NL WIP Spring term 2012 a_2


NL WIP Spring term 2012 a_2
Volume 3 No. 2
Message from Mrs. Ivanauskiene
Dear all,
Spring is really coming! Every morning the sun greets us earlier, we awaken to see the trees and
flowers in full bloom.
I am happy to present our second Newsletter of the school year. The period from January to March
has been a very colourful and interesting one. You are invited to read some extracts of the projects
and activities which took place in different classes and levels.
The last term of school (April to July) will be a busy one, but will offer the children an array of challenging learning experiences, focussing on creativity and discovery. The school will be organising
many events, including Book Week, Science Week, Europe Day, a flea market, and school trips.
Preparations for the move to Laeken are in full swing; it is an exciting time. The Arts competition
about the imaginary rooms for Laeken showed us the children’s great enthusiasm regarding their
new school.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter and a relaxing break. Thank you all for
your continuous support and cooperation which are always appreciated.
Vaiva Ivanauskiene
Deputy Director Nursery/Primary EEB4
Chers Tous,
Le printemps arrive! Chaque matin, le soleil nous accueille plus tôt, nous nous réveillons en voyant
les arbres et les fleurs en pleine floraison.
Je suis heureuse de vous présenter notre deuxième bulletin d’information de l'année scolaire. La période entre janvier et fin mars a été très colorée et très intéressante. Vous êtes invité(e)s à lire
quelques extraits de projets et d’activités qui ont eu lieu dans différentes classes et à différents niveaux.
La prochaine période d'avril à juillet sera très remplie, mais nous offrira aussi beaucoup de créativité,
de découverte et des « défis » basés sur des expériences qui favoriseront l’apprentissage de nos
élèves. L'école va donc organiser « la semaine du livre », « la semaine des sciences », « la Journée
de l'Europe », « le marché aux puces », ainsi que différentes sorties scolaires et aussi quelques
voyages scolaires.
Les préparatifs pour le déménagement vers Laeken avancent bien; ce sont des moments d’aventure
pour nous. Le concours d’art sur « les classes imaginaires » pour Laeken nous a montré l'enthousiasme des élèves en ce qui concerne leur nouvelle école.
Enfin, je voudrais vous souhaiter à toutes et à tous de Joyeuses fêtes de Pâques et surtout des vacances reposantes. Merci à toutes et à tous pour votre soutien continu
et votre coopération qui sont toujours appréciés.
Vaiva Ivanauskiene
Directrice Adjointe Maternelle/Primaire EEB4
Visit of the Bulgarian Vice-President in Our School
On 26 March 2012, an official delegation led by the Vice president of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mrs Margarita Popova, visited our school. An official representative of the European Commission, the Director of Human Resources Unit,
Mr Moricca, attended the event too. The Bulgarian students and teachers were
very excited by the visit. They greeted and welcomed the delegation with Bulgarian songs and poetry in their mother tongue. The singer Rossi Ros’ performance added to the joyous occasion, inspiring the pupils to sing together
`Song for Bulgaria` together. Afterwards, the students and parents had the opportunity to hold an open discussion concerning the future education in Bulgarian language and the possibilities of support from Bulgaria. Mrs Popova was
extremely warm-hearted and responded well to all questions, promising the
students that she will help establish contacts with Bulgarian schools for the
about realisation of joint-projects, as well as for the organisation of visits and
meetings with Bulgarian writers, poets and actors. The students and teachers
gave Mrs Popova an album with poems, drawings and pictures of their school
life as a present. An invitation concerning the official participation in the opening of the new site school in Laeken in September was given to the Vice president. This VIP visit confirmed the Republic of Bulgaria’s dedication to the education of students of the European School of Brussels IV.
Визита на високо ниво в нашето училище
На 26 март 2012г. официална делегация, ръководена от вицепрезидента
на Република България – г-жа Маргарита Попова, посети нашето
училище. На събитието присъства и официален представител на
Европейската комисия, директорът на отдел Човешки ресурси – г-н
Морика. Българските ученици и учители бяха много развълнувани от
визитата на високо ниво. Посрещнаха и приветстваха делегацията за
добре дошли с песни и стихове на родния език. Певицата Роси Рос
донесе допълнително хубаво настроение в музикалната част, тя
вдъхнови учениците да изпеят заедно „Песен за България”. Отворена
дискусия беше проведена с родители и ученици, относно бъдещето
развитие на обучението по български език и възможностите за
подпомагане от България. Госпожа Попова беше много отзивчива и
отговаряше на всички поставени въпроси; обеща на учениците, че ще
съдейства при осъществяване на контакти с училища в България и
разработване на съвместни проекти, както и организиране на посещения
и срещи-разговор с български писатели, поети и актьори. Учителите и
учениците подариха на госпожа Попова албум със стихове, рисунки и
снимки на моменти от живота в училището. Покана за официално
участие при откриване на новото училище в Лакен през септември беше
отправена към вицепрезидента. Тази визита на високо ниво потвърди
сериозните и отговорни ангажименти, които Република България поема
към обучението на учениците от Европейско училище Брюксел IV.
