The history of the hydrology development in Romania.


The history of the hydrology development in Romania.
Colloque International OH2 « Origines et Histoire de l’Hydrologie », Dijon, 9-11 mai 2001
International Symposium OH2 ‘Origins and History of Hydrology’, Dijon, May, 9-11, 2001
The history of the development
of the hydrology in Romania
L’histoire du développement
de l’hydrologie en Roumanie
Elisabeta CSERWID
Dr. Ing., National Company “Apele Romane”
Str. Edgar Quinet n°6, sect. 1, cod. 70106 Bucuresti (Romania)
[email protected]
[email protected]
In the first part of the work it is presented information about hydrology activity
on the Romanian territory. The year of the beginning of a systematical knowledge of the
waters in Romania, is 1838, when it was established the first hydrometrical station at
Orsova on the Danube River.
Before this date there were information referring to the country’s waters even
from the Middle Age period.
Further it is described the evolution of the and hydrometrical network; the
evolution of the legislative activities in the water field, beginning with the year 1770; the
way of organization in hydrological field in different steps; some studies and works
referring to the determination of the characteristic elements of the hydrological regime.
In the end of the paper it is presented some representatives achievements of the
Romanian hydrologists referring to the synthesis and regionalisations in hydrology as
well as at the improvement of the hydrological forecasting methods in the basins with
hydraulic works.
Dans la première partie de l’ouvrage, sont présentées les premières informations
sur l’activité hydrologique sur le territoire de Roumanie. L’année du début des
connaissances systématiques des eaux en Roumanie est 1838, quand a été fondée la
première station hydrométrique, à Orsova, sur le Danube. Avant cette date, les
informations concernant l’hydrologie dataient du Moyen Âge.
Ensuite, on décrit l’évolution du réseau d’observations et des mesures
hydrométriques ; l’évolution de l’activité législative dans le domaine des eaux,
commencent avec l’année 1770 ; la manière d’organiser l’activité hydrologique en
différentes étapes ; quelques études et ouvrages concernant la détermination des
éléments caractéristiques pour le régime hydrologique.
© Université de Bourgogne
Colloque International OH2 « Origines et Histoire de l’Hydrologie », Dijon, 9-11 mai 2001
International Symposium OH2 ‘Origins and History of Hydrology’, Dijon, May, 9-11, 2001
À la fin de l’ouvrage, on présente quelques réalisations des hydrologistes roumains
concernant les synthèses et les régionalismes en hydrologie, et aussi l’amélioration des
méthodes de prévision hydrologique dans les bassins comportant des travaux
1. The beginning of the knowledge of the country’s rivers
The year of the beginning of knowledge of the Romanian’s rivers based on
hydrometrical measures, is 1838, year in which was established the
hydrometrical station Orsova on Danube River.
The first information about the Romanian rivers dated from the Vth
Century, before Christ and was related by the historian Herodot.
The first cartographic attempts are dated from the year 1532 for
Transylvania (Honterus) and from the year 1584 for the Valachia and Moldavia
In the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries, when it began to appear original works
written by the Romanians, we meet also, in these works, information regarding
the country waters.
In his work — “The Chronicle of the Moldavia” — Grigore Ureche is
referring at two special hydrometeorological phenomena: at the flooding of 1504
and at the unusual drought of 1585. Miron Costin wrote down in his “Chronicle
of Moldavia” about the drought from the years 1660-1661.
The scientist and the prince Dimitrie Cantemir has wrote out in 1716 the
work “Descriptio Moldavia” which contains a map with over 800 names of rivers
and villages and a special chapter concerning “The waters of Moladavia”.
From the XVIIIth Century have begun to appear more significant flooded
control works.
The first important diversion channel was made in time of prince Alexandru
Ipsilante, in 1775, when the floods of Dambovita River was deviated to Arges
River through a channel presented on the map by Rigas Velesinliul Tesaliofal,
printed in Viena, in 1797.
The canalization of the Bega River has begun in 1728 and on Crasna River
in the year 1774.
To the end of the XVIIIth Century the high interest of the big Europeans
powers for the Romanian regions, determined the appearance of some
bibliographical works in which appeared some hydrographical elements. For
instance: “Histoire de la Moldavie et de la Valachie (1777)” by the French writer
Jean Louis Carré; “Mémoires historiques et géographiques sur la Valachie” (1778)
by the general von Bauer; “Mémoires sur l’État ancien et actuel de la Moldavie”
(1787) by d’Hauterive.
