Reports of ICC National Coordinators - Inter


Reports of ICC National Coordinators - Inter
Index of Reports
Austria and Bosnia-Herzegovina ……………………………………………………………….. 2
BeLux (Belgium and GD Luxembourg) ………………………………………………….…….. 5
Canada ………...……………………………………………..………………….……….…...….. 8
Croatia ………...……………………………………………..……………………….….….…….. 9
Czech Republic and Slovak Republic …......…..………………………………………....…....11
Egypt (*) ………………….……………………………………..…………..……….….…………13
France …………………………………………………………..…………..……….….…………14
Germany …………………...……………………………………..…………………….…………17
Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) ……………………………………..…………….…………… 20
Hungary ………………...………………..…………………….………………………….……… 22
Italy, Malta and San Marino ………………...…………….....………………………….……… 24
Lebanon …………………………………..…………………….………….………………..…… 28
Morocco ……….…………………………..…………………….…………………………..…… 34
Poland ……………………………………..…………………………..…………….…………… 37
Russian Federation …….....………………………………..…………..…………..…………… 41
Serbia and Montenegro ..................................................................................................... 50
Spain ……................................………………..……………………..……..……….….……… 53
Switzerland and Liechtenstein ……................................……….....……..……….….……… 56
Tunisia …………………...…...…………………………………..…………………….………… 58
Turkey ……………………………………..……………………..…………………….….……… 60
Ukraine and Belarus ……………………………………..………..……………….….………… 73
(*) Only the list of the ICC National Sections
ICC REPORT 2016 - Austria and Bosnia-Herzegovina
1. Coordinated countries / Pays coordonnés:
AUSTRIA and BOSNIA - HERZEGOVINA (Districts 1910 and 1920)
Paul JANKOWITSCH - National Coordinator
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region / Country
of accountability
Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de assignation
By end of march 2016 Austria and BiH have 12 ICCs active.
Austria – Germany - Liechtenstein - Switzerland: RC Gmunden
Austria - Italy - Germany: RC Kufstein
Austria – France and francophone Europe and Africa:RC Gmunden
NB: There is a new initiative under negotiation with new delegates!
Austria – Israel: RC Feldbach
Austria – Czech Republic - Slovakia: RC Linz – Altstadt
Austria - Slovenia: RC Spittal – Drau
Austria - Croatia: RC Feldbach
Austria - Hungary: RC Wien – Ring
NB: Currently under negotiation for a new chair.
Austria - Japan:RC Wien Hietzing
Austria - Romania: RC Zell am See
Austria – Egypt: RC Tulln plus delegates from other clubs including Rotaracters
Austria – Serbia –Bosnia I Hercegovina: RC Graz - Schlossberg
3. New projects or activities completed since the last meeting
Nouveaux projets ou activites réalisées depuis la derniere reunion
It is worth mentioning, that Egypt – Austria ICC was finally signed in July 2015 with
great engagement of a number of clubs under the chair of RC Tulln – after 3 years of
March 8th we have signed the ICC with Serbia – BiH – and Austria – after a very
fruitful visit to Belgrade my friend in Belgrade and myself have prepared the
formalities and I finally found some delegates willing to actively engage in project
Since I have introduced as a rule that at least one RC or some delegates of clubs will
actively engage to run an ICC we have managed to avoid just paper ICCs and will
continue to do so. Thus the preparation can take longer but then more activity is
ICC REPORT 2016 - Austria and Bosnia-Herzegovina
ICC REPORT 2016 - Austria and Bosnia-Herzegovina
ICC REPORT 2016 - BeLux (Belgium and GD Luxembourg
ICC REPORT 2016 - BeLux (Belgium and GD Luxembourg
ICC REPORT 2016 - BeLux (Belgium and GD Luxembourg
ICC REPORT 2016 - Canada
Coordinated countries / Pays coordonnés:
Nevine YASSA - National Coordinator
I am excited to inform you that we now have an ICC between Canada and France
which has been established in April 2015. That is great news. I am excited to report
that after signing the Proclamation between Canada and Egypt, I went to Egypt and
met with Mr. Zayed Inter Country Coorindator, Egypt. As well, I touched base with
Mr. Delaware Regional Zone Coordinator about prospects of cooperation between
the two countries. A draft is in the works regarding prospect projects on water and
sanitation, as well as economic and community development in the slums of Egypt.
The proposed projects will be sent to both districts with the objective of attracting
interest from clubs to participate in their implementation.
I look forward to seeing more districts in Canada being involved in ICCs from around
the world promoting our main goal which is Peace.
ICC REPORT 2016 - Croatia
1. Coordinated countries / Pays coordonnés:
CROATIA (District 1913)
Nikica DARABOS - National Coordinator
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region / Country of
accountability /Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de assignation
Romania, Germany, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Israel
3. New projects or activities completed since the last meeting, Nouveaux projets ou activites
réalisées depuis la derniere reunion
New projects are under progress with Austria, Serbia and Hungary. Most of them are crosscultural activity.
4. Important activities in progress ‒ Actions importantes en cours
a) ICC Agreements signing: - August 2015. with Hungary
b) Other in 2016
 - Investment in the High School equipment in Glina – Germany
 - Refurnishing of the Grave of the Hungarian Hero- Varazdin Cemetery – Hungary
 - Fiumanka Sailing Regate in Rijeka – Hungary
 - Exchange fellowship of High School pupils in RC Mali Losinj – Austria
 - Refurnishing of the Summer school and Museum Nikola Tesla, Project Lika – Austria
 - Exchange Fellowship of Rotarians – Serbia
 - Round table during the District Conference ICC & International guests in Zagreb
(21st May 2016) – All ICC
5. Any financial problems with ICC ‒ Problemes financiers des CIPs: NO
6. Comments ‒ Observations: NO
Zagreb 16th April 2016
Nikica Darabos MD PhD
ICC Co-ordinator
District 1913 Croatia
ICC REPORT 2016 - Croatia
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Czech Republic and Slovak Republic
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Czech Republic and Slovak Republic
- 12 -
ICC REPORT 2016 - Canada
Coordinated countries / Pays coordonnés:
EGYPT (District 2451)
Hamada ZAHRAN - National Coordinator
- 13 -
ICC REPORT 2016 - France
Coordinated countries / Pays coordonnés:
Gérard CHARPENTIER - National Coordinator
- 14 -
ICC REPORT 2016 - France
- 15 -
ICC REPORT 2016 - France
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Germany
Coordinate countries / Pays coordonnés:
Günther KOENIG - National Coordinator
1. Coordinate countries (specify also the Rotary District Id. Number)
Pays coordonnés (préciser aussi Ie nombre d’identification du Rotary District)
See my last mail…….
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region / Country
of accountability
Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de assignation
See my last mail…..
3. New projects or activities completed since the last meeting
Nouveaux projets ou activites réalisées depuis la derniere reunion
2 projects with 3 ICC-participating/ 4 diverse refugees projects:
1. D-Austria-Romania
2. D-Austria-Bosnien-Herzegowina
3. Dental Clinic Ghana
Important activities in progress ‒ Actions importantes en cours
See 3
5. Any financial problems with ICC ‒ Problemes financiers des CIPs
6. Comments ‒ Observations
The combination of 3 (or more) ICC seems to be very effective and successful.