Tijdens de knutselles maakten we een masker van papier maché.
Daarbij moest je met behangselplak en wc papier een ballon
bedekken. Een glibberige boel en voor sommigen best wel eng om je
hele hand in een lijmpot te steken.
We hebben de maskers mooi geverfd. De dag voor de Carnavalsvakantie mochten we verkleed op school komen en vierden we
een carnavalsfeestje, met spelletjes, muziek en lekkere hapjes.
Juf Kris had haar schmink doos meegebracht en de kinderen die dat
wilden kregen een mooie beschildering op hun gezicht.
We sloten het feest af met een disco en een stoelendans.
P1 and P2 celebrated Carnival in style this term! The children made
bright, colourful, fantastic masks and they all danced the “Hokey
Cokey” and “The Birdie Song!!” They all have a simply wonderfully
Carnivalous time!
Verkleed op school komen met carnaval. Wat een feest!!!!!
Visita alle scuole medie
Il 13 febbraio 2012 siamo andati per un’ora alla scuola secondaria per
scoprire cosa si fa. Appena arrivati, siamo stati accolti nel laboratorio di
scienze dove la professoressa ci ha fatto vedere tante cose tra le quali
un modello di occhio umano, dato che avevamo studiato l’occhio e la
I ragazzi di S1 IT avevano preparato per noi degli esperimenti, il primo è
stato Sasha, il nostro ex-compagno a presentarlo. Sasha ha preso un
contenitore, lo ha riempito d’acqua, ha messo una candela accesa nel
contenitore e ha capovolto un barattolo trasparente sulla candela
accesa. Dopo un po’ l’acqua è iniziata a salire. Poi Thomas ha ripetuto
l’esperimento che è riuscito di nuovo.
Questo esperimento ha dimostrato che l’acqua occupa lo spazio lasciato
libero dall’ossigeno che è stato bruciato dalla candela.
Francesca e Fidel ci hanno presentato il secondo esperimento. In una
bottiglia hanno versato dell’aceto poi in un palloncino hanno messo del
bicarbonato e lentamente hanno attaccato il palloncino al collo della
bottiglia così il bicarbonato si è rovesciato dentro. Il bicarbonato e l’aceto
hanno reagito e hanno prodotto anidride carbonica che entrando nel
palloncino lo hanno gonfiato.
Poi la professoressa, per farci scoprire quale gas aveva gonfiato il
palloncino lo ha preso tenendolo chiuso saldamente e ha vuotato l’aria
contenuta nel palloncino sulla candela accesa, che si è immediatamente
spenta dimostrandoci che era anidride carbonica.
Ci siamo salutati e siamo andati con la classe S2IT che stava lavorando
con il professore d’italiano nell’aula d’informatica e lì abbiamo fatto
esercizi son la LIM sul soggetto e il predicato.
Il professore ci ha spiegato che si studiano cose che spesso conosciamo
già, ma in modo più approfondito, scoprendo cose nuove. Prima avevo
molta paura di andare alle scuole medie, ma dopo questa esperienza
non mi sembra così terribile. Non vedo l’ora di andare alle scuole medie
per fare tutti quegli esperimenti ed imparare tantissime altre cose.
We planted another Forest!
For the third year in a row the children from several primary classes,
across the language sections, helped to plant a new forest in Belgium.
This year, we helped to plant a new section of the Forêt de Soignes.
In collaboration with Sunbeams (a Belgian based pro-environmental charity) children, parents, grandparents,
babies, dogs and teachers helped to plant more than 2400 trees in the
A big thank you to everyone who supported this venture yet again,
through sponsorship as well as planting. It culminated in a lovely family
day out, as well as a worthwhile and sustainable project.
P4 Castles
The students from P4 Anglophone section have studied the preRenaissance period. As part of their study, the children made fantastic
models of castles at home. Their results were absolutely amazing. To
conclude the project, the children presented the castle to the other chil-
Mighty Mathletics!
The Anglophone section are no strangers to Mathletics, as for some time
now, it has been used to complement the maths programme we use.
Children log on at home with their password and username and they
create their own Avatar. They can upgrade these buy earning points
gained by progressing through the tasks set by their teacher or by
carrying out activities without even being asked to do so. Progress is
checked and skills are nurtured and the children’s appetite for arithmetic
is fed. Pupils can even play live and challenge other Mathletics users
across the globe!
Naturally, we are all very happy with this but recently there has been a
spate of worldwide successes, and it all appears to be happening in one
class. That’s right, it’s a P4 class and it happens to be Mr. Wadsworth’s!
Of course, Mr Wadsworth is absolutely thrilled and delights in sharing the
success of his class with all the other teachers in the Anglophone
It‘s clear the gaunlet has been thrown down, and the time is now ripe for
all the other classes to see if they surpass the successes of those
marvellous mathematicians in P4!
P4 ENa have been on the leader board not just once but twice in the last
half term! The screenshots, which Mr Wadsworth has very proudly
provided, show just how well the class have been doing. We are all
delighted with the participation of the whole section in the Mathletics
programme and look forward to seeing even more success in the
Summer Term!
Februar 2012 – Faschingszeit!
