A Busy Month of French Activities!


A Busy Month of French Activities!
Version française suit…
March, 2012
DELF Scolaire Spring Registration is now open. Applications will be accepted until March 16.
Exam dates are right after Easter break: B2 – April 16, B1 – April 17, A2 – April 18 and A1 – April 19. All exams take place at
10 AM in Alberta.
*The French Language Resource Centre is proud to participate in a research project spearheaded by ACPI and lead by
Dr. Larry Vandergrift from the University of Ottawa. Students, parents and teachers will be filling in on-line surveys sharing
their perspective of the DELF Scolaire exams.
Boost your resume! Take a DELF –DALF exam yourself! Grande Prairie Regional College will be holding a Tout Public
Session on the following dates: A1 and C2 – April 23, B1 – April 24, B2 – April 25 and C1 – April 27.
Both registrations form can be downloaded from the homepage at www.frenchlrc.ca
A Busy Month of French Activities!
GP Vanier French Immersion students participate in the French for the Future Forum at the Campus St Jean in
Edmonton which was financed and promoted by the Centre. Teacher, Carolyn Giroux shares: C.’était superbe!
Les élèves ont bien aimé leur expérience ! Ils ont participé aux 2 ateliers ! C`était de la bonne promotion pour le Campus SaintJean. Un de nos élèves, Jessie Benoit, a gagné une bourse de 500$. Nous participerons encore l`an prochain !
Eaglesham FSL students who all participated in the DELF A1 exams this past fall, experienced winter in beautiful
Québec City during a school trip organised by French teacher, Fiona Logan.
Many schools across northwestern Alberta are taking part in the one-way Ombrosa Exchange in April. Sanae
Fukuma and Veronika Alis came from Lyon, France to interview interested families and find 27 placements.
Thanks to all participating schools and to Linda Labbé, from Springfield School in Peace River and long time
Canadian organizer of this wonderful opportunity.
Francis Mayrand once again thrilled French classes with his fantastic French-Canadian Folk Dance Workshops.
He is seen here at St. Gérard’s as they celebrated the Carnaval d’hiver! The Centre is proud to help support
and organise French Cultural Events for our area. Francis attended schools all across the Northwest.
Lesley Doell had the privilege to sign an APCI/French Embassy agreement with the CIEP in France in order to
allow a team of DELF trainers to write Canadian supports for the DELF Scolaire exams. A long-awaited project
that ACPI is proud to initiate. A team of 20 DELF trainers, including our own, Ginette Pelé from GPPSD, will submit
supports this May.
February 17th proved to be an excellent FSL and Immersion PD day. FSL teachers welcomed the very
knowledgeable Judy Bilenki from Manitoba who presented on effective literacy practices in FSL.
More Resources Find their Way to the Shelves at the Resource Centre
Jeunesse en action for AIM users! Un garçon populaire!
Level 3
Littératie en action pour IF – niveau 3
FSL Ça marche!
Plan on attending! Over 16 FSL and Immersion Sessions at Mighty Peace Teacher Convention!
