Vincent DETOMBAY (Rc Liège-Chaudfontaine) à la fonction de VICE-PRESIDENT
Jacques DE MEYER (Rc Bruxelles-Iris) à la fonction de SECRETAIRE-TRESORIER
Marcel TILKIN (Rc Liège) à la fonction de CONSEILLER-PAST-PRESIDENT
La « passation de pouvoirs » aura officiellement lieu à Lisbonne, la veille de la Convention Internationale, lors
d’un dîner réunissant 120 Rotariens belgo-luxembourgeois et leurs amis internationaux. C’est au titre de nouveau
« Coordinateur National » que Marcel ZUCKERMAN participera, le 22 juin à 14h, à la réunion du Bureau
Exécutif International.
Coordinateur National BeLux Comité Inter-Pays
Ambassadeur de la Province de Liège
Coordinateur / Coördinator BeLux : Marcel TILKIN
Secrétaire / Secretaris BeLux : Eli CLAES
ICC REPORT 2013 - Brazil
Coordinator’s Report / Rapport du Coordinateur CARLOS JERÔNIMO DA SILVA GUEIROS
Country / Pays BRAZIL
1. Contact Clubs and ICCs/CIP
Changes since the last meeting/Variations depuis la derniere reunion
Number of Contact Clubs/ Nombre de Clubs Contacts: at least one in each of the 38 Districts in Brazil.
increase/en plus…… ……….. decrease/en moins…… ……….
ICCs cancelled/CIP supprimes…none
New ICCS/CIP crees …none
2. New projects or activities since the last meeting
Activites ou projets nouveaux depuis la derniere reunion
ICC Brazil-Portugal:
 Partnership with the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo, that gives financial and logistical support
for its structure and representation.
 Exhibition at the Rotary International Convention – House of Friendship in Bagkok, at the Fundação de
Rotarianos de São Paulo Booth.
 Lectures on CIP-Plop at meetings on Rotary Clubs around São Paulo city.
 On 05 de setembro de 2012
 VIII Meeting of Rotarians from Official Portuguese Speaking Countries (sept 5, 2012) held at Vitoria –
Espírito Santo
ICC Brazil-France: no activity developed during 2012.
ICC Brazil-Germany:
Rotary Year 2011/2012 and 2012/2013
Cooperation with the members of Brazil-German Committee, resulting in several partnerships regarding
Matching Grants projects.
1. U$ 24.400,00 – MG 70.320
Projeto Conte Conosco
German Partner: RC Hümmling Zu Sögel, D1850
Brazilian Partner: Rotary Club do Rio de Janeiro, RC RJ-Glória - D4570.
Status: concluded - March 2011
The youngsters founded a company and are working with electronic equipment, supervised by fellow Sérgio
Chamone, who implemented the project.
2. U$ 33.900,00 – MG 70.296
Favela Education
German Partner: RC Düsseldorf- Karlstadt
Brazilian Partner: Rotary Club do Rio de Janeiro, RC RJ-Urca - D4570.
Rotary Year 2013/2014 - D4570 Rio de Janeiro
Due to ICC Brazil-Germany members’ work, three global partnerships for projects grants were offered:
1) Rotary Club Friedberg – D1841 – Health area project
2) Rotary Club Wiesbaden - Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculosis
3) Rotary Club Hümmling Zu Sögel – Educational area / Community Development
D4750 projects involving ICC Brazil-Germany members’ and assisted by Christa Bohnhof-Grühn
Rotary Year - 2011/2012
1) ACAMP Teresópolis (Boy Ranger Circle of Friends Association)
USD 15.000,00
ICC REPORT 2013 - Brazil
Rotary Club Hümmling Zu Sögel
Rotary Club RJ-Teresópolis
Model Kitchen
2) Seeding the Future
USD 40.000,00
Rotary Club Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
Rotary Club Friburgo
help to local vegetable growers, who were victims of strong rains in 2011 at Rio de
Janeiro mountainous area.
Concluded March 2013
Rotary Year 2012/2013
1) Seeding the Future – part II
USD 30.250,00
Rotary Club Saalburg-Taunus
D 1820
Rotary Club Zugerland / Switzerland
Approved on March de 2013
Friburgo Municipal Hospital – Neonatal Unit
USD 41.500,00
Rotary Club Saalburg-Taunus
Rotary Club Berlin International
Rotary Club Berlin Tiergarten
Rotary Club Weilburg / Rhein-Main
Rotary Club Nova Friburgo
Equipment for premature babies care.
Started on March 2013
Hearing Aid Project
The project collects new/used hearing aids in Germany since 2004 and are distributed to needy people
in Rio de Janeiro, has expanded with the help of several members of the Committee and has already
collected more than 2705 devices on a value, approximately EUR 2,705,000.00. Since November 2007
the project is supported by the German Minister, Drª Ursula Von Der Leyen.
The Committee held a ceremony in which the Honorary Consul of Brazil in Hamburg / Germany made
the official handover of the title of Honorary Citizen of the City of Rio de Janeiro to fellow Gottfried
Franz, who is a member of Rotary Club Hümmling Zu Sögel, granted by Rio de Janeiro Councillor John
Cabral. On occasion 600 hearing aids were collected for Project Hearing Aid.
Donation of 18.650,00 Euros to Aunt’s Alice Nursery at Tancredo Neves community by fellow Gottfried
Franz, a member of Rotary Club Hümmling Zu Sögel.
Fellow Gottfried Franz (RC Hümmling Zu Sögel) afforded music classes for a student from Rocinha
ICC Brazil-Lebanon:
 Mário Nasard – RC Baabda
Project involving humanitarian, environment and health areas. Contribution of $ 6,090.00 made by GD
Ronald D'Elia - District 4430 through GD. Nahid Chicani
ICC Brazil-Peru:
 Contacts with Rotary Clubs from Peru the South area, as Arequipa and Tacna;
ICC Brazil-Argentina: no activity developed during 2012.
ICC Brazil-Italy: no activities reported
ICC REPORT 2013 - Brazil
3. Important activities in progress/Actions importantes en cours
ICC Brazil-Portugal: no activities reported
ICC Brazil-France: no activities reported
ICC Brazil-Gemany:
A Benefit Concert is being planned, to be held in Berlin, to mark the year of Germany in Brazil, whose festivities
take place from May 2013 to April 2014.
Committee meeting planned for 2013 June or October, to be held in Frankfurt / Germany.
ICC Brazil-Lebanon: no activities reported
ICC Brazil-Peru: organizing a meeting with all governors from South America Middle West.
ICC Brazil-Argentina: no activities reported
ICC Brazil-Italy: no activities reported
4. Any financial problems with ICCs/Problemes financiers des CIP
ICC REPORT 2013 - Czech Republic and Slovakia
ICC REPORT 2013 - Eastern Africa
MAY 2013
The ICC Eastern Africa Countries (Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania and
Uganda) section, which comprise District 9200, is very young having formally been
established 2007-08 Rotary year. An operational District ICC function was established during
2008-09 Rotary year following the signing of an MOU between District 9200 and the ICC
German Section. Since that time, there has been frequent visits and regular correspondence
between these two sections. The German Section has regularly sent representatives to our
District Conferences and through such dedicated senior Rotarians such as Uwe Richardsen
and currently Joachim Piep, our District has come to appreciate the work of ICC. The
presence of a high powered ICC German Section team lead by Joachim Piep at our District
Conference and Assembly, for the past three consecutive years has helped cement our
The level of ICC related activities is only beginning to pick up. There have been some
running projects in education and literacy, assistance to HIV/AIDS victims and orphanages;
and water, sanitation and hygiene in all the six D 9200 countries, but these have not yet been
properly documented and a data base is being constructed with the help of our German
We are most appreciative for the Global Grants projects proposals by our ICC German
Section friends to help the people of the drought stricken region at the horn of Africa. The
Global Grants projects are to provide assistance to the displaced people of Somalia living in
border areas of Dadaab in Kenya and Dollo Ado in Ethiopia. It is important to note that over
13 million people in this region urgently need humanitarian assistance; and we are most
sincerely grateful to the ICC German Section for these timely interventions.
