2 - College of Continuing Education


2 - College of Continuing Education
University of Minnesota College in the Schools
Fren 1003, Intermediate French
Course objectives:
To complete a systematic review of French grammar at the intermediate level (second year of College).
To promote awareness and appreciation of cultural similarities and variation throughout the francophone world.
To develop reading skills through the study of authentic texts, both cultural and literary.
To continue the development of speaking, listening, and writing skills through a variety of assignments and
class discussions in French. These activities are designed to encourage students to reflect upon, interpret, and
react to social and economic issues, current events, and popular trends of the day.
There are similarities between first-year and second-year French: we continue to work on the four skills and culture
(not something all new or different from first-year goals) to help students reach proficiency and improve their communication in French. And students DO MORE than in first year: they learn more vocabulary, they learn more
grammar and culture. There are also differences: students begin to monitor speech, to self-correct. They become
more creative with the language (oral and written). They begin to deal with abstract topics (vocabulary) and to read
Registration & Grades:
To enroll in French 1004, at least a C- (C minus) or 'S' is required in French 1003.
Course texts
Terrell et al, Deux mondes: A Communicative Approach, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2013.
Terrell et al, Cahier d'Exercices to accompany Deux mondes, 7th ed, McGraw-Hill, 2013.
Optional: Connect online workbook and lab manual (can replace printed Cahier d'Exercices)
Grading scale:
Chapter Exams (3x75)
Final Exam
Conversations évaluées (3x55)
Compositions (4x50)
Quizzes (5x10, or more at instructor's discretion)
Class work & Participation 
Devoirs (Exercices du Cahier)
Présentation(s) (min.: sem. course:1 or yr. course: 2) 50
Rédactions (Shorter writing assignments) (5 x 10)
Lecture (PP or Les Mis)
Allocation des Notes
A = 930-1000 points
A- =900-929 points
B+ = 870-899 points
B = 830-869 points
B- = 800-829 points
C+ = 770-799 points
C = 730-769 points
C- = 700-729 points
D+ = 670-699 points
D = 600-669 points
F = 0-599 points
 There will be three fifty-minute exams. Additional Quizzes (announced and unannounced) will be given at the
discretion of each instructor. The Final Exam is a cumulative exam with stronger emphasis on Chapter 14.
 Compositions: You will write four compositions during the semester using a multi-step process approach.
Topics are related to course content (readings, chapter themes, class discussions, film).
Length requirements: Compositions are to be double-spaced typewritten pages (length to be indicated on each
assignment) in a font equivalent to Times Roman 12, with one-inch margins all around. You must use a
word processor that allows you to include an official word count on your composition.
Evaluation: Compositions are graded in four categories, as follows:
1. Content: Content refers to the development of your topic and appropriate use of supporting details.
2. Accuracy: This category includes grammar, spelling, and syntax.
Vocabulary: The range of your vocabulary and ability to choose the correct words and idioms are the
primary grading criteria. Use new vocabulary from the chapter and follow the directions from Etape 1.
Style: What you write should be easy to read, clear and in good French.
Steps in the composition process:
1. Organize your ideas and write a detailed outline (schéma) and a theme sentence (phrase-clé). Usually, you
will have a chance to work on a brouillon (rough draft) in class. Then create a typed draft (version
préliminaire), which will be coded for errors by your instructor. It is most efficient to word-process
immediately, since this will save you time copy-typing, and you will not risk adding typographical errors
after your instructor has corrected your draft. Proofread for mechanical errors and check agreements before
turning in your first version. You can find spelling, accentuation, and gender on your own by using a dictionary. You are strongly encouraged to spell-check and use an on-line site such as Le bon patron, to avoid
making bad grammatical errors. If you make more than five such errors, the instructor will not code the
remaining ones and you will have to find them on your own for the final version of your composition.