© Université de Bourgogne
Colloque International OH2 « Origines et Histoire de l’Hydrologie », Dijon, 9-11 mai 2001
International Symposium OH2 ‘Origins and History of Hydrology’, Dijon, May, 9-11, 2001
At the beginning of the XIXth Century have appeared new maps referring to
the Romanian regions, which comprise the hydrographical network
representation for example, the map made between 1828-1834 and printed in
the year 1835, by the Russian Military Academy.
2. The evolution of the hydrometrical network
The development of the knowledge about Romanian waters was
determined for the Danube River, of the interest of the great Europeans powers
for navigation on the river; for Banat, Transilvania and Bucovina, of the Austrian
 Hungarian administration which had seriously preoccupations regarding the
use and the control of waters and for Valachia and Moldavia of the fight for
independence and creation of the national and unitary Romanian state.
On Danube River, after the hydrometrical station Orsova, it was made, in
the year 1854, the hydrometrical station Drencova and in the year 1874 the
stations Bazias, Braila and Galati.
The first measurements regarding the flow of the water at the mouse of
the branch Sulina were made in the year 1857 under the commend of engineer
Hartley, the leader of the Technical Department of the Danube European
For the knowledge of the levels of Black Sea, the Geographical Institute of
Romanian Army, has fixed at Constanta, in 1895, a medimarometru, which was in
function, till the year 1905.
On the inland waters, the first hydrometrical stations were developed in
Transilvania and Banat beginning with the year 1853. In the year 1900, there
were in these regions, 42 hydrometrical stations. The most ancients of them,
which work also in now days, are Radna (1853); Savarsin (1859) and Arad
(1861) on Mures River; Sighetul Marmatiei (1868) on Upper Tisa River; SatuMare (1868) on somes River and Lugoj (1874) on Timis River.
The database of these stations was printed till the year 1916 in the
yearbooks published in Hungarian language in Budapesta. For the rivers from
Bucovina, have also appeared yearbooks printed in German language in Viena. In
Moldavia and Valachia, the first hydrometrical stations, on bigger inland waters,
worked from the year 1900.
The hydrographical map published beginning with the 25th of September
1900, comprised the levels of the Danube River, their tendency, and the state of
ice and level on the inland rivers.
In the year 1925 had worked 150 hydrometrical stations with
observations of the water level. After the year 1925, as a necessity of the
knowledge of the discharges and their variations in time, for hydropower reasons,
has begun the systematically measurement of the discharges on the inland rivers.
© Université de Bourgogne
Colloque International OH2 « Origines et Histoire de l’Hydrologie », Dijon, 9-11 mai 2001
International Symposium OH2 ‘Origins and History of Hydrology’, Dijon, May, 9-11, 2001
Till the year 1933 were made almost three hundred discharges measurements
using the current meter.
The evolution of the hydrometrical station is presented in the Table no.1.
It is observed that the number of the hydrometrical stations increased till the
year 1989 to 1 100 stations, after which decreased to 970 in now days.
Regarding the beginning of the groundwater knowledge based on
hydrometrical data it has to be mention the appearance, between the years
hydrology”(1895) by Matei Draghicaenu; “The investigation of Baragan” (1895
and 1896) by C. Alimanisteanu, which was based on numerously observations and
measurements of groundwater.
After the year 1953 began a systematical activity of groundwater
knowledge. In present the network of hydrogeological wells comprises 3 700 wells
for phreatic aquifer and 780 for confined aquifer.
Beginning with the year 1954 was organized the evaporimetric network of
the country, on the base of which was obtained the data necessary for the water
balance in the water management activity. In present this network has 71
evaporimeter stations.
In the period 1961-1965 were organized the first experimental and
representative basins which have allowed to be obtain good data for studies the
runoff process and sediment transport and the regime and dynamic of
The activity of knowledge of water quality began in the year 1953, when
were established 101 control sections. In present there are 320 sampling and
analyzing cross-section with monthly frequency and 70 cross-section with daily
2.1. The evolution of the legislative and internal organization
The first legislative trials in water field are dated from the second half of
the XVIIIth Century. So, in the work: “Behavior guide” by the prince Ipsilanti, from
the year 1770, are mentioned the rights of Romanian people of fishing and
making water wills.