The Future:
There is great expectations from our collaborative efforts with the ICC German Section, and
our District has set up Coordinators of ICC activities in each of the six countries, including
cooperation/integration of Rotaract Clubs in D 9200 and D 1800 (the link District to the ICC
German Section) which has been initiated to create opportunities for young people to interact
and network with each other.
ICC REPORT 2013 - Eastern Africa
It is also very important to note that D 9200 has grown in all aspects and this growth has
resulted into a re-districting which takes effect from July 01, 2013. This has lead to the
creation of two new districts, D 9211 (Tanzania and Uganda) and D 9212 (Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Kenya and South Sudan). The set up for the continuation of relations with the ICC German
Section are being detailed out to ensure that progress gained is maintained.
All the above has been possible through very close working relationaships between District
Governors Wernt Brewitz of D 1800 and Geeta Manek of D 9200.
With the opening up of all Rotary Clubs to the Rotary Foundation Future Vision program,
Clubs in D 9200 are initiating projects to address the community needs, taking an integrated
projects approach, to address water, sanitation and hygiene, education and literacy, maternal
and child health, nutrition and food security, feminine hygiene, and poverty community
In the same vein, we are open and willing to partner and work with all other ICC Sections;
and we are hereby inviting them to come to our assistance for the urgently needed
humantarian service to our needy communities.
C.M.D. (Chris) Mutalya
District ICC Chair
District Governor (2007-08)
District 9200 ( Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda)
Tel: +256 712519447
ICC REPORT 2013 - France
Voici le résultat après réception des comptes rendus d'assemblée générale des CIP
section France.
Nous avons actuellement 47 CIP plus 4 en formation, 35 sont actifs, 7 sont inactifs, 5
trop récents pour avoir un résultat d'action
Ci joint le résumé des actions réalisées par 30 CIP qui m'ont répondu
Coordinateur National des CIP section France
Création en novembre 2012.
Opération vente de 1 500 kg de dattes, renouvelée.
Adduction d’eau à Elgoa terminée. AIPM District 1760 et C.I.P.
Soutien à un rotaractien du club d’Alger pour le RYLA 2013.
Facilitateur de jumelage de clubs entre l’Allemagne et la France.
Rapprochement universitaire, échanges d’étudiants pour déboucher sur des insertions
Projet d’eau potable pour plus de 700 familles dans trois villages, province de San Juan.
Remise de la charte par Ron BURTON.
Expédition de mobilier pour maisons de retraite et de livres scolaires (container de 70 m3)
Bourse d’études pour étudiante arménienne à la Sorbonne.
Matching grant pour l’école des arts de Gumri (subvention mondiale auprès de la fondation).
Pas de compte-rendu d’A.G.
Forage et adduction d’eau.
Matériel scolaire et informatique.
Projet d’imprimer 100 000 alphabets pour jeunes enfants.
ICC REPORT 2013 - France
Matching grant ambulance réalisé avec la fondation.
Matching grant de déparasitage de 300 000 enfants en cours.
Matching grant fente palatine pour 120 enfants en finalisation.
Pas de compte-rendu d’A.G.
Mammographie mobile opérationnelle.
Aide au transport de matériel médical pour l’hôpital de Kustendil.
Aide au RYLA d’un jeune bulgare.
Pas d’A.G.
Pas d’A.G.
Rucher école à l’orphelinat de Kentaja.
Action 3 H pour adduction d’eau pour la ville de Douala.
Echange de stagiaires.
Aide à la création de la section chinoise.
A.I.P.M. achat de matériel informatique au centre de dépistage des maladies péri et
A.I.P.M. achat d’un minibus pour transport de malades pour chimio et radiothérapie.
Création en mai 2012.
Envoi de médicaments et de matériel médical à l’association Kouilou, de lunettes, avec l’idée
d’une installation d’un centre optique.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - France
Vente d’ananas pour réalisation de forages eau.
Pas de compte-rendu d’A.G.
Purification de l’eau à Abdel Samad.
Livraison de matériel médical pour dispensaire au Caire.
Pas de compte-rendu d’A.G.
Pas de compte-rendu d’A.G.
Opération « un cœur pour la paix ». But : sauver des enfants palestiniens malades du cœur.
Subvention de contrepartie pour Save a child’s heart.
Pas de compte-rendu d’A.G.
Projet au profit d’un foyer de vieillards à Beyrouth.
RYLA avec 10 libanais en France et 6 français au Liban.
Diffusion du S.R.I, envois de stagiaires.
Aide aux rotariens montant des projets à Madagascar.
Aide au jumelage de deux clubs.
Participation à l’échange de jeunes pour le RYLA.
Opération « 10 000 brosses à dents ».
Soutien d’un projet Rotaract pour création d’un terrain de jeu pour enfants abandonnés
Création de puits et d’équipement de desserte en eau potable au sud d’El Jadida.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - France
Participation à l’achat d’un appareil holter pour l’hôpital de Zouerate.
Action « sauver le cœur ».
Matching grant achat et installation de 50 purificateurs d’eau pour école primaire de Nogales.
Achat d’un véhicule pour maison pour enfants de Lodz.
Action au profit d’enfants en détresse, spectacle par enfants handicapés.
Achat d’un appareil d’anesthésie pour l’hôpital de Poznan.
Achat d’un matériel au centre de Nadzieja de Chelm.
A.I.P.M. en cours.
Réunion à Lisbonne de tous les clubs jumelés.
Fourniture de matériel scolaire pour le lycée de Cojusna.
Financement du transport.
Pas de compte-rendu d’A.G.
A.G. le 9 mars 2013.
Action auprès d’une association d’handicapés moteur.
Pas de compte-rendu d’A.G.
La section suisse est « en panne » malgré les demandes de la section française.
Créé en juin 2012.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - France
Accueil d’enseignants et d’élèves en France ou en Thaïlande.
Aide à un jeune taï pour réunir un master en France.
Participation à différents matching grant dans la santé.
Aide pour le matching grant Emergency Home et Dental Care grâce aux concerts de charité.
Quatre forages neufs et sept forages réhabilités.
Construction de deux ensembles de latrines sèches près du marché de Moretan.
Installation de toilettes sanitaires pour cinq écoles primaires de Tunis.
Lutte pour scolarisation des filles.
Echange apprentissage école d’horticulture, de pâtissier – chocolatier et d’infirmières.
Aménagement de la source d’eau naturelle de Kasserine.
Aide au rapprochement de clubs contact.
Pas de compte-rendu d’A.G.
Aide à l’orphelinat de Tcherechenki.
Action au profit des orphelinats et des hôpitaux psychiatriques.
Aide pour un étudiant en master II avec succès.
Soutien à la création d’un club Rotary francophone à Kiev.
F. U.SA.
Echange de jeunes professionnels et d’étudiants.
Aide aux contacts – jumelage entre clubs.
Soutien au RYLA bilingue organisé à Paris.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Germany
Rotary International
Distrikt 1900
Günther König, PDG
Coordinator intern. Dienst
ICC Report 12 / 13 Germany
Amongst all our projects which passed the regular and well known scheme
of Rotarian engagement, I would like to mention a possibily remarkable
German Rotarians donated for the victims of the Somalian famine.
The connected sum was split: 50 % for a camp in Kenia, the other half for
a camp in Ethiopia.
After long intensive investigations and research activities we decided
the cooperation with “Care” (Kenia) and the Jesuit Rescue
Service ( JRS ).
JRS sent all necessary paperwork, cost-estimates etc. propertly and
clear in an approperate time: the basement of our project (communication
centre) was defined.
Care received an immediate support for a bigger truck. There after,
longlasting writing activies took place: Care didn’t not accept our
rotarian rules concerning the use of funds control!!
That would have taken to much time and efforts for the company.
(We decided to continue with the “Red Cross”)
We have never expcted problem No. 2:
Neither in D 9200 nor in our pilot-districts D 1830, 1860 we found clubs
only to complete (more or less) the paper-work for a global giant!!