Some students find it useful to proofread for only one kind of thing at a time: spelling, accents, gender,
adjective agreement (gender & singular/plural), subject-verb agreement, elision (le  l', etc.), tense-choice,
etc. One way to check agreements on your own is to go through the paper a first time, clause by clause,
placing the forefinger of one hand on the subject and the forefinger of the other hand on the verb that goes
with it. Check that the verb agrees in number (singular/plural) and person (first, second, or third) with the
subject. Then go through the paper a second time, finding nouns with one hand and the determiners and
adjectives that modify them with the other; check number (singular/plural) and gender
2. After you receive your coded composition from your instructor, prepare a final typed version with grammatical, lexical, and syntactic corrections. This final version will be graded for content, grammatical
accuracy, vocabulary use and style. Be sure to turn in your version préliminaire with the final composition,
as instructors will be giving special attention to improvements based on marks and suggestions made to the
earlier drafts.
 Class Work. Students are expected to prepare and come to class ready and willing to work with the material
assigned for each day. To be ready for class each day you will be asked to prepare the devoirs assigned on your
syllabus, in addition to supplemental assignments your instructor will give. Assignments are to be done for the
following day except when indicated otherwise.
Students will receive a class participation grade based upon preparedness and active participation in class
activities. In-class activities may include question-and-answer, discussions, debates, impromptu essays or
written exercises, role-plays or brief skits, pair and group work, etc.
University Grading Standards:
A achievement that is outstanding relative to the level necessary to meet course requirement
B achievement that is significantly above the level necessary to meet course requirement
C achievement that meets the course requirements in every respect
D achievement that is worthy of credit even though it fails to meet fully the course requirements
S achievement that is satisfactory, which is equivalent to a C- or better
F (or N) represents failure (or no credit) and signifies that the work was either (1) completed but at a
level of achievement that is not worthy of credit or (2) was not completed and there was no
agreement between the instructor and the student that the student would be marked an I.
I (Incomplete) is assigned at the discretion of the instructor and the Director of Language Instruction when, due
to extraordinary circumstances (e.g., hospitalization), a student is prevented from completing the work of the
course on time. It requires a written agreement between the instructor and student, endorsed by the Director of
Language Instruction.
Statement of Departmental Grading Standard and Objectives:
It is the department’s policy that while it is understood that “successful communication” allows for communication
which is understandable though not fully accurate, this level of accomplishment will not result in a grade higher than
C. To earn a grade of B or A, accuracy in oral and written communication is required.
Additional Course Information
1. Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. It results in failure of the assignment or the class, and
infractions will be reported to the Office for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. Our Student Conduct Code
defines plagiarism as representing the words, creative work, or ideas of another person as one’s own without
providing proper documentation of source. Examples include, but are not limited to:
– copying information word for word from a source without using quotation marks and giving proper
acknowledgement by way of footnote, endnote or in-text citation;
– representing the words, ideas or data of another person as one’s own without providing proper attribution
to the author through quotation, reference, in-text citation or footnote;
– producing, without proper attribution, any form of work originated by another person such as a musical
phrase, a proof, a speech, an image, experimental data, laboratory report, graphic design or computer code;
– paraphrasing, without sufficient acknowledgment, ideas taken from another person that the reader might
reasonably mistake as the author’s; and
– borrowing various words, ideas, phrases or data from original sources and blending them with one’s own
without acknowledging the sources;
– specific to our discipline: using automated, electronic or human translators in any way.
Remember that the burden is on you to understand this policy and its effect on your work habits. Any written
work which you submit should be entirely your own work, not an electronic translator’s or a French
speaking friend’s (not even a small part). Electronic translators often give erroneous results, and their use
does not produce much learning on your part. (And even if the result is grammatical, an experienced
instructor can tell when a translator has been used.) On the other hand, you are encouraged to use other
online writing aids such as spelling and grammar checkers (such as that of Word or Le Bon patron) to
help you identify and eliminate errors in your writing. If you have any questions about what is
appropriate/inappropriate in this area, please ask your instructor for clarification.