We are developing this version of Global Grants intensively.
Date: 13/04/.2016
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Germany
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Germany
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI)
Coordinate countries / Pays coordonnés:
Kevin PITT - National Coordinator
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI)
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Hungary
1. Coordinated countries / Pays coordonnés:
HUNGARY (District 1911)
Istvan GRAFJODI - National Coordinator
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region / Country of
accountability /Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de assignation
Romania, Germany, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, Austria, Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Ukraine
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Hungary
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Italy - Malta - San Marino
1. Coordinated countries / Pays coordonnés:
ITALY - MALTA - SAN MARINO (Districts 2031, 2032, 2041, 2042, 2050, 2060,
2071, 2072, 2080, 2090, 2100, 2110, 2120)
Mario GIANNOLA - National Coordinator
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region / Country
of accountability
Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de assignation
23 sono i Paesi collegati alla Zona 12 (Italia, Malta, San Marino) e costituenti altrettanti
Comitati InterPaese.
E precisamente:
Algeria (D. 2090)
Belgium (D. 2110)
Egipt (D. 2080)
Greece (2080)
Lebanon (D. 2050)
Marocco (D. 2090)
Slovakia (D. 2060)
Tunisia (D. 2110)
Austria (D. 2060)
Brazil (D.2080)
France (D. 2031)
Israel (D. 2032)
Madagascar (D. 2080)
Palestine (D. 2032)
Spain (D. 2080)
Turkey (D. 2090)
Belarus (D. 2050)
Czech Republic (D.2060)
Germany (D. 2060)
Jordan (D. 2032)
Maghreb (D. 2090)
Russian (2071)
Switzerland (D. 2050)
I C.I.P. particolarmente attivi e che si sono distinti nell ’anno 2015/2016 con programmi e
incontri dettagliati e strutturati sono:
Italia/Svizzera - Liechtenstein
3. New projects or activities completed since the last meeting
Nouveaux projets ou activites réalisées depuis la derniere reunion
L'activité des CIP a été précédée par la réunion de programmation du 04/07/2015 à
Rome, en présence des présidents des Comités italiens, au cours de laquelle ont été
illustrés les thèmes de l'année définis par le Président Gwenaël de Bergevin : urgence de
l'eau et assainissement et les détails du Concours du "Meilleur projet pour la Paix".
Ci-après les principales activités menées:
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Italy - Malta - San Marino
a) Italie/Tunisie
La réunion Italie/Tunisie à Mazara del Vallo, organisée par le Président Tumbiolo, a eu
un grand écho dans la presse rotarienne. Le thème abordé était celui de l'"Urgence de
l'Eau". A cet égard, "La Charte du Rotary Club en matière d'eau" a été présentée et
votée par toute l'Assemblée.
3 jours de réunions, de rapports et de discussions avec les représentants des
communautés rotariennes du Maghreb, qui se sont conclus dans la casbah de Mazara
avec la prière religieuse rotarienne pour la paix entre les peuples, en présence des
représentants de toutes les communautés religieuses, tandis que de nombreux enfants
de divers groupes ethniques, parfaitement intégrés, agitaient des drapeaux avec le mot
"paix" écrit dessus.
b) Italie/Suisse - Liechtenstein - Malte
Organisée par le Président Carlo Silva et Buongulielmi pour la Suisse - le Liechtenstein –
Malte, la réunion a eu lieu à Vaduz, en présence de plus de 100 participants (membres
du Rotary Club et leurs familles).
3 journées ont été consacrées à la connaissance d'une réalité perçue de manière erronée,
avec la conviction de nous trouver dans un pays caractérisé par une économie "financière"
plutôt que "réelle".
Nous avons, au contraire, visité des établissements d'importance mondiale tels que Hilti,
Hoval, Ivoclar Vivadent, Swarovski.
La table ronde qui a conclu les travaux avec le précieux rapport du Prince Hans Adam II a
souligné une ouverture expresse et claire à la possibilité que des forces de travail d'autres
pays puissent accéder aux industries locales.
La date et le lieu de réunion du prochain CIP ont été fixés : 8 - 11 septembre 2016 à Bra,
en Italie.
c) Italie/France
4 réunions ont été, comme prévu, organisées par le Président Vinciguerra et par le
Président français Michel Bailly.
Particulièrement importantes les rencontres à Sanremo et Gênes qui ont renforcé la
volonté de développer un dialogue de plus en plus intense entre les Districts
Tous les participants étaient d'accord sur le fait que la présence des CIP était positive pour
améliorer les relations entre le District et le Club.
L'Assemblée générale des CIP Italie/France a été fixée au 17 octobre 2016 à Grenoble.
d) Italie/Israël - Territoires Palestiniens
L'activité du Comité s'est terminée par la visite du Patriarche latin de Jérusalem, Sa
Béatitude Mgr. Fouad Twal, organisée à Fontana Fredda par le Président du CIP Giorgio
La participation du patriarche a été favorisée par sa présence en Italie, à l'occasion du
Le patriarche a expliqué à un public très attentif, dans une salle comble, la situation
humaine et politique dans laquelle vivent la population palestinienne et la ville de
Jérusalem, à la recherche désespérée de paix.
e) Italie/Russie
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Italy - Malta - San Marino
Saint-Pétersbourg et Moscou ont accueilli la rencontre qui a eu lieu en septembre
dernier, avec pour objectifs la consolidation des relations amicales et les initiatives
Ont été menés des projets pour l'achat de fauteuils roulants pour les enfants atteints de
maladies génétiques et d'imprimantes pour produire des semelles orthopédiques pour
les enfants atteints de problèmes cérébraux.
Important activities in progress ‒ Actions importantes en cours
Les actions importantes en cours consistent avant tout dans la volonté de participation
des membres du Rotary Club, afin de renforcer les relations amicales dans les territoires
parfois pas faciles, voire critiques.
Intéressantes pour les perspectives de travail utiles, les ouvertures du Liechtenstein à la
possibilité d'embaucher des forces de travail provenant d'autres Pays.
5. Any financial problems with ICC ‒ Problemes financiers des CIPs
D'importants problèmes financiers ont été mis en évidence dans l'organisation et la
participation des CIP qui, opérant au "niveau international", obligent les participants à
subir des frais, importants et inévitables, de déplacement et de séjour.
Des problèmes qui s'aggravent en raison d'une certaine "réticence" de la part des
Districts (une minorité !) à contribuer avec les quotas prévus, justifiant la nonparticipation du D. aux CIP, avec le fait que les Comités "ne constituent pas un
programme du RI".
6. Comments ‒ Observations
A la lumière de ce qui précède, il faut intervenir et apporter des modifications au texte du
"Code of Policies" (art. 37.030.9) dans la partie précisant que le CIP "ne fait pas partie
du programme du RI".
De plus, il faut remplacer les trop nombreux "devraient", qui laissent une marge
d'interprétation et d'appréciation exagérée, par un "doivent" plus réel et concret.