My conclusion :
Our ICC’ s should be informed again and again intensively about the
procedures of global giants.
The districts are even not prepared just to do the paperwork.
( the money already was available!!)
What is going to happen from now on, when Rotarians have to find
partners to finance a global grant?
We should think about these problems seriously.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Israel
Report on the activities of the ICC`s – District 2490 Israel
Rotarian year 2012-2013
Israel-France: this ICC is focusing on a project for the benefit of children suffering
from cancer, namely the organization of a trip to Euro Disney, Paris. Each child
accompanied by a parent. The Paris Rotary Club, who has among its members Rtn
Marianne Fraenkel (the French counterpart of Rtn Tova Ishai, Chair of ICC IsraelFrance) is very much interested in hosting the first group this very summer. The
French Consul in Israel is doing his utmost to encourage air companies to finance the
airfare. The estimated costs amount to Euro 5,000.- circa per child and escort, and
they include flight, transportation and a 4 days` stay at Euro Disney.
Israel-Serbia: There are some organizational difficulties as regards the relations
between Rotary International and Rotary districts in Serbia. RID Gidi Peiper is
handling this issue and is keeping in close contact with the incumbent Serbian DG. A
meeting was held at the Serbian Ambassador`s office on how to deepen the
cooperation between the two districts and PP Hanan Haas (the Chair of the IsraelSerbia ICC was able to arouse the interest of the Ambassador on the SACH (Save a
Child`s Heart) project. The Ambassador, together with PP Haas and members of the
Embassy`s staff, then visited the Wolfson hospital in Holon. The Ambassador also
contacted the Head of the pediatric department of a Belgrade Hospital and asked for
her professional cooperation. The Ambassador has also graciously accepted the
invitation to a dinner to take place shortly in PP Haas` home.
Israel-Hungary: on April 19th, 2013 seven Rotarians from the Vatz Rotary Club of
Hungary arrived in Israel for a short visit of the country. The ICC chair PP Yoel Fisher
organized their itinerary while PP Eliezer Kashay, ICC member, helped by escorting
the guests who did not have a sufficient knowledge of the English language. Some of
them resided at PP Fisher`s house in Holon and met with Holon club`s members on
Sunday April 21st, 2013. On March 20th, 2013 PP Fisher gave a dinner in honor of the
12 Rotaract members who came to Israel to share in the Youth Conference in BenShemen. The organization of the group as well as the initiative to increase the
participants` taxes were made in cooperation with the Hungarian DG.
Israel-Poland: ICC`s Chair PP Shlomo Bronher contacted his counterpart in Poland,
Malgorzata Czajukowska and additional ICC members. He also met with the Polish
DG Leslaw Morawski who travelled to Israel in March 2013 together with the group
of youth who took part in the Youth PeaceConference and joined them in touring
the country. Chair Bronher also met at the Youth Conference in Ben Shemen with
two escorts of the Polish Youth group. One group came with 4 Interactors (Interact
Poland was founded under the guidance of PP Gabi Oren from Gan Yavneh Rotary
Club)and the principal of KOWAR school and the other one came from WROCLAW
with 6 Interactors and was accompanied by a member of the local Polish Rotary
Club. Chair Bronher intends to formalize Interact relations between the two districts.
Israel-Belgium/Luxembourg: Chair PP Alex Rotfeld. In February 2013, five ICC
members travelled to the "Aleh Negev" project in order to learn the needs of the
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Israel
residents in the village for autistic and disabled children. In their upcoming meeting
they wish to shape their pattern of activity for the benefit of the village together
with the parallel Belgium-Israel ICC. The ICC is also checking the possibility to share
in the SACH project and is pushing forward the purchase of medical equipment for
Wolfson Hospital, hopefully with the involvement of the parallel Belgian ICC too.
Israel-India: Chair Rtn Aviva Reubens. At the end of March 2013 a MG (old version)
in the field of education was established with the cooperation of the Rotary clubs of
Lod, Beith Dagan, Modi`in, Nazereth and more. The project concerns the supply of
700 kits for elementary school pupils, each kit containing pens, pencils, hygienic
supplies etc. Various Indian delegations from different Indian districts visited our
district in April and May 2013, and ICC`s Chair Aviva Reubens joined in some of the
meetings and activities.
Israel-Romania: In September 2012 members of the iCC attended the inauguration
of the Felix Rotary Club in Romania. In November 2012, ICC members participated in
the Bucharest International Conference and ICC Chair PP Ephraim Pri-Har gave an
address on the SACH (Save a Child`s Heart) activities for the benefit of Romanian
children. On that occasion, a twin –clubs agreement was signed between the Beer
Sheba Omarim and the Borsa Rotary Clubs. In December 2012 ICC Chair Pri-Har
attended the Berlin Peace Conference where he had the opportunity to introduce
the SACH activities. As a result, an agreement was reached for a continued
cooperation with the Romanian DG and the USA representative Dana Moldovan. In
March 2013 a large Romanian delegation came to Israel for the Youth Peace
Conference. HE The Romanian Ambassador to Israel honored us with his presence at
the opening ceremony. Additional activities of the ICC included the signing of a twinclubs agreement between the Kishon and the Piatra Neamt Rotary Clubs, the
meeting of the Romanian DG with the SACH administration in order to coordinate
the training of Romanian doctors at the Wolfson Hospital as well as visits to various
Israeli sites.
Israel-Holland: ICC Chair PP Mati Harel plans to organize a GSE between Holland and
Israel districts, and looks forward to the approval of the relevant DG`s.
Israel- Germany: Chair PP Laura Netzer. The meetings of the ICC take place twice a
year. In December 2012 the Israel-Germany and the Germany-Israel ICCs met in
Berlin in the framework of the RI Peace Conference. Members of both ICCs shared in
the Peace Conference as well as in the ICC Forum. One German student is now
studying at Tel Aviv University on a scholarship of the RF, another German student
has been accepted to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem , also on a RF scholarship.
In April 2013 the two ICCs met in Hildesheim , Germany. On the 40 th anniversary of
Hildesheim Rotary Club`s Charter, we agreed to keep on the cooperation between
the two ICCs. Members of the Germany-Israel ICC will participate in the Rotary
Institute which will take place in Jerusalem in November 2013. Furthermore, groups
of German Rotarians are planning to travel to Israel during 2013.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Israel
ICC Israel-Croatia: at the end of April 2013, two Croatian MDs arrived in Israel for a
month of training in invasive radiology and oncologic gynecology at the Rambam
Hospital in Haifa. The two doctors are accommodated in a comfortable flat with a
view on the Mediterranean sea in the town of Naharia . In the evening, and mainly
on the weekends, ICC Chair Reuben Cohen accompanies them on sightseeing tours
of North Israel. After they complete their training, they will enjoy a 2 days` tour of
Jerusalem, the Dead Sea and Masada and travel back to Croatia on May 18th, 2013.
ICC Chair PP Reuben Cohen has been invited to share in the annual convention of
Rotary Croatia in Osjecko between May 23rd and 26th, 2013. On May 24th, there will
be a meeting of the ICC in order to plan the 2014 activities. The 2013 program
includes also the arrival of 5-6 agronomists and veterinaries for training in various
agricultural subjects, such as sheep farming, management of dairy cowsheds and
cattle farming. Two more agronomists will join in, one an expert in field crops and
the other one in fruit production . According to plan, they should come to Israel in
October-November 2013. We are also planning to send to Croatia a delegation of
young Israeli wine makers for training in the preparation of white wines.
ICC Israel-Bulgaria: Chair PP Liora Gavish. This ICC has created an activity structure
with three clubs in the town of Varna by contacting them and suggesting
cooperation and mutual visits. The Interact president visited the Interact clubs in
Bulgaria and established personal relations as well as joint activity plans. After the
terrorist attack in Burgas in 2012, this ICC contacted Bulgarian clubs and offered our
assistance, we also donated blood for the wounded. The Israel-Bulgaria Chamber of
Commerce of Tel-Aviv has renewed its activities. New members registered and also
shared in the representatives of firms active in Bulgaria. This Chamber of Commerce
will make sure to keep organizing activities and cooperation with Rotary Israel. A
Bulgarian representative also attended the Youth Peace Conference that took place
in Israel in March 2013. We look forward to the participation of Bulgarian Rotarians
in the Jerusalem Rotary Institute in November 2013 and to develop further the
already good relations existing between Rotary Bulgaria and Rotary Israel.