Es kommt eine Zeit, da ist es der deutschsprachigen Abteilung erlaubt,
alles auf den Kopf stellen!
Stundenplan gilt nicht! Unterricht existiert nicht!
Regeln? Na, ja!
Mit „Helau“ und „Alaaf“ begrüßten die verkleideten Kinder und Lehrer
der deutschsprachigen Sektion am Karnevalsfreitag, den 17. Februar
2012, die 5. Jahreszeit.
Nach Feiern in bunt geschmückten Klassen mit närrischer Musik,
Kostümtänzen, Spielen und einem ausgedehnten süßen Frühstück hat
sich die ganze Sektion in der großen Turnhalle zur gemeinsamen Feier
getroffen. Die bunten Kostüme und Levkes mitreißende Moderation
haben eine karnevalistische Stimmung verbreitet. Verschiedene
Klassen haben die Feier mit Liedern und Tänzen bereichert. Besonders
viel Spaß hatten die Kinder beim Singen des „Fliegerliedes“ und
zeigten sich begeistert, dieses mit passenden Bewegungen zu
Höhepunkt des Festes war die von Lehrerinnen und Schülern getanzte
Macarena und der anschließende Tanz zur „Waka Waka“-Musik.
Schülerinnen und Lehrkräfte waren nun richtig auf die kommenden
Tage des Straßenkarnevals mit „Kamelle“ und „Strüßjer“ eingestimmt.
Phenomenal Forces in P5
P5 have been fascinated about Forces this term in DDM. In addition to
some wonderfully inventive lessons prepared by the class teachers, the
children had excellent opportunity to really get “hands on” with their learning.
Those inspirational instructors from CAP Science visited to school yet
again to enthral the sensational scientists in the Section. All the classes
had three workshops ranging exploring a range of scientific concepts
through the study of levers, gears and pullies.
In the levers workshop we worked with balanced and unbalanced forces,
and applied the formula F1xd1= F2xd2. We discovered how pivots work
and how they can be used to lift heavy objects with less effort. By the end
the children were able to point out many examples of this and were able to
easily identify the pivot, force and the weight in each.
In the pullies workshop, we examined the movement of simple gear cogs,
and extended this to understand that the slow movement of a larger cog
makes a smaller attached cog move much faster. We then explored the
possibilities of how we could exploit this to help lift weights. Using a simple system of pullies we worked out the best set up of cogs to allow us to
lift a heavy load with the least effort.
The final session had the children experiment with the powerful properties
of paper! We discovered that it is very difficult to rip many layers of paper.
We explored the structural properties of cylindrical toilet roll tubes! We
even made sturdy bridges that held strong and true when put to the test.
However, the true challenge of this workshop was to build a stool designed to take the weight of an adult: entirely out of paper! The cutting and
pasting had to be accurate. The concentration was intense but we all
managed to build our stools and test them out. Even Mr Nagel, at a modest 72kilograms, was able to sit on this paper stool without let or hindrance!
It truly was a wonderful experience for the children and teachers alike.
Science is at its best when it is bought alive with practical activities and I
am certain that we’ll see even more in the term to come.
Many thanks to all at CAP Science, and to everyone at school, who organised the event to make it such a wonderful success.
The Year 5 Team
P5 Singing school
Questa volta la canzone da cantare tutti insieme era una canzone italiana: “Il Gatto e la Volpe” di Edoardo Bennato, allora, dato che per noi
era facile impararla, abbiamo preparato delle scenette della Commedia
dell’Arte per far conoscere ai nostri compagni le maschere italiane.
Ci siamo preparati bene e abbiamo studiato bene la parte. Poi abbiamo
preparato i costumi e infine, il grande giorno è arrivato…
Greta ed Edoardo hanno recitato Arlecchino e l’oste;
Julia e Gianmario: Arlecchino e Beatrice,
Milla, Eugenia e Leo: L’invito a cena di Arlecchino
Ci siamo divertiti tanto, anche se è stata dura recitare davanti a tutti i
compagni di quinta. Ma è stato un successone!
Poi tutti insieme abbiamo assistito alla recita dei compagni francesi.
E abbiamo cantato tutti insieme la canzone… è stato un bel lavoro, tutti i
bambini la sapevano bene e ci siamo divertiti, anche se eravamo molto
Lesewettbewerb der Klassen P5 DE
Lesen macht Spaß und lohnt sich!
Auch dieses Schuljahr fand in der deutschsprachigen Abteilung wieder
ein Lesewettbewerb statt.
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 5. Klasse der Primarstufe und der 1.
Klasse der Sekundarstufe beschäftigten sich mit einer Lektüre von Otfried Preußler: „Krabat“.
Jeder wählte ein Kapitel aus, erzählte den Inhalt und las in einem
Zeitrahmen von 5 Minuten eine Episode aus dem Buch vor. Die Mitgleider der Jury (bestehend aus den Kindern der S1 und P5) bewerteten anschließend den Lesevortrag nach zuvor erarbeiteten und festgelegten
Alle waren gut vorbereitet und die Jury ermittelte 5 Preisträger:
Platz: Dominic Pesa (P5)
Platz: Julius Zunker (S1)
Platz: Hannah Temmler (P5)
Platz: Luise Herdegen (S1)
Platz: Helen Zunker (P5)
De Bijzondere Dingen Kring
Wij zijn gestart met de Bijzondere Dingen Kring.