Date: 19 Aprile 2016
P.D.G. Avv. Mario Giannola
I.C.C. Inter - Country Committees – National Coordinator 2014/2017
I.C.C. Executive Council 2014/2016
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Italy - Malta - San Marino
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Lebanon
1. Coordinate countries (specify also the Rotary District Id. Number)
Pays coordonnés (préciser aussi Ie nombre d’identification du Rotary District)
Nicolas CHOUÉRI - National Coordinator
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region / Country
of accountability
Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de assignation
 ICC ITALY – LEBANON (established in March 2016)
3. New projects or activities completed since the last meeting
Nouveaux projets ou activites réalisées depuis la derniere reunion
See enclosed reports – Voir rapports ci-joints
4. Important activities in progress ‒ Actions importantes en cours
See enclosed reports – Voir rapports ci-joints
5. Any financial problems with ICC ‒ Problemes financiers des CIPs
La section Libanaise du CIP France-Liban s’est récemment constituée un petit
fond pour financer des dépenses imprévisibles. Les autres sections n’ont pas
de budget propre et n’ont pas eu de frais à encourir cette année
The Lebanese section of the ICC France-Lebanon has established a small fund
to cover unforeseen expenses. The other sections do not have any specific
budget and did not incur expenses this year.
6. Comments ‒ Observations
No Comments
Date: 17 / Avril / 2016
PP Nicolas Chouéri
ICC Coordinator for Lebanon / Coordinateur CIP pour le Liban
Rotary Club de Beyrouth
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Lebanon
Rotary ICC Belux – Lebanon / Lebanese section
Coordinator’s Report April 2015 – March 2016
 Some members attended in April 2015 the conference « Building Peace together with Rotary and
Unesco: The initiatives for peace of the Inter countries Committees » at the UNESCO, PARIS
 In June 2015, meetings and social outings were held in Lebanon with the Belux section President
and his wife.
 Participation of the Chair of the Belux section and many Belgium Rotarians and spouses to the
gathering “Together in Lebanon” in October 2015. During this visit, a joint meeting of the ICC BeluxLebanon was held.
 Two members of the Lebanese section will attend the ICC meeting in Strasbourg in May 2016
Ongoing and Planed Projects:
Global Grant Caritas Liban
With the contribution of many Clubs from Belgium, France, and Lebanon, 4 Mobile Medical Clinics
are being prepared to be donated to Caritas Liban.
Constant contacts with the Belux section in order to attract youngsters from Lebanon and Belgium
to attend the RYLA workshops organized in both countries.
Fund Raising Concert in Lebanon
To support projects of few Rotary clubs in Tripoli (Lebanon) a fund raising concert with the
renowned pianist Abdel Rahman El Bacha is being planned for July 2016.
PP Sana Hamzeh
Rotary Club Tripoli Maarad
Beirut, April 17th 2016
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Lebanon
CIP France-Liban – Section Liban
Rapport d’activités - Avril 2015 à Mars 2016
1- Visites et Réunions communes avec la Section France
 Participation de certains membres de la section libanaise à la réunion « Construire la paix avec le
Rotary et l’Unesco : les initiatives pour la paix des comités Inter-pays » qui s’est tenue le 03 Avril
2015 au palais de l’Unesco à Paris.
 Accueil en Octobre 2015 du Président de la section Française et de sa femme en marge de la
réunion «Ensemble au Liban 2015 ». Echanges sur les activités en cours et sur celles à développer.
 Participation de certains membres de la section libanaise à l’assemblée générale de la section
française à Dijon en Novembre 2015.
2- Projets pour les jeunes
 Stage d’Œnologie en Bourgogne : Une jeune libanaise a participé à Beaune pendant près de 5
semaines au stage théorique et pratique offert par la section Française du CIP. Grand succès.
 RYLAs en France : Cinq jeunes Libanais ont pris part à divers RYLAs en France au printemps 2015,
et trois autres ont participé à celui organisé en Février 2016. Trois de plus participeront aux RYLAs
d’Avril 2016. Le bilan de cette activité demeure, d’année en année, très positif.
 RYLA au Liban : Deux Candidats Français seront accueillis au RYLA Liban le 14 Avril courant.
3- Autres Projets exécutés
 En coopération avec le CIP Belux- Liban, la section française du CIP France-Liban a mobilisé
plusieurs districts et clubs de France et la section libanaise de ce même CIP a mobilisé plusieurs
clubs libanais pour participer à un important Global Grant visant à offrir 4 cliniques mobiles à
l’Association Caritas Liban. (En cours)
 La section française a obtenu le financement d’équipements de chauffage pour un foyer de
vieillards au Liban (Chnaniir).
 Projet d’assainissement (fosse septique et réseaux) au profit du foyer de Ghazir en Global Grant (En
4- Projets en préparation
 Contact établi avec le Club Paris Quai d’Orsay pour le projet que ce club compte entreprendre à
Irbil (Irak).
 Contacts établis entre des clubs libanais et le CIP France-Liban pour monter des projets en
 Plusieurs membres de la section libanaise participeront à la messe que Sa Sainteté le Pape tiendra à
l’occasion du Jubilée du Rotary, le 30 Avril.
PP Randa Zaouk
Rotary Club Tripoli
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Lebanon
Rotary ICC Germany – Lebanon / Lebanese section
Coordinator’s Report April 2015 – March 2016
 In the period between March 2015 and March 2016 the Lebanese Section of ICC Germany-Lebanon
met approximately every 6 weeks.
Participation of the chair of the German section, Mr. Heinrich Köhler and his spouse to the
gathering “Together in Lebanon” in October 2015. During this visit, a joint meeting of the ICC
Germany-Lebanon was held.
During this visit, a dinner was also held with the German Ambassador and his spouse and with the
German Consular for cultural affairs and his spouse to discuss about the possible cooperation
between the ICC and the German Embassy.
The next joint meeting of the ICC is planned for October 2016 in Hamburg.
Students exchange and Scholarships:
 Scholarship offered by RC Wiesbaden to a Lebanese Student for Mainz University.
Intensified contacts to German Rotary Clubs during the whole year in order to further the
participation of young Germans and Lebanese at RAYLA workshops in both countries.
Planned Events and Projects:
 Participation of the chair of the Lebanese section, Mrs. Gabriele Bunzel Khalil, at the Rotary ICC
meeting in Strassbourg, 5 – 7 May 2016.
Visit of the chair of the Lebanese section to Hamburg to attend a “Lebanese evening” organized by
RC Schenefeld on May 17th 2016. Mrs. Bunzel Khalil will present a report on the current situation in
Lebanon in order to elaborate on future common projects.
Visit to Hamburg of all members of the Lebanese Section of ICC G-L in October 2016.
Dinner-Conferences to be organized with the German Ambassador in Lebanon, Mr. Martin Huth
and with the German Consular for cultural affairs in Lebanon.
RC Twinning with German Clubs on the basis of elaborated Club profiles.
PP Gabriele Bunzel Khalil
Rotary Club Beirut Cedars
Beirut, April 12th 2016
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Lebanon
Rotary ICC USA – Lebanon / Lebanese section
Coordinators Report April 2015 – March 2016
Meetings and Projects
In the period between April 2015 and March 2016 the Lebanese Section of ICC USA-Lebanon met
approximately every 4 weeks.
The main objective this year was aiming at consolidating the NGO “Gift Of Life Lebanon” created
with the help of “Gift Of Life International” (an organization that works with Rotary around the
world to help children with heart problems that need surgery).
