Make a donation step by step In the blue box at the upper right side


Make a donation step by step In the blue box at the upper right side
Make a donation step by step
In the blue box at the upper right side of the page “Faire un don à cette campagne”.
Click on the amount that you would like to donate “50$” “100$” “500$” “1000$”
Or type in the amount of your choice in the empty window. “Autre _____ $”
Then click on the orange button to proceed “Soumettre”
Donation form
The amount of your donation will appear in the first box.
Start by writing down your full name in the first empty box. “Votre nom”
Write a message to Guy in the next big box. “Merci d’inscrire votre message
Next, you may choose between the following options :
“Don visible” Meaning your name and amount of donation, will be appear on the
web page of the campain.
“ Afficher seulement le montant du don” Meaning only the amount of your donation
will be visible.
“Afficher uniquement le nom du donateur” Meaning only your name will be visible.
“Faire un don anonyme” Meaning nothing will appear.
Leave « non » as an answer to the next question.
Scroll down…
Is your donation a corporate donation or a personnal donation ?
 Corporate : click on “don corporatif”
 Personnal : click on “don personnel”
Then make selection :
ºMr. (M) ºMrs (Mme) ºMs (Mlle)
Write your name and address :
First name : Prénom
Address : Adresse
Country : Pays
Surname : Nom
City : Ville
Postal code : Code postal
Province : Province
Phone number : Téléphone
Email : Courriel
Reconfirm your email : Confirmation courriel
Scroll down and answer these mandatory questions:
 Je souhaite recevoir un reçu pour fin d’impôt. Je comprends qu’un reçu sera émis
pour les dons de 20 $ et plus
o I wish to receive an income tax receipt. I understand that a receipt will
only be sent for minimum donations of 20 $
 Je souhaite recevoir le bulletin électronique de la Fondation du CHUQ
o I wish to receive the Foundation’s newsletter
 J’accepte les conditions d’utilisation et la politique de remboursement
o I accept the terms and conditions
Click on the orange button to proceed : “Soumettre”
Confirmation of your personnal information
This page simply reconfirms your personnal information
Click on the orange button to proceed : “Soumettre”
The payment can then be made through the « Caisse populaire Desjardins ». (Bank)
Entre your name as stated on your credit card : “Nom”
Enter your credit card number : “Nom de la carte de credit”
Enter the expiry date : “Date d’expiration” Month first then the year
Enter your email address : “Courriel”
Click the send button “Envoyer” and you will get an official confirmation of your