Compétences à évaluer • Compétence


Compétences à évaluer • Compétence
Compétences à évaluer
 Compétence disciplinaire n°2 : Réaction à un texte écrit
 Compétence disciplinaire n°3 : Production écrite d’un texte de
type particulier
IRéaction à un texte écrit
Contexte :
Ce que tu manges, et ce que tu fais détermine ta santé. Le texte
auquel tu es appelé à réagir présente plus d’information à ce sujet.
Tâche: Après avoir lu le texte tu montreras que tu l’as compris en :
- reconnaissant des détails du texte
- exprimant des détails du texte
- manipulant des mots du texte
- reformulant des passages du texte de façon autonome
NB : Tes réponses seront données en anglais
Text :
Every normal human being wants to grow, be healthy and live
long. Very often when we pray we ask for long life and prosperity. It is
no use merely praying for long life and prosperity, without doing
anything ourselves to bring these about. It is often said that God helps
those who help themselves. We can help ourselves in many ways. For
example, if we want to grow and develop well, then we have to eat the
right kinds of food. Observe good eating habits, do a lot of exercise and
observe good personal hygiene.
We know that many people die early through disease. Nobody likes
to catch a disease because if we do we spend a lot of money to cure it
and, if we are not lucky we may die. Diseases are caused by bacteria
commonly called germs. There are different kinds of germs and each on
cause a different kind of disease. Germs are dangerous, tiny creatures
which we cannot see with our naked eyes, we need a microscope to see
them. Germs live in dirty places; so if we want to be healthy, we should
avoid dirty things and places. This is why it is necessary to eat clean
food, wash our hands clean before eating and wash fruits before eating
them. It is also essential to wash our hands after visiting the toilet.
But germs do not live in dirty places in homes alone, they can be
found in places outside the home – in the playground, in the garden, in
drains, in open places, in standing water and in the rivers and streams
nearby. This is why we should keep our environment clean and safe
Extract from English for Junior Secondary
Pupil’s book 3, page
Vocabulary : (1) Merely : simply (2) tiny : very small, extremely small
Item1: Write ‘’right ‘’ or wrong ‘’ for these statements.
1- Human beings can live long just by praying God for that.
2- Doing sport, eating well and being clean can make a person live
3- Diseases are expensive to cure
4- Germs are seen through microscopes.
Item2 : Answer these questions
1) How many kinds of diseases does a germ cause?
2) Why do we need a microscope to see germs?
3) Give two examples of the things people should do to avoid catching
a disease.
Item 3 : Find in the text the opposite of the following words
1- wrong
2- live
3- big
4- clean
Item 4: Rewrite the sentences using the prompts given.
1) If
2) If
3) Keeping
it is necessary ………………………………………………………………
Item 5 : Complete with the best answer from the brackets.
1) it’s a year …………… he suffered from cholera (ago , since , during
, for )
2) Tomorrow I will clean your house if you …………. (will want , want,
wanted )
3) I have stopped eating fatty food …………. two years now (since , for
, ago , during )
4) ……………….. mother’s illness we have started washing our hands
when we arrive home (since , because, for , as )
5) They told us to observe good , personal hygiene ………….. the
meeting (during , for since , when)
6) I will pay attention to food and drinks …….. the coming
feasts(during, ago, for).
IIProduction d’un texte de type particulier
Contexte : La sensibilisation sur les maladies sexuellement
transmissibles doit être permanente et des évaluations doivent être
faites pour savoir si le message est bien assimilé. C’est dans ce cadre
que cet exercice t’a été proposé afin de connaître ton niveau de maîtrise
du sujet
Tâche : Tu montreras ta capacité à produire des phrases en :
-respectant le contexte
- la cohérence et la logique interne
Complete the following sentences appropriately with ! intercourse
– faithful – spread – blood – partner – abstinence using condoms – total
– syringe – STD
NB : Write letters and answers only.
1) (a ) is the best way for you to preserve your hearth against AIDS.
2) We can catch an ( b ) by having sex without protection or with
more than one (c ).We can also catch it through ( d) transfusion or
by exchanging ( e )
3) We can stop the (f ) of STDs by observing ( g ) abstinence, by being
(h ) to our boy / girl – friend or by (i ) to protect ourselves during
a doubtful sex ( j )

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