In one year and with the help of many Lebanese Rotary Clubs and individual sponsors, the ICC
USA-Lebanon and GOL were able to secure the necessary funds to have a heart operation done
on 15 little kids.
PP Lina Shehayeb
Rotary Club of Aley
April 17th, 2016
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Lebanon
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Morocco
1. Coordinate countries (specify also the Rotary District Id. Number)
Pays coordonnés (préciser aussi Ie nombre d’identification du Rotary District)
MOROCCO (District 9010)
Saadia AGLIF - National Coordinator
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region / Country
of accountability
Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de assignation
Maroc- Espagne :
1. Younès Sayeh :
2. Karim Bouzoubaa :
3. Azzedine Bousfiha :
Casa Nord
Tanger Détroit
Maroc -France :
My Hassan ElAlamy :
Khadija Cherkaoui :
Ali Chraibi
Gille George Battier
Casa Anfa
Casa Mers Sultan
Casa Hermitage
Maroc- Turquie :
1. Omar Filali :
2. Saadia Aglif :
3. Mehdi Belahmar :
Casa International
Casa Marina
Maroc- Suisse :
1. Miloud Stoti :
2. Samira Bouachraoui :
3. Khalid Kabbaj :
Casa Atlantic
Maroc- Italie :
1. El Jilali Antari:
2. Abdelhak Mekouar :
3. Maria Bensouda :
Rabat Excellence
Casa Mers Sultan
Tanger Spartel
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Morocco
Maroc- Belux :
1. Mehdi Tahiri :
2. Emmanuel De Casterlé :
3. Fayçal Mansouri :
4. Anas Benmamoun
Rabat Chellah
Rabat Excellence
Casa El Fida
3. New projects or activities completed since the last meeting
Nouveaux projets ou activites réalisées depuis la derniere reunion
Au niveau du Maroc la plupart des CIPs ne fonctionnaient plus et on a proceed à la
réactivation des sections CIPs Maroc avec l’Espagne, la France, la Belgique, l’Italie et la
suisse et la création de nouveaux CIPs comme Maroc –Turquie.
Les contacts ont été repris et des rencontres vont être programmées dans les prochains
Important activities in progress ‒ Actions importantes en cours
Les sections marocaines sont en contacts avec les autres sections pour la mise en place
d’actions concrètes.
5. Any financial problems with ICC ‒ Problèmes financiers des CIPs.
Au niveau de notre District, les financements pour les CIPs sont inexistants. Il faudra
sensibiliser les gouverneurs à l’importance de soutenir les CIPs dans leurs activités.
6. Comments ‒ Observations
Faire du benchmarking au profit des pays où les CIPs ne fonctionnent pas et n’ont pas
d’activités soutenues.
Date: .22./..04./.2016
Signature; Saadia AGLIF
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Morocco
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Poland
1. Coordinate countries (specify also the Rotary District Id. Number)
Pays coordonnés (préciser aussi Ie nombre d’identification du Rotary District)
POLAND (D-2230), PDG Andrzej Ludek, National Coordinator for Poland
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region / Country
of accountability
Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de assignation
3. New projects or activities completed since the last meeting
Nouveaux projets ou activites réalisées depuis la derniere reunion
Seminar on ICC in Katowice, October 2015, (40 participants),
PETS, March 2016, Session on ICC with all District Committees Chairs and Assistant
Scholarship program for students from France in Poland (Toruń and Poznań)
Marcel Stefanski Prize founded by D 1670, 1520 and ICC France-Poland for finalists of
International Young Violinists competition in Lublin (Sept. 2015)
Participation in the conference on economic development of Poland, Paris, Feb. 2016
Polish-German Sailing Camp for Youth together with the meeting of both national
sections of ICC Poland-Germany, August 2015.
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Poland
organization of 2 weeks stay in Poland for 30 children from Eastern Ukraine (from
families of war victims)
support for new club partnerships: RC Kraków Zamek Niepołomice – RC Kharkiv
Multinational and RC Gdańsk - Sopot - Gdynia - RC Lviv Ratusza
visits of teachers from special school from Croatia in Cracow
exhibition of painter from Croatia in Cracow
organization of stay of children of special needs from Cracow in Croatia, July 2015
Support for club partnership of RC Jelenia Góra-Cieplice and RC Gan Yavne
support for Interact Clubs from Israel
cooperation with the Center of Jewish Culture and Education
support for young participants from Poland of Peace Conference in Israel
ICC meeting in TATRA Museum in Koprivnica
Support of club partnerships
Visit of the Swiss ICC members to Cracow in May 2015. Common ICC meeting
Important activities in progress ‒ Actions importantes en cours
Preparatory activities with aim to create new ICCs:
Organization of ICC Seminar in Gliwice, October 2016
Further support of scholarship programs for students from France in Poland
Support for young people, vocational programs, study tours, scholarships and support of
cooperation between University in Torun, Ecole de Condé in Paris and Academy of Fine
Arts in Cracow
Next Polish-German Sailing Camp for Youth in Masurian Lakes together with Youth
Exchange Committee, August 2016
Meeting of both sections in Poznan, Autumn 2016
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Poland
Preparatory activities for Inter-country Meeting Poland-Germany in Poland 2017
organization of 2 weeks stay in Poland for children from Eastern Ukraine (from families of
war victims), summer 2016
support for new club partnerships
organization of Inter-country meeting Kiev, March 2017
reorganization of national section in Belarus, support for partnership programs, support
for Belarusian hospice for children, Scholarship for Belarusian student in Poland
exhibition of painter from Cracow in Croatia
organization of stay in Poland 20 children of special needs from Croatia, July 2016
Further cooperation with the Center of Jewish Culture and Education (exhibitions,
workshops, concerts)
Financial support of the international Conference “Interact and Peace”, October 2016
culinary workshops of exchange students from Poland, Czech and Slovak Republics,
April 2017
Golf Tournament (Cup of President of RC Katowice)
Support of club partnerships
Planned visit of the Polish ICC members to Rapperswil and Schafhausen in May 2016.
Common ICC meeting. Common scholarship project for foreigners from Syria studying in
5. Any financial problems with ICC ‒ Problemes financiers des CIPs
District support lower on 30% in comparison to previous years.
6. Comments ‒ Observations
Date: 18/04/2016.
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Andrzej Ludek
ICC REPORT 2016 - Poland
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Russian Federation
Coordinated countries / Pays coordonnés:
RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Districts 2220, 2225)
IssaTOGO - National Coordinator
[Synthèse du projet de l’intervention pour la réunion
du Conseil Exécutif des CIP à Strasbourg le 6 mai 2016]
Les Comites InterPays (CIP) ont occupe une place noble dans le Rotary International
(RI) des les premiers jours de leur apparition. Et aujourd’hui encore après annees
d’existance continuent a nous accompagner sans doute dans toutes activites a travers
le monde.
Ici encore les Cip avec la Russie ne font aucune exception et euvraient et continuent
a oeuvrer dans les grandes lignes du RI.
Je vais tout simplement reprendre les mots de Monsieur Serge Gouteyron lors de la
conference unie des D2220 et D2225 a St Petersbourg en 2015 a l’occasion des 25
annees du Rotary en Russie.