ICC Israel –Spain: Chair PP Joel Salpak. In April 2013, PDG and District Chair of the
ICCs Avner Fuchs approved in principle the creation of an Israel – Spain ICC. PDG
Miguel Angel Taus was asked to handle the needful parallel procedure in Spain so
that an agreement between the two parties can be signed as soon as possible,
hopefully in the framework of the Lisbon Convention in June 2013.Plans are made to
learn how to establish twin clubs, to organize mutual visits of Rotarians, either
singles, families and groups and to identify programs of cooperation. Approximately
forty Rotarians plan to attend the Jerusalem Rotary Institute in November 2013 and
members of Israeli and Spanish clubs are working on the preparation of pre and
post-institute activities for this group.
ICC Israel-Slovakia: Chair PP Uri Levi. There was no activity in this Rotarian year.
ICC Israel-Greece: Chair PP Philip Vital. There was no activity in this Rotarian year
ICC Israel Turkey: PP Uri Schnabel. There was no activity in this Rotarian year.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Israel
ICC Israel-Italy: In September 2012 ICC Chair DGE Shaul Dangeli attended the
unveiling of a monument in honor of Paul Harris which was held at Mt. Fumaiolo in
Italy (the source of the river Tiber). The insignia of the 25 Rotary clubs that
sponsored the project, including the only non-Italian one, Haifa Rotary Club, were
inscribed at the monument base. The official anthems of Italy and Israel were played
at the ceremony and addresses were given in praise both of the project and Rotarian
cooperation. During the current year we welcomed here two delegations of Italian
Rotarians who dedicated part of their visit to Rotary issues. Another delegation
postponed its visit from March 2013 to November in order to participate in the
Jerusalem Rotary Institute. In September 2013 a delegation of Israeli Rotarians will
attend the Peace Conference of District 2060 in Venice. In the framework of the
activities of District 2490, the incumbent DG participated in the Peace Conference in
Vicenza in April 2013. The main project the ICC is sharing with Rotary Italy is still
TRIUMPH, which is taking place this year for the 5th consecutive time, namely a
summer gathering of 30 children from 4 different countries, most of them from
Israel, Palestine, Italy and France. This activity will take place in the Peace Village of
Rondine and is the result of our initiative and the wonderful cooperation with
District 2070. Together with Italian clubs, the ICC plans this year to establish a Global
Grant for the restoration of an area that was hit by an earth-quake.
PDG Avner Fuchs
District Chair of the ICCs
District 2490 Israel
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Mexico
Until today, we have only Mexico-France ICC.
However our plans for this year are:
~ Create the Mexico-Colombia ICC.
~ Also the Mexico-Taiwan ICC.
~ Reactivate the Mexico-USA ICC.
We are already working on this 3 projects with the rotarian friends who attended the
Last February 24th, we had the Ordinary Annual Assembly of Mexico-France ICC's, the
Mexican Section at Monterrey, Mexico, inside the program of the Mexican Leader's Annual
Reunion (RIMEX), with the following results:
~ The President of the Mexican Section, Jean Villeval, and myself have arranged to go
and invite the 9 Mexican District Governors so they could join us in the ICC.
~ We have decided to support an investigation of children brains in Mexico, a very serious
project that will help a lot of children to recover the abilities for talking, walking and
developing as normal. This project also counts with the French section of the ICC's
~ We decided to give it a try to the French fundraising project that includes the cooperation
with cinema rooms. We are going to do it in 2 Districts for sure but, the president of
Mexican section (Jean Villeval) and I, will talk to the governors in an attempt to make it
~ We registered 10 new members in the Mexican Section of this ICC.
In the matter of the formation of the ICC's of Mexico-Taiwan and Mexico-Colombia, we
have already done a Rotary Friendship Exchange and various Matching Grants between
us so we are working in streghten our relations for the final formation of the ICC's.
PDG Vicente Arbesú García
México National Coordinator of ICC's of Rotary International
RFAC 2012-2013
Regional Rotary Coordinator Assistant of Zone 21-A 2013-2014
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Morocco
Rapport CIPs 2012-2013 Maroc
Saâdia AGLIF: Coordinatrice nationale des CIPs MAROC
PP du club de Rabat
Le District 9010 étant Multipays, cette année 2012-2013 a connu une initiative importance
au niveau de notre District grâce au travail de notre gouverneur Abderrahmane
ALIKHODJA qui a mis en place une coordination des CIPs au niveau de chaque pays.
Maintenant depuis 2012, le Maroc, l’Algérie et la Tunisie ont chacun un coordinateur pays.
Pour le Maroc, les CIPs qui existent sont :
 Maroc - France,
 Maroc - Espagne
 Maroc - Suisse
 Maroc - Italie
 Maroc - Belux
 Maroc - Egypte
 Maroc - Allemagne
Année 2012-2013 :
 CIPs Maroc - Espagne :
Un projet Share d’une valeur de 24 000 $ a été mis en œuvre dans le cadre de CIP entre
le club de Rabat au Maroc et le club Denia en Espagne, district 2230. Ce projet porte sur
le Forage et l’aménagement de puits dans 3 zones rurales enclavées dans la région de
Rabat. Ce projet a été inauguré le 15 juin 2013 en présence du club espagnol et du PDG
Paco Chapa D 2230
 CIPs Maroc - Belux :
Rencontre de la coordinatrice des CIPs Maroc avec le coordinateur des CIPs Belux Mr
Tilkin lors de la conférence du District 9010 à Alger pour relancer les activités
programmées en 2011- 2012 dans le cadre de ce comité.
 CIPs Maroc - Suisse :
Ce CIPs a connu côté Maroc la nomination d’un nouveau président de la section Maroc en
la personne de Dr Lahlali (PP RC Agadir Valée du Souss) en remplacement du PDG Ben
Omar de Casablanca.
Programme pour 2013-2014 :
Mise en place d’un mécanisme de suivi des différents CIPs avec l’appui du
Sensibiliser davantage tous les clubs sur le rôle important des CIPS
Redynamiser tous les CIPs Maroc - autres pays
Etablir un CIPs Maroc - USA
Concrétiser un CIP entre le Maroc et la Turquie
Contribution au thème de la Paix :
Le projet du forage des puits (CIP Maroc - Espagne) est considéré comme une
contribution au maintien de la paix au sein d’une communauté étant donné que la rareté
des ressources en eau est source de conflits et de tension. L’Accés à l’eau est un garant
du bien être de la communauté et du maintien de la paix.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Poland
I. Here is the report concluding the activity of ICC Rotary International in Poland.
1. In the Rotarian year 2012/2013 there are 8 active committees: Poland-Germany, Poland-France,
Poland-Israel, Poland-Belarus, Poland-Croatia, Poland-Czech Republic & Slovak Republic, PolandSwitzerland, Poland-Ukraine.
2. A district seminar of ICC was held in Jarosław 16-18.11.2012, the status of the programme tasks
implementation and the possibility of creating new ICC were discussed.
3. The chair of Poland-Ukraine ICC, Ryszard Łuczyn, and the RI Zamość Club prepare the District
D-2230 (Belarus- Poland- Ukraine) Conference that will be held in Zamość on 24-26.05.2013.
Poland-Germany ICC
The committee has been a very active one for several years. After the previous long-ruling Chair,
Andrzej Ludek PDG 2002/03 D-2230, entered the Board, there were two elections held for a new
Chair. Eugeniusz Gorczyca, who had been a member of the committee for many years, was elected
a new Chair by the members of the committee held in January 2013.
- an active continuation of the scholarship exchange programme is being conducted
- the continuation of Ryla programme
- the continuation of the co-operation support of Rotary Clubs in Poland and Germany.