Elke woensdag zijn er 2 kinderen aan de beurt om over een bijzonder
ding te vertellen. Zo leren we veel over de meest uiteenlopende
onderwerpen, zoals: huisdieren, dinosaurussen, de aarde, spinnen,
paarden, rugby, tennis, het kinderboek Martine, Curaçao, de Dominicaanse Republiek, skiën, bijen en een canacla (dat is een Afrikaanse
mobile waterkraan).
100 Schultage
Nachdem die Schüler/innen der P2 DE heuer von Schulbeginn an die
Schultage gezählt hatten – war es am 16. Februar endlich soweit: Der
100. Schultag war erreicht! Den ganzen Tag lang gab es Spiele,
Lieder und Aktivitäten rund um die Zahl 100. Wie viel sind 100
Gummibärchen? Wer kann den Ball 100 Mal prellen? Wie lang sind
100 Sekunden? Jedes Kind brachte 100 Dinge von zu Hause mit und
gestaltete damit ein tolles Plakat. Zum Schluss wurden 100 „Fruit
Loops“ aufgefädelt und als Kette mit nach Hause genommen.
Jungle:éducation physique !
Malgré les conditions hivernales, les élèves trépignaient d'impatience
de pouvoir se prendre pour Tarzan dans cette jungle; où seuls le saut,
balancement, glisse, escalade et autre acrobatie leur ont permis d'en
venir à bout!
Ce qui, à force d'entraide, fut brillamment réussi dans la joie et la
bonne humeur...
Es ist Mittwoch, der 7. März 2012, Pär Fäldt, der Direktor der
Sekundarstufe, bereitet seinen großen Auftritt vor.
Alle fünften Klassen haben sich im Musikraum der Schule versammelt und
warten neugierig auf seine Präsentation.
Il direttore ci ha spiegato come funziona la scuola secondaria, avremo un
professore per ogni materia e la giornata sarà divisa in periodi di 45 minuti
e dopo ogni periodo si deve cambiare classe. Ci sarà un consigliere disciplinare per controllare le assenze ed il comportamento.
Ci ha detto che è importante essere amici con tutti, anche con i ragazzi
delle altre classi perchè per alcune materie saremo mescolati.
All the classes in P5 were addressed by Pär Fäldt, the Director of Secondary about thier imminent transfer to the Secondary section of EEBIV!
School life, repsonsibilities and timetables were discussed, and the the children listened with excitement as they were told all about the structure of the
school day.
Children from secondary were available to answer the many questions that
followed after the briefing from Mr Fäldt. It was most impressive to see
many of these older children seamlessly switch between different European
Many thanks to Mr Fäldt, and to all those involved in the organisation of this
important event, which forms only part of the Transition programme for P5.
În fiecare an sărbătoarea de 1 Martie
optimismul şi bucuria reînvierii naturii.
ne readuce speranţa,
Cu acest prilej, pregătirea mărţişoarelor, obicei specific românesc,
moştenit de la strămoşii noştri, continuă să fie respectat chiar şi la sute
de kilometri distanţă de ţara natală.
Copiii români din cadrul şcolii noastre au confecţionat din firicelul alb şi
cel roşu mărţişoare brăţări la care au adăugat un clopoţel care să
vestească tuturor sosirea primăverii.
Elevii din clasele P3, P4 si P5 au realizat cu multă migală felicitări
mărţişor pentru a le oferi celor dragi.
În timpul
activităţii ne-am reamintit câteva dintre
mărţişorului subliniind din nou semnificaţia celor două culori, roşu şi
alb, împletite şi legate în formă de fundiţă.
In januari werd het touwenparcours « Tarzan » weer opgesteld.
Dit jaar konden we er twee weken van genieten i.p.v. één.
Dolle pret !! Er waren zes ingangen en we moesten een parcours
volgen. Er waren tekens die ons de juiste weg toonde. We waren
helemaal bezweet op het einde van de sportles. Voor de veiligheid
lagen er matten en we moesten ook afstand houden.
We hopen dat het touwenparcours ook in Laken opgesteld wordt.
Mein Stammbaum
Ihre Familien stehen den Kindern am nächsten und sie sind ihnen sehr
wichtig. Deshalb waren sie begeistert zu zeigen, wie ihre Familie
aussieht. Zur Familie gehören natürlich neben Eltern, Geschwister,
Großeltern, Onkel und Tanten auch Haustiere.
Für das „Stammbaum Projekt“ haben die Kinder der Maternelle Klassen
Fotos ihrer Familienmitglieder mit in die Schule gebracht.
Nachdem sie auf ein ungefähr DIN A 2 großes Blatt einen Baum gemalt
hatten, haben sie zunächst Generationenblumen der gleichen Farbe
ausgeschnitten, auf die dann Portraits geklebt wurden. So kann man die
einzelnen Generationen und Zugehörigkeiten gut erkennen.