Je cite: Depuis l’ouverture de l’UNION SOVIETIQUE au ROTARY, Depuis la
creation des premiers clubs Rotariens en Federation de Russie, le Rotary, en sa forme
d’organisation a but non lucratf, organisation non gouvernementale, non religieuse et
appolitique s’est tres rapidement fait valoir aupres des differentes couches de la
population du pays.
A cette periode de bouillon a savoir – periode de lendemain des grands changements
historiques intervenus en Union Sovietique ou certains criaient leur joie de libre
expression et d’autres pleuraient la disparution d’un empir autre fois puissant et
redoubtable, le tissu social vivait des fissurations et les doutes, les mefiances
s’installaient dans les familles ouvrieres d’une part et les familles dirigeantes d’autre
part – par la suite une nouvelle couche sociale commence a voir le jour.
Il etait donc tres difficile de dire quelle place pourrait etre reserve au Rotary.
Quelle pourrait etre l’avenir son avenir dans le context d’ une Russie nouvelle.
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Russian Federation
Quelle interpretation serait donnee aux principes fondamentaux du Rotary.
Comment seront vues et interpretees les actions sociales destinees aux plus demenus
de l’epoque.
Et tants d’autres questions se posaient et de nos jours contueraient a se poser et les
defits a lever restent encore grands. - Fin de citation
Aujourd’hui nous comptons une dizaine de Comites InterPays avec la Federation de
Le Premier Rusie- France voyait le jour en 1995
Russie - Allemagne
Russie - Italy - Malte - Saint Marine
Russie - Etats Unis
Russie - Ukraine
Russie - Suisse - Liechtenstein
Russie - Serbie - Montenegro
Russie - Roumanie
Russie - Hollande
Russie - Belgique - GD Luuxembourg
Russie - Bulgarie
Russie - Suede
Russie - et d’autres qui veront les jours tres prochainement.
Leurs evolutions sont assez diverses car nous savons tous avec vous que donner le
jour a un enfant est une bonne chose mais il est aussi indispensable de l’accompagner
dans cet univers et perener notre action tant que cela reste utile dans nos
communautes. Et telle que nous remarquons sans ulision les cours de la vie actuelle,
avec les evenements bouillants de notre societe il nous reste encore beaucoup a faire
pour installer une paix durable car sans elle il n’aurait ni joie et ni bonheur!
Le premier Comite InterPays avec la Russie est le CIP France - Russie qui recu son
chartre en mars 1995 a Moscou.
Je dirais que le CIP France - Russie fut et reste un exemple dans la reussite du RI.
Dites vous qu’en ces moments assez difficiles de transformations de la socite en
Federation de Russie les choses etaient compliquees.
Beaucoup d’actions ont ete realisees et d’autres comites avec la Russie continuent a
oeuvrer dans le renforcement des relations entre la societe Russe et d’autres societies
a travers le monde.Des conferences et tout simplement des rencontres bilaterales se
tiennent tres souvent.
Voila quelques exemples des activites du CIP F-R après ses 26 annees d’existance.
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Russian Federation
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Russian Federation
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Russian Federation
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Russian Federation
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Russian Federation
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Russian Federation
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Russian Federation
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Serbia and Montenegro
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Serbia and Montenegro
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Serbia and Montenegro
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Spain
1. Coordinate countries (specify also the Rotary District Id. Number)
Pays coordonnés (préciser aussi Ie nombre d’identification du Rotary District)
SPAIN (Districts 2201, 2202, 2203)
Miguel A. TAUS - National Coordinator
Spain has one National Coordinator and 3 delegates, one in each of the Districts
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region /
Country of accountability
Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de
Spain has the following ICC:
Israel ( starting )
Turkey ( starting )
The ICC has one member of each District
3. New projects or activities completed since the last meeting
Nouveaux projets ou activites réalisées depuis la derniere reunion
In 2015-2016 we have reorganized the ICC in Spain.
With Delegates in every District, and 3 committee members in each ICC
There is a new ICC working, Egypt.
We have had a Portugal-Spain ICC meeting with the presence of the 5 iberian
Governors, the RID Eduardo San Martin, and Portuguese National Coordinator
Next meeting will be in Madrid.
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Spain
The Morocco-Spain Chairman has been unable to contact his counterpart in
Morocco, so nothing has been done.
The new Chair of the ICC Italy-Spain has been very active.
65 RC from Spain, will be in Rome with the Pope, and she has coordinated it with the
Rome District Governor.
In November 2015 was planned a meeting in Mataró ( Barcelona ) of the ICC
France-Andorra-Spain, but has been finally canceled because the small number of
Both teams met in December to coordinate next meeting
There has been a brotherhood between the RC of Blanes Costa Brava with RC
Perpignan Loge de Mer.
Three RYLAS, one in Santander, and other in Getxo with french student’s
participants and another in La Grande Motte with Spanish student´s participants.
4. Important activities in progress ‒ Actions importantes en cours
Probably next year we´ll have closed the Israel and the Turkey ICC
The RC of the Italy-Spain Chair, Tarragona Tarraco August has a brotherhood with
the RC of Pompeya. With some others RC of Italy and the local authorities, they are
planning to develop a project to provide access for handicap people to the old city.
3.000.000 visitors every year will see the”Rotary access”
Next brotherhood between RC Mataro Maresme ( Barcelona ), with RC Cefalú
5. Any financial problems with ICC ‒ Problemes financiers des CIPs
We need to increase the knowledge about what the ICC is, to have more
commitment of them, also in the financial area.
6. Comments ‒ Observations
I think the board has been increasing the acivities of the ICC, and what is more
important, the make them known by the rotarian community
Date: .16 Abirl 2016
Signature .Miguel A. Taus
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Spain
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Switzerland - Liechtenstein
1. Pays coordonnés (préciser aussi Ie nombre d’identification du Rotary District)
SUISSE AND LIECHTENSTEIN (Districts 1980, 1990, 2000)
Pierre GRADEN - National Coordinator
2. Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays d’assignation
Italien-Malta-San Marino
Rotarier CH/FL
3. Nouveaux projets ou activités réalisées depuis la dernière réunion :
Mis à part des réunions entre les différents CIP, le CIP avec l’Egypte a entamé
d’importantes actions concernant l’eau potable en Egypte
4. Actions importantes en cours: Confection de puits en Egypte, action culturelle en
Serbie, voyages d’étude en Serbie et Roumanie
5. Problèmes financiers des CIPs
Pas de problèmes financiers, vu l’augmentation du nombre des CIP, la participation
annuelle par le Coordinateur aux différents CIPs à dû être diminuée.