- the participation of the members together with the Poland-Germany ICC Chair in the GermanyPoland Committee sitting, October 2012, Germany
- 5-person participation in the RI President Conference “Peace” in Berlin 2012
- a scheduled participation of the Poland-Germany ICC Chair in the D-1940 Conference in June
- there are plans concerning the next “Polish-German Youth Sailing Camp” during the holidays of
Poland-France ICC
The committee has been a very active one for several years. Janusz Laskowski from RC Lublin was
the founder and the Chair for many years. Now the Chair of the Committee, Renata Pankowska
from RC Łódź, continues the tradition of an active committee;
- 15.06-13.07.2012 the traineeship of the French youth in companies in Łódź. A union project under
the patronage of the French Embassy
- 13-16.10.2012, due to the French Rotarians’ help, a 9-year-old Kacper, an incurably ill boy
suffering from muscle atrophy, and his family could go to the Safari Park in Toulouse
- 27.09.2012, “The artists from Łódź living in Paris” exhibition
- 11.10.2012 French evening “French Revolution in Kokoo”. French music and culture in Kokoo
club in Łódź
- 1.12.2012, “Divine and Human Creations”, works from open-air sessions in the south of France
- the participation of a representative in France-Poland ICC Meeting in Lille under Remi Babinet
Poland-Israel ICC
- the continuation of successfully developing Poland-Israel ICC by means of co-operation of the
following Clubs: RC Jelenia Góra Cieplice and RC Gan Yavne (Israel), RC Wrocław and RC Tel
Aviv (Israel) and RC Warszawa City with RC Kiryat Tivon (Israel)
- the co-operation with Bente Kahan Foundation and Jewish Community in Wrocław
- one of the most special events was the participation of Polish youth in the 1st International Peace
Conference “Leaders to Peace” organized by District 2490 on 15-20.03.2013. Thanks to the cooperation with Polish committee for Interact, invited by our friends from IAC and RC in Gan Yavre
(Israel) four Interactors from Jelenia Góra Cieplice IAC, six from Wrocław IAC and five from
Cherkasy IAC RTC (Ukraine) participated in the conference. The D-2230 Governor, Lesław
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Poland
Morawski, was the leader of the group. This very important event in our organization was
accompanied by the presence of RI President Sakuji Tanaki and plenty of young people from 19
1st International Peace Conference “Leaders to Peace”, 15-20.03.2013, Israel.
Poland-Belarus ICC
The committee being developed (The Committee within District D-2230).
- Organising another edition of “Centre for dialogue” with participation of Rotarians from RC
Minsk (Belarus) and the Consul of Belarus
- Almost finished - the organizational matters concerning the donation of the multimedia set for
English language learning to the Common Room in Junior Secondary School no. 50 in Minsk
- Meetings initiating the creation of Rotary Club in Brest (Belarus) in the Rotarian year 2013/14
Poland-Croatia ICC
The committee being developed.
- the agreement concerning the co-operation and youth exchange, the youth coming from
Educational Centre “Ŝubicĕvac” in Ŝibenik (Croatia) – the centre is meant for mentally and
physically handicapped children. The result of the agreement was the visit of 9 teachers from
Croatia in the region of Krakow; in Myślenice and Chełmek. Another thing worth mentioning was
the fact that 42 children from therapeutic centres run by the Piarist Fathers went to Ŝibenik on 18.06.2012. At the moment, all the preparations for the arrival of a group of children from Croatia
have been completed, whereas a group of Polish children will go to Croatia once again at the
beginning of June 2013 (about 40 children)
- the preparations for the next (second) painting exhibition of Polish painters in Sv. Krśevana
Gallery in Ŝibenik, after the organised Croatian painter exhibition in Krakow in 2010 and the
signing of the cultural agreement between the gallery in Ŝibenik and Galeria Krakowska.
- the participation of the Poland-Croatia ICC Chair in the Conference of a new District 1930 Croatia
Poland-Czech Republic & Slovak Republic ICC
The new Committee started on 19.11.2011 in Ostrava (Slovak Republic) in the presence of the D2230 Governor - Myroslav Gavryliv and the D-2240 Governor - Tomáš Lang.
The partnership was started between RC Ostrava and RC Katowice
- 1st International Golf Tournament with transfer of the service in the following Clubs: RC Ostrava
and RC Katowice, Karvina 23.06.2012
- the partnerships between RC Jarosław - RC Žylina and RC Wrocław - RC Opava
- a meeting with the participation of the D-2240 Governor, Alexander Turkovič, with the
Committees Chairs Zbigniew Rogowski, Jan Ženatý and Bogdan Uliasz, Rotschild Palace Ostrava
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Poland
Poland-Switzerland ICC
The Committee has started its activities. So far mutual visits of committee members have taken
place both in Poland and in Switzerland. A plan for common activities and initiating direct
cooperation between the clubs has been prepared. The common postulate has been made to organize
mutual apprenticeships for young engineers and practices for students.
Poland-Ukraine ICC
The Committee being developed (The Committee within District D-2230).
- due to the initiative of Poland-Ukraine ICC in Zamość, a partnership agreement between RC LvivLeopolis and RC Zamość has been signed in the presence of the D-2230 Governor Lesław
Morawski and Marcin Zamojski, the Mayor of Zamość
- the plan for the Committee activity in the near future has been decided; founding the student
scholarship, signing the partnership agreements between RC Jelenia Góra-Cieplice and RC
Cherkasy (Ukraine) and between RC Chełm and RC Rivne (Ukraine).
II. The plans for ICC in Poland in 2013/2014 :
1. Supporting the activities of the working ICC Committees in Poland
2. Continuation of the work concerning the Poland-Russia ICC establishment
3. Starting the activities concerning the Poland-Lithuania ICC creation
4. Starting the activities concerning the Poland-Sweden ICC creation
Jan Wrana PDG 2004/05/06 D-2230
ICC Coordinator in Poland
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Romania and Moldova
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Russian Federation
ICC Report 2013
Russia (Districts 2220 and 2225)
9 acting ICCs with the following countries:
ICC Russia-Germany:
- ICC meeting in Berlin before the RI Peace Forum (November-December
- twining of RC Kaliningrad with RC “Berlin Schloss Koepenick” (Protocol
was signed at the Russian Embassy in Berlin with participation of the
high ranked Russian diplomats);
- ICC meeting in the city of Rostov-on-Don (May 2013);
- ICC initiated a one-year scholarship for a Russian student to Germany
and one-year scholarship for a German student to Russia;
- ICC initiated a matching grant project in Chelyabinsk.
ICC Russia-France:
- ICC sponsored a week tour to Rennes and Paris for medical doctor and
school teacher from the Russian city of Cherepovets as an award for
their active participation together with a local RC in organizing of a city
festival of children’s paintings.
ICC Russia-Italy:
- ICC meetings were held in Manfredonia (September 2012) and in Rimini
(May 2013);
- ICC initiated a matching grant project to rehabilitate invalids in the city
of Ekaterinburg (“Dobroe Delo”).
ICC Russia-Ukraine:
- ICC meetings were held in Slavyansk (Ukraine) and in Simferopol
- ICC initiated a joint project of Russian and Ukrainian clubs to
reconstruct the Second War Memorial in Crimea;
- at the beginning of May 2013 Rotarians from RCs of Krasnodar,
Novorossiysk, Sochi and Anapa travelled by cars to the cities of Yalta,
Sebastopol, Simferopol and Odessa to visit local RCs and to establish
fellowship and club twinning;
- ICC initiated 2 exchanges of Rotaractors of Krasnodar, Yalta and
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Russian Federation
ICC Russia-USA:
- ICC changed leadership of both national sections;
- drafted constitution and by-laws of the ICC;
- planned activities and meetings for the coming year.
ICC Russia-Bulgaria:
- ICC meeting in Varna in June 2012;
- ICC meeting in St.Petersburg in June 2013;
- twinning of RCs St.Petersburg and Plovdiv
- RCs of Plovdiv and St.Petersburg sponsored exchange of three Bulgarian
painters to visit St.Petersburg for a week and then three Petersburgian
painters to visit Plovdiv for a week. After the exchange ICC plans to
organize a joint exhibition of the art works in both cities.