Sie hatten viel Spaß dabei von ihren Verwandten zu erzählen und haben
sich gefreut ihre Klassenkameraden zum Beispiel als Baby zu sehen.
Mozart Workshop
Wat hebben wij genoten van de Mozart workshop! We mochten ons verkleden als Mozart en zijn familie en er werden allerlei situaties in scène
gezet, die we naspeelden. We leerden dat de opera eigenlijk een gezongen verhaal is, waarbij de zangers op het toneel staan en de muzikanten in de orkestbak zitten. Ook leerden we heel goed luisteren naar
verschillende ritmes, melodieën (die we ook moesten na zingen) en instrumenten. Uiteindelijk leerden we ook nog een choreografie te maken
en een eigen tekst op een melodie te schrijven. Een muzikale en leerzame dag dus, waarbij we ons heerlijk mochten uitleven met zingen,
toneelspelen en dansen.
През месец март се осъществи и среща на български и английски
ученици от Детската градина с разговор за новото училище в
Разгледахме снимки на училището, представихме си как ще
изглежда училищния двор, библиотеката, сградата на Детската
Orchester „Arpeggio“
„Le secret d'Antonio, l'enfant au
Am Mittwoch, 14. März kamen alle Schüler/innen der Grundschule in den
Genuss eines richtigen Orchesterkonzerts.
Wie in den vergangenen Jahren luden wir auch heuer wieder das Orchester „Arpeggio“ aus Brüssel zu uns an die Schule ein. Insgesamt 24
Musiker spielten für uns zwei Konzerte, bei denen heuer die Geschichte
des italienischen Geigenbauers Antonio Stradivari erzählt wurde.
Alles drehte sich um das Geheimnis, das hinter dem außergewöhnlichen
Klang der weltbekannten Stradivari-Geigen steckt. War es die Bauweise
der Geigen? Das verwendete Holz? Oder doch ein besonderer Lack?
Das Streichorchester umrahmte die Geschichte mit musikalischen
Werken von Vivaldi, Mozart, Corelli und Britten und brachte so unsere
Sporthalle zum Klingen.
Op woensdag 14 maart kwam er een echt orkest naar onze school. Het
orkest ´Arpeggio´ kwam voor de derde keer en we keken ernaar uit. Dit
jaar vertelden ze ons, met hun instrumenten, het verhaal van de wereldberoemde vioolbouwer Antonio Stradivari : ´Het geheim van Antonio, het
kind met de viool´.
Antonio zelf vertelde zijn leven en het orkest speelde muziekstukken van
Britten, Vivaldi en Holst. Natuurlijk speelden de snaarinstrumenten een
belangrijke rol. We vroegen ons af of ze een echte Stradivarius hadden.
Spijtig genoeg niet. De hoogste prijs op een veiling was 11 miljoen euro.
Het was erg stil in de zaal en we hebben erg genoten van dit optreden.
Workshop trommelen
De kinderen in de Nederlandse Maternelle klas hebben genoten van de
workshop trommelen. Vijf lessen kregen we van de trommelmeester en
aan het einde van de week mochten de papa’s en mama’s met ons mee
Opera Workshops
We were fortunate to have a super day with the staff from the Theatre de
La Monnaie on Thursday 12th January.
P5 ENb focussed on Œdipe, an opera in four acts by the Romanian composer George Enescu but written in French, based on the mythological
tale of Oedipus.Enesco completed the music in 1922 and the orchestration in 1931.
The opera received its world premiere in Paris on 13 March 1936. P5ENb
premiered their first ever participation with the opera in Brussels on 12th
January 2012!
We listened to excerpts of the music and enjoyed many linked activities.
The children practised their operatic scales and even tried to break the
world record for exhaling whilst making a sound. We played with riddles
and even performed a Romanian dance! It was great to hear the children
expand their cultural repertoire even more and to hear them sing part of a
great piece of work. P5 also had the opportunity to try and change the
destiny of poor Oedipus but alas the Fates were against us and he came
to his sorry end. The children were impeccable throughout and the instructor who worked with us, gave their behaviour and enthusiasm special mention (for all the right reasons!).
In P5 Ena we enjoyed a wonderful all-day opera workshop in our classroom in conjunction with Lydia from the Theatre de la Monnaie in the centre of Brussels. Our workshop was based around the opera Parsifal by
Richard Wagner.
We learned about the background to Wagner's life and learned to sing
the main themes that recur in the opera. We also learned the story and
acted it out using songs, drama and dance - and some really fun
props. We had great fun learning about something new.
As usual, P5 did themselves proud and a great day was had by all!
L’orchestra: Eugenia Forte, P5
Il 14 marzo, a scuola, è venuta un’orchestra. Per me è stata una cosa
abbastanza normale perché quest’orchestra viene da cinque anni, ma
immaginavo che per i bambini nuovi doveva essere una cosa fantastica.