Le Rotary Suisse nous accorde 1.- CHF par Rotarien et par année
6. Observations
Comme cela est visible sous le point 2, nous avons une progression intéressante
dans notre pays en ce qui concerne le CIPs
Date: 17/03/2016
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PDG Pierre Graden, coordinateur national
ICC REPORT 2016 - Switzerland - Liechtenstein
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Tunisia
1. Coordinate countries (specify also the Rotary District Id. Number)
Pays coordonnés (préciser aussi Ie nombre d’identification du Rotary District)
TUNISIE (District 9010)
Mohamed GHAMMAM - National Coordinator
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region / Country
of accountability
Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de assignation
3. New projects or activities completed since the last meeting
Nouveaux projets ou activites réalisées depuis la derniere reunion
ITALIE (Rencontre BLUE SEA LAND 2015. MAKE PEACE en octobre 2015 à
MAZARA en SICILE avec la participation de 42 pays du pourtour méditerranéen, du
Moyen Orient et de l’Afrique)
4. Important activities in progress ‒ Actions importantes en cours
Création CIP RUSSIE, Belgique, EGYPT, CANADA, Allemagne, POLOGNEE,
Espagne et TURQUIE
5. Any financial problems with ICC ‒ Problemes financiers des CIPs
6. Comments ‒ Observations
Guenter à nouveau.
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Tunisia
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
Coordinated countries / Pays coordonnés:
TURKEY (Districts 2420, 2430, 2440)
Kadir Sezai MORAL - National Coordinator
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
District 2420-Turkey
2015-2016 ICC Report
As D-2420 we have ICC activities with the following countries. The committee members are given in the
attached sheet. We have appointed Committee members to all the commitees and waiting for our counterpart
to appoint names in their sections. Rotaractors are also took part in some of the sections.
Committee has organized a Balkan RYLA seminar on 20-22 Nov.2015 in Tirana. The organization was
sponsored by Istanbul-Maslak RC. This was the first RYLA organized with this content in Albania.
Maslak RC covered the travelling and accomendation costs of the traing team consisting of Vedat and Oya
Erol and on the conterary ICC Albania covered the costs of the young people who attended the seminar.
Maslak RC organized a trip to Albania in connection with this RYLA with the attendance of 5 members and
spauses. Excellent relations were formed between the young people and the Rotarians.Trips were organized
to Kruje and Berat which has years of Ottoman influence.The RYLA sertificates were submitted to the young
attendees who successfully finished RYLA by RIP Adviser for non districted clubs of Albania, Kosovo and
Macedonia PDG Murat Celik.
During the same visit the group also attended the Charter Ceremony of Vlora RC which was formed
recently.The charter document was handed over to the Club by PDG Murat Celik.
After seeing the successful result, Maslak RC decided to reciprote this activity every year.
Turkey- Belgium-Luxenburg
We have established our partner committee in the first months of this year. Co-President Mr. Özkan
ÖZSARLAK from Antwrep Schelde , Mr.Şamil BİLGİÇ from West Antwrep Schelde RC and Mr.Yılmaz ÖZCAN
(district No;2170) from Laventem. We expressed our regrets to the recent terrorist attack in the name of all
Turkish Rotarians. We have been told that they passed our message to all Belgium RC’s. They also said there
are many projects of RC they are working on. As we have French speaking Pera RC in Istanbul which is
established recently, they are thinking of establish one RC in Belgium which will be a Turkish speaking club.
There is limited progress to increase Rotary ICC relations due to limited interest of building relationship
through ICC. We had been in touch with Bosnia and Herzegovina Rotary clubs through email for a long time,
and visited Belgrad Rotary clubs and informed and invited to visit Bosnia together and offered to make counter
events together as well but with no success. Balkan Ryla will be a chance since Bosnian Rotarians are also
excited to hear and since contact person of ICC also changed it is positive for future however not enough
progress till now.
The relationship with Bulgaria RC’s and Turkish RC’s are mostly in the level of visits between the countries
clubs nears to the border. The youth RYLA has become a tradition now and will be held in Edirne again this
year. The preperations for the Balkan Initiative to be held in Sofia during Autumn 2016 is under preperation
phase. This meeting will be a joint organization of the ICC committees of each section
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
We have reorganized our committee and we are in contact with the members in other districts. We hope that
relations and activities will start developing again.
As ICC 2420.District Turkey-Croatia Committee, we are in touch with Rotary Clubs in our district.
We are searching for clubs that would like to make Rotary projects with the clubs in Croatia.
Istanbul-Beyoglu Rotary Club may visit Croatia in the coming months and would like to make a twin-club
Our District Turkey-France committee has continued its warm relations with the French section. Condolances
letters were shared between the committees due to casualities of innocent people regarding Ankar, Paris and
Istanbul bombings.
Information has been transfere to French section related to Istanbul-Pera RC, the first French speaking RC of
the country. During the District Training Assembly in France, banner, charter document and the speech of the
president of RC Pera will be displayed in the ICC stand.
The Tuskish section will go to France during the months September or October for the joint committee
(Radolfzell-Hegau and Istanbul-Sisli RCs)
21-26 April 2015, 4 Teachers (violin, flutte, fagot, percussion) from Istanbul State Conservatorium visited
several music schools at Konstanz area and Trossingen Conservatorium. Two of the teachers played together
with Sudwest Deutsche Philarmonia Orchestra. Teachers gave a good information about the music education
EXCHANGE (Radolfzell-Hegau and Istanbul-Sisli RCs)
29 March – 03 April 2015, 8 music students playing several different instruments, together with their 3
teachers came to Istanbul, stayed with families, join to workshops at the Istanbul State Conservatorium. They
created good friendships which was another step in two nations understanding each other.
EXCHANGE (Radolfzell-Hegau and Istanbul-Sisli RCs)
19-25 July 2015, 13 music students playing different Western and Turkish classic instruments from Istanbul
State Conservatorium and Istanbul Turkish Music State Conservatorium went to Konstanz, stayed with
families, visited schools, joined to workshops and rehearsals and performed two concerts at Radolfzell and
EXCHANGE (Radolfzell-Hegau and Istanbul-Sisli RCs)
September 2016 , 12 music students playing different Western and Turkish classic instruments from Istanbul
Mimar Sinan State Conservatorium and Istanbul Turkish Music State Conservatorium will go to Konstanz, stay
with families, visit schools, join to workshops and rehearsals and will perform two concerts at Radolfzell and
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
and Istanbul-Sisli RCs)
A long term Project under planning and process.
Istanbul-Galatasaray RC ve RC München Residenz are organising a Sommercamp for the Rotaractors. This
Project will be realized on 20.08.2016 - 07.09.2016. 10 German Rotaractors and 10 Turkish Rotaractors,
having fun together one week in Munich and one week in İstanbul. The Rotaractors are going to stay in
rotarian families in Germany and in Turkey.
In January 2016 members of RC Ottendorf-Land Hadeln, Germany visited Istanbul to meet ICC TurkeyGermany Committee members and some RCs to start a new partnership to support the extension of the
already existing Orphenage and School Project for HIV Orphans in Ghana.
With the financial contribution of five Istanbul RCs, the district 2420 in Turkey and RC Ottendorf-Land Hadeln,
it has been decided to create a new Global Grant Project and to apply to RF in July 2016.
It is also planned to realize a trip together with Turkish and German Rotarians to the project site in Ghana in
October 2016.
Partner Clubs RC Istanbul-Caddebostan and RC Munchen 100 are visiting each other permenently. RC
İstanbul-Caddebostan visited Munchen in September 2015. The Clubs discussed about the common project
Cystic Fibrosis durıing this visit. RC Munchen 100 visited RC İstanbul-Caddebostan in October.