At 1817, through the Caragea’s norms from Valachia “the peasants are
stopped to make in the river bed works which can produce flooding or decrease
the water volume”, and in the norms wrote by Calimachi, in Moldovia it is
described that: “the big and small rivers and their banks, lagoons and sea share
are public goods given to the stakeholders only to use it”.
Regarding the legislative framework (Annex 1) the first water law was
elaborated in the year 1924 which contents elements of measurement, the
evidence and the water structures works. The Water Law no. 107/1996 accords a
© Université de Bourgogne
Colloque International OH2 « Origines et Histoire de l’Hydrologie », Dijon, 9-11 mai 2001
International Symposium OH2 ‘Origins and History of Hydrology’, Dijon, May, 9-11, 2001
special attention to the water resources knowledge. This knowledge activity is a
special chapter of the law.
In the organizing field, the first “Department of measurement of the
height of Danube waters” was organized in the year 1879 by the general
inspector C. Aninosianu, who ordered the setting of staff gauges and the daily
riding of the water level in the ports.
The administration of the hydrometrical stations on Danube River and
inland rivers was made at the beginning, of the Hydraulic Department from
General Division of harbors and water communication ways. Later, the
administration of these stations was took over of the General Department of the
Land Reclamation from the Ministry of Agriculture till the 1st of June 1926, when
they passed to the Hydrographical Department from “The General Department of
the Ministry of Public Works”.
The hydrographical department collected the hydrometrical observations
from all over the country, taking into account the special instructions, about the
water level observations.
In 1951 was made the Hydrometeorological General Division which put the
basis of the modern hydrological and meteorological development in Romania
and in the framework of which was founded the Meteorological Institute and
Hydrological Division also.
In the year 1956 was made the Water State Committee which comprises
the Hydrometeorological Department also.
A further step in the development of the hydrology and meteorology in
Romania was made of the creation, in 1971, of the Meteorological and
Hydrological Institute which coordinated the whole operationally and research
activity from these fields.
In the year 1990, through the founding of the Waters Authority “Apele
Romane”, the National Meteorological and Hydrological Institute was included in
the Water Authority till 1998, when was founded the National Company “The
National Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Water Management “.
2.2. The contribution of the Romanian researchers to the hydrology development
The Romanian hydrologists have brought their contribution in the
synthesis and regionalisation field. There were elaborated, for the Romanian
territory synthesis and regionalisations of some usual hydrological
characteristics, i.e.: average runoff: the distribution of the runoff volume during
the year and the spatial variability of the annual runoff; maxim flow (the source
and frequency of the floods, maxim discharges, flood hydrographic and maxim
rainfall); minim runoff (drought phoneme and minim discharges and volume);
average sediment load and the dependence of the suspended sediment load of the
water discharge.
© Université de Bourgogne
Colloque International OH2 « Origines et Histoire de l’Hydrologie », Dijon, 9-11 mai 2001
International Symposium OH2 ‘Origins and History of Hydrology’, Dijon, May, 9-11, 2001
In the same time there were elaborated synthesis and regionalisations of
the parameters of VIDRA model, which permit the transfer of the model from the
basins studied from the hydrographic point of view to unstudied basins.
The series of the works of hydrological synthesis was opened in 1952
through the work: “The average runoff of the rivers”. In the year 1963 and 1967
appeared the works “The Danube Delta” and “The Danube River between Bazias
and Ceatal Izmail”. In the year 1971 was printed the work: “The Romanian
Rivers” which brought together the principal scientifically and practical
contributions, obtained by the Romanian hydrologists in the period between
1960-1970. The principal results regarding the hydrology of Black Sea were
published in the year 1974 in the monograph untitled “The Black Sea”.