Lo spettacolo si è svolto in palestra e l’orchestra stava sopra un palco,
era composta da quattro tipi diversi di strumenti a corde: il violino, la
viola, il violoncello e il contrabbasso. Dopo qualche minuto l’orchestra ha
iniziato a suonare alcuni brani di Vivaldi e di altri compositori e la musica
cambiava sempre tonalità grazie ai quattro tipi di strumenti presenti
Egli cercava sempre di migliorare i suoi violini e cercava di costruire un
violino che fosse più bello e melodioso degli altri. Col tempo ci riuscì,
allungando un poco la forma e usando vernici speciali e lo chiamò
Lo spettacolo si concluse con un ultimo brano al quale seguì uno
scroscio d’applausi. E’ stato veramente emozionante e sono curiosa di
sapere cosa ci sarà l’anno prossimo.
Atelier over de Prehistorie.
Voor de carnavalvakantie volgde P3 een atelier. We leerden er hoe de
eerste mensen overleefden. We maakten vuur zonder lucifers en wapens
om op jacht te gaan.
In grotten werden er muurschilderingen gevonden die de voorhistorische
mens geschilderd heeft. We maakten dus ook grotschilderingen en ze
waren (bijna) even mooi.
Semaine 1 du mois de mars
Après une semaine de vacances, les enfants ont bien repris les habitudes de la classe. Nous avons continué de travailler sur les mesures
prises avant les vacances (taille et poids de chacun) et cette fois-ci nous
avons compris ce qu’était le poids. Nous avons manipulé des poids sur
une balance de Roberval et nous avons même rangé des objets de la
classe du plus léger au plus lourd.
Nous avons manipulé des poupées russes puis travaillé sur les formes
géométriques et sur leur taille en les rangeant de la plus petite à la plus
Nous avons poursuivi sur le thème de la symétrie (pliage le long de
Nous avons découvert un nouveau matériel : il faut reproduire un modèle
avec des formes de couleurs.
Semaine 4 du mois de mars
Cette semaine a été dédiée à la compétition d’art sur les salles imaginaires à Laeken. Nous avons choisi un objet et un lieu que l’on aimait
très fort à Berkendael et nous les avons imaginés à Laeken.
Voici quelques photos de notre échauffement le mardi : l’ours, la brouette
et saute-mouton. Nous avons aussi découvert un nouveau jeu : le mikado !
Les enfants ont fabriqué une balalaïka pour accompagner notre chant
« Une puce russe » et nous avons fabriqué de belles affiches pour illustrer le tri des déchets selon les couleurs des poubelles.
Nous avons fêté l’anniversaire de Christopher. Lors de l’heure européenne quelques bricolages de Pâque étaient proposés et nous avons
même fait un petit dessin de remerciement et d’au revoir à Monsieur
Pascal, le technicien de l’école qui s’en va à la fin du mois !
« M. Pascal porte un bonnet vert avec un pompon rouge ! Il change les
ampoules, il répare les fenêtres et il nous sauve lorsque les toilettes sont
bouchées ! Bravo et merci à lui ! »
Fahrt nach Aachen
Morgens sehr früh aufstehen hieß es für die Schülerinnen und Schüler
der deutschsprachigen Abteilung am 7.2.2012.
Die Klassen P2-5 DE und die Kinder der L2 fuhren dann, noch bevor die
Schulbusse in den Schulcampus einfuhren, bereits auf der Avenue
Albert in Richtung Aachen zum Theater.
Alle Kinder
waren sehr gespannt auf das Theaterstück
„Dschungelbuch“ und so war die 2-stündige Hinfahrt eine Kleinigkeit.
Die Vorführung mit Mogli und seinen Freunden begeisterte die Kinder.
Aufmerksam verfolgten sie die schauspielerische Darbietung von „Tier“
und Mensch vor der Dschungelkulisse mit ihren Lichteffekten.
Die Kinder waren sich am Ende einig, die Fahrt nach Aachen hat sich
wieder einmal gelohnt.
La Linea au ciné-club
Durant les heures européennes, nous avons vu au ciné-club, un petit
dessin animé qui s’appelle la linea.
Il met en scène un petit personnage à qui il arrive des aventures qu’une
main dessine. Les couleurs du fond décrivent les sentiments du
personnage, il n’y a pas de paroles mais il y a des bruits qui les
remplacent. C’est un dessin animé italien que les enfants regardaient
avant d’aller se coucher. C’est très amusant, et en plus, pas besoin
d’être italiennes pour comprendre !!!!!!
Paasontbijt in Maternelle NE
Wat was het gezellig zo met elkaar ontbijten in de klas.
Een heerlijk gekookt eitje, stukje paasbrood, croissantje enz.; lekker
smullen dus!!
P4 IT e P4 Enb Insieme nel bosco
La classe quarta della sezione italiana insieme con la quarta inglese sez.
b hanno fatto insieme la prima uscita dell’anno scolastico e sono andati
nel parco di “Forest”.
Una bella passeggiata e poi ……. tutti al lavoro!
