The Impact of Private Insurance Coverage on Prescription Drug Use


The Impact of Private Insurance Coverage on Prescription Drug Use
The Impact of Private Insurance Coverage on Prescription Drug Use in
Ontario, Canada
Impact de l’assurance médicaments privée sur l’utilisation des médicaments délivrés
sur ordonnance en Ontario, Canada
J I L L I A N K R AT Z E R , LU C Y C H E N G , S A R A A L L I N A N D M IC H A E L R . L AW
Appendix 3. CCHS 2008 Questions
CCC_R011 Now I’d like to ask about certain chronic health conditions which ^YOU2 may
We are interested in “long-term conditions” which are expected to last or have already lasted 6
months or more and that have been diagnosed by a health professional.
CCC_Q031 ^DOVERB_C ^YOU2 have asthma?
CCC_Q036 In the past 12 months, ^HAVE ^YOU1 taken any medicine for asthma such as
inhalers, nebulizers, pills, liquids or injections?
CCC_Q072 ^HAVE_C ^YOU1 ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure?
CCC_Q073 In the past month, ^HAVE ^YOU1 taken any medicine for high blood pressure?
CCC_Q101 (Remember, we’re interested in conditions diagnosed by a health professional.)
^DOVERB_C ^YOU2 have diabetes?
CCC_Q105 ^DOVERB_C ^YOU2 currently take insulin for ^YOUR1 diabetes?
CCC_Q106 In the past month, did ^YOU2 take pills to control ^YOUR1 blood sugar?
INS_Q1 [Do/Does] [you/FNAME] have insurance that covers all or part of the cost of
[your/his/her] prescription medications?
INS_Q1A Is it:
INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.
INS_1A 1 … a government-sponsored plan?
INS_1B 2 … an employer-sponsored plan?
INS_1C 3 … a private plan?