ICC Russia-Belgium:
- ICC was chartered in November 2012 at the Peace Conference in Berlin;
- ICC meeting is scheduled for October 2013 in Belgium.
ICC Russia-Serbia:
- ICC meeting in Beograd in March 2013;
- twinning of the RCs Moscow and Beograd-Stariy Gorod;
- donation of medical equipment to a medical clinic in Beograd
sponsored by RC Moscow.
ICC Russia-Scandinavia: - no activities in 2012-2013.
DGN Andrei Ibragimov
ICC National Coordinator of Russian Federation
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Serbia and Montenegro
ICC National Coordinator Artur Demek
RC Belgrade-Singidunum
It was a year of restructuring and bringing new energy into ICC in Serbia and
Montenegro, District 2483.
Two strategic goals were in focus:
1. To include as more Rotaians and Rotaractors into ICC activities as possible
2. To develop new ICCs with neighboring and other surrounding countries in the
Popularization of ICCs
In November we organized annual meeting of all ICC committees national sections
members in order to exchange ideas and to talk about potential international
partnerships and projects that could be executed through ICCs. Annual ICC meeting
will become a regular District event in the forthcoming period. Total of 65 Rotarians
from 31 clubs and 12 Rotaractors joined ICCs.
Members of ICCs from Serbia took part in ICC forums and round tables during Berlin
Peace Forum and Izmir Zone Institute.
Numerous presentations about the ICCs as opportunities to develop international
relations were held in clubs across Serbia.
Newly chartered ICCs and initiated new ICCs
Four new ICCs were chartered: Croatia-Serbia, Macedonia-Serbia, Hungary-Serbia
and Romania-Serbia (all neighboring countries). Joint charter ceremony took place in
Belgrade (Serbia) in occasion of the celebration of 108th Rotary International
anniversary. Preparations are on the way for the creation of new ICCs with Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, and possibly Turkey and France. As a
Mediterranean region District, Serbia and Montenegro is very much supporting the
“Mediterranean Peace Initiative” presented during Berlin Peace Forum. From that
perspective one of our priorities is to link with all Mediterranean countries through
Three meetings were held in Germany, Switzerland and Serbia. ICC projects
presented during District conferences in Vevey (Switzerland) and Zrenjanin (Serbia).
Swiss and German clubs (RC Bern-Christoffel, RC Memmingen-Allgäuer, RC München
Flughafen) are participating in several projects going on in Serbia including
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Serbia and Montenegro
construction of a greenhouse in orphan children’s village (Kinderdorf) and renewal
of old water sources in Fruska Gora hills. Swiss part is supporting participation of
two youth in Tomas Kaiser camp forthcoming July. Project on exchange of students
for internship between Germany and Serbia is being developed.
RC Moscow and RC Belgrade-Stari grad, became twin clubs. RC Moscow sponsored
donation of medical equipment valued 40,000 USD to a Belgrade clinic. ICC annual
meeting was held in Belgrade.
Two pairs of clubs twinned: Skopje with Belgrade, and Kumanovo with BelgradeCukarica. In addition Rotaract clubs of Skopje and Belgrade twinned as well. ICC
committee organized international peace conference in city of Leskovac (Serbia)
with participation of Serbian, Macedonian and Greek Rotarians.
Conference was discussing the economic potential of a joint infrastructural project
among three countries.
Creation of this ICC is a major step towards further reconciliation in Balkans region.
Annual meeting was held in Croatian city of Ilok near the border between two
countries. Many projects are planned including organization of a youth peace
Twin clubs Sibiu and Kraljevo organized exchange of elementary schools students
and professors. Sixteen member delegations (12 students and 4 professors) visited
counterparts: Romanian in October, Serbian in April. Both visits lasted eight days.
Various joint projects are going on, mainly among twined clubs, which are
concentrated in cities close to the border. One very successful peace activity was
held in last July, when Serbian and Hungarian Rotarians organized 12-days long
“Regatta via Tisa to Szeged”. River Tisa flows through Hungary and Serbia. Event was
so successful that this July it is being organized as a joint activity of Serbian,
Hungarian and Romanian Rotarians, this time as “Regatta via Danube through
Even though this ICC is not formally established yet, many activities between two
countries were developed this year, coordinated by already formed Serbian national
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Serbia and Montenegro
section of the future ICC. Fifteen Belgrade based clubs, lead by RC Belgrade-Center
are executing second Global Grant with RC Ravenna (D2070) supplying sophisticated
medical equipment to specialized “Mother and Child Clinical Institute” in Belgrade.
Due to very developed relations Ravenna and Belgrade clubs will jointly organize 7th
Multi-Club Workshop titled “Bridge for Peace” next September in Belgrade, with
participation of clubs form several European countries, with the goal to set up new
international projects. In addition, this year a very successful twinning of RC MilanoLinate (D2040) and RC Belgrade-Singidunum occurred, with three joint global
projects that clubs are preparing.
Bosnia and Herzegovina-Serbia
Initiative for creation of ICC was presented to RC Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
in December. All Bosnia and Herzegovina clubs held a joint meeting about their
future international cooperation in April, where Serbian NC was invited to
participate. Several pairs of clubs from two countries already twinned. We are
expecting establishing of ICC soon.
ICC forming initiated in January. One of the proposed activities is joint organization
of a Danube river countries conference.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Spain
2012 - 2013 ICC REPORT: SPAIN
Districts 2201, 2201, 2203
June 2013
Spain – France
- 19-20 October 2012, Valencia ( Spain ): 30th. Annual Meeting
Spain - France - Andorra
 Clubs from Districts 1700, 2201, 2002 and 2203
 Grants projects
 Interechange RYLA´s
Spain – Portugal
- 12-13 October 2012, Guimaraes ( Portugal ): First ICC
o Clubs from Districts 1960, 1970, 2201, 2202, 2203
- INROT 6 RC Caceres, RC Merida, RC Badajoz, ( D. 2201 )
and RC Castelo Branco, RC Evora, RC Portalegre ( D. 1960 )
o Different Projects during the year
o Golf Tournamente after Lisboa Convention for all
Spain – Germany
- RC Lanzarote Teguise ( D. 2201 Spain ) and RC Munchen
Residenz ( D. 1840 Germany ) brotherhood
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Spain
Spain – Italy
- RC Avila ( RC 2201 Spain ) and RC Castelfranco-Asolo ( D.
2060 Italy ), brotherhood.
- RC Madrid Velazquez Internacional ( D. 2201 Spain ) and RC
Bologna Carducci ( D. 2070 Italy ), brotherhood
Spain – Mexico
- RC Mérida ( D. 2201 Spain ) and RC Ticul Perla del Sur ( D.
4200 México ) visit to iniciate brotherhood
Programme for 2013 - 2014
- Establish ICC Committees with Latin America Countries
- To sign ICC Commitee with Israel
- Open to other Countries
ICC National Coordinator PDG Miguel Angel Taús
RC Madrid Serrano
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Switzerland
† PDG Hans Bütikofer
ICC National Coordinator Switzerland
(until June 2013)
In Switzerland/FL there are the following ICC's.
Switzerland/FL-Germany - Austria
New chairman in Switzerland/FL is Rot Willi Enderli
The ICC has set out its objectives
Participation in the meeting of the delegates Switzerland/FL-Austria-Germany to 7. to
9.9.12 in Kassel DE
Advertising for members of the ICC with the presidents of all clubs and DG's
Switzerland/FL-Italy - Malta - San Marino
Countries meeting in Genua Italy , more than 100 participants of 6 to 9 September 12.
Preparation of the countries meeting in Switzerland/FL from 5 to 8 September 13th.
Switzerland/FL - Belgium - Luxembourg
friendly meeting in Lutry Pays de Vaud Switzerland/FL
Switzerland/FL - Poland
Contacts between the president Switzerland and Poland
No Country meeting
looking for more members
Switzerland/FL - Romania - Moldava
Change at the chair
preparation of a study trip to Romania.