The most important work from this field is “Hydrological Synthesis and
regionalisations” printed by the Technical Publishing House in the year 1994,
work which obtained the Romanian Academy Price. The book is a fruitful of the
obtained experience regarding the synthesis and hydrological regionalisations, at
the international level and in special at the level of the Romanian Hydrological
Concerning the problems of usual hydrometrical methods, the accent was
put on the elaboration of the criteria of the rationalizations of the hydrometric
programs and on the elaboration of simple, efficient methods. Of the
rationalizations, we can mention the method of the discharge measurements,
relative simultaneous at the one of the standard station and at 1-2 cross-sections
on the nearly analogue rivers, named satellite cross-section. After a few years, the
database of the classical network are amplified through their transmission in the
satellite cross-sections on the base of the systematically correlation obtained. Of
the elaboration of the simple, efficient methods we can mention the method of
the developed measurement activity of the suspended sediment load only in the
period in which the water discharges exceeded a critical discharge, which for
Romanian rivers is, in general, bigger than the average multi-annual discharge. At
the base of the method are the conclusions of the analysis effectuated on the
longer period for discharges bigger than the average multi-annual discharges,
which show that more than 90 % of total suspended sediment volume are flowed.
In the hydrological forecast field, were elaborated mathematical models
tested for the principal Romanian river basins. Also there were elaborated
mathematical models for the flow forecasting in the rivers with hydraulics works.
The principal obtained results in the mathematical modeling field in
hydrology are presented in the book “Dynamic Hydrology” printed in the year
1989 at the Technical Publishing House. The book received the Romanian
Academy Price.
A natural consequence of the Romanian hydrology development is the
increasing of the participation of the Romanian researches at the international
© Université de Bourgogne
Colloque International OH2 « Origines et Histoire de l’Hydrologie », Dijon, 9-11 mai 2001
International Symposium OH2 ‘Origins and History of Hydrology’, Dijon, May, 9-11, 2001
projects and programs initiated of the international organizations, the working
out of the projects, the organization of the scientifically meetings in Romania,
the participation at the international meetings, i.e.: the action of
intercomparison of the mathematical models, the participation at the elaboration
of some works published by UNESCO and WMO and so on.
The entire activity of research with scientifically and methodological
character was reflected in the series of specialty publications among we can
mention: the series “Studies” – of surface and groundwater hydrology (no.1
published in 1961); “The Romanian hydrological Bibliography” (initiated in
1934), the Revue in foreign languages “Meteorology and Hydrology” (no.1
appeared in 1977), yearbooks, monographic works and so on.
Annex no.1
1770 – The behavior Guide of the Ipsilanti Principe.
1924 – The Law of the Waters Regime.
1953 – The Decree 143 regarding the rational use and the protection of the
1974 – The Water Law.
1979 – The Decree no.414 – The admissible limit values of the priority pollutants
substances discharged in the water.
1988 – Standard 4706 – The Surface Waters. Categories and technical conditions
of the water quality.
1989 – The Law regarding the rational water use, the protection and assurance
of the water quality (Law no 5).
1990 – HG 1001 – the establishment of a unitary system of payments for
produces and services of water management.
1991 – Standard 1342 – The quality of the potable water.
1994 – HG 138 – Penalties and contravention in water management field.
1995 – The Law of the disasters (Law no. 124).
1995 – The Law of the Environmental Protection (Law no. 137).
1996 – The Water Law (Law no.107).
1997 – HG 101 – The sanitary protection zones.
1997 – HG – 730 (NTPA 001) – the establishment of the admissible limits of the
pollutants discharged in the water resources.
1997 – Order 645 MAPPM, MS, MLPAT (NTPA 002) – the establishment of the
admissible limits of the pollutants discharged in the sewerage.
1999 – HG 638 – The floods control.
© Université de Bourgogne
Colloque International OH2 « Origines et Histoire de l’Hydrologie », Dijon, 9-11 mai 2001
International Symposium OH2 ‘Origins and History of Hydrology’, Dijon, May, 9-11, 2001
2000 – HG 472 - Regarding some measurements of the water resources quality
2000 – HG 1212 - Regarding the Basin Committee.
Table no.1
The evolution of the volume of the principle hydrological observations on the
inland rivers between the years 1838-2000
85 140 946
5 467
1 007 1990
88 830 987
4 983
2 790
85 000 883
2 620
50 000 810
2 578
25 382 683
8 369
2 143
7 421
2 071
7 289
3 312
4 623
© Université de Bourgogne
1 079
the discharge
1. the water level hydrometric
Nr parameters
crt measurement