Managing sales teams - CCM Benchmark Group


Managing sales teams - CCM Benchmark Group
Le 10/02/2017
Contact facturation : [email protected] - 01 47 79 48 01
Contact formation : [email protected] - 01 47 79 51 08
Managing sales teams
Objectif de la formation
This training (given in English) provides a comprehensive overview of the sales management function. It will help
confirmed professionals and newly nominated staff to master the array of responsibilities and to master change
management programs designed to improving sales effectiveness.
The trainer will make the best use of his international experience to share the key competencies necessary to drive
a successful sales team in today's increasingly complex markets. There will be a specific focus on operational
aspects (tools and human) which will allow immediate execution.
To whom is this training addressed ?
This training is for current or newly promoted sales managers as well as professionals holding a position with some
focus on sales or in close relationship with the sales department (marketing manager, technical/presales manager).
Progression pédagogique :
First day
First part: The position of sales manager
1. The sales manager's profile
Understanding your motivations and skills
Sales skills are necessary but not sufficient
The required management skills; developing those skills
Management styles
2. The sales manager's responsibilities
Building your team
Creating the conditions for success
Managing your management and surroundings (technical teams, presales)
Increasing business predictability
Your first 100 days (roadmap)
3. Managing change
Analyzing new market conditions
Analyzing the need for change within the team (profiles, structure and processes)
Improving or changing? Implementing a new sales practice
Effective time-management
4. Case study
Second part : Building a performing team, daily management
1. Recruiting your staff
SAS au capital de 164 628 € - RCS Paris 453 986 960 - APE 7022Z - Siret 453 986 960 00061 - TVA intracommunautaire FR91 453 956 960
CCM Benchmark Group - 94 rue de Provence - CS 80068 - 75009 Paris - Tél. 01 47 79 50 00
Assessing the need for recruitment, defining the right profiles, myths and reality
Engaging the search, choosing the most efficient channels
The interview process : specifics, candidate behavior
Making an offer and finalizing the offer
Integrating new hires
2. Building your team
The team specifics: setting up the fundamentals
Specifying profiles (cloning, heterogeneous profiles)
Driving hunters and farmers efficiently: differences and shared specifics
Special cases: mergers and acquisitions, technical profiles
3. Case study
4. Setting up sales targets
Quantitative and qualitative targets
Methods for setting up objectives
Complex objectives
5. Managing performance
Measuring performance (dashboards, reporting processes)
Decreasing team turnover and increase motivation
Creating a performance culture, dealing with underperforming staff
Talent management and individual development
6. Special cases
Managing sales managers
Driving international teams and multicultural environments
Managing remote teams, virtual teams (matrix management)
Driving a sales channel (resellers and agents)
7. Case study
Second day
Third part: increasing your turnover
1. The different sales models
Direct sales, indirect sales and alliances: strategy and daily activities
Differences and overlap
Impact on your team (profiles)
2. Planning your growth
Defining your addressable market and value proposition
SAS au capital de 164 628 € - RCS Paris 453 986 960 - APE 7022Z - Siret 453 986 960 00061 - TVA intracommunautaire FR91 453 956 960
CCM Benchmark Group - 94 rue de Provence - CS 80068 - 75009 Paris - Tél. 01 47 79 50 00
Building a market growth plan
Building a growth plan on your existing customer base
3. Increasing the number of qualified prospects
Defining your needs and select the relevant activity (direct approach, event, fair)
Managing your ecosystem to increase branding
Engaging a successful partnership with marketing
Initiating and driving a successful customer event
Leveraging social networks (Viadeo, Linkedin...)
4. Increasing team effectiveness
Improving communication within and outside the sales team
Creating a motivating incentive plan that has impact on the results
The sales manager's own incentive plan
Increasing team effectiveness : culture change, sales productivity
Increasing win rate by increasing qualification, not by the amount of deals to pursue
Implementing qualification processes and associated tools (account planning)
5. Case study
6. Managing CRM and reporting tools to support sales
Building a supporting reporting framework
Improving reporting quality and cadence without pitfalls
Reporting automation
7. Implementing an Account Management strategy
From transactional to complex selling
Special case: management of international clients
Impact on the sales profiles
8. Wrap up
La formation sera animée par Lounas Aliouche
SAS au capital de 164 628 € - RCS Paris 453 986 960 - APE 7022Z - Siret 453 986 960 00061 - TVA intracommunautaire FR91 453 956 960
CCM Benchmark Group - 94 rue de Provence - CS 80068 - 75009 Paris - Tél. 01 47 79 50 00
Les moyens pédagogiques
Support de formation
- Pour les formations en présentiel, un support de cours sera remis à chacun des participants.
- Pour les formations en visionconférence, une synthèse de la formation sera envoyée aux participants qui auront
également la possibilité de revoir la session pendant une semaine après la date de la formation.
Locaux - Matériel fourni
- Nos salles sont équipées du matériel de vidéo-projection pour le formateur
- Accès à Internet en wifi dans tous nos locaux
- Pour les formations qui nécessitent des ateliers sur ordinateur, nous disposons de salles équipées d’ordinateurs
pour les participants
CCM Benchmark Group conserve l'intégralité des droits d'auteurs relatifs au contenu de ces formations et supports
de cours. Toute reproduction, modification ou divulgation à des tiers, sous quelque forme que ce soit, est
formellement limitée.
Les moyens d'évaluation mis en oeuvre et suivi
A l'issue de la formation chaque stagiaire complète un questionnaire d’évaluation. Une copie peut-être fournie
sur demande.
L'attestation de présence est envoyée par courrier avec la facture, à l'issue de la formation.
Convention de formation
Dès votre inscription, une convention de formation vous est envoyée. Celle-ci doit nous être retournée signée avant
le début de la formation.
CCM Benchmark Group est un organisme de formation professionnelle enregistré sous le numéro 11 75 54133 75.
Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l’Etat.
SAS au capital de 164 628 € - RCS Paris 453 986 960 - APE 7022Z - Siret 453 986 960 00061 - TVA intracommunautaire FR91 453 956 960
CCM Benchmark Group - 94 rue de Provence - CS 80068 - 75009 Paris - Tél. 01 47 79 50 00

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