Repenser l’étude du roman : Une présentation pour les niveaux 4 à 6 et une présentation pour les niveaux 7 à 9
avec Carmen Mykula – Le vendredi
Do Your Students Have Difficulty Pronouncing French Clearly? Div. 2 and 3 FSL with Myriam Lemay from
Vancouver – Thursday
Support for Administrators of French Immersion Programs Based on the 2010 Alberta Education French
Immersion Administrators Handbook – Workshop with Françoise Ruban from the ATA - Thursday
Bringing Culture to the Classroom Div, 2, 3 and 4 FSL with Wendy Urquhart from Lethbridge - Friday
Some strategies from Intensive (Core) French to improve student communication in French. Div. 2, 3 and 4 FSL
with Susan Wright from Calgary Board of Education
How to use the iPod Touch/iPad in the L2 classroom to enhance second language learning Div. 2, 3 and 4 FSL
with Susan Wright from Calgary Board of Education
Grammar Refresher Class for FSL Teachers: All teachers, with Wendy Urquhart from Lethbridge - Friday
Je découvre le français avec Petit Pas, K à 2 Immersion française avec Joanne Brunel de Manitoba – Le jeudi
et le vendredi
Vos élèves éprouvent de la difficulté à prononcer le français clairement ? M à 12 Immersion française avec
Myriam Lemay de Vancouver – Le jeudi
Activités de centres de littératie M-6 avec Nicole Chauvin-King du Consortium francophone – Le vendredi
Les Études sociales démystifiées (M-3) avec Nicole Chauvin-King du Consortium francophone – Le vendredi
Le français, ça se maintient ! Niveau avancé, Tous les niveaux avec Wendy Urquhart de Lethbridge – Le
Le français, ça se maintient ! Niveau intermédiaire Tous les niveaux avec Wendy Urquhart de Lethbridge – Le
La lecture intensive ; M à 6 avec Gilbert Bérubé et Richelle Krys de Peace River – Le jeudi
Intégration de la technologie dans un cours de contenu au secondaire. Div. 3 et 4 avec Dena Boucher – Le
Éviter le plafonnement en communication orale par l’approche du contrepoids, M à 12 avec Lesley Doell – Le
La régionale de Grande Prairie
invite tous les enseignants de français et d’immersion française
à un vin-fromage
jeudi 8 mars 2012 de 3h00 à 5h00
dans la salle à manger du personnel au Composite High School
AIM Introductory Workshop – For FSL (Div: 2 &3) and Early Immersion Teachers – APRIL 4 – Register at www.nrlc.net
In this all-day workshop, teachers will learn how music, drama and gesture can work synergistically to rapidly increase FSL
acquisition. AIM programs, unlike most contemporary programs, are based on stories rather than on themes and allow
for a greater emotional involvement on the part of the FSL student. Moreover, the extensive use of songs and drama
gives plenty of opportunity for “pleasant repetition”, an essential ingredient in the development of FSL proficiency. This is
a “hands-on” workshop, in which participants will have the opportunity to:
learn how to start a beginner level program using the AIM
learn gestures from Wendy's revolutionary 'Gesture Approach';
learn the songs, dances, plays, entry and leaving routines of the first unit of the program;
learn about language-manipulation activities based on the play;
learn how to dramatically increase fluency in second language learners
AIM Refresher Workshop- For FSL (Div: 2 &3) and Early Immersion Teachers – APRIL 3 – Register at www.nrlc.net
This one-day workshop is designed as a follow-up for teachers who have taken basic training in the AIM (the introductory
2 day workshop) and have practical classroom experience in using this methodology. Topics to be covered in this
workshop include:
Teaching, reviewing, evaluating gesture work
Teacher Led Self Expression
Gestural Mirroring
Practicing language refinements
Practicing story re-tell
Teaching a Field of Experience using the AIM methodology
SMART Board activities
About the Presenter: Laurie Faber has been involved as a teacher and mentor in French as a Second Language
programs with Edmonton Public Schools for over 25 years. She has taught using the audio-lingual, communicative and
thematic approaches. Laurie learned about the Accelerated Integrated Method while working on her Master's of
Education degree and studying Multiple Intelligence theory. The AIM has revolutionized the way she teaches FSL; she has
found that this methodology is theoretically sound and dramatically improves student L2 development in all language
domains. Laurie is a certified AIM facilitator and presents AIM workshops throughout Alberta.
Website Sharing :
http://www.stixy.com/guest/167762 Consultants from across the province have created a shared website.
Check out the great ideas for FSL and Immersion teachers.
Interested in pursuing a Master’s on line in French? Check out the following links! Programme de maîtrise en
ligne de l’Université de Saint-Boniface
http://www.cusb.ca/page.aspx?pid=521 administration scolaire
http://www.cusb.ca/page.aspx?pid=522 counselling scolaire
www.poesies.biz/ Le site de poésie pour enfants. This great site of poems was shared at the Feb. 16 PD day.