2. Attendance: Class attendance is crucial to the successful completion of this – or any – foreign-language course.
Language skills development requires frequent and sustained practice. If a student has more than 5 unexcused
absences in a semester, his/her course grade will be lowered one letter grade for every 4 classes missed. For
example, A will be lowered to A-, A- to B+, B+ to B, etc. Legitimate excuses or excused absences for missing class
include the following: participation in a scheduled activity of an official school/University student organization, a
religious holiday, verified confining illness, serious family emergencies, subpoenas, jury duty and military service. It
is the student's responsibility to notify his/her instructor of any excused absence as far in advance as possible.In all
cases written documentation will be required. Continuous late arrivals will also be counted as absences, and students
must stay throughout the entire class period to get credit for attendance and on-time assignment.
3. Late Work: Workbook and textbook exercises will not be accepted after the due date (either stated on the
syllabus or that your instructor indicates for additional assignments). Composition grades will be lowered
10% per day late for each of the first three days past the due date. After this point, compositions will no
longer be accepted. Students who must be absent because of legitimate circumstances on exam days (written
and oral) may request to take an exam early and will be expected to provide written verification of the reason
for their absence.
4. Credits and Workload Expectations: For undergraduate courses, one credit is defined as equivalent
to an average of three hours of learning effort per week (over a full semester) necessary for an average
student to achieve an average grade in the course. So you can expect to spend 15 hours of work per week in
this course: 5 contact hours and 10 hours of homework.
5. Departmental Policy on Diversity: The Department of French & Italian at the University of Minnesota
deplores and will not tolerate acts of discrimination and hate. Any such acts will be reported to the appropriate University or State authorities for action. It is the policy of the Department that respect for diversity
be evident in and out of the classroom.
Disabilities: It is University policy to provide reasonable accommodation to students who have disabilities that may affect their ability to participate in course activities or to meet course requirements.
Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact their instructors early in the semester to discuss
their needs for accommodation. Students must work with the University's Disability Services to certify
the existence of a disability and to determine reasonable accommodations.
Policy on incompletes: In accordance with CLA policy, a grade of “Incomplete” will only be assigned
if the Director of Language Instruction and the instructor of the course 1) have a reasonable expectation
that the student can complete an unfinished course on her/his own no later than the end of the next term,
and 2) believe that legitimate reasons exist to justify extending the deadline for course completion (written documentation is required). If a student knows before the end of the eighth week of classes that
circumstances will prevent her/him from completing the course, the student will be expected to DROP
the course. If the student must drop the course due to serious medical illness (or other circumstances out
of the student's control), she/he is encouraged to appeal to Student Relations (150 Williamson Hall) for a
full tuition refund.
Your continued presence in this class indicates a complete understanding and acceptance of
the policies detailed in this document.
En classe (pages blanches)
Chapitre 11 : Les moyens de
Mon électronique 340-342 (display, Act 1-3)
Mon électronique bis 343-344
Manuel : Gram 11.1, Conditionnel 357-359, Ex. 1-3
In-class writing: Cahier 235 D. Composition:Les
enfants et l'ordinateur
Préparation de la Composition #1
Francophones sur le vif (vidéo), ch. 11
(à préparer pour le lendemain)
Manuel : Étudier vocabulaire 340-341
Cahier : L'univers de l'électronique 231-3, Comp A, B; Vocab A
Cahier: Le verbe français : The conditional 246-7
Cahier: 233 B. Un autre monde
Commencer Composition #1
Continuer Composition #1
La langue en mouvement 342
A propos... 344
fonetik 1 (Moodle)
Finir Composition 1, 1ère version
À remettre : Composition 1,
1ère version
Cahier 235-6, Comp A, B
Manuel : Etudier vocabulaire, 344-345; Gram 11.2,
Relative pronoun dont, 359-60, Ex. 4
On se distrait, on s’informe 344-345
Note to teacher: Possible insertion of film
activities (see CIS French Moodle, 1003, ch 5)
Les pièges de l’inforoute 348-349
Quiz possible, date au choix du professeur
Les pièges de l’inforoute 350-51
Cahier 244, Prononciation: Review of liaison
Manuel: Gram 11.5, Hypothetical situations & imperfect
364, Ex. 10
Cahier 238-9, Comp A, B; 240, Gram C
Manuel : Gram 11.4, Commands with pronouns 361-3,
Ex. 7-9
Pour résumer 352-4, A vous de parler, A & B; A
vous d'écrire (Rédaction1)
Manuel : Finir la Rédaction; lire Mon amie Juliette, 352353, Avez-vous compris?
