

253 L a v e n d e r
P l a c e Ilford
E s s e x IG1 2 B Q
Issue: December 2008
From the editor
po ya bandeko bakokisi to baza pene ya 50 ans to
mpe balingi koyekola koyemba mpe kobina, Training
ebandi mikolo minso mya Minei (Jeudi), banda 16.00, tee 18
heures na Saint Luke’s Church - Saint Luke’s Avenue, Baxter Road, ILFORD, Essex, IG1 2HN. Boya komikomisa noki.
Tokozongisa Travel Expenses na bino.
CONSORTIUM OF CONGOLESE ASSOCIATION Mpo ya baye banso balingi kokolisa mpe koyekola boni-boni
bakoki koyekola kolamba (Healthy eating workshop), kelasi
ekopesama na Eton Community Centre, Eton Road, ILFORD, Essex, IG1 2EU. Mikolo minso mya mibale de 16
heures a 17 heures.
ETUDE DE LA BIBLE tel 0208 478 0027
Etude approfondie de la Bible pour les Chr•tiens francophones habitant East-London (Newham, Redbridge, Barking
& Dagenham, Waltham Forest), Chaque Mardi et Jeudi de 17
‚ 18heures 30. Le respect de l’heure est de rigueur.
Lieu de rencontre : 253,Lavender place ilford Essex, IG1
e wish all our members,
supporters , service users a Merry Christmas and a
New Year 2009 filled with love,
joy and peace.
We willl also acknowledges our
volunteers who have rendered
untiring services and support
our project in the past year.
From African Priests’ Association (APA), and its new Chair
Mr N Bolonge who came to
visit our project during Christmas seasons and New Year
He has invited us to pay a visit
to their project in Portsmouth.
Please, send us your news
that may be useful to our
newsletter, Our contact email
is : [email protected]
A la famille Loa pour avoir baptise leurs deux fillettes a L’Eglise Catholique de Hornchurch,240 Alma Avenue.
All Charities working under the Consortium of Congolese Assocations (CCA) are requested to attend our
monthly meeting which is set for every Last Friday of
the month at Eton Community Center ,Eton Road from
6.00 to 7.30 pm. The following are the dates for the
first quarterly meeting :
Consultancy Services
For fundraising ; grant applications and community
based service. For further information, please, contact help Desk on 0208 514 1999
Established in 2002, the Consortium of Congolese
Associations, CCA, is an umbrella of communitygroups based across London .
LEYVA (London Visitation Action Group) charity number 1117833 is recruitment youth members for its
Youth Football Club. Please, ring 0208 514 1999
Congo Concern Network intends to register with the
Charity Commissioner this year.
RFSAW : Charity no.1105264 invites women to join
them for training, volunteering and managing the charity. Contact Ms Mayele : 020 8 5 14 19 99
United Kingdom Ekonda Association UKEA is recruitming new mebers for its activities.
Are you interested to work in Africa? Joint Community
services (JCS) charity number 1099208 is looking for
volunteers and trustees to develop its work in Africa.
Contact 0208 514 0343
work.Agency Socoa Tel 020 84 78 23 67
Echange d’entretiens (exercices class) entre jeunes
habitants East-London, chaque Samedi, de 11.30 ‚
13.00 au bureau de SOCOA.
Volunteers : Nous recrutons des volontaires avec un
minimum de 3 mois d’experience sur le volontariat
et criminal records checks.
Would you like to hire music instruments at
a competitive rate ? Please contact:
SOCOA OFFICE 02084785141999
fundraising : SOCOA CD-Sales Ä10
Le CD de musique religieuse, “SANZOLA YE ” ‚dit‚e
par SOCOA en vente pour Ä10. Veuillez effectuer vos
commandes au bureau de SOCOA et en assurer la distribution.
e would be grateful for any donation in aid for
our continued charity work in the community.
Please make donations/cheque payable to: SOCOA and
send it to: SOCOA-St Lukes Church , Baxter Road,
ILFORD, Essex, IG1 2HN. Alternatively donations can
be directed to our Bank Account. Name on Account :
SOCOA, Bank Name : HALIFAX plc, Roll Number:
SOCOA subscriptionsTY2009 :
What would you gain in volunteering ?
Without the selfless effort of volunteers our community
would be a poorer place for us all.
We may assist referencing for future job, reimbursement
of out of pocket expenses, likelihood of gaining experience and work related skills and enjoy socializing .
We would like SOCOA supporters and members of public assistance to volunteer their time, finance to help
and support our work in the community , and in particular
at this time of the year when people are most in need .
APPRECIATION : we would like to thank the BBC in its recent broadcast, highlighting issues of
abuse and torture of deported failed asylum seekers to Democratic Republic of Congo.
We also would like to thank local Network/Children Funds for ƒ4,000 grant towards SOCOA Project.