This projecj is started last year. The Clubs organised the delivery of five equipments to the hospital. The
second step of this Project is establishing of Diagnosis Center. The Project amount of this Project is USD
140,000,-. This Project is also including an equipment, which is very important for fhe diagnosis of the cystic
fibrosis. This Project was evaluated as a second project by Zone 10.
Meeting Summary 19.08.2015 Sabri Kurdoglu
Scope of the meeting:
Strengthen the existing friendship between the members of the RC Istanbul Galatasaray and RC OffenburgOrtenau and establish a loose cooperation between both clubs by mutual activities, visits and projects.
Istanbul-Galatasaray showed great interest to cement the existing friendship between the members of both
clubs. As a result of our meeting we have suggested the following activities which could strengthen our
existing cooperation:
A. Organisation of a wine tour in Germany or outside Germany together with wine lovers. This tour could
start in Germany and follow France or Italy.
B. Organize together a RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) in Germany or Turkey. The optimum
group size for such award consists of 16-18 participants. A good time for such award shall be May.
C. RC Galatasaray is organizing a “Jugendforum” which will be held in May next year. The target group
are students (15-18 years) which will discuss in groups a topic and will be asked to present the results
of the workshops in a plenum. Also the students will stay in a Turkish family and learn more about the
Turkish culture. This event normally will take place from Wednesday – Sunday. The students only
have to take over the travel expenses (approximately 250€) all other expenses will be taken over from
the local Rotarians..
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
D. Make suggestions for projects which both clubs could handle together. Either in Turkey or Germany or
outside. (Afrika-Ghana Project)
E. The daughther from Sabri is a very talented pianist – she has just graduated from conservatorium.
She is currently playing for the Austrian Embassy and could play for a benefice concert together with a
very good young Turkish violinist who won a scholarship in Berlin. This could be organized with our
Rotarian musicians.
Both Clubs are visiting each other since many years. The President and the members of RC Stuttgart
Rosenstein were in Istanbul for the celebrating of 60 years anniversary of RC Istanbul. Sabri Kurdoglu had
also a meeting with the Rotarians on 21. March, in which the Afrika-Ghana Project is presented. Both Clubs
are willing to participate in this common project. This Project is going to be the sample and a great cooperation
in Rotary world, between German and Turkish rotary clubs in third country.
There is very slow progress due to economical and political problems of Greece.
Israel cancelled RYLA program this year for security reasons.
The committe sections are holding meeting in each country to have a good stsrt for cooperation. They have
also decided to support the Balkan RYLA camp in Macedonia to be held in May 2016.
We are working actively to involve various Rotary Clubs in both countries for organizing activities for youth.
May 22-24, 2015 a RYLA seminar was organized in Skopje with the attendance of 16 university students from
Turkey, Macedonia Kosovo and Albania. The organization was made jointly by Istanbul-Sisli and Skpje
Kamen-Most Rotary Clubs. The lecturer was Vedat Erol, a professional trainer from Istanbul.After seeing the
success another activity was planned for May 2016 in Skopje.
Two reciprocal kommittee meetings were held in Skopje and Istanbul, on 6 - 7.01.2016 and and 1718.02.2016. The main topics were how to develope new projects and also discussing the organizational points
of the new RYLA seminar. To the meeting in Skopje Rtn. Tamer Atabarut also attended to see the facilites
where the seminar will be held.
The second RYLA seminar will be organized in Movrava Skiing Center near Skopje. The trainers will be from
ıstanbul Bogazici University headed by the team leader Rtn.Tamer Atabarut. The name of the new RYLA
camp will be called Balkan RYLA and young people will be invited from 10 different Balkan countries. The
invitations are sent and waiting for the applications.
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
Turkey - Romania/Moldovia
As an international ICC representative concerning Moldovia and Romania I am sorry to say that I have not
been successful.
Last action I made was sending a Christmas and New Year celebration mail to Mr Cos Ovidiu.
I had no reply. Looking at the charts I see him as a national regional coordinater.
He has never paid attention to my previous mails either.
The for March 2016 planned ICC agrreement signing has been postponed because of two reasons. Firstly the
Serbian side wants to complete their ICC committee organization. Secondly two sides are preparing a frame
paper for the vision of the ICC committee. The draft of the paper will be sent during coming days.
D-2420 section chair Merih Ergin visits Spain at least three times a year for business. She stays in Madrid &
Barcelona. Every time she tries to attend Rotary Meetings and giving information about ICC.
Mr. Miguel Taus was the Country Coordinator for Turkey for 2 years with whom we were in touch.This year
Miguel Taus changed his position and David Parra took over.
This week ,he has sent an e-mail informing that he’s at the same Rotary Club with Miguel Taus and he would
come to Istanbul by end of May.
We agreed to meet him in Istanbul by end of May and reciprocal visit will be implemented in June. The first
thing that we will do is to renew our ICC agreement.
We have also decided to support clubs in both countries in their MG projects. We will also concentrate on twin
Since signing the ICC protocol between the two countries the banners of the clubs in D-2420 was sent to the
clubs and a CD of Turkey was distributed to the Rotay clubs of Tunusia.
Turkish Ambassodor was invited to three Rotary Clubs as guest speaker.
We are working on developing Sister Club relations between the clubs of two countries.
We also want to involve the other two districts in Turkey to form theirTunusia committees in order to devlope
better relations not only as NGO’s but also economical and trade relations.
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
District 2430-Turkey
2015-2016 ICC Report
1. Coordinate countries (specify also the Rotary District Id. Number)
Pays coordonnés (préciser aussi Ie nombre d’identification du Rotary District)
TURKEY (D 2430)
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region / Country
of accountability
Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de assignation
Turkey – Greece
Turkey – Germany
Turkey - Italy
3. New projects or activities completed since the last meeting
Nouveaux projets ou activites réalisées depuis la derniere reunion
Rotary Club of Ankara Bahçelievler initiated a Global Grant Project and Rotary
Club of Augusta (D 2110) will take part in the Project as International Sponsor
Important activities in progress ‒ Actions importantes en cours
We started to work at ICC for Turkey- Greece on 2014 July.
We planned to put a Twining in real between Turkish and Greek Clubs . We arranged a
meeting of both Rotary clubs Ankara Tandogan and Agaia Pareskevi in Athens on 29th of
November 2014. We invited the Guvernors of D-2430 and D-2470, the past Governers and
the Assistant Guvernors of both districts. 20 people from Tandogan Rotary Clubmembers and their spouses- organised a trip to Athens
We exchanged our Professional business aspects and talked about projects of our clubs
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
This Twining will help to increase peace between both countries, will teach us how to
make an international Project, will help to make closer friendships and will Exchange
culturs of both countries.
We visited on 2015 March in Thessaloniki the Thessaloniki East Club attended their official
meeting. I introduced them the Rotaract Club of Ankara Tandogan, to be a
twin club.
The Greek clubs from D- 2470 Agaia Paraskevi and from D-2484 Thessaloniki East came
to Ankara on may 2015, with their rotaract club, they spent 3 days in ankara. We made a
meeting with the attendance of the authorities of Greek Embassy and Greek society who
live in Ankara. We signed the twining certificate between Rotaract clubs of Ankara
Tandogan and Thessaloniki East.