Lecture: Mon amie Juliette, 352-353
Chocolat (clips au choix du prof), Activité
d'analyse cinématique (Moodle)
fonetik 2
Cahier 239-40, Vocab A, Gram B
Examen 1
Conversation évaluée no. 1
Conversation évaluée no. 1
À remettre : Composition 1, version finale
Réviser pour l’examen écrit
Préparer la Conversation évaluée
Finir Composition 1, version finale
En classe (pages blanches)
(à préparer pour le lendemain)
Cahier La santé et le corps humain 249-50, Comp A, B,
Vocab A
Manuel : Etudier vocabulaire 366-7
Chapitre 12 : La santé et les urgences
La santé et le bien-être 366-368
La santé et le corps humain 368-370
Manuel: Gram 12.1, Saying what you want others to do: subjunctive,
383-4, Ex. 1-2
Cahier 250, Gram B, C
La santé et le corps humain bis
fonetik 3
Pour résumer 378: A vous de parler A, B
Les maladies et les traitements 370-71
À propos... Vivre bien, vivre bio 371
Les maladies et les traitements 372-374 (texte,
Francophones sur le vif, 373)
Gram 12.2, Changes of state (p.c.) 385, Ex. 3
Francophones sur le vif (vidéo), Ch. 12
Les maladies et les traitements bis: 374, A
propos... Le vaudou
Cahier 266, Prononciation: Summary of accent
Les accidents et les urgences 375-6
fonetik 4
Cahier 257-8, Les accidents et les urgences, Comp (Les mauvais
souvenirs), Vocab A
Gram 12.5, Narrating in the past 387-8, Ex. 6, 7
Cahier 259-61, Gram C, D
Travail en cours:
Commencer Composition 2, 1ère version
Le malade imaginaire, 378-380
Travailler sur Composition 2
Finir Composition 2, 1ère version
À remettre : Composition 2, 1ère version
Réviser pour l’examen écrit
Examen 2
Manuel 380, A vous d'écrire (Rédaction 2)
Manuel: Etudier vocabulaire 370-372
Cahier 254-5, Comp (Chez le docteur Bobo); Vocab A, B
Gram 12.3, Present participle 386, Ex. 4
Cahier 256-7, Gram C, D
Cahier 267-8 Le verbe français: present participle
Gram 12.4, Venir de + infinitive 387, Ex. 5
Cahier 258-9, Gram B
Les accidents et les urgences 377
Lire Le malade imaginaire, 378-380, Avez-vous
En classe (pages blanches)
Chapitre 13 : La famille et les valeurs
en société
L’amour, l’amitié et la famille 390-91
Gram 13.1, Reciprocal actions 408-9, Ex. 1-2
L’amour, l’amitié et la famille 392-93
Gram 13.2, Adverbs 409-10, Ex. 3
(à préparer pour le lendemain)
Cahier 269-70, Comp A, B; Vocab A
Manuel: Etudier vocabulaire, 390-91
Cahier 270-72, Gram B, C, D, E
Francophones sur le vif (vidéo), Ch. 13 (texte, 393)
Cahier 273-75, Comp A, B; Vocab A
La vie de famille 394-95
Quiz possible, date au choix du professeur
fonetik 5
La vie de famille 396-97
Exposition de la Composition 3
Gram 13.3, Expressing feelings: subjunctive 410-11,
Ex. 4-5
Composition 3: Travail de groupe
Composition 3: Rédiger votre réponse.
