Livret Irlande - Dunbrody Famine Ship


Livret Irlande - Dunbrody Famine Ship
Date of the visit : _____________________________________________________________
Time of the day :____________________________________________________________
Town / City:____________________________________________________________________
County: ________________________________________________________________________
The Dunbrody in figures:
3.15 - 4 –5 - 8 – 176 – 313 – 1845 – 1851 – 2001
The Ship was built in __________ in Quebec by an Irish emigrant.
From ______ to _______, the Dunbrody Famine Ship carried Irish passengers to Canada
and the USA.
They escaped the Great Famine in Ireland. They were forced to emigrate.
There were two classes of passengers: the cabin passengers (who paid £___ - £___) and
the steerage* passengers (who paid £___ - £____)
The Dunbrody Famine Ship usually carried _____ people but in 1847 (the worst* year of
the Great Famine) she carried____!
The replica of the Dunbrody Famine ship was built in _______.
The Dunbrody and famous men:
Mr Baldwin and Mr Williams
Mr Thomas Hamilton Oliver
Mr Kennedy
*steerage : le
pont inférieur
d’un bâteau
*worst : pire
 President of the USA (1961-1963), his
family was from New Ross
 Good and humane captains of the ship
during the Great Famine (1845-1851)
 He was an Irish emigrant in Quebec. He
built the ship in 1847.
 Ecris ci-dessous (en français !)quelques
lignes au sujet des conditions de traversée
des émigrants irlandais vers les Etats-Unis
ou le Canada…
On ne considère pas un
bâteau comme un simple objet…
L’anglais ne différencie pas le
masculin du féminin, sauf pour les
personnes (pronoms personnels he
et she) et pour les objets (pronom
personnel it). Il y a de rares
exceptions, par exemple pour les
navires :
The Titanic was a famous ship. She
hit an iceberg.