On est capable! On peut se parler en français et on aime ça! http://resources.curriculum.org/fsl/orale/
Cette série de vidéoclips a pour but d'engager les enseignants en français langue seconde (FLS) dans une
pratique réfléchie sur les moyens de développer les habiletés de communication orale en français langue
seconde. L'auditoire visé comprend les enseignants des programmes de français langue seconde : immersion,
intensif (extended) ou français de base, les administrateurs d'écoles et de conseils scolaires, ainsi que les
conseillers en français langue seconde.
Struggling Learners and Immersion Education: All children can succeed! Keynote: Dr. Tara Williams Fortune
author of Struggling Learners and Language Immersion Education: Thursday, April 26 in Winnipeg
Register through Gordon Campbell at 204-269-5677/ ou [email protected].
AIM Summer Institute West in Victoria, BC from August 21-23. Register at www.aimlanguagelearning.com
Institut d’éte 2012: Soutenir nos élèves en immersion : les pratiques exemplaires en littératie à l’Université de
Nouveau Brunswick. Pour de l’information supplémentaire, visitez www.unb.ca/L2
A Day Focused on French Immersion - Mini-Conference, April 27 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Edmonton –
Register through www.erlc.net
Two Excellent Presenters! Dr. Roy Lyster from the University of McGill and Dr. Thierry Karsenti from the University of Montreal
will share their lessons learned, based on research, about teaching developing oral communication skills.
Linguistic Awareness, Practice and Feedback : A Winning Formula to Improve Student Skills in Oral Communication with
Roy Lyster - In this workshop, the difficulties that your students face when learning to speak in French immersion will be
identified. The linguistic and cognitive causes of those difficulties will be explored. You will then learn more about a
pedagogical formula that is language centered and that, according to research, would ensure improvement of oral
skills for French Immersion students. Dr. Lyster will address teachers of Gr. K-6 in the morning, and the afternoon session will
be for teachers Gr. 7-12.
Oral Communication in French: The Reference Framework for Oral Competency and Motivational Pedagogical Activities
with Thierry Karsenti - In this workshop, you will learn about the Reference Framework for Oral Competency in French
Immersion. Notably, you will learn about the framework's six oral components used to assess oral competency and will
learn how to use the framework in your French Immersion language classroom. You will be exposed to activities
guaranteed to motivate and engage students in learning a second language. Dr. Karsenti will share his expertise on
"Oral Communication in French: Using the Oral Communication Framework developed through ACPI. He will work with
teachers of Gr. 7-12 in the morning and with teachers of K-6 in the afternoon.
Roy Lyster is a professor of second language education, Department of Integrated Studies, at the University of McGill. He
completed a doctorate degree, as well as a bachelor and masters degree in education at the University of Toronto.
Professor Lyster's research examines content-based second language learning and the effects of instructional
interventions designed to counterbalance form-focused and content-based approaches. His research interests also
include professional development and collaboration between French and English language teachers for integrated
language learning and biliteracy development. He is the author of Learning and Teaching Languages Through Content:
A Counterbalanced Approach, published in 2007.
Thierry Karsenti, M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., holds the Canada Research Chair on information and communication technologies
(ICTs) in education. He is also a professor at the Université de Montréal, in the field of information and communication
technologies and their integration in teacher training and education. His research interests center upon the
pedagogical integration of new technologies, the impact of ICT on teaching and learning, distance education,
teaching practices and motivation. He has also been recognized for his contributions, through research activities, to the
quality of pedagogy. He is a past President of ACPI.
Immerse yourself in the language and culture by attending the following sub-titled Oscar nominate movie!
LA JASETTE Conversation Group for FSL Teachers.
Practicing the ‘French only’ rule, FSL teachers are invited to meet in the French resource area at the Grande Prairie
Public Library. Come and ‘jaser en français’ from 4:15 to 5:15 on Moarch 15th. No registration required.