À remettre: Composition 3, 1ère version
Préparer la Conversation évaluée no. 2
Choisissez le sujet de la Présentation.
Conversation évaluée no. 2
Cahier 283-4, Prononciation: Numbers and liaison
Travailler sur les Présentations
Finir Composition 2, version finale
À remettre: Composition 2, version finale
Cahier 285-7, Le verbe français: Irregular subjunctives
Explication des Présentations
Préparer la Conversation évaluée no. 2
Cahier 275-76, Gram B, C
Cahier 281-2, A vos stylos! (Rédaction 3)
Conversation évaluée no. 2
Travailler sur les Présentations
398-99: A propos... & Valeurs et décisions
Gram 13.5 Possessive pronouns, 413-14, Ex. 8
Détermination des sujets des Présentations
Valeurs et décisions 400-402 (mettre à jour Act 13)
Gram 13.4 Plus-que-parfait, 412-13, Ex. 6-7
Cahier 278-9, Comp A, B; Vocab A
Commencez le travail sur la Présentation.
Cahier 280, Gram B, C
Continuer le travail sur la Présentation
Pour résumer 403-05, A vous de parler, A vous de
lire: Le Monde de Baptiste
fonetik 6
Continuer le travail sur la Présentation
Examen 3
Finir le travail sur la Présentation.
Gardez vos notes sur les Présentations pour le quiz!
Gardez vos notes sur les Présentations pour le quiz!
Gardez vos notes sur les Présentations pour le quiz!
Finir Composition 3, version finale
Réviser pour l’examen écrit
En classe (pages blanches)
A remettre: Composition 3, version finale
Chapitre 14 : Les enjeux du présent et de
(à préparer pour le lendemain)
Cahier 289-90, Comp A, B; Vocab A
Manuel : Etudier vocabulaire, 416-417
L’intégration sociale 416-417
Quiz sur les Présentations
L’intégration sociale 418-419, A propos...
Grammaire 14.1, Past conditional of devoir, 432, Ex. 1
Exposition de la Composition 4
Film - Bienvenue chez les ch'tis
(Option: Les Intouchables)
Film - Bienvenue chez les ch'tis
(Option: Les Intouchables)
In-class writing : Composition 4
À remettre : Composition 4, 1ère version
L’héritage du passé 422-24
fonetik 7
Les enjeux du XXIème siècle 424-25
Gram 14.3 Conjunctions: Subjunctive, 434, Ex. 3
Cahier 295-6, Comp A, B; Vocab A; Gram B
Les enjeux du XXIème siècle 426
Gram 14.4 Expressing Doubt & Uncertainty:
Subjunctive, 435,-6, Ex. 4
Pour résumer 427-29, A vous de parler, A vous de lire:
Le voyageur du temps
Révisions pour l’examen final
Cahier 297-8, Gram C, D
Cahier 290-91, Gram B, C (Rédaction 4)
Finir la première version de la Composition 4
Note to teachers: If you choose Les Intouchables, see
CIS French teachers Moodle site (Supplemental Course
Materials) for possible compo topics.
Cahier 292-3, Comp A, B; Vocab A; Gram B
L’héritage du passé 420-21
Gram 14.2 Past conditional, 432-33, Ex. 2
Conversation évaluée 3
À remettre : Composition 4, version finale
Cahier 294-5, Gram C, D (Rédaction 5)
Cahier 303-4, Le verbe français: the perfect tenses
Préparer la Conversation évaluée 3
Finir Composition 4, version finale
Réviser pour l’examen final
Conversation évaluée 3
Examen final, compréhension auditive
Révisions pour l’examen final
Examen final écrit, 1ère partie
Examen final écrit, 2e partie
Réviser pour l’examen final