I bambini, che erano stati preparati a lavorare come componenti di un
gruppo al quale loro stessi avevano già dato un nome, armati di sacchetto
-contenitore, blocchetto attività, penne, matite, colori, spago, patafix e
scotch si sono messi subito all’opera: hanno cercato in lungo e in largo le
diverse foglie elencate e raffigurate nelle loro schede operative e ne hanno scelto poi una da osservare con più attenzione focalizzando in particolare caratteristiche rilevabili con i sensi. Qualcuno è riuscito anche ad associare foglie a frutti trovati qua e là in mezzo alla coltre di foglie che stava per terra.
Di comune accordo, poi, ogni gruppo ha scelto un albero da “interrogare”:
hanno messo insieme le loro osservazioni ed eseguito le attività proposte
nella scheda finalizzata “Amico albero raccontami”.
Dopo l’impegno scientifico, è arrivato il momento di rilassarsi ……… artisticamente: la creatività di ogni gruppo ha trovato la sua espressione sia
nella realizzazione di un fiore con foglie e frutti, che nella ricerca di un
tronco idoneo con cui rappresentare una “faccia buffa”.
Tutti i bambini hanno lavorato l’intera mattinata con entusiasmo e spirito
collaborativo all’insegna del cameratismo, confronto e sana competizione:
le ore sono volate e successivamente, quando in classe hanno prodotto
un testo per raccontare la propria esperienza di questa mattinata scolastica fuori dalla routine quotidiana, hanno tutti scritto di aver molto apprezzato questa giornata di “vacanza-studio”.
Che dire ………. à la prochaine?!!?
Un ringraziamento particolare va alle mamme e alla nonna che si sono
offerte di accompagnarci e che hanno seguito e coordinato ogni gruppo
assicurando così vigilanza e riuscita dell’esperienza.
La journée préhistorique P3 FRA
En lien avec nos leçons de Découverte du Monde, nous avons eu la
chance d’accueillir des animateurs mettant en place divers ateliers
sur la préhistoire.
Au cours de cette journée, nous avons ainsi fait plusieurs peintures
rupestres, appris comment a évolué l’homme, et nous avons aussi eu
l’occasion de procéder à un lancer de flèches.
Quelle inoubliable aventure !
Saviez-vous que le premier Homme à manier l’outil était l’Homo Habilis ?
Saviez-vous qu’il existait 3 périodes durant lesquelles les dinosaures
ont vécus ?
Lors de cette journée, nous avons aussi fabriqué nos propres silex
tels ceux qu’utilisait l’Homo Habilis pour chasser !
P3FRA Recette pour créer votre propre peinture rupestre
1. Prenez une épaisse feuille de dessin blanche de la taille de votre
2. Mettez-vous dans la peau d’un Homme des cavernes ! Cela signifie que vous ne devez peindre que des choses qui s’apparente à sa
vie, telles des animaux, des armes ou des cabanes.
3. Prenez une pique en bois (type brochette) et brûlez l’extrémité
avec un briquet.
4. Faites des formes d’animaux ou d’armes avec les cendres présentes sur votre pique. Cela donnera un effet ancien garanti !
5. Lorsque vos formes sont dessinées, coloriez-les avec un peu
d’argile brune légèrement mouillée. Remplissez votre dessin de
couleur à l’aide de vos doigts.
6. Afin de donner plus de réalisme, faites deux trous dans votre
feuille (utilisez une perforatrice) et faites passer quelques branches
de lierres. Cela ajoutera une touche personnelle à votre peinture
7. Soyez-en fier ! Affichez votre tableau dans votre chambre ou dans
votre salon.
Were there meat eaters, where there plant eaters? In DDM in P3 En we are
learning about our great ancestors, the dinosaurs!
Our class is so interested probably because we wonder about these magnificent
beasts that roamed the earth millenums ago. Some dinosaurs were the biggest
land mammals ever known! Did you know the reptiles in the sky and sea were
not dinosaurs but Pterosaurs, who were kings of the sky while Peliosaurs were
the rulers of the deep.
One of the strangest things about this extraordinary time was how many simple
creatures survived and still live today e.g. ants, ferns, grasshoppers, horsetails,
termites and lots more. How they did this was by feeding on the carcases and
dead plants, in this way, they were able to survive, when everything else had
died out.
This mighty time was named the Mesozoic Era and because of its huge history,
had to be split in to 3 periods.
First, the Triassic period, which was when the dinosaurs evolved, so they only
appeared in the late Triassic period, most of them were small and carnivorous. In
this period the weather was mostly hot and dry with seasonal rain. Its plants
weren’t towering but middle sized and there weren’t that many of them.
At this time the word was just one big continent, Pangea. The Triassic period also saw the start of mammals, the size of mice!
This changed a lot when the Jurassic period appeared 260 mya. This period is
best known for some of the biggest land animals ever known. The weather was
pretty much the same as the Triassic period, but there were a lot more forests.
The mammals became rat sized.
In the Cretaceous period a lot changed, not just with the dinosaurs, but the
weather as well, which cooled down quite a lot. Plants did not change much but
dinosaurs became a lot more complicated and maybe that’s why, when they did
die out, they couldn’t adapt too easily. There were many insects in this period.