Invitation all members in Switzerland/FL
various meetings in Switzerland/FL and Romania
Culture journey 18 to 24 September - Bukarest-Siebenbürgen-Sibiu-Brasov.
Support for Children Home Dobreni Romania
Switzerland/FL - Serbia - Montenegro
ICC presentation at the district conference in Vevey
Trip to Belgrade on the invitation from the DG 2483 from 9 to 12 June 12
Support project in the mountains Fruska Gora for water supply.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Switzerland
ICC Coordinator Switzerland/FL
presentation ICC at the meetings on the swiss governors
contact with the DG's
contact with the editor in chief of our journal
preparation for a new ICC with Russia
foundation of the ICC Switzerland/FL-Russia on 27/4/2013 (D-2220 and D-2225)
advertising in all Districts in Switzerland/FL for new ICC members
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Turkey
Districts 2420 - 2430 – 2440
ICC National Coordinator PDG Ufuk Güneş
ICC Report of D-2420
April 2013
Some of our ICC members attended the ICC Meetings held in Berlin Peace Forum in
1. International RYLA has been organized by RC Istanbul-Galatasaray D-2420 and
RC of Haifa in Istanbul and in Haifa.
2. Student exchange was organized by the same clubs between Istanbul-Ulus
Jewish High School and Haifa The Leo Baeck Education Center.
3. RC Soke of D-2440 and RC Haifa organized a RYLA in Soke-Aydin.
4. In addition to above RYLA organizations which brought together the Turkish
and Israeli students, during May or June of 2013 together with Egypt a new
IYFR Squadron related to Turkey will be opened in Haifa.
1. ICC meeting in 2012 was in Berlin between 28.4-1.5.
2. Introduced Maslak RC to RC Friedrichshafen in July 2012, where both clubs
agreed on a MG project on “women literacy” in Sariyer Istanbul which was carried
out in 2013.
3. Initiated multiplication of successful “teacher exchange project” of RC Sisli to
additional 5 RC in District 2420 during 1.4.2012 to 6.4.2012.
4. Visit of RC Worms with DG Hildegard Dressino to RC Cekmeköy.
5. Sisli RC started student exchange project with Konstanz Suso Gymnasium, 9
German students came to Istanbul between 17-24 March, 2013, 9 Turkish
students will be visiting Germany between 16-24 June 2013.
6. 12 Turkish teachers visited Germany as initiated by RC Fatih, RC Maslak, RC Sisli,
together with RC Friedrichshafen and RC Radolfzell Hegau.
7. Supported RYLA Seminar in Ulm in May 2013, with Edirne RC in Ulm in May 2013
with RC´s from Turkey .
8. Organized Rotarct Summer camp in August 22-28, 2012 with German Rotaracts
(from Bayern, Nordrhein- Westfalen, Hessen, Baden- Württenberg) visiting
Istanbul. This summer camp will again be organized for 2013.
9. D. 1930 and D. 2420, RC Karaköy organized with 13.500 € contribution of ICC
Germany, a MG to buy a fully equipped Ambulance for Turkey.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Turkey
10. For literacy MG projects of Kadiköy RC (60.000 $) RC Constantin and RC Ruhr
Essen contributed 2.600 $ /each.They will visit Istanbul with a group of 30- 35
Rotarians in June 2013.
11. RC Lörrach and RC Edirne , Exchange of students and apprendices since 2006.
12. RC Bonn-Museumsmeile and RC Yalova plan to estabish a Down Cafe for students
with Down Syndrom. The students will work there and receive an education f.i. as
13. RC Istanbul-Galatasaray organized a Wine Tasting Tour together with RC Ortenau
during 22-28 April, 2013. During the visit attended Ortenau RC meeting giving
information about a International Youth Forum to be held in Istanbul. The Project
received a great deal of support from the members of the RC Ortenau.
14. During 20-30 Oct. 2013 another visit was organized by RC Galatasaray this time to
RC Worms where the International Youth Forum Project was introduced to them
also. The Forum will be held in Istanbul 9-12 May, 1013 and both RC Worms and
RC Ortenau promissed to send about 30 students to Istanbul.
1. During the Tennis Tournament organized by RC Istanbul-Kalamis host families were
organized for the Italian Students.
2. RC Portofino East was visited by RC Istanbul-Sarıyer and the first steps of Sister Club
arrangement were taken.
3. Mutual visits and theater and consert organizations will be made between the
Napoli Street Kids and Istanbul Sulukule Children Choruses. The Project is still under
process and meetings were held with Mr.Gianluca Alberini, the General Consulate of
Italy in Istanbul.
4. A number of Rotary Clubs of D-2420 are in contact with Italian Clubs to start sister
club relations. One of them is RC Istanbul-Erenkoy. They will visit RC Napoli Est on April
29, 2013.
Meeting was held in Istanbul between the two section chairs of each country and the
possible activities were discussed.
1. Belgium Rotary Clubs were interested in getting in contact with the Rotary Clubs of
Antalya. ICC committee member of D-2430 were contacted and the Belgium Clubs
were put into contact with Antalya Clubs.
2. A mutual decision was taken recommending the clubs to invite the Ambassodors or
Conule Generals to their Club Meetings as Guest Speakers. Unfortunately it has not
been implemented by any club yet.
3. Another mutual decision is that both chairs will recommend speakers to clubs and
the first name was given by D-2420 on a topic of “History of Art ”
4. Unfortunately the co-chair in Belgium left Rotary and the Country Chair Marcel Tilkin
took over temporarily the committee. We have learned that he was going to appoint
a new committee by end March 2013.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Turkey
Although we have very good relations with Japan we were unable to persuade our
Japanese counterparts to start ICC between japan and Turkey. We also found out that
ICC is not known in Japan. However we are eager to continue our efforts.
A concert was organized in Istanbul with the attendance of Japanese performers to
enhance the goodwill and friendship between the two nations and also support the
earthquake victims in both countries.
Japaneese Soprano Yuko Oba and piano player Shima Tsubata gave a concert in
Istanbul with the attendance of Istanbul japaneese School students. The developed
fund was split into two portions, one part was given to the AAR Institute where
Dr.Miyazaki who died during Van Earthquake, was a member. The fund was used in
the manufacturing of House Furnaces and helping the handicapped children who have
suffered from the earthquake.
The other portion was used for donating a van to help the fisherman of Ofunato to
carry the fish that they have cought to the nearest fish markets. The projects were
organized and executed by the RC of Istanbul-Gayrettepe.
Unfortunately due to the economical crisis that our neighbour is in it is very difficult to
find a counterpart. The only activities that are currently active are mutual club visits
and sister club formations.
The clubs who are bordering Bulgaria and Turkey have very active relationships. They
have mutual visit programs and international RYLA organisations in both countries.
We have difficulties in finding a committee to correspond. The only actities are mutual
club visits.
We are still in the process of forming a committee and got in contact with both district
governors and coutry chairs for their support.
The activities are executed through Sister Rotary Clubs. Bothe sides are very eager to
form a committee and start supporting activities in the country level.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Turkey
Committee Chair PP.Sedef Bircan informed that she contacted with a French Rotary
Club to be a twin club. Still the answer is being awaited to their proposal as being
Olimpos Rotary Club in Antalya. She has been in correspondence with certain French
Rotarians she met at international meetings.
PP.Necdet Kelesoglu stated that there has been correspondence with various Greek
clubs but a warm approach has not been witnessed from the opposite side with regard
to acting together. It is stated that not even an answer has been received to the emails written to become twin clubs with two clubs.
The Turkish-Italian ICC committee chair PP.Abdullah Kuregibuyuk is in communication
with some clubs in Italian district 2040. There is correspondence with Rtn. Freschi and
Rtn. Jandolo, members of the ICC committee in district 2040. By way of them they
would like to establish some twin club relations in this district. With the partners in the
same committee in district 2420 in İstanbul, would like to prepare some rules to
coordinate the RFE programs better. However, no activity worth reporting has yet
taken place.