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
On November 2015 The Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Ankara Tandogan made a visit with
its members to Thessaloniki. They attended an official meeting with the presence of
District Guvernor from D-2484, and past District Guvernors from D-2430 and D-2484, and
chairman of ICC Greece and Turkey Maria Delivoria. They signed a Twinclub certificate
With the authorities at the Greek embassy we Exchange letters and visits several times, to
invite Greece as the Honour Country to Rofife short film festival which will be held on
March 2016 in İzmir. After many letters they accept to be the Honour Country and we
invited the Greek counsulate to İzmir with a greek film producer. They made speeches on
As a conclusion, we signed three twin club certificates, made visits to Greece and to
turkey, bring business people together from both countries and pointed Greece to Guest of
Honour Country at ROFIFE 2016.
5. Any financial problems with ICC ‒ Problemes financiers des CIPs
6. Comments ‒ Observations
Murat ÖZ
Date: .15/04/2016
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
District 2440-Turkey
2015-2016 ICC Report
1. Coordinate countries (specify also the Rotary District Id. Number)
Pays coordonnés (préciser aussi Ie nombre d’identification du Rotary District)
Turkey – District 2440
2. Number and detailed list of Inter-Country committees active in your Region / Country
of accountability
Nombre et liste détaillée des CIPs actifs dans votre Region / Pays de assignation
9 Countries
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel
and Greece
3. New projects or activities completed since the last meeting
Nouveaux projets ou activites réalisées depuis la derniere reunion
Germany, Frankfurt Dreieich RC, District 1820, visited Izmir Mavişehir RC
District 2440 RC Didim RC - Turkey and District 2470 Kos RC - Greece became
Sister Clubs. The Sistership Agreement is signed in Didim on 29 November 2015.
District 2440 Osmangazi RC and District 2482 Plovdiv Philopopol RCs became
Sister Clubs on 17 October 2015. The agreement was signed by
Club Presidents
and District Governor Elects.
District 2440 Didim RC visited District 2470 Kos RC on 8 July 2015
4. Important activities in progress ‒ Actions importantes en cours
2nd International Peace and Youth Peace Forum will be held in İzmir.
Please visit web page for more details
5. Any financial problems with ICC ‒ Problemes financiers des CIPs
6. Comments ‒ Observations
Date: 5 April 2016
Signature ...................................................
Report of activities of ICC Committee Turkey-Bulgaria Between 2015-2016
1- As we stated on our last report, we did a presentation of 1st International Peace and Youth Forum which
occured between 20th - 22th of July in bulgaria At that meeting we arranged a participation of Mr Nikola
Likov, Mr Radoslav Bonev, Mrs Alexsandrina Yaneva and Mrs Aiten Sabri.
2- Moreover at the 4th entry of our previous report , stated that we had a meeting with mayor of Khardzali
Mr Hasan Aziz and members of Khardzali Rotary Club, in order to share our opinions and suggestions for
the general issues that schools in Bulgaria come across about the education in Turkish language.
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
Within the scope of this subject, we came to have an agreement about transferring the official turkish
educational books that should have been studied in Bulgaria, to the digital media, aka Compact Disc. The
source was delivered to Bursa by Rtn. Mr Cevdet Adem and Rtn. Mr Muallim Bayram at 8th of April 2015.
As we went through an inspection for data in it, we found that there were only 4 books out of 17 in total
had enough quality to get printed out. So we demanded another operation from Khardzali municipal to
reedit and cleanse out the unprintable books, 13in total, so that we can finish our job. Khardzali authorities
started this operation which is still carried on to this day.
3- During the previous general meeting we had drew attention to the cooperative acts of our countries 3
main District’s ICC committees. Based on this subject, in 2nd of May 2015, we gathered together at the
common meeting of Tracia and Balkan Rotary Clubs which was organized by Edirne Rotary club of District
2420. To this meeting also Rtn Mr Levent Bilek, president of the ICC committee of District 2420
participated. Rather than Rtn Mr Levent Bilek we also had several guests from Bulgaria, Rtn Mrs Margarita
Markova, president of Haskova Rotary Club, Rtn Mrs Natalio Paçilova, president of Khardzali Rotary Club,
Rtn Mr Peter Ganef, president of Svilengrad Rotary club, with several members from these rotary clubs
mentioned above were also attended to this magnificent meeting.
A cooperation agreement was set between Rtn. Mr Levent Bilek, Rtn. Mr Cevdet Adem and Assistant
Governor Panko as they did not miss the opportunity of this multicultural event which was actually one of
those that the goal is to develop a sense of friendship and cooperation.
4- As a result of this agreement, members of Khardzali Rotary club of District 2482 and members Karaköy
Rotary Club of District 2420 came together at 11th of June 2015 in order to sign an agreement to become
twin clubs.
5- In 11th of July 2015 i attended to the take-over ceremony of Momchilgrad Rotary Club from District
2482. Ceremony was also participated by Rtn. Mr Selçuk Aslan, president of the Çanakkal Rotary Club from
District 2440 which is also the twin club of Momchilgrad Rotary Club, and his wife Beran Arslan. The
necklace of presidency was handed over from Ren. Mrs Darina Zetova to Rtn. Mr Mehmed Ismail. Due to
their contributions two plaques were present by myself to the previous president of Momchilgrad Rotary
Club, Rtn. Mrs Daria Zetova and to the current president of Khardzali Rotary club, Rtn. Mrs Natalia Paçilova.
6- During the month of august in 2015, we had a guest from Bulgaria, Rtn. Mr Lyuben Atanasov, Governor
of the previous term of Bulgaria. He did presentations around at certain Rotary Clubs şn Bursa about
Bulgaria and rotary acts that occurs in his country.
7- One of the projects i planned at the beginning of this term was arranging a gathering for governor of
upcoming term of District 2440 and District 2482, Rtn Mr. Ismail Rodoplu and Rtn. Mr Dimitar Dimitrov,
respectively, and for the members of the very rotary clubs that they have a membership in Osmangazi
Rotary Club and Plovdiv-Filipopol Rotary Club. The meeting was arranged and accomplished in 17th of
October in 2015 in Bulgaria.
8- As i stated in 4th entry of this report, Karaköy Rotary Club from District 2420, the twin club of Khardzali
Rotary Club visited her sister in Bulgaria between 14th- 15th of November 2015. The friendship of these
clubs which was initially started by the contributions of previous presidents Rtn. Mr Okan Keten and Rtn.
Mrs Natalia Paçilova became hardened and extended by the leadership of current presidents Rtn Mr. Nasko
Nastev and Rtn. Mr Yaşar Taşkıran.
9-The 2nd Establishment of International Peace and Youth Forum, which will be arranged in 2016, was
presented with high elaboration to the several clubs and authorities. Unfortunately due to its planned date
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Turkey
session (16th-20th of April 2015) which has a overlap with the exam term of Bulgaria, event could not had a
match with its planned count of participants. Although this issue does not promise any good we already
have 2 participants Mr Erkan Mutlu and Mr Suleıman Kerim as they stated to me that they would be there
to attend.
1- We did not request any financial support for pur planned organizations and duties.
Turkey-Bulgaria Committee
D.2440 ICC
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Ukraine - Belarus
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ICC REPORT 2016 - Ukraine - Belarus
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