Many theories are put forward as to why the dinosaurs died out, most scientists
believe a giant comet caused many volcanic eruptions, earth quakes, tsunamis
and made dust cover the earth so the sun couldn’t shine on the plants so they
died out. As a result of this the herbivores died out and then the carnivores as
they didn’t have enough carcasses to survive on – smaller creatures had enough
meat from the carcasses to survive. Another silly reason put forward for the dinosaurs dying out was lack of sleep!
I liked this subject because I like to think about these magnificent creatures and
to imagine what it would have been like back then.
Words by Emmet Mythen, P3EnA
Picture by Ilona Walsh P3EnA
Whole School Art competition
We recently drew a close to our whole school Art Competition!
All the class teachers were very impressed by the efforts of all the children who took part and especially by those who came up with original
ideas, independently created. The first round of voting took place in the
individual classes where the children decided upon the best three in the
The art then went onto the jury, made up of both teachers and children,
who had the unenviable task of deciding which ones were the best.
Christo from P5, and a member of the Jury, said, “We had to choose 3
paintings from each grade and at the end the teachers got to vote out of
the ones we chose. It was interesting seeing all the different ideas and
creativity of all the different children, especially the ones who did it themselves.”
As all the art was so brilliant it was very difficult to make a choice and
consequently the jury decided to select the five best pieces from each
level. The first 3 places were awarded prizes and all of the finalists received a certificate.
We look forward to seeing those winning entries festooned upon the new
Agendas next academic year!
The official award ceremony took place on Friday, 30 March 2012 at
11.00, in the music room.
Many thanks for all the hard work put in by children and teachers for making this competition such a success!
Maths Day!
The children from Primary 3, 4 and 5 and from all of the language sections took part in a cross language section maths challenge. Each student received the maths challenges in their own language. They were
then placed into multi-lingual groups and had to work out the answers together, communicating in whatever language they could. To make it more
challenging, the children could place a ‘joker’ on one of the questions.
This doubled the points that could be gained, but it could also double the
losses if they got the answer incorrect. The children will complete three
more of these fun days this year.
Nos lettres à nos correspondants anglais
Depuis le mois d’octobre, nous avons des correspondants en anglais.
Nos amis vivent à Nantwich, près de Manchester. Nous essayons de
nous écrire le plus possible. C’est un fabuleux outil d’échanges et de
partages entre deux pays et deux cultures.
A Pâques, nous avons décidé de leur envoyer chacun une carte postale
de Bruxelles afin de leur expliquer et présenter plusieurs lieux et bâtiments célèbres de Bruxelles.
Peut-être allez-vous reconnaitre de quels monuments bruxellois il s’agit
dans notre carte postale ? Regardez bien attentivement !
Le chien des « Deux Gredins » (The Twits) P3 FRA
Au mois de mars, nous avons lu ensemble le merveilleux livre de
Roald Dahl « Les Deux Gredins ». Ces affreux personnages nous ont
fait beaucoup rigolés. On s’est alors demandé quel pourrait être l’apparence et le caractère d’un chien qui aurait pu appartenir aux deux
Pendant plusieurs jours, nous avons mis en commun nos idées afin
de rédiger des histoires originales, drôles et cohérentes avec les personnages des deux Gredins.
Lorsque nous avions terminé d’écrire, nous avons rassemblé nos
chiens ensemble et nous en avons fait un livre qui est disponible à la
bibliothèque. Alors n’hésitez pas à venir le lire et nous exprimer ce
que vous en avez pensé !
Rainbow 2 are ticking away nicely!
The nursery children explored clock faces as part of their study on
time and numbers. They used recycled materials and food to
reproduce these wonderful clocks.
Bonne Appetite !
The Irish Leprechauns have Landed in Rainbow 2
The children have investigated the story of St. Patrick’s Day and they
have found a bit of magic at the end of the rainbow !
Student Council / Conseil des Elèves
Each class from P3, P4 and P5 has elected a representative to
participate in the Students Council.
Since the beginning of the year, they have already actively
participated seven meetings.
The program achieved has involved:
-the selection and organisation of games and equipment in the
-the creation of observers to reflect and make proposals for improving
the behavior of all during the different times of the school day
-the organisation of a “Festival of Friendship” for each level, to
facilitate the integration of children of all sections
-the participation in the preparation of the Student Newspaper.
All representatives participate with seriousness and commitment to
the work of the Council which is coordinated by a teacher in EEBIV.
Ateliers P3
Les élèves de P3 ont eu trois ateliers pendant l'année scolaire:
L'eau, la Musique Verte et la Préhistoire.
Ces ateliers étaient animés par une équipe de spécialistes. Les
enfants étaient très actifs et tout en manipulant, ils ont appris
beaucoup de notions:
L'eau: le cycle de l'eau; le fonctionnement d'une station d'épuration;
les états de la matière...
La Musique Verte: faire des instruments de musique avec des
matériaux trouvés dans la nature; le recyclage...
La Préhistoire: situer dans le temps différentes époques; vocabulaire
spécifique; connaître le mode de vie des Hommes préhistoriques...
Happy Easter!
A very happy Easter to all of our readers!
We hope you enjoyed this term’s Newsletter and we look forward to
creating more good news to share with you all in the Summer term!
All the staff at EEBIV