In cooperation between the Turkish-Slovenian Committee and the Rotary Club of
Ankara, and with the support and coordination of our friend Rtn. Mazhar İzmiroğlu,
the Honorary Slovenian Consul in İzmir, 3 or 4 couples from the Rotary Clubs of
Slovenia have been invited to Ankara to be hosted by members of the Rotary Club of
Ankara in their homes in June 2012. The Rotary Clubs of Slovenia have communicated
the names of 4 couples to the committee. Unfortunately, member of the committee
PP.Haluk Aydemir states that it couldn’t be possible to make an agreement on visiting
period. So this activity has been suspended and postponed to the future.
The president of this committee, PP. Turgut Bekisoglu who participated in the ICC
meeting held in İzmir last week, states that he was impressed very much by the
meeting in İzmir. He states that he will definitely participate in the meeting to be held
during this term in anywhere organized by the committee. He states that although he
has not been able to engage in any activity in district 2430, he may from now on
promote the global Grant Projects of our clubs to the clubs in Germany.
Up to now, the clubs haven’t informed us that they have twin club in this term.
PDG Malik Aviral
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Turkey
1. Turkey-Israel Committee - International RYLA Activites:
International RYLA was organized by the host club which is Rotary Club
of Söke and with the collaboration of Rotary Club of Israel Haifa on 13-15
December 2012.
2. Turkey-Slovenia ICC Committee:
In respect to the 20th anniversary of the diplomatic relationships between
Turkey and Slovenia; Turkish state flutist Şefika Kutluer gave a concert
on the 28th of August 2012 in Slovenia Ljubljana collectively with
Slovenia section of our committee, with the attempts of Haluk Aydemir
who is a member of our committee and Rotary Club of Ankara, District
2430, and with the support of District 2430 and District 2440. Ljubljana
Embassy members, foreign mission delegates and Slovenian Rotarians
attended to the concert which was extremely successful and which was
given high importance in the national media.
3. Turkey-Germany Committee
Annual meeting of Turkey-Germany Committee is going to be held on the
18-21 April in Balçova Kaya Termal Otel hosted by RI District 2440 and
with the participation of 18 German fellows, RI Districts 2420, 2430 and
2440 Committee Presidents.
Rotary Club of Konak is going to host sister Rotary Club of Stuttgart
between 1-5 May, 2013 in İzmir. The same club hosted a group of 10
people from Rotary Club of Kassel Hofgeismar in İzmir. During these
visits, sistership and global grant issues are to be discussed.
4. Turkey-Greece Committee
During the Rotary year 2012-2013, it was decided to realize peace
projects in terms of Rotary Peace Theme under the leadership of Rotary
Club of Marmaris with the collaboration of Rotary Club of Rodos. First,
screenings were made by President of Rotary Club of Rodos, Governor
and ICC Committee President.
Peace event was held with Rotary Club of Rodos on the 1st of
September, World Peace Day. Children from various nations flew
balloons on which they wrote their wishes for world peace. Presidents of
Rotary Clubs of Marmaris and Rodos flew white doves for world peace.
Press members attended the event that was held in Marmaris. In
Ramadan Feast, counter visit to Rodos was done. On December 29th,
Republican Day of Turkey, Rotary Clubs of Rodos and Marmaris
members attended to the reception held in Turkish Embassy in Rodos.
Rotary Clubs of Göztepe and Sakız organized an event for peace on
August 30th, 2012. The event began with the meeting of boats in
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Turkey
international Aegean Sea and continued on the islands of Çeşme and
5. Turkey-Italy Committee
Rotarian İmren Aloba who is the president of RI District 2440 Turkey-Italy
Commitee visited RI District 2100 which covers Napoly and Calabria in
December 2012. The president also attended the Christmas dinner
organized by Rotary Club of Napoly Pompei. A special meeting was
organized in this dinner with ICC Italy President Tatja Saveria Gruebler
regarding the projects between two clubs and establishing twin clubs.
Moreover in the same visit, a protocol was signed between Rotary Club
of Crptone and other four clubs regarding the collaboration between
these clubs.
6. Berlin Peace Forum
70 Rotarians from RI District 2440 attended the International Peace
Forum that was held on 30 November-2 December in Berlin. RI District
2400 ICC Coordinator P.D.G. Sezai Moral and Turkey-France Committee
President Rotarian Emre Gezgin were representatives for Turkey in the
7. Rotary Club of Urla
Sister Club Agreement was signed with Rotary Club of India Benglore in
2012-2013 Rotary year. They hosted 7 families from Rotary Club of
Benglore in October 2012 for 6 days and they have generated a global
grant of 17.000 USD. The grant is already in the bank accounts now and
the panels for insuring electiricity from solar power in Kadıovacık Village
are being installed to the village hall. In this way, an important decrease
will be ensured in carbon footprints in the village. Indian embassy
members are going to be invited to the opening ceremony of the system.
Rotary Club of Urla members are going to visit Rotary Club of India in
return as 7 families in the Feast of Sacrifice.
8. Rotary Club of Karabağlar Çalıkuşu
A twin clubs agreement was signed with District 1850 Federation Rotary
Club of Bremen Böttcherstrasse in İzmir on November 16th, 2012. 5
members from Bremen came to İzmir in November 14th, 2012 to meet
the club members. They have visited Zone 20-B Institute, Efes and
Meryem Ana and also they have visited Bremen Invest İzmir branch and
TÜRGÖK. Rotary Club of Karabağlar Çalıkuşu Rotary Club will visit them
in return in 2013 August.
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Ukraine and Belarus
In the last year ICC activities in Ukraine was not very dynamic.
Nevertheless all of 12 ICC are constantly functioning.
We have now ICCs with Russia, Germany, France, USA, Israel, the
Netherlands, Hungary, Czekh and Slovakia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania,
Poland and Belarus. Some are very active, like ICCs UA/D, UA/RO, UA/RUS
and UA/H. Some are on the good level, like ICCs UA/F, UA/BG, UA/PL,
UA/CZ&SK, UA/GE. Few of them are nearly collapsed, like ICCs UA/NL,
The specificity of our D 2230 (Belarus, Poland and Ukraine) is, that we have not
“outside” ICCs only, but the “inside” ICCs, too. So we have ICC UA/PL and
UA/BY, as well as BY/PL.
Unfortunately the long story with establishing of ICC UA/Cyprus is still not
finished. Our Friends from Cyprus are very busy, what is caused of the
economical situation, so we are still waiting for activation of this process.
Last year there was few main projects, organized of ICCs, finished:
1.The book “ROTARY as a Global Values-Based Community. Ethics in
Business and Society” of Rtns. Dr. Jisef Wieland and Harald F. Mueller was
translated from German/English into Ukrainian/Russian Languages. The book
was printed in Ukraine and was presented in Kyiv (Ukraine) in the D 2230
Conference and in Berlin by occasion of ROTARY Peace Forum in Berlin
(Germany) last November – ICC UA/D.
2.Three Students from Ukraine received the one year scholarship in Universities
in south-western Germany – ICC UA/D.
3.Two children with heart disease was operated in Children Clinic in Constanz
(Germany) – ICC UA/D.
4.The Military Cemetery renewal was made in Crimea Peninsula – ICC UA/RU.
5.The grave of Dr. Stefan Banach, famous mathematician and President of RC
Lviv in 1937-1938, was renewed in Lviv (Ukraine) – ICC UA/PL.
6.RC Lviv-Leopolis (UA) and RC Zamosc (BY) signed the Understanding
Charter of Partner Clubs.
7.It was in Chernivtsi (UA) an International ICC Workshop realized last
November, together with representatives from Romania, Poland, Russia and
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ICC REPORT 2013 - Ukraine and Belarus
8. It is permanent exchange and collaboration between Rotary
magazines"Rotariec" (UA) and "Rotary on the Balkan" (BG) - ICC UA/BG.
Pavlo B. Kashkadamov
D 2230 Governor 2002-2003, TRF MD
RC Lviv (Ukraine) Member
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